
Trainer Among Fairies

One day, Nic Pularis is drawn into a sub-dimension, where he encounters Legendary Pokemon. He is entrusted with Plates by Arceus, and send to the land of Fiore, where he encounters Natsu, Lucy, Gray, and Erza. He must go through multiple perilous journeys with his Pokemon and Fairy Tail, and triumph and endure hardships to master all eighteen Plates and save the universe. OcxHarem Original by Insane Dominator on FF.Net

Alistair_B22 · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

A True Saint...

In The Last chapter:

Erza easily took down Aria, thus stopping the Abyss Break Spell. With a small amount of help from Arbok, Natsu managed to overpower Gajeel and take him down. Nic and Greninja both finally confront Jose and they begin their epic brawl. Meanwhile, the Guild Hall was destroyed by Jose's shades. Makarov had finally recovered and Lucy and Reedus found him, taking him back to the guild to fight. As the fight escalates with Nic and Greninja, of whom re-learned Water Shuriken in place of Water Pulse, against Jose, Jose enjoys the sight of Fairy Tail's downfall, which had just unleashed the fury within Nic and Greninja...

Chapter 11: A True Saint...

Cana wasn't having fun at all. Normally, she would just be at the bar and chugging down barrels of booze. If a fight got under way, she and Nic would move to the back of the bar and chill there. She could really use a barrel right now, because after all that has been going down she's going to need all the booze she can stomach when this is all over. At the moment, she had to make sure that the giant shade blob didn't destroy anyone just like it did with their Guild Hall.

Everyone there wasn't able to do anything. The only thing that was really an option at that point was watch as the blob finish destroying their Guild Hall. Tears were on a lot of faces, especially those who were low on Magic. Macao and Wakaba were both clenching their fist so hard that blood had almost stopped circulating to their hands. Cana felt her insides crumble and quake as the beast slammed the ruins of the Guild Hall yet again.

Nevertheless, she had to put forth all of the effort she can if she's going to stop this thing. She turned and looked at all of the weary faces about. The other guild members were just as shaken up as she was, if not worse. She had to pull herself together if she wanted to ensure Fairy Tail's survival. She turned and looked at everyone behind her.

"Everyone listen up!" Cana yelled, trying to get their undivided attention. "This is far from over. There's absolutely no way that we're letting it all here. Our Guild Hall may be destroyed, but we're still standing as proud Fairy Tail members. Our friends had put their best efforts into finally stopping the Abyss Break, and now we have to do the same and stop this thing. We're going to stop end this war because we are Fairy Tail!"

Everyone there cheered and were inspired by her speech. There was no way they were going to take a defeat lying down like they are now. If the guys inside were able to stop the Abyss Break, then they can stop this blob as well. The brunette let out a heap of air, relieved to see everyone not letting up now that she encouraged them. Who knew being in charge was so difficult? Nic had explained to her one time that he tells all of his pokémon what to do, maybe that leadership rubbed off on her, who knows. She's probably going to have to chat with him about this whole "Trainer" thing.

At this point in time, the giant monster had just finished pulverizing the Guild Hall. Now it had a new target in mind. The Fairy Tail Mages were in a tight bind with themselves as the new target.

"Everyone, unleash your strongest spells on one point!" Macao shouted out to the group. "If we do that, then this thing should stop!"

They all cheered and conjured up whatever magic they had left. This was all or nothing, and they weren't going to take nothing for an answer. They were all aware if this failed, then they were screwed.

"Now!" Cana ordered.

Cana fired the last of her cards, Macao unleashed his biggest purple flames yet, Wakaba unleashed a thick stream of smoke, and everybody in general unleashed their spells onto a single point. An explosion enveloped the monster and everyone's vision was obscured for a few moments. This also caused quite a bit of dust to be swirled about.

"Is it over? We won?" Wakaba said.

The dust was clearing up and every single one of their jaws dropped when they saw that the jellyfish shade was hardly even fazed. Cana almost cursed every word she knew when the monster turned out to be unaffected.

"Everyone, retreat!" Cana yelled. With all of their magic used up now, everyone was powerless and unable to do anything. The large shade then began approaching them and Cana was almost ready to shed a tear.

'Somebody, help us.' Cana mentally pleaded.

Several giant tentacles then rushed at the Mages that were running for cover. Out of the blue, several very large magic circles appeared and stopped the assault.

Everyone looked to see that Makarov has just arrived with Lucy and Reedus and Kecleon following not long after. They all started to shed tears of joy when they saw the Master well and standing again.

"Will you never harm my children!" Makarov proclaimed. He was floating in the air and had a lot of power ready to be unleashed. The guild members cheered.

The Master held up his two hands and two seals were shown, and then two large seals were on both sides of the giant jellyfish monster.

"Begone!" Makarov then brought his two hands with the seals together and a very bright light was unleashed on the large creature from the large seals. The light illuminated the area for a good few seconds as the monster screamed as it dissolved into nothing.

"We look on the bright side of things." Kecleon said. When they saw that the monster was no more, everyone at the scene cheered in honor of their Master.

With Erza and the others

Everyone panted as they had finally made it back to shore. The only ones who weren't panting were Natsu, Happy, and Arbok. Natsu didn't need to run since Happy had carried him all the ways. Arbok didn't pant at all since it didn't have feet to begin with.

The way back was longer than they had thought. They had to find another escape route since the giant had reshaped their entry point. Another factor was that Gray's Ice Make: Floor was starting to melt.

They all came back just in time to see Master destroy the horrid monster. They all looked over and saw everyone cheering for stopping the shades.

"Hey, it's Master!" Gray said, running with everyone up to where everyone else was. Everyone had finally caught up to the others that were with Master Makarov. Everyone cheered even louder with their safe return.

"The Master finished the job like a real man." Elfman noted.

Mira smiled, happy to see that Master had made a recovery and even vanquished a powerful threat. Happy had set Natsu down and he smirked at the Master.

"Well Gramps, you sure showed them." Natsu said. Arbok hissed as Kecleon walked up to his side.

"Lots of craziness today." Kecleon said.

"Tell me something I don't know." Arbok said, nonchalant.

"Thank goodness that you're alright Master." Erza said. Makarov nodded and looked at everyone and then looked at the team that had just went to stop the Abyss Break Spell.

"I am glad that you are all alright." Master said. Everyone then began to catch up with one another on the situations that they were all put through.

Lucy had begun explaining how Kecleon had saved her and Reedus, after which was when Natsu and Happy told how Arbok helped them out with the fight. Erza wasn't paying too much attention as the two explained how they went through some stuff. She was also glad that the Master was alive.

