
Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Mu Liang traveled to a parallel world of apocalypse, this world has become a wasteland, the cultivation, the rain are sour, and the sky is scattered with dust. Mu Liang was rescued by a mutant rabbit ear i mother, and he was bound to the trainer system at the same time. Tame a tortoise, and evolve infinitely to the sacred beast Xuanwu, with a back width of more than ten thousand miles, with mountains and flowing water, and black and fertile soil… just to build a home on the back. Tame a small tree sapling and evolve into a world tree, block the gale and acid rain, purify the air, and reappear the blue sky and white clouds. Tame a military ant, who dares to provoke me? Marching ants, like a sandstorm, left a pile of dead bones wherever they swept. Tame a bunny ears mother, and then get entangled? ? ? One year later, give a small rabbit ears. ——— Link: patreon.com/user?u=44739101 Donate to the translator please. MTL Novel with small corrections. Follow me on patreon for advance chapters

Noa764 · Eastern
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146 Chs

Chapter 21 : The gods can understand.

Mino cooked breakfast carefully, and went out of the hall to the courtyard, ready to call Mu Liang to eat breakfast.

At this time, Mu Liang used a saber to cut a piece of wood, and placed two shaved wooden boards beside him.

"Mu Liang, you can have breakfast". Mino leaned forward.

She tilted her head and asked curiously, "What are you planning to do?".

"Make a drawing board". Mu Liang put down the wood in his hand.

He shook off the crumbs from his body, got up and said, "After breakfast, wait a minute to go to the camp".

Before, Mu Liang had used his mind and thought to wake up the dozing rock tortoise in advance and let it go to the camp.

"Why went to the camp? Everything moved back". Mino blinked in amazement.

She asked suspiciously: "Should we not follow the thief spies?".

"Don't you want to leave something for your Big sis?". Mu Liang said and entered the lobby.

He sat on the edge of the firepit and asked: "What if you suddenly come back to the camp to find you in the future?".

The girl's life experience is still too little, he has to be responsible for guiding it.

"It seems to be". Mino nodded in hindsight.

She only wanted to find Big sis by herself, but she didn't expect that Big sis would really come back one day. What should I do?

"Think about it, and leave some messages for you that Big sis only understands".

Mu Liang glanced at the broth full of a steel pot, thinking that the girl had finally stolen.

"It has to let me think about it". Mino knew what he was thinking when he saw Mu Liang's expression.

She put a bowl of soup in a wooden bowl, and said helplessly: "We don't have much water left, and it won't take a few days to support it".

The girl saw that Mu Liang had been busy all night, and only made so much broth today.

Otherwise, the breakfast now is: grilled small lizard jerky with a bowl of water.

Mu Liang took the broth and said relaxedly: "There will always be a way".

"Hope". Mino rolled his eyes cutely.

She took a bowl of broth and sat beside the fire pit, eating absent-mindedly.

The broth was almost finished, but the girl hadn't thought of what message to leave to Big sis.

Mino could only blink his blue eyes and begged for help: "Mu Liang, what message do you think I should leave for Big sis?".

Obviously Mu Liang had already figured out how to answer: "Did you have any agreement when you were young?".

"If agreed, Big Sis will let me wait for her to come back".

Mino's blue eyes flashed a little sadly, and now the blood beard thieves group attacked, the agreement could not be completed.

"What about the secret? Or some secrets that you only know". Mu Liang made a suggestion again.

"A secret signal? Is it a secret signal to open the door?". Mino's eyes lit up.

"What kind of password to open the door?". Mu Liang was curious that a girl would use it as a password when she was young.

Mino's eyes flashed with memories, and said: "My secret sign is long-eared rabbit, and Big sis is short-eared cat".

The girl was small before and could only stay at home.

And her Big sis wanted to go out to catch the little lizard, and she was afraid that the girl would be in danger at home alone, so she thought of a secret signal, and she could only open the door when she met the secret signal.

"Then you can draw a picture with the image of the secret sign, and draw down all the messages that you want to leave to you Big sis".

Mu Liang put down the wooden bowl and cut two pieces of white cloth with a saber.

Who makes girls illiterate?

Mu Liang came to this world eight Nine Heavens, and I don't know if the characters in this world are Chinese characters.

He hasn't seen the written word either, but in fact the words spoken are in Chinese.

"Will it be too wasteful?". Mino looked at the white cloth, feeling a little painful.

"The message to your Big sis is more important". Mu Liang beckoned to the girl.

He took the piece of cloth out of the hall, nailed the piece of cloth to the drawing board, and prepared to draw a picture that he could remember using the sketch he learned when he was a special soldier.

Mino obediently followed out of the hall.

"Take it and draw, use charcoal to draw what you want to express". Mu Liang handed over the drawing board nailed to the cloth.

"How to draw?". Mino took the drawing board in a daze.

"You can paint what you want on the ground, and then paint on the cloth". Mu Liang suggested.

He took another drawing board, nailed the cloth, and took the charcoal to sharpen it on the stone.

"Oh". Mino learned to sharpen the charcoal, squatting and wondering how to start.

Mu Liang glanced at the edge of the camp, and his mind made the rock tortoise stop.

He turned his head and looked at the girl with entangled rabbit ears, smiling and prompting: "Mino, you draw a long-eared rabbit to represent yourself, and your Big sis is represented by a short-eared cat".

"Yes". Mino suddenly realized that he lay on the turtle's back and began to draw.

Mu Liang took the drawing board and sat on the edge of the tortoise shell above the rock tortoise's head, visually inspecting the camp and began to compose the picture.


The charcoal was stroked on the white cloth, bit by bit, the whole camp house and surrounding environment were drawn in.

It took more than two hours for Mu Liang to complete the painting called "Hometown".


Mu Liang wrote the word 'hometown' in the lower right corner of the painting.

He put away the drawing board, returned to the girl who was seriously painting, and looked at the girl's drawing board.

"…" The corners of Mu Liang's mouth twitched, suppressing a smile.

The girl is a true soul painter, who belongs to the abstract painting school and can't go wrong.

A bunny man with a long face and a crooked mouth with full teeth.

A short-eared cat with long legs and small eyes.

A huge tortoise, with a big grin standing on its back.

The only decent house is the one that copied the outline drawing on the house design drawings.

The above is all the things that appear in the girl's painting.

Please refer to the children of the Earth Kindergarten for the level of girls' drawing.

"Finally finished". Mino happily touched his cheek, leaving four black marks on his cheek.

"Can you explain to me what is meant by the painting?". Mu Liang said with a smile.

"No problem". Mino said with interest.

The girl pointed to the character in the painting and said in a serious manner: "I didn't wait for Big sis to come back at home, so I left with Mu Liang to find Big sis. If Big sis comes back, you can come after me and you. The goal is the little Black Tortoise".

"It seems the same thing".

After listening to the commentary, Mu Liang looked at the painting and felt that he didn't understand it at all.

Forget it, he didn't really think that the girl's Big sis could come back.

The reason Mu Liang wanted to do this was just to give the girl a thought.

In fact, it was so cruel. In four years, the girl's Big sis would have come back early.

"Yes, I think Big sis can definitely understand it". Mino held the painting happily.

"You take the painting down, put it in a wooden box, and you will bury it in the camp house later". Mu Liang twitched the corner of his mouth.

He complained inwardly: If your Big sis really comes back, you can understand that you are a god.

Mu Liang has a little impulse to keep the girl's paintings, obviously it is black history.

"Good". Mino happily ran to get the wooden box.

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