
Transcend Time

VOLUME 1 (ONGOING) Two angels fell in love during their last moments alive. A tragic ending. Then a rebirth. Join Eris and Daylon on their journey to discover who they truly are and remember their past to an extent all while falling in love. The struggles of teenage boys and girls are hard but what happens when you realize you're not your average teenager? That you are a mythical creature? She's the darkness and he's the light. Read their story to accompany them on their adventure filled quest for love and discovery. There's a lot of pain, tears, tragedy and suffering but there's also a lot of laughter, happiness, growth and love. Two angels, the light and the darkness. Transcending time together. VOLUME 2 (COMING SOON) Eris and Daylon are back in action! They must fight off the existing evil that challenges the peace of their loved ones while managing their lives as seniors and finding time to grow their love. She's with him, and he's with her. Eris will massacre anyone that dares hurt him and Daylon will obliterate anyone that speaks Ill of her. Things take a turn unexpectedly as they remember their past fully and discover their lost home and family, what's left of it that is. Would they be able to accept their past, keep their loved ones safe, keep the flames of their love burning, and still be alive for their graduation? Read on to find out what happens in the end. VOLUME 3 (COMING SOON) Being an adult usually requires getting a degree and a boring job but not for this mythical couple! They're back, stronger, matured and more in tuned romantically. And so is the heartbreak. Fate plays a cruel trick on them and causes a separation between the two mythical beings. Would they ever unite again? During the separation, danger looms for Eris's race and she discovers the hidden power of darkness that was long ago sealed in her being before her rebirth. To defeat the villain and save her race, she must team up with Daylon to uncover the divine power of light and darkness. But how will she do that when he's settled with someone else? Read to find out if everything burns or is saved, and to see if their love would transcend time once again.

EstherX_8 · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 2

I moved stealthily through the dungeon, through the bones and dead bodies. How a light angel could have so many bodies in a dungeon was quite unbelievable. Their souls screamed to mine, crying for vengeance. They had been wronged just like me.

I wiped a tear from my eye, grief flooded my soul for the lost ones. I heard footsteps and hid in the darkness, a guard lazily walked round keeping watch.

With precision I grab his neck with my claws and put my my right index finger on my lips signalling him to be quiet or he loses his life. He nods slowly and I collect his dagger and leave him unarmed, scared and grateful.

Yes I am left handed. You can laugh.

I move quickly and I make it to the palace halls, I hear music and celebrations. My heart sinks but quickly resurfaces, I will not be heartbroken anymore.

I slither and slide in the darkness so I wouldn't be noticed, I did not want to kill anyone or put myself in a situation where I would be out numbered.

Guests of all sorts, light angels, fairies, elves, sorcerers and many more. All except dark angels, I silently scoff at the old belief that all dark angels are evil.

Everybody is busy with the banquet and I move in like a snake until I see my ex lover with his new lover, doting on her and holding her the way he never held me.

They were both laughing like nothing had happened to me and I had moved on accepting their relationship, screw them!

I needed to escape now. I should forget about him and move on. As I was about to move a guard comes and tells my ex lover that I had escaped.

"I should've just killed him" I curse under my breath. My ex orders all the guest to spread apart much to my dismay. He knows about my techniques. This is shit.

His order leaves me exposed on the dance floor and everyone's eyes on me. His lover throws a spell at me which I dodge, I throw mine but he defends her by swatting it to dark dust.

I'm still weak, I can't get into a power play with them.

I draw out the weapon I took from the guard and watch my sides, any guard could attack first now that they had all gathered around me.

"Eris, you are very stubborn you know" Authur smirks at me enjoying my present predicament, I hold up my dagger in defence, I was not giving up so easily.

"And you're a devil in disguise Authur!" I hiss back at him. One of the guards come at me, he tried to slash my head off but I duck and stab his abdomen and his neck. He falls limp on the ground.

The guests gasp at my wicked response and move back further. I do not want them to have the wrong idea but I can't die here.

"How dare you talk about him like that you disgusting wretch!!" His lover, violet throws another spell at me out of anger.

I move over quickly to evade her spell and three guards charge at me seeing it as an opportunity to slay me, I do a back flip to clear some ground and stab them. Two in the throat and one in his face.

I drop my bloody dagger and pick up two swords from the fallen soldiers, more soldiers arrive and I was in a hot seat. They all charge for me and just when I think I'm gone my killer instinct kicks in and I slay everyone of them.

Limbs and parts fill the dance floor and the guests were even more afraid. Authur claps and laughs knowing fully well I wouldn't give up without a fight.