The scarlet-haired Mage was staring at Phantom's guild hall, thinking that not everyone has returned yet. Everyone then realized that Nic had yet to return, bringing forth some concerns within the guild members.

'Nic, please be okay.' Erza thought, then everyone had noticed a large hole from the giant, revealing the battle that was taking place from inside.

With Nic and Greninja

This wasn't a good situation to be in, especially if you were the one who had just angered Nic. If you anger Nic, then you're going to wish that the apocalypse had ended you instead of him. Greninja wasn't as angry as Nic, but he can be just as destructive as him.

Both had lost count as to how many times they had been shocked, but they weren't paying attention. Nic was snarling and was really pissed off. Jose had destroyed the Guild Hall and was laughing about it, which wasn't the best thing to do in front of Nic.

Jose then noticed that Makarov had just arrived and destroyed his shades with his Light Magic. Seeing Makarov alive was a sight that disgusted him. He had a foul scowl on his face. Thanks to the hole from earlier, he also saw Natsu, Erza, and the others making it back to shore. He turned and looked at Nic with a murderous gaze.

"You through, because I'm ready to hammer your face into oblivion!" Nic said, rather foul. He was too caught up in battle to pay attention to Makarov and the others back on shore. He had a solution, and he was going to get him and his buddy out of the trap.

He inhaled and then had spit out a small seed from his mouth. The seed speeded its way and had landed itself onto Jose's outfit. Jose looked down and looked at the tiny seed and chuckled.

"Seriously? Is this all you have left-?" He was then feeling the seed sprout and vines rapidly started to tangle around his torso. The vines latched onto him and he looked on in shock.

"What is this?!" Jose demanded to know. Suddenly, he felt his energy being slowly sapped away, and he looked and saw that Nic wasn't as damaged as before. He was slowly sapping at Jose's energy, making him grunt and flinch. "My power…the hell?!"

Nic then started to glow turquoise and he then began engulfing the energy that bind him and Greninja in a green coating. The sunglasses on his eyes lit up red as the energy traced back to Jose and made him wail as he was being inflicted with a Leech Seed and Giga Drain combo. Nic kept this up for a nice ten seconds, and that's when Jose started trembling from energy loss and the magic that constricted him and Greninja was slowly dissolving, putting them both back on the ground. In mere moments, Jose was back on his feet, but was smashed in the face with a Needle Arm that drove him into an unbroken wall.

Nic snarled as he was just getting started. He had lots of energy now thanks to those two moves. Jose then appeared in front of him and the two were going back to back with Needle Arm and Darkness Magic enhanced fists. Each blow was terrifying. With every strike, wind surged with Jose's foul Magic and Nic's fury.

Leech Seed was still attached and Jose flinched as he felt himself get sapped, which left him open.

"Dark Pulse!" Greninja finally got his turn to unleash his fury and landed a clean hit with Dark Pulse smashing Jose and knocking him over. Nic then used Power Whip, making his arm extend and turn purple, and slammed Jose with all his might, making the ground quake and almost shatter. Jose was left in a ten foot diameter.

Nic then backed away to Greninja's side. Both of them felt good burning off steam, so their anger was beginning to filter.

They saw Jose come at them yet again, with more anger in his eyes as well. Both got a Darkness Magic coated fist. The two blocked it by grabbing the two fists and clenched on. They were almost shaking from the potential might of crushing Jose's hands. Jose grunted as he felt pain in the hands and the Leech Seed sapped at him yet again.

The both then unleashed a combination of Water Shuriken and Seed Bomb, which created dust and as well as another crater, though not as large as the Power Whip. Now their steam was pretty much used up.

They were both panting, Nic from back to back attacks, and Greninja with him not being able to recover from any damage. They both then shifted their gazes and noticed that the Guild Hall was still in ruins, but everyone was unharmed. He saw Makarov there, and Lucy and Natsu and everyone else, he saw Kecleon and Arbok, even a certain Requip Mage watching him fight. There was a long pause as he saw every one of them looking up at him with determination to win.

Seeing everyone okay was all it took for Nic's anger to dispel. Nobody was killed and everyone was putting their faith in the two. Both then looked at each other and smirked.

"Think we're winning?" Nic asked. The second he had finished saying that was when the ground shook with Jose rising up from the crater and making the Leech Seed decay from his Magic. His power was still growing and his maniac facial expression was still plastered on his face.

"Eh, we still got a ways to go." Greninja said.

Now that Nic could think straight with a more calm vibe, he thought of a way to get them the upper hand.

"Follow my lead." Nic then began dashing towards the broken wall that lead to the outside. Greninja followed in his steps, but Jose was determined to exterminate them on the spot.

"You're not going anywhere!" Jose shouted as he dashed towards Nic with speed that almost matched Greninja.

At this pace, Jose would cut him off before he could reach the edge. Greninja managed to pivot and throw a few Water Shurikens at Jose. He aimed at his feet so that his footing would be intercepted. Jose sidestepped as he was cut off from reaching Nic. Greninja followed Nic as they leaped off of the edge and plummeted down below.

Greninja had an impression as to what Nic was planning to do, and he thought he would follow along. Both sailed downwards, side by side, as a Dead Wave was sailing towards them at an alarming rate

With Erza and the others

"Nic!" Erza instinctively reached out towards him in a helpless manner. An overwhelming feeling, of which felt foreign to her, was stirring up inside of her. Gray and Elfman restrained her, yet they were as shocked as she was. Mira and Cana had their hands covering their mouths in deep shock. Lucy and Natsu couldn't believe what was happening. Arbok and Kecleon looked on in disbelief.

Everyone watched as Nic and the Ninja Pokémon were leaping out of the structure. They watched as Greninja was now sailing by Nic's side and then the unthinkable happened.

They all saw Jose standing at the edge of the barely standing Guild Hall. He had a large Magic Seal that was aimed at the two and then unleashed a brutal attack.

"Dead Wave!" The spell was coming in too fast. They all saw as Nic flipped himself to face the attack and put his arms up to block it as the attack enveloped him and his pal.

Erza was standing there, feeling as though all time in the world has ceased to move. That image replayed in her head twenty times over in a span of two seconds. She didn't want to believe it, she couldn't. Maybe this was all just a big illusion to her, or maybe her eyes were playing tricks with her and that she missed something. There was no way. Nic couldn't be…

She felt something wet and salty starting to run down her cheek.

Kecleon stood there in disbelief. She had tilted her head so far that maybe she was seeing a fake image of Nic getting destroyed along with Greninja. She straightened up and slumped forward with her mouth wide open.

"No…no…the wheels have stopped spinning…" She muttered.

