
Transcendence: From Frail Heir to Martial Deity

"If one day you find yourself having traveled to another world, only to discover you're in the midst of 'Forced Advances'... well, to act or not to act? That is the question..." In the 21st century, a top assassin crosses into a different realm. Faced with his own 'embarrassing' 'situation', will he choose to 'continue'? A magical world of martial spirit, a declining noble family, a weak and neglected legitimate heir. In the face of internal and external troubles, what choices will the ruthless assassin make!? That is the question..." Cultivation Levels: Yuanqi: Able to utilize basic Qi. Fighter: Can harness powerful martial spirit, practicing combat techniques. Warrior: Forms a martial spirit shroud, impenetrable by a regular fighter's full force. King: Forms an armor of martial spirit, unbreakable even by a warrior's full strength. Emperor: Uses abundant martial spirit to form wings, transforming spirit into wings. In front of an Emperor, even the mightiest Kings are insignificant. Venerable: Can manipulate spatial forces and move in void. Against such a force, Emperors stand no chance. Saint: Masters spatial forces completely, dominating all with disdain. Martial Deity: The highest realm achievable in martial spirit cultivation, commanding a domain of martial spirit where all below are mere ants. Title Martial Deity: A legendary, immortal being. Only 'Heavenly Demon Nine Transformations' has been known to reach this level, and throughout history, only its founder Yang Mo Tian has achieved it. Each level is divided into nine crystals, with vast differences between each crystal. Skill Levels: From low to high: Xuanwu, Zhuque, Baihu, Qinglong, each divided into lower, middle, and upper grades. The power difference between each grade is enormous, especially from Zhuque to Baihu, which is like the difference between heaven and earth. Possessing Baihu skills allows one to fight across levels. Baihu skills require at least a Warrior level to practice. Qinglong skills, almost mythical, can only be executed at the pinnacle of Saint level without facing demise. When used by a peak Saint, it can even challenge a Martial Deity. 'Heavenly Demon Nine Transformations' belongs to no specific grade but automatically advances with deeper cultivation. At the ninth transformation, it reaches its peak, which is the technique practiced by the protagonist of the story.

braveneworld · Fantasy
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188 Chs


Li Yi sat at the Li family's designated area, his chest and arm injuries causing him to wince repeatedly. He knew that if these injuries were not treated promptly, they could lead to complications. However, under the current circumstances, he couldn't afford to express his concerns. Li Han sat down next to him, his eyes conveying a hint of affection. In a low voice, he asked, "How are your injuries?"

Li Yi shook his head slightly, "It's fine. Father, you should be more cautious around Mo Er Ye. If he sees an opportunity, today's issues may not be resolved so quickly." Li Han scoffed, "Dare he? If he dares, I'll ensure the Mo family is eradicated from Wanchao City!" Witnessing the fleeting murderous intent on Li Han's face, Li Yi felt a sudden gloom. All along, his father seemed unconcerned, as if he had prepared something. Had his own efforts been unnecessary?

Despite this realization, Li Yi felt no regret. His actions today, constantly in grave danger, had pushed him to his limits. If he continued to train with this momentum, he might even achieve a breakthrough tonight. With this thought, he glanced at Li Nana sitting beside him and whispered, "Nana, cover me." Li Nana, slightly startled, uncharacteristically nodded in agreement.

Without further ado, Li Yi sat cross-legged, forming hand seals and began cultivating carelessly. The once depleted Dou Qi in his body, under the operation of his technique, slowly diffused into the vortex of Dou Qi, filling his Dantian Qi Sea. After circulating through his body, Li Yi was surprised to find his meridians seemingly enlarged, allowing for more Dou Qi. "What's going on?"

"Old Coot, what's happened to my body?" Li Yi asked in his mind. Moments later, the slightly weakened voice of the Serpent Venerable responded, "Kid, when my Dou Qi entered your body, your own Dou Qi offered no resistance. As a result, your meridians expanded slightly under the abundance of Dou Qi. You're a lucky boy. If I'm not wrong, you might be on the verge of a breakthrough."

Stunned, Li Yi knew that progressing in cultivation became increasingly difficult. Many spend months or even half a year to advance a single crystal at the Fighter level, yet he hadn't been a Fighter for even a day. "Also, kid," the Serpent Venerable added, sounding a bit aggrieved, "to save you, I used up my life-saving resources. You should replenish some Dou Qi for me."

Li Yi smiled lightly and directed his Dou Qi towards the Yunhuang Ring. As it approached, the Dou Qi was instantly absorbed. Feeling the influx of Dou Qi, the Serpent Venerable let out a satisfied grunt before falling silent. Li Yi continued to channel Dou Qi until he felt it was no longer being absorbed, then slowly opened his eyes.

He immediately sensed an unusual atmosphere, many eyes fixed on him as if seeing a ghost. Li Han, looking helpless, said, "Yi, don't you know cultivating in such a place can bring unimaginable harm to your body? How could you cultivate here?" Li Yi moved slightly, feeling the tumultuous blood in his body calming and his left hand regaining sensation. He nodded and said seriously, "Father, I wasn't cultivating. I was just dealing with my internal injuries. Otherwise, they could have affected my future cultivation."

