
Transcend Time

VOLUME 1 (ONGOING) Two angels fell in love during their last moments alive. A tragic ending. Then a rebirth. Join Eris and Daylon on their journey to discover who they truly are and remember their past to an extent all while falling in love. The struggles of teenage boys and girls are hard but what happens when you realize you're not your average teenager? That you are a mythical creature? She's the darkness and he's the light. Read their story to accompany them on their adventure filled quest for love and discovery. There's a lot of pain, tears, tragedy and suffering but there's also a lot of laughter, happiness, growth and love. Two angels, the light and the darkness. Transcending time together. VOLUME 2 (COMING SOON) Eris and Daylon are back in action! They must fight off the existing evil that challenges the peace of their loved ones while managing their lives as seniors and finding time to grow their love. She's with him, and he's with her. Eris will massacre anyone that dares hurt him and Daylon will obliterate anyone that speaks Ill of her. Things take a turn unexpectedly as they remember their past fully and discover their lost home and family, what's left of it that is. Would they be able to accept their past, keep their loved ones safe, keep the flames of their love burning, and still be alive for their graduation? Read on to find out what happens in the end. VOLUME 3 (COMING SOON) Being an adult usually requires getting a degree and a boring job but not for this mythical couple! They're back, stronger, matured and more in tuned romantically. And so is the heartbreak. Fate plays a cruel trick on them and causes a separation between the two mythical beings. Would they ever unite again? During the separation, danger looms for Eris's race and she discovers the hidden power of darkness that was long ago sealed in her being before her rebirth. To defeat the villain and save her race, she must team up with Daylon to uncover the divine power of light and darkness. But how will she do that when he's settled with someone else? Read to find out if everything burns or is saved, and to see if their love would transcend time once again.

EstherX_8 · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 20

The birds chirp in a giant oak tree and display their affection towards each other, the clouds adorn the ever blue sky as the sun shines its glorious light on the world, and into the window of a certain teenager,

"Mhmm keep doing that Darling" he moans in his sleep with the most idiotic smile ever on his lips, he only wore a white boxer and his developed muscles were left exposed to the whole world to gawk at.

He looked like some kind of Olympic god.

His blonde locks were in disarray, you can say it was a very bad case of 'bed hair' and he seemed to be enjoying his dream, his tower was nine inches up in the hair.

He hugged his pillow tightly, groaning into it, the pleasure he was receiving was extra ordinary, he squeezes his pillow hard and gasps, he groans loudly and his body relaxes,

"I love you—" his alarm goes off, "ugh!" He exclaims and shuts it off, he sits up and rubs his messy hair, "well that was nice" he grins to himself but although he feels rather lazy after using so much energy.

Daylon takes off his underwear that was now a sticky mess and throws it across the room, into a laundry bin that was filled with underwear of the same kind,

"I gotta wash those today" he sighs and he picks up a towel, he's headed for the shower.

Daylon rushes downstairs to get breakfast, he tries to suppress his member but it refuses to listen to him, he growls,

"Having trouble with your little pal there son?" A masculine voice echoes in his ears and his cheeks flush,

"No we're getting along" he cracks sarcastically, he could see his dad mocking him with a smirk.

Aaron Evans Is a man with a thousand admirable qualities. His black short hair adorns a handsome, masculine face, and his stone cold blue orbs could send chills to the devil and his smile was as sexy as hell. His build was even more tempting than it normally should and he carried himself with such grace.

So yeah, his Daylon's dad.

Daylon rolls his eyes and enters the kitchen to greet his mom with a kiss on the cheek,

"How was your sleep honey?" She asks as she pours him a glass of orange juice,

"Oh it was fine" the blush returns to his face as he remembers vivid details of his dream, he takes a massive gulp, "and yours?"

"Your father barely let me sleep" she smiles, "but my night was interesting" he understood what she was saying,

"Dad's always like that, always causing trouble" he chastises his father,

"Did I hear my name?" He slides in comically, "you can't resist talking about me! I'm spectacular!" He gives himself a round of applause,

"Aaron drop your tantrums already, six days a man shall work, the seventh day he shall rest" she preaches as she prepares scrambled eyes,

"See son, your mother is using God's words against me" his smirk grows wider,

"I'd use more than words if I could" Daylon rolls his eyes,

"Oh! Is this how my family treats me?!" He fakes a heartbreak and Ava laughs,

"Darling don't ever be like your father, he's too dramatic" she plates food,

"The only time I don't mess around is when I'm getting in you" he whispers into her ears, his arms snuggly around her waist,

"Man! Do not tempt her on the holiest of days!" Daylon warns in a Bible-ish accent,

"She's my wife!!"

"She's my mom!!"

"And I need some space" she excuses herself out of their little play fight, they were always like this, getting at each other with pranks and all, it showed how close they are.

Ava loved her family, Aaron and Daylon always made things interesting, the provided the necessary drama every family needed. She thanks God for the blessings she received years back, her husband and her son.

Daylon is near the pool, swimming trunks on and playing away on his phone, it was a PvP battle with Bryan on the mobile game 7DS: Grand Cross and he was wiping the floor with him,

"I win again!" Her cheers for himself and suddenly Bryan goes offline, "maybe he's busy" he wonders.

Daylon decides to nap so he closes his eyes to transport into dream land.

~~Fire burns everything and the smell of burning flesh erodes his senses, bodies littered the ground and people were seen running around trying to escape and the children were crying for help and their lost ones.

It was a war. And he could see blood being spilled everywhere, he was right in the middle of it. A war between fallen angels and some other clan of mythical creatures,

"What's happening?!" He screams out of fear as more angels are being stripped of life, "stop!!" He screams but more bodies continue to decorate the ground, he chokes and gags at the smoke,

"Where am I? Why is this happening?!" The scenario forces tears out of his eyes, he hears a little girl crying and he crawls to her, making sure the blades don't kill him, "hey" he speaks in fear.