Arbok was completely still, not a single muscle moved. He was baffled with the vision of his loyal and friendly family and Nic getting vaporized in front of his eyes. The one human he was open to was destroyed, gone. Greninja was gone as well, another family member he was friendly with.

"Nic-ssssssssama." Arbok lowered his head and a tear was beginning to streak down his scaly face.

With Jose

Jose had on a triumphant grin, showing his teeth as he gazed downwards at the sea. The boy and his ninja frog was gone for good this time. He saw it as the purple explosion indicated such an assumption. He was really strong, as was his accomplice. Their skills in battle were remarkable and proficient. It was such a shame that they had to be destroyed. It was a well fought battle that had sure gave Jose a run for his money.

Jose chuckled and then turned his murderous upon a wide eyed Makarov, who was still in shock of Nic's demise. Now that one obstacle was out of the way, he had to take down Makarov, and then make him suffer as his children fall after, and then the Heartfilia girl will finally be in his grasp.

"Well Makarov, now that one of your precious children has fallen, it's time for you to join him and his frog friend as well! You'll see your children suffer and-!"

Suddenly, the ground beneath Jose was beginning to quake harshly. It started out low and quickly escalated. The next thing he saw was that the ground bared a huge hole that was opened up by a huge single Water Shuriken surrounded by multiple Air Slash attacks, making it look like a slicing galaxy of sorts. The attack's sides were able to strike Jose, tearing up his clothing, mainly ripping his shoulder cape and leaving a large fraction of his left sleeve clothing torn off. Jose flew back and skid as he saw the attack skyrocket and break the entire ceiling, basically slicing up all of the rock that would've fallen and it escalated and went up into the sky and a large scale explosion of blue and sky blue erupted. Not a single piece of debris fell from that attack, mainly because it was all sliced up from the combination of a compressed shuriken and several air saws rotating around it. Anything that were to be touched could have been obliterated on the spot.

He slowly approached the wide hole and peered downwards, only to get a Wing Attack to the face. He leaped back and a Dark Pulse ran towards him. He managed to leap and evade the attack, but just barely. He stopped and saw Nic flapping in the air with Greninja landing safely.

Jose gritted his teeth and touched the part of his face that took the Wing Attack.

"You! How did you survive?!" He scowled.

Nic slowly descended to the floor and shifted back into the Meadow Plate. "Let's just say that we found a back route."

As Nic and Greninja were descending, the Dead Wave attack was catching up to them fast. Nic turned and had his forearms forward. What nobody saw was that a green force field with spikes had protected Nic and Greninja s they were falling almost at the point of impact. The explosion itself was found incapable of passing by the Spiky Shield.

As they continued to fall, with the explosion as cover, Nic shifted into his Sky Plate Form and flew towards the bottom of the giant with Greninja flying on his back. Fortunately, the bottom of the giant wasn't plunged in the sea, so there was a perfect opening.

Everyone was still fixated on what they thought was a casualty, so not a single person saw through the explosion.

"What do you say, we give him a hello from down under?" Nic rhetorically asked his ninja pal.

Greninja smirked. "Let's make it a big welcome."

Greninja began to prepare Water Shuriken, and then combined all of his shurikens into a giant shuriken that was over his head. Greninja jumped and threw the massive single Water Shuriken at the bottom. Nic added a twist by using Air Slash and making the attack circle about the Shuriken, giving it far more destructive power, as well as more cutting power.

They both smirked as the destructive attack easily shredded through the bottom of the giant and passed through multiple floors, all the way through Jose's floor. Nic quickly caught Greninja and had him hold onto his back while Nic soared with great speed through the holes that the shuriken made. As they were about to reach Jose, of whom peeked over at the time, he got ready for a Wing Attack.

"You annoying Fairy Tail scum!" Jose shouted, unleashing another Dead Wave. His attack, however, was weaker than the previous shot, showing that he was running low on Magic.

Nic and Greninja were able to intercept the attack now that it was shown to be weaker. They were able to cancel it out with a Dark Pulse and Leaf Tornado combo, of which Nic produced by rotating his arms in two separate directions and making a variety of green winds and light green leaves appear and make a tornado strike the Dead Wave. The result was a small explosion that didn't push anyone back, but did shake up the place again and produce strong winds that lasted for ten seconds or so.

With Erza and the others

Every person cheered when they saw Nic slug Jose with a Wing Attack, of which was followed up by a Dark Pulse from Greninja. Erza was so relieved. She was almost gasping for air at the sight of him not being dead. She had a smile on her face as she quickly wiped away the few tears that had fallen while she thought he was obliterated into nothingness.

"What's with that guy! He made us worry for nothing!" Cana said in irritation. Erza could see that Cana was worried about Nic herself, but the two were glad that he was found unharmed. "I'm going to kill him for doing a stunt like that!"

"Not before I do." Erza told her.

"I want in too!" Mira added.

Makarov overheard the three girls talking and couldn't help but chuckle. He was just as worried as they were when he thought Nic was blasted, but it didn't prove necessary as the Multitype Mage and his Greninja came rushing through the ground and delivered a hit on Jose. It made him wonder how he pulled off such a trick. This also made him wonder as to what other tricks Nic's was hiding.

This also begged the question as to how much stamina the boy and his Greninja have. It's clear that they have above average stamina if they can match a Wizard Saint.

Arbok and Kecleon both looked up and were speechless. They should have never doubted Nic's skills. They've been with him long enough to know that by now. The two were almost wide eyed and practically smiling. They turned towards each other and smirked, knowing that Nic hasn't let them down yet.

"Nic had us there for a moment." Kecleon said to her slithery pal.

"Nic-sssama issss unpredictable that way." Arbok agreed.

They both then turned and looked back at the action that was transpiring with Nic and Greninja both now on equal grounds with Jose.

With Nic and Greninja

Jose did another Dark Pulse, moving his arm in a swift arc that was followed with explosions. Greninja easily evaded with Bounce with Nic being attached. In a split second, Jose was in the air with them and he tried to do a point blank Dead Wave, of which was intercepted with a point blank Dark Pulse and Energy Ball. The explosion created a violent tempest that had crashed all three into walls, with Jose being on the opposing wall. All three were slowly getting back up, and every single cell in their bodies were aching.

If you were to imagine it, you would see a big hole in the floor from the surprise shuriken, an entire wall shattered and revealing the Fairy Tail Guild looking up, three adjacent walls severely cracked, a shattered floor from multiple craters, giving it a more moon-like look, and no roof.