"Is that so?" Li Han shook his head helplessly. "Remember, don't casually cultivate like this in the future." Li Yi felt the genuine concern in his father's tone, warming his heart, accustomed to loneliness in his previous life. He straightened up, "I will, Father."

"You little rascal..." Li Han patted Li Yi's shoulder and added, "Alright, stop thinking about cultivation now. Tonight's events are far from over." Li Yi nodded, his gaze slowly shifting to Mo Er Ye, wondering what the cunning old fox had in store.

Mo Er Ye seemed to be waiting for Li Yi's reaction. Seeing Li Yi's gaze, he smiled and said, "Yi, you must be tired after coming from the Li family. This banquet is halfway through and not quite suitable for entertaining you. Let me have it rearranged." Li Yi suppressed his disgust at being addressed so familiarly and simply nodded.

With Li Yi's nod, Mo Er Ye clapped his hands, and the side doors of the hall slowly opened. Groups of scantily clad, charming young women entered, each carrying a silver tray. They approached the Li family's seats, serving various exotic dishes. Li Yi couldn't help but feel odd. He had just killed in this hall, and now Mo Er Ye expected him to dine? Glancing at the dishes, he was surprised by their variety and uniqueness, their fragrances seemingly masking the faint blood scent in the hall.

Another enchantingly beautiful girl had already knelt before Li Yi, holding a pure gold cup filled with fine wine. Her eyes, full of undisguised admiration, gazed at Li Yi as she softly said, "Master Li Yi, please drink this cup." Li Yi looked at the girl with a peculiar expression but did not take the cup. Instead, he looked up at Mo Er Ye not far away and said indifferently, "Patriarch Mo, what exactly do you mean by this? Why not speak plainly?"

Mo Er Ye laughed heartily, "What could I possibly mean? Yi, soon we'll be family. How could I harm you?" Li Yi frowned and glanced at Li Han beside him but said nothing. Li Han chuckled softly, "It seems Brother Mo is not planning to pursue the incident from three months ago."

Li Yi gave a bitter smile. The so-called incident of three months ago was probably known by many here, given the notorious reputation of Li Yi for being frivolous. Was Mo Er Ye truly fixated on this matter, expecting him to become his son-in-law? Li Yi doubted he would agree, and neither would his stepfather. Moreover, the nature of that day's events required further investigation. After all, with Li Yi's abilities then, how could he have managed it without outside help? Mo Rouxin of the Mo family was not someone to be easily taken advantage of.

Thinking this, Li Yi's gaze fell on the three remaining elders. They probably knew a lot about this matter. Just then, a Mo family guard rushed to Mo Er Ye and whispered something. Mo Er Ye's expression changed abruptly, and he roared, "Nonsense! How could she be allowed to run out here!?" Before the words fell, a loud "boom" resounded as the front hall doors, which had just been propped up, were kicked open again. The flying door panel landed in the hall, ironically almost in the same spot as before.

Everyone in the hall was startled by the endless surprises of the night. They wondered if someone was about to burst in to confront Li Yi, given the immense impact he had made. Li Yi himself felt odd, his gaze quickly shifting to the front door. He heard light footsteps, and a girl who appeared to be in her late teens walked in. She was tall and pretty, with skin so fair it seemed like porcelain, captivating anyone at first glance. Dressed in a white dress with a light blue belt accentuating her slender waist, her beauty was not of the world-stopping kind, but she exuded a soft and fragile air. Her tall figure didn't seem unapproachable; instead, it accentuated her delicacy and vulnerability, eliciting a protective instinct in any man. However, the girl was holding a silver whip, her calm eyes barely concealing a hint of murderous intent.

As she entered the hall, everyone's attention was drawn to her, including Mo Er Ye at the highest seat. Her cold gaze swept over the crowd and finally brightened as it fell on Li Yi. She slowly approached him, and with a flick of her wrist, the table before Li Yi was whipped into the center of the hall with a loud crash. Li Yi's eyes lit up; the girl's whip was skillfully used, clearly not a common fighting technique.

With a gasp from the audience, the girl took a few steps forward, towering over Li Yi. After a moment, her ethereal voice filled the hall, "Li Yi! I've finally waited for you! I've been waiting for so long... Do you know...?" Her tone was emotionless, yet somehow it quickened one's heartbeat. Li Yi could feel the immense hatred in her heart for him, a hatred so deep that even the waters of four seas could not wash it away.

Li Yi's mouth turned bitter, as he had a vague idea of who the girl might be, but he never expected to have entangled with such a woman. If Li Nana was a woman of clear love and hate, then the girl before him was the epitome of hate without love. If Li Bing was cold on the outside but warm inside, then this girl was outwardly calm but inwardly lifeless... And she had become like this, probably because of him!

The girl's statement caused everyone in the hall to pale, as many recognized her identity. Mo Er Ye's face drastically changed, and he slammed the table, shouting, "Impudence! Someone take the young miss away! How can the Mo family's banquet be a place for such nonsense?" The revelation left everyone gasping in shock. The ethereal girl was none other than Mo Rouxin, the young miss of the Mo family!