
Transcended Blood

Not all things can be explained, not all things can be comprehended, not all things are known. Vampires, demons, angels, gods, monsters. These things aren't just myths and folklores, they are not mere fiction who were given birth to by the imaginations of humans. Supernatural powers and supernatural entities do exist. They just decide not to let their existence be known to us. After all, we are not worth their time. Insignificant creatures who have no special power, that's us humans. But, throughout history, their existence have been turned into fiction, their stories have become entertainment. But beware, for not all stories are fiction. Perhaps, some of us knew their existence, turning them into fiction not for our entertainment, but to enlighten the currently ignorant mankind. Perhaps, it is for us to know and accept the existence of the supernatural. The following story you are about to read, might not just be fiction..

Zytek · Fantasy
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Epilogue: Transcendent

There exists and countless number of worlds.

Which are sometimes part of a solar system, other times they are just large rocks flying through the vastness of space.

There exists billions if not trillions of solar systems, each containing their own planets, all of this makes a galaxy.

Millions of billions of galaxies create a universe.

Then millions of these universes create a multiverse.

These multiverses float in what is called a "realm", each realm containing millions of multiverses.

But that is not the end.

There exists hundreds and thousands of realms, the collective of all the realms are known as an "existence sphere". Existence spheres are white orbs that are infinitely expanding, and will continue to do so, for as long as they exist. This results in the expanding and creation of new realms, universes, galaxies, solar systems, and new worlds.

Now, for where existence spheres exist, and obviously there is more than one. Existence spears exist in the void. A plane that is infinite, and without end. You could try traveling from one end to the other, but you would fail, as there exists no end to the void. Meaning within the void exists and infinite number of existence spheres, which are all infinitely expanding.

The Void is similar to the night sky that is filled with stars, each of the stars being an existence sphere.

It is impossible for anything in existence to ever be able to enter the void. Everything exists within existence spheres, so the void, which essentially houses these existence spheres cannot be considered to exist. You can only explain the void as something that is just there, or as something that transcends the concept of existence itself. This makes it impossible for any being in existence, no matter how powerful, to ever be able to leave and existence sphere and enter the void.

But, that again, is not the end of the story. Among all the levels of existence there exists a fair number of beings capable of transcending all laws, concepts, and principles. Naturally, that also goes for the concept of existing. These beings are called Transcendents. One who can surpass existence can naturally also visit a place that is beyond existence, in other words The Void. These Transcendents represent infinity, and are able to use their powers without limits. Beings that can enter The Void, beings that have infinite power, it is not hard to imagine such beings easily crushing existence spheres as easily as they transcend over existence