Greninja couldn't take much more, neither could Jose; however, Nic was holding up due to the energy he had repleted thanks to that Giga Drain and Leech Seed combo. That explosion did hurt him pretty bad, so it's not like that energy boost was long-lasting for him. They had to end this battle, as in now.

Jose had the exact same thought. It was time to finish this. He stood affirm and was gathering a very large sum of Magic energy, now making the place quake yet again. Thank god Natsu wasn't in this fight, otherwise he would be motion sick all over the place from the building shaking a multitude of times. Anyways, Jose's power skyrocketed once again.

"Say your prayers and bow to me before I obliterate you!" Jose demanded. He let out a maniac-like screech as he conjured a large amount of his Darkness Magic, the energy shaping with countless ghosts in purple energy. All of that power being concentrated into the center of him. It was so dense that the floor beneath him was beginning to crack and the air around him was distorting.

As Jose was preparing his final assault to end this for good, Nic quickly talked with Greninja, formulating a plan.

"That attack will destroy the place, and us if it hits." Greninja indicated.

"Yet it's directed at us, so if it misses then it would just obliterate this side of the building…" Nic was then going into more detail as he and Greninja both had roughly ten seconds before the blast was unleashed. After a nod, the two had agreed on a strategy to end this for good.

Greninja used Smokescreen and covered Jose's vision of them as Nic and his pal were in a thick black cloud of smoke. Jose smiled evilly. "You fools! That trick won't work! Speed or stealth, you can't hide from me anymore! NOW DIE!"

He got no response from within the smoke cloud.

Jose roared and unleashed his fury. "This is it! Phantom Eradicator!"

Jose had then unleashed the massive assault of Magic at them. The blast so large and so forceful that it could've leveled half of Magnolia. The wave of immense energy completely destroyed a third of the giant, showing that a small fraction of its left leg and its entire arm was obliterated. He didn't give a damn, so long as the guy and his frog was terminated for good.

However, he heard the ground from behind him break and Nic and Greninja jumped through, and Jose saw Nic looking at him dead in the eye, starting to glow a bright green.

"But how?!" Jose was at a loss for words. How could they have evaded his most devastating assault? He then noticed as he shifted his feet that the flooring wasn't as sturdy.

Within the Smokescreen cloud, Nic and Greninja decided to go under again. The Ninja Pokémon put his hands on the floor and pushed through with Dark Pulse, breaking the ground beneath them. Since the floor was so thin, thanks to the repeated assaults and quakes that made the floor as it was, it could be blasted through with ease. As they fell to the floor beneath them, they saw Jose unleash his attack. They instantly began sprinting forward to avoid the blast's range as it annihilated the flooring behind them.

They were now directly under Jose by one floor. They side stepped so that they were behind when they came up and Nic used Seed Bomb and threw it up, making a big enough hole for them to leap out of with Greninja's jumping skills, enabling Greninja to drag Nic upwards with him as Nic was now slowly glowing a bright green.

Jose instantly turned around, infuriated beyond measurement. His last attack had took almost every bit of Magic from him. He had very little left.

"You Fairy Tail rodents! You'll pay!" Jose scowled.

Nic took in a deep breath and that was Greninja's cue to get out. He leaped out of the structure at the speed of a ninja and looked back at Nic.

"Bring it on home!" Greninja shouted, indicating Nic's big finish. He turned and was using Bounce one last time to get out of the giant monstrosity.

Nic then began to glow brighter as Jose was trying to muster up whatever energy he had left over, which was enough for one Dead Wave. Jose unleashed his attack at Nic, but the Dead Wave didn't even touch him as the light of pure green energy vaporized the blast of darkness.

"This ends now. Legendary Arts: Seed Flare!" Nic then unleashed a huge green explosion of purified nature.

Jose let loose an agonizing scream as the light green explosion engulfed him.

With Erza and the others

Everyone who was watching was astounded with Nic and Greninja were keeping up with Jose once more. They all saw Jose gather up energy and saw Nic and Greninja disguise their strategy with Smokescreen. They all stepped back and covered up as Jose had unleashed his destructive blast that was so large that a third of his building was gone just like that.

Everyone stood in deep shock as to the power increase Jose had utilized. Makarov stood there, feeling that the power spike was even bigger than last time. They all stood silent, hoping that Nic and Greninja didn't die, not again. They all were cheering once more when they found Nic and Greninja bursting from behind, Erza was surprised especially. That blast had come in so fast and so powerful. She knew Nic was fast, but not that fast to instantly start dashing forward to make a narrow escape.

What perplexed them was how Greninja was leaping out of the massive structure when Nic was glowing. Not many people didn't figure it out until they felt a huge amount of energy being unleashed in the form of a pure green explosion. They all covered up from the green light that engulfed a majority of whatever was remaining of the Phantom Lord Guild.

Some felt the foul Magic from all around just instantly vanish. They all felt the light vanquishing any and all that was polluted and foul, mainly remnants of Jose's Magic that was still fairly high in concentration.

The light had lasted for a god twenty or so seconds. Everyone down at the ruins of Fairy Tail was stunned to say the least. Greninja had landed with grace on shore and turned his gaze at the now fading light from the explosion of nature.

Erza was lost in her own gaze at the sight of the defeat of a Wizard Saint. Nic was this strong? Well, at least now they knew why Greninja had to evacuate.

"The heck was that all about?" Wakaba shouted.

"Yeah. Just what exactly was that?" Macao wanted to know, not sure as to what it was. Greninja turned and looked at the two adults.

"That, people, was none other than Nic's grand finish." Greninja grinned at Arbok and Kecleon, of whom grinned back at a job well done by everyone doing their part.

"You kidding me?" Macao shouted. "Nic unleashed that much power?"

"Who else could pull off a move like that?" Greninja rhetorically asked. The guild members had varied reactions to Nic's big finish. Some were cheering, as to where some were staring wide eyed in shock.

There was a small amount of silence, of which was finally broken by the sound of Phantom's Guild starting to crumble. The entire structure was slowly crumbling away into a pile of rubble. Chunks of debris fell and the structure shuddered as it was slowly breaking down. It was to be expected from the continuous battle that had happened throughout the place. The two people who really did the mist destruction overall was Natsu and Nic. Both were pretty destructive in their fights, it was hard to tell who was more destructive. They all silently played that Nic wouldn't become a second Natsu.

"With, Nic is still in there!" Mira shouted.

Everyone then went into instant panic mode. They all shrieked as the structure crumbled and fell apart with Nic inside. Mira and Cana both stood wide eyed as the event happened, as to where Erza was speechless. Is Nic going to make it out okay? Her mind was beginning to process over several different concerns in regards to him.

