
Transcendent Lord of The World's

what will you do if the boring universe you are living Distroyered But surprisingly you survive and teleported closer to Some Unknown level entity who give you Three wishes what will you choose Immortality ? God level power? or something Stupid? This is the story of Chu Xuan whose Thought's are like limiteless Realm He knows about Cultivation realms "animes etc And How to become Immortal So he cautiously wishes Something That Turned him something Beyond He ask the type of wishes, So he won't be Treated like Protagonists runing half chapter's and broken beaten half. what Type of wishes he asked Read This Novel

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Ch 1 Three wishes

My name is Chu Xuan like any other person in crowd i am normal teanger from Earth !

But one thing that is different about me is i made friends with anyone easily and have thoughtful personality

But i still can't integrate into the world " I was confusing right !

Well ' My thought are always Like this " world is too boring without Any Advanture or something magical !

Some people think no , most people probably think 'My Thoughts are childish ! and even it is childish but I can't stop thinking about something magical or what beyond this boundless Space " That we called Universe !

Let's forget about universe now I was reading new cultivation immortal novels i already reading finished almost hundred

I read many Cultivation immortal novels i found quite interesting and every time main character break new realm or fround new path it's quite thrilling






In somewhere in between Space-Time

Suddenly two unfortunate mortal souls enter unique space

Unknown cultivation level being in his separate space-Time World enjoying his free time in her Domain

She suddenly open her eyes and see thorough countless Space -Time

Some small Universe as insignificant as 'Ant' just Distroyered in some Cultivatiors fighting

But abnormally two unfortunate soul's survive and teleported close to her Space-Time world's outer wall

" Intresting !

Only sound heard in Unknown level Godly being hall

Then she wave her hand and those two unfortunate soul's transfer in her unique space

All this happened in only some seconds because even those two souls are lucky and survive in universe distriction " they can't survive in outer space a minute

Hmm ..."where i am

Chu Xuan look left and right He can't understand what happened He was in market and Now

"...I am Dreaming?

What he saw shake him to core because he was standing on the centre of the Universe at the invisible or transparent road

Atleast That's what all he can see

Chu Xuan pinch his hand ' And clearly fells pain So That mean he is alive

Then he suddenly remembered boom sound

And smile bitterly

" So I am dead ' huh "

He don't have sadness for his death"

but the thing is that he don't do anything for his family to rapay their care and love !

Chu Xuan stop thinking about these things and ' start observing situation and thinking why is here or This is where everything goes after Death it's not as terrifying as legendary "Hell '

Oh ! and some distance from here someone else is here and from his expression he doesn't look like like normal person crezy smile his eyes are Red and he is little handsome but not as handsome as me

' Huh

He noticed me and suprise at first and then ignored me without any word

And i ignored him as well after all he look crazy like something fun happened and have a look that every Man understand in his eyes

This Guy is not a normal person that was the thought in my mind

Creak creak.....


Suddenly Universe sky split open Space -Time suddenly stopped and Golden incarnation of Goddess Descent from Universe crack and fly down on A massive Throne

Seated on unique platinum colour throne that is mysteriously appeared from thin air or space

Suddenly voice sounded

" Lucky Mortal' s your world is Distroyered in some Cultivatior's conflict !

"Luckily you two unfortunate mortal soul's survive and teleported closer to My Domain "

" So I think of giving you 3 wishes per person "