
Transcendence: From Frail Heir to Martial Deity

"If one day you find yourself having traveled to another world, only to discover you're in the midst of 'Forced Advances'... well, to act or not to act? That is the question..." In the 21st century, a top assassin crosses into a different realm. Faced with his own 'embarrassing' 'situation', will he choose to 'continue'? A magical world of martial spirit, a declining noble family, a weak and neglected legitimate heir. In the face of internal and external troubles, what choices will the ruthless assassin make!? That is the question..." Cultivation Levels: Yuanqi: Able to utilize basic Qi. Fighter: Can harness powerful martial spirit, practicing combat techniques. Warrior: Forms a martial spirit shroud, impenetrable by a regular fighter's full force. King: Forms an armor of martial spirit, unbreakable even by a warrior's full strength. Emperor: Uses abundant martial spirit to form wings, transforming spirit into wings. In front of an Emperor, even the mightiest Kings are insignificant. Venerable: Can manipulate spatial forces and move in void. Against such a force, Emperors stand no chance. Saint: Masters spatial forces completely, dominating all with disdain. Martial Deity: The highest realm achievable in martial spirit cultivation, commanding a domain of martial spirit where all below are mere ants. Title Martial Deity: A legendary, immortal being. Only 'Heavenly Demon Nine Transformations' has been known to reach this level, and throughout history, only its founder Yang Mo Tian has achieved it. Each level is divided into nine crystals, with vast differences between each crystal. Skill Levels: From low to high: Xuanwu, Zhuque, Baihu, Qinglong, each divided into lower, middle, and upper grades. The power difference between each grade is enormous, especially from Zhuque to Baihu, which is like the difference between heaven and earth. Possessing Baihu skills allows one to fight across levels. Baihu skills require at least a Warrior level to practice. Qinglong skills, almost mythical, can only be executed at the pinnacle of Saint level without facing demise. When used by a peak Saint, it can even challenge a Martial Deity. 'Heavenly Demon Nine Transformations' belongs to no specific grade but automatically advances with deeper cultivation. At the ninth transformation, it reaches its peak, which is the technique practiced by the protagonist of the story.

braveneworld · Fantasy
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188 Chs

Hundred Steps in Stride

The situation at the top echelons of the Li family had undergone such a dramatic change that the Li family members at the bottom were unable to react for a while. Although many members from the collateral branches knew that the four elders were planning a coup today, they certainly did not expect the conflict to escalate to such an exaggerated degree. Witnessing this tense atmosphere, Mo Yi couldn't help but frown slightly. Although internal strife within the Li family was to his liking, if it led to the complete downfall of the Li family to a second-rate force due to the loss of their elites, it would not be beneficial for the Mo family. With the constraint of the Li family gone, the conflict between the Mo and Long families would become blatantly obvious. By then, the strife between the two families would surely be relentless, and at this time, the Mo family was not fully prepared for it. With these thoughts in mind, Mo Yi laughed heartily and said aloud, "Brother Li, the four elders... why must you be so agitated? This is merely a conflict among the younger generation. Let them resolve it themselves. Why should we intervene? Wouldn't that be a loss of our dignity?"

The greatly infuriated senior elder glanced at Mo Yi, just about to say something when Li Yi at the front of the hall shook his head slightly and said, "Patriarch Mo, this is a matter of the Li family. It's better for you not to interfere. My Li family has not managed well, raising a few dogs that want to rebel. It's not something worth boasting about. Today, let me use this hall of the Mo family to discipline the old dog raised in my house. Please don't mind, Patriarch Mo."

Mo Yi's smile stiffened slightly on his face. His words had been intended to provide a way out for Li Han, but he did not expect Li Yi to block him off with a single sentence. In such a situation, he really had no good reason to say more. Although Li Yi had killed countless members of the Mo family, Mo Yi became even more interested in him at this moment. How could this Li Yi, known as a waste, have such audacity and capability?