The only ones not freaking out or gawking at the site were the pokémon. They all stared out at the scene, looking ahead at the scene. Arbok hissed as Greninja smirked, and Kecleon tilted her head. They knew the outcome and knew for a fact that Nic was going to come out okay.

And he did.

Everyone saw dust beginning to fly from the structure, but that wasn't the only thing that was flying. Everyone pointed in surprise to see Nic soaring out of the wreckage in his Sky Plate Form. All of Fairy Tail cheered as Nic was sailing at them, coming back safe and sound. He flew in and came to a rather sloppy landing. He came inwards at an angle and he extended his legs out to land. He descended and his feet touched the ground and he ran a few feet as he transformed back into himself. Due to massive fatigue, he tubled a few times with the momentum from flying in and finally stopped with him on one knee and panting.

He then slowly got back upon his two feet, and he was found as the center of attention with all of Fairy Tail surrounding him. He was banged up a bit, but so was Greninja. He turned and noticed that everyone was staring at him. He did what came naturally: improvised.

Nic slowly scanned everyone and did a full three-sixty survey and saw everybody. He then stopped and did one of those awkward silent moments. "Uh, hi?"

Everyone got over their initial shock and they all erupted in loud and joyful cheers. They all swarmed him and everyone gathered around him for details. They wanted to know how he did all of those sweet moves and did that big finish. Too many questions were being asked and so little room to answer. Some were just happy to see him alive and well. Some gave him pats on the back and hugs were exchanged. In general, the public was happy with Nic's safety.

"You made our hearts jump too many times." Macao told him.

"What can I say, I keep things interesting to say the least." Nic said.

Roughly after a good few moments of glory, everyone grew silent and made way for Master Makarov and Nic's pokémon. The old man looked up and smiled at him.

"Nic, you did well. Here I thought Jose and I were a match for one another, now I see that there is another who can show Jose the flaws he had accumulated. You and your friends have done well to protect all of Fairy Tail. Thanks to you, Phantom Lord is defeated." Makarov praised him.

Everyone cheered again from such a worthy praise. Nic didn't know what to say.

"Gee, I guess I can say is that I showed him what it means to be a saint. Not a Wizard Saint, but someone who protets and stands up for those who are in need of help." Nic said.

Makarov nodded. "I couldn't agree more."

His pokémon then began to approach him. Greninja, Arbok, and Kecleon all stood in front of Nic. With no words to describe how proud everyone was with one another, Nic brought them in for a meaningful group hug.

"You guys are the best." Nic said to all three.

"We're the brightest stars out there." Kecleon muttered.

"Nic-ssssama. There are no wordsss to dessscribe how proud I am to be part of sssuch a great family." Arbok said.

"Same." Nic said. They all backed away and Greninja and Nic both grinned at one another. Both were mighty proud of each other's valor in battle. Nic was especially satisfied with Greninja's efforts to re-learn Water Shuriken.

"I just realized something." Nic said, getting everyone's curiosity.

"What?" Greninja asked.

"…I haven't eaten all day. It's chow time." Nic said in a casual manner. Everyone just laughed with Nic as he created slight humor.

Then three people emerged from the crowd. Nic didn't know why, but he felt a strange vibe coming from Erza, Mira, and Cana as they were walking up to him with sweet smiles across their faces.

"Hi, Nic." Mira greeted in a sweet voice. "We were so glad that you turned out okay."

Cana nodded, still smiling all too sweet-like.

"You made us worry Nic. You had us on edge." Cana said.

"We were so worried that something drastic happened." Erza said. They all took just one step further, and that was when Nic sensed a killing intent, mainly directed at him. "Especially when we thought you were killed from that fall."

It was then that Nic began to feel his appetite go south as he saw the black aura of certain death surrounding the three young women. He looked at Greninja, of whom felt sorry to be in his shoes right now. Nic had enough pain today, and he most certainly didn't want to deal with any more of it, he needed a break.

"What do you think, just this once?" Nic leaned in and questioned his pal. The three beautiful angels of death were slowly approaching him. He might as well poke some fun since all that has happened was non-stop brawling.

"Fine, but next time you're on your own." Greninja quietly said to his best friend.

The three women began cracking their knuckles while still wearing those sweet smiles. They looked as though they wanted to put the hurt on someone, mainly a certain Multitype Mage who made them worry.

"YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!" Nic teased as Greninja applied cover for Nic with Smokescreen, obscuring everyone's vision for a brief few seconds. When the smoke cleared, Nic was very well almost out of sight.

"NIC!" The three girls screamed and chased after the hero. Everyone else just laughed at Nic's misfortune; that is, if he gets caught. Greninja and the other two smirked and chuckled at Nic's hilarious actions.

"He's on his own next time." Greninja amusingly grinned.

One week later…

The whole ordeal with Phantom had finally came to an end, and the guild was slowly progressing back to its old, loud, and rowdy self; well, as normal as it can get.

Within a span of a few days, a lot of stuff went down in regards to the incident. The Royal Army came to do a full investigation just after Phantom's defeat. Each of the members were thoroughly questioned and were given answers in regards to what went down. Master Makarov had to go to Era to speak with the Magic Council. Nic tagged along on behalf of Mira's request. She told him to go along just because it would be better to chaperone the Master, as well as keep a watchful eye on the Council.

At the meeting, Nic observed with mild distaste. He had animosity towards the Council and he prayed that this wouldn't take long, because he couldn't stand authority. He did find it amusing to see Master feeling the same as him, though Master slept in response rather than grit his teeth and frown the entire time like Nic did. He had to suppress every growl that came up his throat when he heard the Council talk about Fairy Tail and how destructive it always is. Nic made quick eye contact with Seigrain, the man who has a connection with Erza. Just what exactly is that connection? Nic had to restrain as much demonic glares as he could, he couldn't afford to get into trouble, not that he wasn't trying to. It's all pure instincts that's driving Nic mad at the sight of Seigrain being amused by Fairy Tail's antics.

However, Nic could tell that Seigrain felt uncomfortable around him, being annoyed and uneasy. Seigrain was trying to hide this from Nic, thought he was having as much trouble as Nic trying to suppress his demeanor.

Nic was so relieved that the meeting concluded. For some odd reason, Ultear kept gazing and leering at Nic, of whom felt very uncomfortable with her action.

Nic was just satisfied that the entire ordeal was over. Politics, rules, and authority was a big pain. In the end, the blame was put on Phantom Lord and no charges were put on Fairy Tail. Jose was even stripped of his title as a Wizard Saint and Phantom Lord was disbanded.

