
Transcendent Lord of The World's

what will you do if the boring universe you are living Distroyered But surprisingly you survive and teleported closer to Some Unknown level entity who give you Three wishes what will you choose Immortality ? God level power? or something Stupid? This is the story of Chu Xuan whose Thought's are like limiteless Realm He knows about Cultivation realms "animes etc And How to become Immortal So he cautiously wishes Something That Turned him something Beyond He ask the type of wishes, So he won't be Treated like Protagonists runing half chapter's and broken beaten half. what Type of wishes he asked Read This Novel

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13 Chs

Ch 2 Ye Chen Misfortune

' Mortal's your Universe has been Distroyered. In some small cultivatiors fighting after effects '

Now " i The Great One " give you Three wishes per person. you have one hour to decide. "

She or The Unknown level entity said in emotionless voice

" I was stunned at the news.My Universe being Distroyered and what shock me most is The Universe did not Distroyered in some Godly being fight.

But distoyed in some small Cultivatior's fighting after effects "

I smile bitterly after knowing that My mother father and brother all Died !

My thoughts are chaotic !

"...Huh' huh ;

I take deep breath .Chu Xuan oh Chu Xuan calm down ' This not a time to be angry or thinking about Revenge

Now i got Three wishes with this i can become stronger enough to revive My Universe by turning time back.

After all rewinding ' The time of small universe I need ' Immortal level Cultivation ' and Great Immortal Universe I need Da Luo level Cultivation.

In Novels especially Chinese Cultivation novel somewhere near These Realm level beings do this level of Time reversal things.

Chu Xuan thought's

"This unknown level entity's said in some Cultivatiors fighting So that means Cultivatior's exist and their power level is much more terrifying then novels or animes

If i simply ask wishes to revive Universe.Then it will still be Distroyered in some other level being's conflicts later " I need to Strong strength to protect my universe and family"

This time I am lucky to got wishes who knows i even have next time? I can't gamble the lives of my family

Here ' Chu Xuan thinking about his future plans and possibilities and nagative /positive cause and effect of his actions !

But someone-else who is from his universe thinking about enjoying his wishes

Ye Chen with lustful smile scaning this unknown level women

Ye Chen thought's " This women is may be a Some ROB or truck-kun people i read about in some novels i read crazy s*x type Transmigration novels most after all that was my taste and this type of women like Alpha man who show them their place

So My first wish is that i want her to be my bit*h hahah

and second i can ask a Devil s*x System

Then last is i become a God directly hahaha perfect

Suddenly with lustful smile

crazy red eyes Ye Chen said '

" Cough cough

" Hello Miss my name is Ye Chen !

" First I want you to become my wife !

My second wish is I want Devil s*x System

My third wish"...

Ye Chen word's stuck in his throat his lustful smile and all his confidence turn into fear

Unknown level women eyes Turn Blood Red from anger killing instinct overflow

"How Dare A lowly Mortal ask me to be his wife "

She laughed in anger "

Hahah ' This not The First Time in ' My Eternal life , i encounter someone as brainless and something as lowly as you angry me to this point "

The white universe Space turn blood Red " Asura / devil's/ Great Demon's / Evil' Soul's appred like real entity's and laughing at Ye Chen

Unknown level women said " I give you 3 chances becouse of a Moment pity "

But ' Now your Three wishes Will be given to your fellow Survivor !

You will be punished for you crime Directly send to Abyss cruel torture for trillion years !

On the invisible universe platform split open and ' The legendary Pitch Black Abyss 'Connect ' A big black ugy terrifying Monster's appeared approach

while Laughing at Ye Chen mindlessness

They grabbed Ye Chen in single hand and start returning back into the Abyss to torture Ye Chen in every possible way physically / mentally etc. And These ugly monster's not you average demon's

They are" Big shot's of ' Eternal Abyss being's Beyond Great Da Luo

They Torture Ye Chen Every possible way like torturing until his spirit broken

Then give him hope to Reincarnation and Then torture his in next life Continue . Endless !

Ye Chen shouting "...Nooooo

' You granded wish's now you can't make them possible True are you even worthy of Being Random Omnipotent ROB ' you will be laughind by others if they know you can't make a wish possible true