"Old Coot!?" The senior elder's face changed slightly, becoming even more ferocious. "Very well! Very well! Today, I want to see how you plan to discipline me! What are you all looking at? Attack!" The latter sentence was roared by the senior elder towards the members of the Li family. Li Han, hearing this, sneered and said, "Whoever dares to act will be regarded as a rebel of the Li family. From now on, generation after generation will be hunted down by the Li family, eradicated completely, with no chance for resurgence!"

"Even if you don't act now, once Li Han seizes the opportunity, do you think he will let you off?" Suddenly, the third elder who had been silent coldly spoke out. Among the Li family members who were still hesitating, suddenly dozens of them stood up. Most of these people were trusted subordinates of the four elders from the collateral branches of the Li family. Under such circumstances, they absolutely could not retreat. The remaining dozen or so showed hesitation on their faces; they were not the confidants of the four elders and were indecisive for the moment.

Seeing this scene, Li Han sneered coldly, his gaze falling on a few bodyguards beside him, about to say something. Below, Li Yi smiled slightly and said, "So many? It seems I really need to properly rectify this corrupt family tradition." Seeing Li Yi's nonchalant expression, Li Han was slightly stunned. The hand he had originally raised slowly lowered, and after giving a signal to someone on one side, he quietly looked towards the front of the hall. When had his son acquired such ability and courage? And to what extent could he achieve it? This made Li Han suddenly very expectant.

Seeing that Li Han made no further move, the faces of the few dozen Li family members who had stood up relaxed a bit, their eyes looking towards Li Yi becoming more brazen. But Li Yi simply ignored the murderous glares of the elders above and instead looked at those few dozen standing members of the family. The attendance of the Li family today was quite subtle, with no direct descendants present, but these collateral members made up the majority. Among these fifty to sixty people, a few appeared calm, unreadable to Li Yi, while the rest seemed to be Warrior level experts, each exuding powerful Qi, not bothering to conceal it. These members of the Li family were different from the Mo family guards outside. Those in the Li family who had reached the Warrior level usually had superior cultivation methods and techniques. Thus, even with the same title, a member of the Li family could easily match two or three Mo family guards. These were all elite figures from the collateral branches of the Li family, with significant status and seniority within the family, or else they would not have qualified to attend this banquet. At this moment, the gazes of these dozens of people fell on Li Yi, filled with mockery, scorn, doubt, murderous intent, jealousy... a variety of expressions.

Moreover, the aura of these dozens of Warrior experts spread out simultaneously, their menacing killing intent rushing towards Li Yi like a tsunami. This force was many times stronger than the Mo family guards outside. It seemed that the Li family had brought out nearly half of their strength in this hall, and most of it was firmly in the hands of the four elders. It appeared that although the four elders had an agreement with the Mo family, they were obviously afraid of being swallowed whole by them.

Li Yi's breathing paused slightly, and then he couldn't help but smile again. He had seen such scenes before. In his previous life, when he infiltrated a certain island nation to assassinate their leader, he faced at least hundreds of skilled experts before the action. That feeling of an uncertain outcome had stimulated all his potential, and it was after that incident that he personally created the Phantom Kill, which terrified the strong in the underworld. He wondered, what benefits would today's similar situation bring him?

Li Yi took a deep breath, gestured for Li Nana to step back, and slightly raised the long spear in his hand. The spear tip, covered in blood and flesh, trembled continuously. At this moment, he had cast aside all distractions, his heart filled with nothing but a heroic spirit!

"Today, I, Li Yi, will use my spear alone to bring down the heads of you four Old Coots as my night pot!" Behind him, Li Nana's gaze at Li Yi was filled with undisguised admiration. If Li Qiao had previously given the impression of a heroic warrior, then at this moment, Li Yi in her heart was the true embodiment of courage. What exactly gave him such audacity to charge into this situation single-handedly? Was it just for his father? As Li Yi thrust his spear, the originally eerie atmosphere was instantly disrupted by a fierce killing intent.