Throughout the last couple or so days, Nic had been taking it easy from the action. He definitely earned it. Mira was at the temporary bar, tending to stuff. Lucy was lounging about, rather bored from lack of work. The Guild Hal was getting repairs done, but expenses and materials were needed to be paid for. Everyone had been doubling the amount of jobs just to pay for those things. It wasn't as lively, but it was still Fairy Tail to say the least.

"Ugh. Job requests are so slow today. I can't seem to find a decent job." Lucy complained, resting her head on her hand.

A half-naked Gray looked over, though he didn't notice himself shirtless. "Just relax. Everyone isn't as picky when it comes to jobs, especially at those point. We need all of the money we can get if we're to fix this place. Nic even dipped into his savings and pulled out a chunk of his loot." Gray informed her, but that didn't make her feel any better.

"At least he has money. We didn't get squat from that stupid S-Class Galuna Island request." Lucy berated. Obviously, she wasn't in the best mood. She was running low on money and she needed to find a job that didn't involve Natsu obliterating something that sucked up their reward sum.

Nic was lying his head down on the far end of the bar, resting his head on his arms and just chilling after chowing down. After those events that transpired, he must have eaten as much as Natsu always does, if not more.

Speaking of which, Natsu was passing by, sitting a few stools away from Nic. He was sulking. Erza and Happy followed behind, where they both sat down. Happy sat on the counter in front of Natsu, who was right next to Lucy and Gray, and Erza sat right next to Nic, filling the gap between them.

Nic opened his eyes, still with his head lying on his arms, and looked at the sulking Natsu. "I take it that he got his goose cooked, yes?" Nic asked the red-head beauty that was right next to him.

"Aye, she destroyed him." Happy answered. Erza was helping with construction and Natsu kept asking for a challenge, of which Erza eventually accepted. They took that time for a quick battle, of which Erza won with ease. She requiped into her Heart Kreuz rather than her construction outfit and didn't have a single scratch.

"Next time, I'll get the win for sure." Natsu grumbled.

Erza had proceeded to ordering her usual strawberry cheesecake from Mira when she looked over at Nic, who looked rather appeased at this time.

Erza looked at him and saw how calm and serene Nic was when he closed his eyes once more. Compared to battle she saw, he was as tranquil as can be. She couldn't help but feel all calm herself. Nic gave off a calm vibe when he was like this, making others feel more comfortable around him. She then wondered what kind of vibe she would be feeling if she were to be battling him. She recalled seeing Nic having a variety of emotions with his battle with Jose. She saw those emotions range from strong confidence to a deranged monstrosity. She couldn't put her finger on as to what kind of fighter Nic was, it probably depended on the circumstances maybe.

Mira had arrived with her cake just as Erza was thinking about said conflictions. Mira gave Erza the cake, of which she thanked her.

Mira giggled, seeing how Nic was so calm and Erza was looking funny around him. She knew it all too well.

"Maybe I should call the people at Sorcerer's Weekly. They could use a male model that the girls would just love to get their hands on." Mira teased. At that instant, Nic's eyes shot open and both Erza and Nic's faces blushed a deep red.

Nic blushed because of the fact that Mira thinks he's hot. Erza was blushing because she couldn't help but picture Nic as a model, but then was consumed in the red of jealousy of the potential women that Nic might attract.

Mira giggled at the blushes on their faces, thinking how much they enjoyed that little comment, of which they really didn't.

Lucy then noticed that three people were walking up to them. It was Levy, Jet and Droy. Lucy immediately got up and ran up to Team Shadow Gear.

"Levy!" Lucy shouted. When they heard Lucy shouting Levy's name, everyone at the bar instantly arose from their seats and went to meet up with the now fully recovered trio.

"Hey Lucy!" Levy said, happy to see her friend okay as well. Jet and Droy were back up to one hundred percent thanks to that cranky healer of a Porlyusica. Lucy and Levy both exchange hugs of relief. Everyone was so glad that they were up and about, especially after such craziness. The three then approached Nic.

"Look who's up and abou-." He was interrupted with Levy hugged him as a thank you.

"Thank you so much, Nic." Levy said as she began to pull away.

Jet and Droy both stepped forward. "Yeah, if it weren't for you, Levy would've been in the same state we were in." Jet thanked Nic.

"You really helped us out back there. We owe ya big time. Name it." Droy said.

Nic smiled. "It's fine guys, really. I would never turn my back on someone who needs help." Nic having to save them from Gajeel that time was rewarding enough to him. It felt good that he did good, which was really good since he's good. It's a bunch of goodness.

All of the good then died when the sound of a snobbish blonde S-Class was heard. Laxus just had to go and ruin the mood. "Man! This guild has lost its edge. This guild has nothing but babies and frightened little dogs scurrying about."

Laxus was sitting at a table all by himself with an arrogant grin on his no-good face. He then looked back at Team Shadow Gear. "Especially you sorry morons. I'm glad I never learned your names. You guys are a big disgrace to this guild!"

Team Shadow Gear then looked down in pity, being berated by such an arrogant punk. It couldn't be helped, this was Laxus after all. Still, taking such a harsh reprimanding from him was something that no one could stand for.

He then turned and directed his insults at Lucy. "And that leaves you, the little Miss wannabe Wizard. No know, none of this would've happened if you would have just kept your feet engraved into your mansion." Laxus's insult was even more harsh than with Team Shadow Gear's insult.

Mira glared harshly at him. "Laxus! Shut it. The Master told that no one was to be held responsible for Phantom's assault. The matter is settled, so there's nothing to talk about now that's all behind us."

Laxus got up and smirked ever so arrogantly. "All behind? Hah! The Guild Hall is a pile of rubble now thanks to you sorry slouches!"

Erza and Natsu had just about enough of Laxus's smart mouth comments.

"You-!" Erza was just about to draw her sword when Natsu got ahead of her and encased his fist in fire.

"We've had enough of you!" Natsu shouted, lunging at Laxus, of whom wasn't even batting an eyelash.

The man kept his smirk on his face as the Fire Dragon Slayer. Laxus disappeared in a bolt of lightning at the last second, leaving Natsu to fall forward.

"Too slow you walking ember." Laxus said, reappearing behind him.

Natsu turned back in frustration, demanding that Laxus should fight like a man, something that Elfman would say.

"Come on Laxus, fight me for real!" Shouted an annoyed Dragon Slayer. Laxus chuckled at how Natsu wants to fight against a guy like him.

"You can't even touch me idiot!" Laxus berated.

He was about to make another comment about Fairy Tail and its sorry state, but was stopped cold when he felt something like energy touching his neck. Everyone gasped as Nic stood behind Laxus in his Meadow Plate Form with a Leaf Blade to his jugular.

