
Transcendence: From Frail Heir to Martial Deity

"If one day you find yourself having traveled to another world, only to discover you're in the midst of 'Forced Advances'... well, to act or not to act? That is the question..." In the 21st century, a top assassin crosses into a different realm. Faced with his own 'embarrassing' 'situation', will he choose to 'continue'? A magical world of martial spirit, a declining noble family, a weak and neglected legitimate heir. In the face of internal and external troubles, what choices will the ruthless assassin make!? That is the question..." Cultivation Levels: Yuanqi: Able to utilize basic Qi. Fighter: Can harness powerful martial spirit, practicing combat techniques. Warrior: Forms a martial spirit shroud, impenetrable by a regular fighter's full force. King: Forms an armor of martial spirit, unbreakable even by a warrior's full strength. Emperor: Uses abundant martial spirit to form wings, transforming spirit into wings. In front of an Emperor, even the mightiest Kings are insignificant. Venerable: Can manipulate spatial forces and move in void. Against such a force, Emperors stand no chance. Saint: Masters spatial forces completely, dominating all with disdain. Martial Deity: The highest realm achievable in martial spirit cultivation, commanding a domain of martial spirit where all below are mere ants. Title Martial Deity: A legendary, immortal being. Only 'Heavenly Demon Nine Transformations' has been known to reach this level, and throughout history, only its founder Yang Mo Tian has achieved it. Each level is divided into nine crystals, with vast differences between each crystal. Skill Levels: From low to high: Xuanwu, Zhuque, Baihu, Qinglong, each divided into lower, middle, and upper grades. The power difference between each grade is enormous, especially from Zhuque to Baihu, which is like the difference between heaven and earth. Possessing Baihu skills allows one to fight across levels. Baihu skills require at least a Warrior level to practice. Qinglong skills, almost mythical, can only be executed at the pinnacle of Saint level without facing demise. When used by a peak Saint, it can even challenge a Martial Deity. 'Heavenly Demon Nine Transformations' belongs to no specific grade but automatically advances with deeper cultivation. At the ninth transformation, it reaches its peak, which is the technique practiced by the protagonist of the story.

braveneworld · Fantasy
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188 Chs

How Can I Bear to Let Go

Li Yi stared at Li Qiao for a long time, as if to confirm that he was not deceiving him, before nodding lightly and saying, "Alright, then the next question... You just mentioned that our father won't live long, what exactly does that mean? Explain it to me." Li Qiao's face twitched, and after a moment, he forced a cold smile. But upon seeing Li Yi's utterly calm gaze, he shivered and swallowed his smile, speaking with a slightly hoarse voice, "There's no harm in telling you. Li Han... no... I should say, our family head, has been invited to the Mo family villa tonight. Officially, it's to discuss your marriage with the young Miss Mo, as a solution to the incident three months ago. But in reality..." He glanced at Li Yi's icy expression, swallowed, and continued, "In reality, the Mo family has already set a plan. If our family head goes there tonight, it's a one-way trip..."

Li Yi snorted, "I think it's not just the Mo family's plan, but also an agreement between our Li family's elders and them. As for our father's life, it's just a part of their scheme... However, what kind of person is our father? How could he be easily schemed against by a few old coots? The outcome is still uncertain!" Li Qiao seemed to recall something and nodded, "Indeed, our family head is indeed formidable. He must have already understood what grandfather and the others want to do... But he forgot one thing, they are not fools. Why would they make it so easy for our family head to see through their betrayal? Visible betrayal is not frightening, it's the invisible betrayals that are truly terrifying!"

"Oh?" Li Yi looked at Li Qiao with a half-smile, "It seems like big cousin, you have become wise. Why don't you tell me then, what is visible betrayal and what is invisible betrayal?" Li Qiao shook his head, "I'm not clear about the specifics, but that's what grandfather said." "Is that so?" Li Yi touched his nose, "It seems that I need to visit the Mo family personally to understand what invisible betrayal is... So, big cousin, I'll have to trouble you to accompany me today. But before we go, for safety's sake... I should cripple you first..."

These words caused Li Qiao's face to drastically change. He shook his head rapidly, pleading, "No! No! Please don't, Young Master Li Yi! Just kill me instead!" "Kill you? How could I?" Li Yi patted his hands, his right hand slowly pressing on Li Qiao's dantian, "If I'm not mistaken, shattering your Qi Sea and preventing you from absorbing the Yuanqi of heaven and earth to cleanse your meridians for the rest of your life is equivalent to crippling you, right?" Li Qiao just kept shaking his head, his eyes filled with despair. After all, if Li Yi didn't kill him, he might still have a chance. But if Li Yi crippled him, for someone as ambitious as him, living might be more painful than death.

Li Yi observed Li Qiao's expression, hesitated for a moment, and then tapped a few points on Li Qiao's chest, temporarily sealing his Yuanqi. Shaking his head, he said, "Let's forget it." Li Qiao was startled and quickly expressed his gratitude, "Thank you, Young Master Li Yi! Thank you!"

"Don't thank me," Li Yi shook his head, "I didn't do it because I'm afraid, but because I suddenly feel that another person here has more right to deal with you. As for what she plans to do, even I can't predict." Li Qiao's face slightly changed, before he could speak, Li Yi already clapped his hands lightly, "Nana, if you've seen enough, I think you can come down now. It's chilly at night, it's not good to stay outside for too long."

A light blue figure slowly walked in from the outside. Li Nana's faint fragrance seemed unaffected by the blood in the room. She gracefully stepped over the puddles of blood, not staining her feet, her figure as ethereal as a blood butterfly. She slowly approached the limp Li Qiao, squatting down gently, her soft gaze falling on him. Suddenly sighing, she said, "Brother Li Qiao, how did you end up like this? Weren't you always proud of being the first among the younger generation of the Li family? How come today you can't even handle a 'waste' like Li Yi?"