She turns to him still shivering in fear, "please don't hurt me" she begs with a broken heart,

"No I won't hurt you" he holds her and notices her little black wings,

"They already killed mommy" she sobs on his shoulder, his eyes widen in fear as they rest on the lifeless body of a fallen angel that was brutally cut,

"Is that mommy??" The tears flowing freely, she nods at his statement, her blood and tears staining his shirt, he pulls her back and looks at her face, he realises she's missing an eye and her other silver orb was scarred, "I'll protect you" he picks her up and tries to get them both to a place safe.

He dodges blades and flames as he tries to save the life of this fallen angel, before these ruthless beings snatch it away from her.

He didn't know why it was happening or how he even got here but what was actually disheartening was that people could do this, where was the love?

He trips on a head and scurries away at the sight, he was so scared right now. Things turned for the worse when a man with a sword and brightly colored wings spotted him, he advanced eyeing the girl with disdain,

"Run!" He pushes her away and she runs as fast as she could. Daylon dodges the man's attack, he spots a spear on the floor and impales it through his chest. The man drops dead and he couldn't believe what he'd done just now.

He searches for the girl and sees two men after her, she trips and tries to crawl away with tears in her eyes but she was too weak. Her mom always told her to fight but fighting had left her injured and tired and helpless.

He picks up a bloodied sword from the ground and charges at the them, he hits one in the leg and he screams in pain, the other turns back to strike him but he dodges and he strikes his comrade, eventually killing him. Daylon impales his sword in his stomach and the man drops dead.

He gulps, his throat was so dry and the rush of adrenaline was pumping him up, he couldn't let her die. Not like this. He'd be her guardian, till he dies.

He was about to reach out to her but a sharp pain resonates through his whole being, he coughs out blood, the sword penetrating his heart from behind.

He felt heartbroken.

"Save yourself" was all he could mutter to the little girl and with tears in her eyes she manages to flee.

Daylon falls on his side and sights a feminine figure with colored wings walk up to him,

"You're pathetic!" She spits on him and leaves him there to die. He felt like he knew that woman, like he had a connection.

He is going to die but the pain in his heart was much more worse than death. It was death.~~

He crashes back into reality sweating like he's just had a workout, "what was that?" He's almost breathless and he tries to make sense of the dream. But it wasn't making sense.

He checks his phone, he's only been asleep for an hour yet it felt like a thousand years. He stands up weakly with cold feet and enters his room, he collapses on the bed still thinking of his dream. It scared him to death. He didn't know what to do about it.

He checks his phone,

[Bryan: sorry for the sudden disappearance. Back now, I'm going to beat you this time 😁]

He smiles and accepts the challenge, hopefully the game would get his mind of the nightmare.

It's afternoon and I'm in my bed reading a textbook, my eyes rest on my window after a chapter and I enjoy the peaceful aura the day possessed.

I hear a knock on my door and I tell the person to come in,

"Are you ready Eris?" My aunt comes in and sees me lost in thought, "Eris?" Her calling snaps me out of it and I turn to her with a forced smile, she comes to sit on my bed and holds my hands, "what's wrong Eris?"

"It's nothing really aunt, it's just that I haven't felt this kind of peace in a long while so I'm lost in it" my words are on a different depth and she hits it,

"I understand you Eris. You know what you need?" She smiles, "some wine and a guy to ease you" she laughs, "works for me every time. Do you have a boyfriend?"

A mental image of Daylon pops in my head for some reason, this was the second time it's happening,

"No I don't" I fold my arms, I knew where she was headed at,

"You should get one. To keep you company" she's so perverted and I've become like her,

"No I'm fine by myself besides I have you remember" I counter,

"Well yes but I'm not going to be around some times. Being a business woman isn't easy and it means travelling so who'll keep you company then?" She places her hands on her hips, "speaking of travelling, I'm heading out of state Monday morning and won't be back until weekend. Think you can handle yourself in my absence?"

"Yeah I can but will it really be like this?" My eyes droop,

"Cheer up Eris, I'll always have time for you" she strokes my hair, "come on, we have to get our hair and nails done" she drags me out of bed and makes me get ready.

So we're going to the saloon. I Never visit often. Not like Tiffany who went almost weekly.

We're back and damn did she get a lot done, I washed the black dye of my hair and got my nails repainted with red nail polish. We also went shopping and just when you think she overdid it, she's actually just getting started.

"Your hair looks great! And they charged so little for it" we drive home,

"Well yeah, probably they were feeling generous" I speak with a tongue in my cheek. I actually shocked my stylist by having a colorful hair underneath the black dye. My hair's naturally purple with tones of blue and black, I don't know why but it's must've been some genetic mutation.

It made mom and dad fight more often.

And that's why I don't do my hair in a saloon. Too many questions. Only Debbie knows about this and I plan to keep that way.

We arrive home and carry all the luggage inside, I slump on the couch while my aunt starts unwrapping immediately. I grab my phone and see three missed calls from my sister.

I dial her number but it enters voicemail, I pout and let my phone fall on the couch. My aunt is squealing at all the things she bought me and it puts a small smile on my face, she was like Tiffany but way nicer and more generous and open-minded.

I fix up a little sandwich and watch a movie on the couch while she types away on her computer, my phone beeps and I reach over to grab it,

[Daylon: you busy tonight? ]

I smile to myself and open my keyboard,

[Me: not really. Just wanna hang?]

After a few seconds I get a reply,

[Daylon: yeah 😊. Pick you up at 10pm?]

[Me: I'll meet you up in the park.]

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