"You're not the only one who acts in an instant." Nic said in a cold voice. "I would keep my mouth shut if I were you. Keep being a snob and you'll get no mercy from me." Nic was more ticked than Erza and Natsu put together. Everyone had sensed the vibe change emanating from Nic. It wasn't calm anymore, more like a threatening beast ready to unleash his fury if anyone were to get hurt by Laxus.

Laxus smirked. Once again, he vanished in a bolt of lightning and quickly reappeared behind Nic and put him in a one armed choke hold.

Erza and the others nearly flipped when they saw Nic getting choked by Laxus. Erza was just about ready to requip into a different set of armor the moment Laxus starts to tighten his hold.

"Heh! Just because you took down that geezer Jose doesn't mean that you're on par with me." Laxus said. Nic glowed and then disappeared almost instantly from Laxus's hold. Laxus tensed when he felt something with a sharp and dark energy-like tip touch the back of his neck. He was wide eyed in deep shock that Nic swiftly transformed into the Dread Plate and did a Feint Attack to disappear and had Laxus from behind.

Nic stood behind a frozen Laxus, with Night Slash positioned to strike. "Like I said, you're not the only one who acts in an instant." He said in a somewhat less menacing tone than from before.

If the guild members weren't shocked before, they were now. They all had the same thought. 'So fast!'

There was a super intense silence that followed. Every single person in the guild could feel the air getting thick with anxiety. It was so thick that you could slice it with a knife. Just the slightest provocation from either person could lead to a full-on brawl to the death between the two. Laxus was beginning to spark all over as to where Nic had sharpened his Night Slash. If a fight were to break out, here and now, they might destroy the entire town of Magnolia, as well as themselves.

Everyone knew just how powerful Laxus was. He wasn't S-Class for any other reason. He could easily take on every single person in the entire guild and not even break a sweat. Nic, however, was an absolute mystery to them all. He had just defeated Jose, who was one of the Ten Wizard Saints, meaning he was one of the ten most powerful people in all of Fiore. Up to this point, Nic hasn't lost to anyone yet. The Mage with sunglasses always came out on top, whether it would be Lullaby, Natsu, The Nightmare, Gajeel, the Element Four, or Jose. No one knew what Nic was capable of.

The point being was that it wouldn't be pretty to see the two duking it out.

"That would be enough from both of you!" Makarov ordered, walking up to the scene. It was easy to tell by the look on his face that he wasn't too thrilled with the animosity stirring up with the two.

Nic reluctantly backed away and reverted back into himself. Laxus slowly stood up straight and tried to suppress his anger for the time being. He stopped with the sparks and looked at the upset Master, of whom was his grandfather. Laxus gave a distasteful grunt and began to walk away.

"This guild is going to be mine one day, don't you forget that. Whether you like it or not, your days are numbered Fairy Tail weaklings! I'll shape this guild into the most powerful guild in existence."

He then stooped and turned back to have a glare down with Nic. "As for you, this isn't over you amateur punk. Next time we cross paths, gramps won't be there to save your ass. You better watch your back."

"Same goes for you." Nic wasn't afraid of Laxus one bit. People were afraid of Laxus because of his power, but if anything, Nic's fury and unknown strength trumps the arrogant being's power.

Everyone was still silent as Nic stood there as Laxus departed in a lightning bolt. He looked on and snarled once more before settling down, glad that Laxus had left. He then went off somewhere to chillax.

"Where's Nic going?" Lucy wondered. Mira leaned over and watched Nic take off and towards another direction.

"He might be going off to ease himself. Can't blame him though. He's been through so much ever since he's joined Fairy Tail." Mira explained. "Coming from another world must be life changing."

Two hours later…

Nic was lying back against a wall that was being assembled. Charizard was helping out in construction for two reasons: one, he wanted to get some exercise; and two, because he can. He was working regularly, but he decided to chill for a little bit before getting back to work.

Charizard looked down at Nic. Nic was looking pretty calm with earbuds in his ears, listening to his music. Charizard tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention.

"Yeah?" Nic put his earbuds away and looked up at his flaming buddy.

"Nic, tell me, what is it that's been bothering you?" Charizard asked. He knew something was troubling Nic. He groaned slid back, now looking up at the sky.

"I don't know. There's so many people that are taking the wrong path. Gajeel, Phantom Lord, and now that Laxus guy. I'm not liking this atmosphere that's floating about." Nic admitted. This was fairly accurate though. A lot more hysteria has happened ever since they came to Earthland. Regardless, they had a mission to save the universe, and is they failed, every living thing would be screwed.

Charizard looked up and watched the clouds go by as well. "Same. More violent and crazy, I'll give it that."

Nic then turned his head towards his buddy. "Tell me, what do you think Arceus is doing right now?"

Charizard had to picture from what he saw through his poke ball. Arceus was fairly ill and was barely able to stand. Considering that was awhile ago, he might be in a more fatal condition.

Charizard paused before answering. "I don't know." Nic then turned his head back up and sighed.

"Hey Nic." The sound of Erza's voice made him sit back up. He instantly drew his attention up towards the red-head that was looking down at him. "You okay?"

To be fair, Nic is stressed with everything that has been going on. Various conflicts, the recent war, Natsu and Gray fighting, people getting hurt. It's all making Nic's head spin.

He took a deep breath and looked away towards the ground between him and Charizard. "Meh. Stressed."

Erza stepped by his side and sat down by him. She looked at him, seeing that he certainly hasn't been feeling himself. She tried thinking of something to cheer him up, but little options came to mind.

"We've officially made a team made up of me, Happy, Natsu, Gray, and Lucy." Erza said. "Our next job is heading off to Lupinus. Care to join, there's room for one more."

As much as Nic would love to spend more time with the guys, especially Erza, he couldn't help but feel tired. He just needed to sleep.

Nic looked at her and frowned. "I'll pass. Thanks though. Maybe next time."

Erza could see that Nic wasn't going to do much, this fighting was stressing him out. He needed more rest than any other member. She looked down at her lap and stared into space, thinking of another way to cheer him up.

An idea then came to her. She wasn't exactly certain as to whether or not it would benefit them both, but it was better than seeing him sulk from stress. She got up and looked down at him.

"Nic, how about we battle?" Erza suggested. Nic raised a brow, thinking how could she think of such a thing. The time was decent, and the place was big enough, but of all the people to fight, it just had to be Nic. Nic looked up at her in some sort of surprise.

"Eh, say you say what now?" Nic asked. Charizard got up from looking at the sky and looked over at the two, thinking this could get interesting.