"Young Master Li Yi, today I shall experience your prowess!" A sword enveloped in fiery red Yuanqi swung towards Li Yi, instantly cutting off all his paths of retreat. Although the sword had not yet reached him, the chilling killing intent from the sword's edge was already startling. Li Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, a trace of surprise flashing across his face. The person before him was definitely no older than twenty, but his sword strike, devoid of ordinary techniques but full of power, was unlike any other. Even without using special techniques, the lethality of this strike was evident to Li Yi, a refinement he had not seen since coming to this world. This single opponent was already more troublesome than the hundred he had just slain. No wonder the Li family had stood for a thousand years; their cultivation methods and techniques indeed had their merits!

However, Li Yi did not evade. He flicked his spear, which reached towards the opponent's throat first, in a kill-for-kill approach, utterly ruthless. The opponent frowned slightly, his rich combat experience telling him that even if his sword could injure Li Yi, his own throat would likely be pierced. He had to abruptly stop his attack, redirecting his sword to block the spear tip.

"Clang!" A metallic clash echoed, and a burst of sparks exploded in mid-air. The man's face lit up as he felt that Li Yi's spear contained no Yuanqi, and in that instant, he surged his entire Yuanqi towards Li Yi's spear. But at that moment, Li Yi abruptly advanced, releasing his spear and appearing in front of the man, his hand striking the man's chest.

"Boom!" Almost simultaneously, Li Yi's discarded spear, unable to withstand the Yuanqi, shattered in mid-air with a loud noise. After his strike, Li Yi followed up with a slap to the man's face, sending him flying into a wall, his life or death unknown. Before the people in the hall could react, two more attacked Li Yi. Li Yi, rather than retreating, advanced and said calmly, "Bring the axe!"

Hearing this, Li Nana, who had been pushed back half a step, quickly drew an axe from the dense array of weapons on Li Qiao and threw it to Li Yi. Catching it, Li Yi swung the axe like a whirlwind, blocking the two incoming swords, and with a pull, the two attackers collided, each spitting out blood. But this was just the beginning. As three were repelled, more attacked. Li Yi merely smirked, his axe swinging left and right, severing the Yuanqi-infused swords. Each strike forced an opponent to retreat with blood, not because Li Yi didn't want to kill, but because he found it difficult to kill them despite their formidable strength. Rather than wasting energy on a total massacre, he conserved some strength.

"Half Moon Slash!" A deep roar sounded, and a light arc shot out from the crowd, rushing towards Li Yi. With a cold laugh, Li Yi waved his axe, deflecting the arc towards the ceiling with a thunderous noise, while his axe developed cracks. Discarding the axe, he called, "Bring the sword!"

Li Nana, dizzy from the spectacle, reflexively drew and threw a sword to Li Yi. Catching it, a flash of anger crossed Li Yi's face. He burst into the crowd, initially intending to hold back, but the "Half Moon Slash" had ignited his fury.

"Clang—clang—clang—" He parried several swords, and the attackers were simultaneously repulsed. Li Yi then focused on the gloomy-faced man, who couldn't believe Li Yi had repelled over a dozen attackers to reach him. "Was that technique yours?" Li Yi asked coolly. The man nodded subconsciously. Li Yi coldly said, "Good, you seek my life, and I will take yours. This is fair and square. Don't blame me after you die!" With that, Li Yi's sword tip flashed with a black light for the first time. Raising his sword high, he brought it down swiftly.

"Ding——" "Pfft——" The long sword that the man raised in panic broke into two halves. Then Li Yi's sword slashed down his eyebrows without any hindrance, killing his body instantly. It was split in half, and a large amount of blood shot out like a fountain, turning the somewhat coagulated blood clots on Li Yi's body into blood again.In the surrounding area, dozens of people were present, yet not a single one had the opportunity to block his deadly strike. At this moment, Li Yi's strike had already shocked everyone. Each person couldn't believe it, that there truly exists such a person in this world, who prevails against the strong with the weak, faces many with few, strides a hundred steps horizontally, and is a match for a thousand!"