
Training my classmate to kill me!!

This book is about the reincarnation of the great demon belphegor, this is about him trying to be human while hiding the fact he wants to die. He will discover human heart with emotions exploring the world he seeked to destroy once with friends, family a shounen settings of a novel.

underwearloafer · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 20: Dominus et academia (3)

Isabella is down!

Bel sits down, exhales a sign of relief. Starry looks down at bel.

She has a concerning look, 'Why are you in trouble everytime I see you? Can't anything go down without a fight with you?'

It's not my fault that they swing at anything, as if they are wild animals. I mostly stay away from violence.

'What do you expect when demons themselves originated from us? Even though the demons have already separated from us but we are no different from them, aren't we?' starry's back looks cold for a moment there.

Heh, you have your own share of problems, eh?

'Don't we all?' Starry turned her head to me.

Bel puts his hands on his bleeding knees, 'What do you think about demons?'

'I bear hatred for them like all of us do.' she replied with a blank expression.

I know right, no demon's action will be justified nor their redemption?

'You sure are interested in such stuff despite being a brat.'

Starry rubs her my head gently.

'Grow up first then, I might put you in my squad to eliminate demons.'

She smiled but her wrinkles were hiding something. How was I supposed to ask her that? I am also responsible for all of the deaths of human. I pointed at Isabella, 'What about her?'

'Isabella is a cunning bitch, stay away from her. She might not bother you that much but she can do anything if she makes up her mind.

'Be extremely careful of her, even strong mana users bow down to her intelligent. She might have calculated this too, we don't know. If she had strength, she would have been at the top of the seven heroes and empress of our generation.'

Starry was looking afar from here.

"It's nothing to worry about, as long as i'm here, i would let nothing to be happened to you and my sister."

Starry said, 'Something's coming. Before we get into Trouble, we need to return.'

Starry carried me on her back.

Why are you helping me this much?

'Because I heard you helped my sister once.'

Then dropped me off my dorm.

Beautiful scenery. Isabella lying there.


Starry slowly comes down from the air.

'Isabella, get up. Don't sleep there!' Starry laughs while hitting her on her head.

Isabella looks up with her eyes curling, 'Did you genuinely hit me that hard?'

Starry shrugs her shoulder with a grin, 'Well, I had to make him believe it.'

"Next time, let me know when you are going to hit me." Isabella pouts as she folds her hands.

'So, why is the person of one of the highest ranking stalking a pretty boy, are you a shotacon, as they say?'

'What? I only like my sister and no other else.' Starry says in a gruff voice.

'Alright, miss creepy commander. So, did you get what you wanted to find?' Isabella asks.

'Uhm, almost~' Starry turns around.

'You already know it, so why do you ask Isabella?' Starry points her blade at isabella's back neck.

'I don't care anyways.' Isabella slowly takes steps away from there.

'Don't bother using your blade on me, you know it's useless.' Isabella waves her hands on the air and walks away slowly.

The blade crumbles and turns into slices of metal.

'Tsk~ cunning bitch, even though I paid you so much for the act.' Starry vanishes from them in a matter of nanosecond.

I take a shower and replenish my mana. I am supposed to feel conflicted that I got defeated easy, but if I feel defeated now, It would all be over for me.

I didn't even mean to fight her, She just caught me by surprise. My mother told me not to disrespect my strong master, but to be kind and nice.

Until I get strong enough to kill em'. Right now, I've lost most of my powers.

After a few days, we would go to the dungeons to explore on our own, it must be good because I can find mana stones.

Then with the boy's body, I can grow stronger than before and die a gentle goodnight.

"Tsk tsk, it's hard living."

Now, it's coffee time. Firstly,

In the quiet kitchen, I measured coffee beans and let their aroma fill the air. The kettle hummed softly as water heated up. Slowly, I poured water over the coffee grounds, watching them bloom. The plunger of the French press went down with gentle pressure, and steam curled upward. Pouring the brewed coffee, I cradled the mug, feeling its warmth. Each sip held a calm, unhurried flavor – a reminder to find joy in unhurried moments. I don't know about others but before bed coffee gives me sweet dreams.

As I take that first sip of the coffee I just made, a contented smile tugs at my lips. The warmth spreads from the cup to my hands, and the rich aroma fills the air around me. With each sip, a sense of satisfaction and comfort washes over me.

I gotta reorganize my power so I pay back tenfold. Bel stares out the window and sips his coffee humming london bridge is falling down.

The next morning, the alarm clocks in. The coffee did it's magic, it made bel realize he is a human now.

The alarm clock rings.


'I'm up for fucks sake, man, I want to sleep some more.'

I rub my eyes, the morning sun creeps through the window, casting a reluctant light into the room. With a heavy sigh, I drag myself out of bed, feeling as though the world is still cloaked in sleep.

The thought of school looms over me, a weight I can't seem to shake. The routine tasks feel like a chore, each action an effort as I groggily put on my uniform. The breakfast table is a battleground of mismatched emotions – anxiety, reluctance, and the impending sense of responsibility.

As I step out the door, the world seems distant, and the journey to school feels like a trek through a fog of resistance. The bell rings, and I enter the school gates, trying to muster enthusiasm while deep down, the sense of being unsettled lingers.

I got bored and wrote how i feel drink coffee and wake up to school.

Sub arc incoming !

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