Seeing Li Nana, Li Qiao, as if grasping his last straw, swallowed hard and joyfully said, "Nana! It's you! I'm so relieved you're safe! I thought you died at the hands of this brat. I'm glad you're unharmed." Li Yi suddenly sneered, causing Li Qiao to shiver, as if he just remembered that the 'brat' he mentioned was right beside him. Li Nana slowly shook her head, her jade-like fingers gently tracing Li Qiao's face, "Brother Li Qiao, in my eyes, you are everything... my sky, my earth. For you, I even gave up several opportunities to study at the Roland Academy. I always thought, only by doing so, the gap between us wouldn't be too big, and perhaps then we could have a future... But it turns out, in your eyes, I'm just a little harlot."

Li Nana laughed mockingly, her eyes' tenderness turning cold, "If you wanted to insult me, I wouldn't blame you... Who made me like you so much? But you brought these wastes to humiliate me together... Brother Li Qiao, your heart is really cruel!"

Li Qiao shivered all over, yet managed to force a smile, saying, "Nana... Nana... it was all a joke, just joking. Brother Li Qiao loves you so much, how could I bear it? As long as you save me from here today, I swear, I'll treat you well in the future. I swear by all the Martial Deities!"

"Really?" A faint smile appeared on Li Nana's delicate face. "For your words, I indeed have to save you!" This statement filled the already tragic Li Qiao with a surge of ecstasy. His gaze fell on Li Yi, not hiding the hatred in his eyes: "Li Yi! For what you have done today, I, Li Qiao, will surely repay it tenfold, a hundredfold."

Watching Li Qiao's expression, Li Yi couldn't help but touch his nose. Such a waste, not even aware of his own situation, already thinking of revenge? Seeing Li Yi's peculiar expression, Li Qiao paused, then as if realizing something, he weakly reached out and grabbed Li Nana's wrist, urging her, "Nana, has this guy captured you too? If so, run! Don't worry about me!" His sudden change of demeanor had a certain manly bravado.

However, Li Nana frowned in disgust and withdrew her hand. She looked back at Li Yi and asked lightly, "Is Li Qiao really left to my disposal?" Li Yi nodded: "As you wish."

Li Nana nodded back. She looked at Li Qiao's face, suddenly caressed his head with a gentle smile, "Brother Li Qiao, you played the dog so well just now. But being Li Yi's dog is indeed a disgrace to you. How about, from today, you be Nana's dog?"

"Okay, okay..." Li Qiao eagerly agreed, "As long as you can persuade that guy to spare me, then you tell me to be a dog, I'll be a dog..." It seemed that only then did Li Qiao understand who was the decision-maker between Li Yi and Li Nana, though it was unclear whether he was genuinely naive or pretending.

Li Nana showed a sweet smile, like a lily, "So, Brother Li Qiao, you agree?" "I agree! I agree!" "No regrets?" "No regrets!" "Then, Nana will fulfill your wish." With a sigh, Li Nana's palm landed on Li Qiao's dantian, emitting a dazzling light. Li Qiao screamed, his voice choking off as the light dimmed, aging several years in an instant, his complexion becoming even more haggard. Li Nana had shattered his Qi Sea, dispersing the Yuanqi he cultivated over the years, leaving him no chance to cultivate again. From now on, Li Qiao was just an ordinary person, no longer a contender among the strong.

"Li Nana... Li Nana... Good! Very good!" Li Qiao suddenly shouted crazily, "I know! You must be having an affair with this bastard! No wonder! No wonder! You betrayed me! You set me up! Li Nana... as long as I, Li Qiao, am alive, I will find every possible way to take revenge on you! You wait for it!"

"Slap—" Li Nana slapped him, silencing his words, and with a backhand, knocked him unconscious. Poor Li Qiao, whose face had just recovered, was now swollen like a pig's head.

"Scary little girl..." The voice of the Venerable echoed in Li Yi's mind, seemingly astonished by Li Nana's actions. Li Yi also touched his nose, thinking to himself that it's fine to offend anyone, but never a woman. When a woman goes mad, it's a hundred times more terrifying than one can imagine.

Li Nana slowly stood up, no longer glancing at Li Qiao. Her gaze fell on Li Yi, and with a low sigh, she said, "Brother Li Yi, I really owe you this time. Otherwise, Nana's fate would have been unbearable... Only today did I realize who truly cares for me. So, if Brother Li Yi doesn't mind..."

Li Yi felt a tingle in his scalp at Li Nana's calling him "Brother Li Yi." Although the loli was calling him "brother" in front of him, he didn't dare to have any ideas about Li Nana, this woman was... terrifying. However, he couldn't outright refuse her. He just hummed and shook his head, "Nana, this isn't the time for such talk. We still have to visit the Mo family... Are you planning to come with me, or find a place to hide for the night? I think by tomorrow, everything will have settled. If those old coots haven't died, you better find a place to hide."

Li Nana replied softly, "My life is saved by Brother Li Yi, so if Brother Li Yi is storming the Mo family, I, Li Nana, will accompany you to the end. Don't worry, Brother Li Yi, if I hold you back, feel free to abandon me."

Li Yi inwardly sighed. If he really brought this girl to the Mo family and let her die halfway, his cheap father would probably be the first to kill him. Considering this, Li Yi could only shake his head, "No worries, just follow behind me and hold my weapons. It seems today we'll have to empty the Li family's armory. As for this dog, bring him along too. After all, he is our biggest safeguard for this trip..."