
Training My Beautiful Mother

My mother, Xia Shuting, serves as a teacher at our province's esteemed No. 1 High School. She is a product of an intellectual lineage, emanating an aura of modest elegance that resonates with her stunning beauty. A mere glance at her can leave one utterly breathless. Indeed, she is renowned as the most captivating beauty within the No. 1 High School. Spending every day in her company, I can truly appreciate this widespread sentiment. However, my feelings for her transgress societal norms, as I harbor a forbidden longing—I yearn to transform her into my submissive sex slave. Thus, I am prepared to exhaust every resource at my disposal to win her over, to steal her from my father, to claim her as my own... It’s going to be a slow novel, so you can really enjoy an unparalleled thrill when exciting things happen! Update Time: CST@10am; GMT@4:30pm; IST@9:30pm ** From Chapter 26 onwards (around 60,000 words), this novel will be updated daily on my Patreon: patreon.com/BukkakeMaster I’ll still be posting it on this app but only 2-3 Chaps/Week.

BukkakeMaster · Urban
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46 Chs

Chapter 45: The Arrival of the Dragon Group's Messanger

The days of going to school were actually quite boring, following the same routine every day. In the morning, I would go to school with my mom, in the afternoon we would leave together after class, and in the evening, we would have dinner and go to sleep. Occasionally, I would playfully tease my mom to add some fun to our lives.

Moreover, the school I attended was the top high school in the province, known for its serious atmosphere. My classmates were all bookworms, and it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that they were obsessed with their studies. If I hadn't promised my mom to improve my grades and take care of her emotions, I wouldn't have wanted to compete with these bookworms in studying.

Although I could now demand anything from my mom with authority, I still felt somewhat reluctant to do so. I preferred a gradual approach to training, where I could manipulate my mom. Watching her reluctantly accept my unreasonable demands added a sense of irresistible pleasure. That's why I could persevere in my studies.

However, even so, I found my days very dull because I spent most of my time at school. I could hardly get close to my mom all day long, and after coming home, there were times when I couldn't tease her for several days due to my dad's presence. Enduring that for days on end was unbearable.

So during this period, I have been contemplating a new training plan. Firstly, I felt it was time to make progress in the training, and secondly, I was no longer satisfied with the current situation. If I could play with my mom anytime, anywhere at school, and if she could silently endure and submit like she does at home, then the entire training plan would be more than halfway complete.

But the first step is always the hardest. It is still unclear how my mom would react to being humiliated in her teaching place. It probably wouldn't be easy for her to accept. I have even prepared a remote-controlled egg vibrator, but I have been repeatedly putting the plan on hold due to the lack of suitable opportunities.

Just as I was thinking about how to spend time alone with my mom, the dismissal bell rang.


The cheerful bell temporarily interrupted my thoughts.

According to the routine, I walked to my mom's office to take a look.

Since it was dismissal time, the office door was not closed, and my mom was sitting in the back row, bowing her head, engrossed in something. It must be related to work.

Of course, as expected, my mom wasn't the only one there. There were several other teachers inside.

It seems like there won't be an opportunity today...

During this period, almost every time I finished class, I would come here, hoping that only my mom would be inside, so I could close the door and have my way with her. But every time, it disappointed me.

Confirming once again that there wouldn't be an opportunity today, I decided to leave.

With some free time on my hands, I planned to wander around the school, observing suitable places for intimacy and jotting them down in my little notebook. It would come in handy in the future, hehe.


Hmm, not bad, but there's a slight odour.


This place would definitely be exciting, but it's difficult to find the right opportunity. It's a no-go if my mom doesn't cooperate.


Seems like a good option too, but I have to watch out for cameras.

And there are hallways, classrooms, small groves, and other places that would work. However, unlike at home, where I only need to avoid my dad, in school, I need to be vigilant and aware from all directions. Someone might suddenly appear out of nowhere. If my mom is recognized, then she won't be able to stay at school anymore.

But let's write them down for now, better to be prepared. When the day comes and I can be alone with my mom at school, as long as we ensure safety, I'll be more than happy to enjoy her intimate company.