My breathing is unsteady and my body starts to ache, my vision starts to blur and I'm barely trying to survive. I look at the floor covered in blood knowing fully well that I don't kill without reason, I had to survive. He notices my weakness and throws a light sphere at me, it hits me and I'm sent knocking to the wall spitting blood as my body connects with the alloy walls.

I fall to my knees my vision even more blurred, I wasn't sure if I would make it anymore. I rise to my feet unsteadily, I was near a glass window and I was happy that I wasn't knocked out.

"Give up Eris and die" violet's words anger me,

"I will never give up! I was foolish to love someone like him and I have realised my mistakes." I hold my abdomen as I cough out more blood, "what you have done to me has proven that...." I cough out more blood and gasp,

"That what Eris?" Authur has a smug grin on his face,

"That not all light angels are good!!" I spit at him and turn to violet, "And not all fairies grant wishes" my blood drenches my body.

He is enraged at my insult to violet and throws a sphere at me which I deflect to the window beside me and I fly away through it.

"Guards follow her! She mustn't escape!!" He orders more guards after me. To exterminate me.

I flap my wings as fast as I could, my vision failing me. I turn around and see light angel guards after my poor life, I summon enough energy to create a dark force field to stop them. It materialises as a purple transparent sphere and traps them.

I gasp for air and try to flap faster but the defensive attack took a lot out of me. And as I look back to check I find Authur and violet after me, after my life.

"Leave me alone! You've taken everything away from me, why do you want to take my life?!" I scream at them with Everything I had in me, tears falling from the depth of my soul, I just want love. Not hate.

"Wretches like you do not deserve to be alive!" Violet throws yet another spell at me which I narrowly evade, i was getting tired.

They continue throwing attacks at me, my body is shaking already and I decide that enough is enough. I create multiple dark spheres and hurl them at the couple. Authur evades but violet is hit by three and loses balance.

Authur catches her before she drops into the ocean. I see it as an opportunity to escape and fly as fast as I could. Authur is enraged and summons his golden spear, Valtrez and targets it at me.

Unfortunately he never misses.

I feel the spear penetrate my being, draining me of everything i had left. My blood, my energy and my power. His spear returns back to him as he supports his lover and as my body drops into the ocean. With no one to save me.

"I'm happy it's all over now" violet cups his cheek with her palm a bit weak,

"Yes my love, we finally got rid of her" Authur says lovingly. They fly back to their castle to continue the party and celebrate the victory. I am forgotten and left to die.

As all dark angels are.

My body washes up on an island, I knew I was going to die so I army crawl to a nice place to rest my head to sleep forever. I crawl up to a man who had died.

I lie on my back and wait for death to take me, memories of my life flash. I had never been happy until I found love, even then the love wasn't true.

I wipe a tear away from my eye, I will not die crying. I close my eyes and heave a sigh,

"Are you dying too?"

The voice startles me and I look to my right, the man I thought was dead was still alive. His blue, almost lifeless eyes penetrate me. I could not find words to answer him, I notice his wings, white as snow.

"Yes" I finally answer him not moving my gaze,

"So am I" he gives a faint smile, he wasn't sad or afraid. I admire that and close my eyes,

"you're very beautiful"

My eyes shoot open and give him a scolding glare,

"We are about to die and all you can notice is my appearance" I say and he chuckles lightly scanning my body. I was basically nude, my clothes were worn out and shredded to pieces.

"I said the truth that's all. No harm since we're dying" he laughs a bit more and that makes me giggle a little. I like is dark humour already,

"What's your name?"

"Daylon. You?"

"Eris. That's a dark angel's name."

"My mom was one" he smiles and I realise he said was. She was one.

His body is badly bruised and cut just like mine and his golden hair is messy and full of split ends. He lies on his chest and waits for death to take him too. A question burns both of us,

"What's your offence?" We ask together,

"Love" we answer together.

We are Silent. Then we laugh.

"I'm happy I am graced with your presence, you're truly unique" he praises me making me blush.

"You do not despise me?" I'm intrigued. I am to be despised because of my nature.

"No. I admire you Eris" he says sincerely, "I see you've suffered a lot and you've fought a battle, it shows you're strong" he smiles flashing his white pearls at me. It melts me. Reminds me of my dad but without sharp fangs.

"So have you" my words reach his heart and a tear falls from his eye. I reach out to wipe it stunning him, I smile a little, "I admire you a lot too"

"Maybe in the next life we will meet. I cannot wait to see you again" he smiles and holds my hand, he kisses it out of respect which melts me. He slowly closes his eyes and his hand goes cold,

"I can't wait either." My eyes start to close and my heart beat begins to slow down, "Daylon" I whisper his name and a smile forms on my lips. I close my eyes in death.

I am happy I met him and shared a bit of my grief. I will never forget him.



Daylon and Eris.