
Transcended Infinity

Cirathedevil · Fantasy
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10 Chs


The next day SHINNA was forced to wear a long white dress and sadly enough she was uncomfortable with such a thing after all she's still a boy at heart and soul

"why though?.." SHINNA said while looking at the beautiful figure that was shown on the mirror ...

" your mother instructed us to prepare you well my lady" SHINNA's personal maid said however she was too enchanted by this young lady's look a 2 days ago she was just pretty not it's just unfair how can anyone that beautiful exist?

"I guess.." SHINNA sighed but she was also surprised about how beautiful she has become

"we should go outside your parents and sister are waiting for you " The maid said

"thanks..Sarena.." SHINNA said and followed her outside where her family was waiting all wearing clothes of royalty

"atleast I'm not the only one who's wearing such clothes " she said as she stood besides her sister with a tired expression after all it was 6:00 am in the morning and she was planning on sleeping the whole day!

'luckily my auto recovery fixed my internal organs or I would have been screwed ' she thought

"she's here" Yamato said his two daughters and wife followed his gaze and saw an approaching limousine decorated with the royal family's emblem

"hmm? " she saw her parents acting all proper and elegant as they waited for the car to stop but she didn't even know what's going on so she stood with her arms folded with a lazy expression

the limousine stopped infront of them someone stepped out of the driver's seat it was brown haired gorgeous looking maid who bowed to them before opening the door and a black haired lady around 18 was seen getting out of the car she was stunning her beauty surpassed even Hanabi

'good lord' SHINNA swallowed hard as she stared at the greatest asset her chest. SHINNA couldn't help it and approached the upcoming lady and grabbed her hand

the other family members were stunned at her bold move

" hey you've got some nice weapons there if I called you mommy would I get a taste ?" SHINNA said and her mother and father went from stunned to shocked

'what the hell!?' the parents thought is their shy and kind hearted girl who was also pure?

Roseri on the other hand didn't get what her sister meant by that due to being young

" your joking right?" the lady said after taking a few breaths to stabilize herself

"nope" SHINNA said with a serious expression as if she was asking something noble

"your an idiot are you sure your my cousin?" the lady asked

" I am but I've grown since last time " SHINNA answered with a slight smirk

" I see anyways I'll be your training instructor so behave idiot"the lady said

Yamato couldn't hold it anymore and arrived infront of both of the girls

"Kristen it's nice to see you again " he said

"it's nice to see you too uncle" Kristen replied with a smile

"let's all get inside and we will talk there " Yamato said

they all talked about SHINNA and what style of combat she wanted and her future afterwards they went to the training ground

Kristen was holding a wooden sword pointing it at her new student" alright come at me I have to test your potential"

SHINNA on the other hand was stretching her arms seemingly happy that she's out of that uncomfortable dress and now was wearing a battle armour

"sure I'm coming so I can use abilities and such too right?"SHINNA asked

"if you think your capable" Kristen said with a slight smile which SHINNA returned in kind


SHINNA's body turned into smoke and Kristen and the rest of the family was stunned ,as if it was instincts Kristen turned around and blocked an in coming kunai

' she's trained in ninjutsu?' Kristen thought while SHINNA appeared behind her holding her wooden sword

Kristen turned back once more and blocked her incoming attack pushing SHINNA back she stomped her foot on the ground propelling herself towards SHINNA

'shit she's too skilled!' SHINNA thought as she used her sword to block Kristen's vertical slash

and took a step backward while breathing heavily and rushed forward once more and locked herself in combat with Kristen for an hour before collapsing due to fatigue

"sis is so strong!" Roseri exclaimed with starry eyes of admiration

"she is strong I never thought she was this serious" Yamato said

"uncle who taught her how to fight?" Kristen asked she was till in perfect condition since she was holding back quite alot

" no one ...I never hired anyone to train her to fight like that " Yamato said

"oh I see her fighting capabilities are close to B rank she is talented indeed"

"b rank!?" the family exclaimed

"yep it will be fun teaching her let's wait and see " Kristen said