After finishing my rounds, there were only a few minutes left before the next class, so I decided to head back to the classroom.

I was currently in a small grove, which was probably the "scariest" place in the school. It was filled with trees, allowing very little sunlight to filter through, making it gloomy even on sunny days. Moreover, it was usually deserted, making it even more eerie.

The branches swayed in the wind, rustling as they moved. If someone was timid, they definitely wouldn't dare to come here alone at night.

"By the way, do all schools have a grove like this...?" I mumbled to myself, continuing to walk forward.

Just as I took a few steps, I suddenly felt a presence and abruptly lifted my head. Standing five meters away from me was a man.

He was about the same height as me, with a well-proportioned physique. However, the hair that covered his eyes, almost touching his nose, gave off a sense of oppression, completely obscuring his two eyes.

Although I couldn't see his eyes, I could sense that he was staring at me.

It wasn't the mutual sizing up between two strangers who had just met, but rather the gaze of a predator locked onto its prey. I was immediately alarmed.

"Who are you?" I tentatively asked, but my question fell on deaf ears, receiving no response.

"Do you need something?" I patiently asked again, but just like the first time, I received no reply.

However, this time, instead of pursuing further, I decided to shift my position and prepare to leave.

But just as I passed by him, a sentence reached my ears, causing me to halt in my tracks.

"The Dragon Group's Feng Mo? Quite young."

The Dragon Group.

The place that had given me hope, disappointment, and despair. I never expected it to reenter my life after leaving the Dragon Group six months ago.

"Who are you exactly?" I turned around, my face turning cold. My entire presence underwent a sudden transformation, exuding an oppressive aura. It was a subtle but unmistakable pressure that one could only exude after having taken a life. It would make an ordinary person feel intimidated.

But the person in front of me showed no reaction whatsoever. Even though he had his back turned to me, there was no sign of panic. It was as if he didn't care at all.

He continued without even looking back, "I'm just a nameless pawn, here to deliver a message to you."

"The Dragon Group wants me to inform you that you have half a year to return. Otherwise, face the consequences."

Return to the Dragon Group?

That place was where I had struggled and risked my life to escape. How could I possibly go back?

"Are you joking?" I sneered and then chose to ignore him, walking away.

Regardless of the Dragon Group's intentions, whether they meant well or ill, all I wanted now was to live with my mom and take care of the woman I loved.

"You know, I've heard that there's is a teacher named Xia-something in this school, who is an astonishingly beautiful mature woman. Woman like her are my favourite type; I really want to give her a try someday…"




Can you even fathom the visceral rage that courses through the veins of a person driven to their breaking point? It's an indomitable tempest that rages within, seizing control of reason, decency, civility. The brain becomes a puppet, jerked on strings of raw, uncontrollable fury. It is a surreal dance with the devil, where you're the marionette, and rage is the puppeteer.

In these moments, individuals find themselves thrust into actions that are far from their usual character. It's an abysmal journey into the depths of their own darkness, a plunge into the abyss where actions are performed and consequences be damned. It is only when the veil of anger lifts, the red haze dissipates, that they return from the brink, tasting the bitter aftermath of their fury-induced rampage.

And yet, here I stand, the tempest roiling inside me, as I learn that someone--someone had the audacity to target my mother, my life giver, my sanctuary. My rage, already a monstrous beast, feeds on this revelation, growing in strength, voracity, in a terrifying, uncontrollable surge. The audacity, the sheer gall of such an affront! It is not merely a slight against me, it is a declaration of war against everything I hold sacred!


I felt like I was going mad, blood vessels bulging in my eyes. I clenched my fist and charged at him.

In that moment, he finally turned around and met my fist with a powerful punch.


With a muffled sound, we both took a step back, shaking our numbed hands. We swiftly intertwined, no frills, matching each other punch for punch, kick for kick, elbow strikes, leg sweeps, straight punches. Our movements were like copy and paste, using the same techniques, clashing head-on, as if there were deep-seated enmity between us, a fight to the death.

The battle continued for a full five minutes. With astonishing similarities in strength, speed, and skill, neither of us could overcome the other. In the end, the man took the initiative to retreat, bringing a temporary halt to the fight.

"You're pretty good. I underestimated you." The man wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, revealing a twisted smile as if being wounded exhilarated him.

"Thanks, but you must die!" Even after five minutes of fighting, my anger remained undiminished.

Moreover, this man was from the Dragon Group. The Dragon Group's members were missing persons or individuals who hadn't been officially registered in the national population records. As long as the situation was handled properly, there was no need to fear the police knocking on our door.

"Continuing the fight is meaningless. I've delivered the message. Whether you go or not is up to you." The man completely ignored my rage, speaking for himself.

"And are you so certain that you can kill me? Even if you can, next time there might be two of us."

"Two members of the Dragon Group, working together to have their way with that woman named Xia. Do you think you can stop them?"

"After all, who wouldn't be attracted to such a stunning beauty?"

After these words, my anger finally subsided somewhat.

I had to admit that what he said was true. I've always known that I might not even be considered significant in the Dragon Group. Next time, there might be someone even more powerful than him, or maybe two or three.

If what he said was true and my mother was humiliated, I would feel guilty for the rest of my life.

"What you said may be true, but for daring to think about her, you will pay the price!"

My words seemed to surprise him, and he asked with confusion, "Just for a woman? Even if she's your mother, is she worth it?"

"Everyone has their own cherished someone which no one is allowed to touch!"

My response left him momentarily silent, and he looked at me and said, "Then rest assures, I was said it to provoke you; I have never even seen her."

Before I could reply, he continued, "For now, it ends here. I'll come back in six months."

"By then, be obedient and come with me."

I stared at him and said indifferently, "What if I refuse?"

"Refused? Hehe." He turned around and said as he walked away, "You'll face the consequences."

Watching his figure, I didn't chase after him this time.

I couldn't defeat him. Even in a state of extreme anger, he could match me in a fight. Even if I stopped him, it would be useless.

Six months...

If this news is true, it couldn't be worse.

On the way back, I had a desolate look on my face. My mind was in turmoil, and I felt a deep sense of restlessness.

I couldn't understand why they wanted me to go back. I had already escaped. Or maybe all those who escaped would be called back after a certain period of time. What purpose does the Dragon Group have in having me return? Will I be able to leave once I'm there?

A series of questions flashed through my mind. Perhaps I should ask that man properly when I see him next time.

Go? Or not?

If I go, what about my mother? Who will protect her? I don't want to rely on my father.

But if I don't go, how can I protect my mother? I might be able to handle two or three, but what about five or six? They're not ordinary people. They have bathed in blood just like me.

Go abroad?

It's definitely useless. No matter where you go, the Dragon Group will find you.

Fighting to the bitter end is also not an option. The consequences would be unimaginable.

Looking at it this way, it seems like the only option is to visit the Dragon Group.

And until now, I realized that maybe the Dragon Group I encountered before couldn't even be called the Dragon Group. It's possible that it was just the tip of the iceberg.

If everyone in the Dragon Group is like that man earlier, I would have died countless times already, and it would be impossible to accumulate enough points to leave the Dragon Group.

In a dazed state, I suddenly caught sight of the school infirmary on the side of the playground.

After hesitating for a moment, I walked over.

When I was filled with anger just now, I didn't feel it much, but now it's particularly noticeable. It hurts like hell.

My whole body feels broken, not a single part that doesn't ache, with bruises and swelling. I should go to the infirmary and get some medication.

In the future, I definitely can't recklessly charge in like that. Thankfully, that person didn't have any malicious intent, otherwise, I would have been in big trouble.

Oh? That's right.

Should I take this opportunity to call my mother over? Since I'm injured, she should come and see me.

At that time, there will only be the school nurse in the infirmary. Then, I can...

I touched the vibrating egg I always carry in my pocket and couldn't help but smile.

Perhaps this is a blessing in disguise. I didn't know how to spend time alone with my mother before, but now I finally have a chance. As long as I handle it properly, I will definitely gain something.

With that in mind, I no longer hesitated and headed towards the infirmary.