Erza put on a smile. "I don't see why not. It'll get you out of that mood I see. Plus the fact that I've been meaning to see what strength you possess." She was looking pretty serious. It was true. She has been meaning to test Nic and his strength. If he could defeat a Wizard Saint, then he should have no trouble being on par with Erza; of course, you should also take into account that it was mostly a two on one brawl. She wondered how Nic would do on his own.

Nic was having trouble deciding what to do. Too many things were rushing into his brain at the moment, like how could he hurt the most beautiful woman he's ever seen, and how can he fight her if he had just defeated Jose not even a week ago. Then again, Erza did bring up a fair point. Testing his strength against her's would be a great way to get his mind off of the stress that's been piling up on his shoulders.

After a brief pause, he smiled and got up. "I guess you're right. It might as well knock me out of my stress. I can also see if I can beat an S-Class goddess with the same amount of effort I put in with Jose." Nic then picked up on something he said, mainly the word 'goddess'. Upon realizing he called her a goddess, he covered his mouth and silently cursed at himself. Charizard chuckled at Nic's behavior, but saw that Erza was turning away and went red to the face. She tried to hide her blush from Nic, which Charizard also found slightly amusing, but he realized that the two were about to quarrel and had to get them both to realize that as well.

"Okay, enough making a scene you two," Charizrd said. "You guys are going to battle, meaning that you better be treating each other like opponents." He had a point. Upon realizing that this was indeed true, Nic and Erza both shook off the embarrassment of their actions and looked at each other in the eyes, but these were gazes of serious competitors.

Feeling or no feelings, this was a battle. Nic had to disregard his feelings for her and consider her as an opponent. Same went for Erza.

The news spread faster than Jet's High Speed. Within minutes, all of the guild members surrounded the two as they were going to clash. They were doing it near the construction site, but it was on the leveled ground. If any damage were to happen, they could just rebuild.

"Well, now we'll see who's better, Nic or Erza." Gray said, finally having some clothes on this time. Natsu was looking, seeing who would come out on top. He wish he was fighting her again, but was somewhat curious as to what Nic could do as well.

"Man, that should be me up there." Natsu mumbled. Happy flew right next to him.

"You were destroyed last time, don't you think that you should take it easy?" Happy complained. Try explaining the phrase "taking it easy" to Natsu, it's not possible. No matter what, this was Nic's fight now.

Charizard proceeded between the two, getting ready to referee. "I expect a clean fight. The battle between Nic and Erza will now begin. This will be a one on one match, and the battle will be over when one side is unable to continue.

Nic and Erza both were ready to begin. Now the two were about ready.

"Don't expect me to show any mercy." Nic warned, thinking this might actually be fun. At least he wasn't stressing.

Erza requiped into her Black Wing Armor and held up her jagged sword. "I know not the meaning of mercy." She said with a grin. Nic responded by changing into his Dread Plate Form.

"This is a tough call. I don't know who to root for." Lucy said.

"Nic's got this. He hasn't failed me yet." Cana said with a grin before chugging down a barrel of booze, her eight one today.

"Let the battle begin!" Charizard shouted, now bringing his arm down and quickly getting out of the way. Almost instantly, Nic and Erza went right into each other. Erza was about to slash at him when Nic disappeared. She then turned around and anticipated his strike, seeing how he used Feint Attack to get out of Laxus's choke hold. She then brought her sword around and then Nic reappeared and had struck the back of the blade. The two attacks collided, both sides then backed away, now on opposite sides from when they started.

"Night Slash!" Nic then encased his arm in a darkaura with red outlining and he and Erza clashed once more. Since both were using forms that had high Attack power, it was hard to tell who was going to win; that is, until Nic played a trick in the form of Foul Play. He brushed away the sword by its edge, grabbed Erza, turned her around, and threw her. She skid as she tumbled before getting back to her feet in the process.

"Not bad." Erza admitted. "Now let's see how you fair against this!" She then flew in at high speed at Nic and started to slash. She was slashing in very swift motions as Nic was trying to dodge every strike. He couldn't keep up for long as Erza was becoming too fast for him. She was probably just as fast as Jose at her top speed, so Nic could read her movements fairly well with the experience in regards to speed movements. When he had found the right opportunity, he dodged right and used Knock Off, covering his arm in black sparks and swatting at Erza as she brought her sword to swing yet again, but was cut off when the sword flew out of her hand.

She watched as the sword flew out of her hand and clanged onto the ground. She flapped her wings and went back several feet to cover distance. Everyone was amazed. Nobody was quick enough to swat Erza's sword out of her hands.

"Nic's fast!" Mira exclaimed.

"Yeah. I haven't seen such speed since that quarrel with Jose." Gray said, now shirtless.

"Gray, clothes." Cana said. Gray then panicked and quickly tried to find his clothes as the battle progressed.

"Erza then grabbed her sword from the ground and pointed it at Nic. "I'm impressed. You're speed is remarkable. You were able to anticipate me faster than I could've imagined." Erza complimented. She specifically remembered Nic's speed and how fast he was during the battle with Jose. He was probably faster than her, if not equal.

"Moon Flash!" She then rushed at Nic, who was ready to attack. She then slashed at Nic in a cross pattern.

"Night Daze!" Nic shouted. He emanated a crimson aura and raised his arms above his head. He brought them down, creating a pink and crimson force field that expanded outwards that tied with Moon Flash. The two attacks then cancelled out the other, creating strong winds that made everyone cover up.

"WAAAHH!" Happy was clinging onto Lucy's shoulder as the wind was blowing him away.

"Man, they're cranking up the juice for this fight!" Natsu shouted as the wind ceased.

Erza then paused, as did Nic. Both sides have received no damage from the two attacks. Both sides then grinned at each other, very impressed with each other's skill set.

"Not bad. Requip!" Erza then glowed, revealing that she had transformed into a different armor. It had the resemblance of a cheetah. The breastplate had a cheetah pattern with some armor above it that had fur lining along the edges. The armor had revealing black shorts with a belt holding a cloth on Erza's left thigh. The arms had dark armbands reaching below her shoulders, with her left arm being protected by cheetah-patterned armor with a single pauldron and wide arm guard. Her legs had similar stockings that reached up to her thighs, with armor high-heeled boots, with the left being more armored and reaching up to the knee, which is protected by her cheetah-patterned knee guard; and so, that left the right boot reaching up to her calf. She had a collar and a tail hanging from the back of her shorts, and cheetah ears that were all plushy fur.

Nic then began repositioning himself for a more offensive approach.

"This is my Flight Armor. It increases my speed." She explained. Nic then awaited to use Night Slash, but was cut off guard when Erza was in front of him the next second.

'Holy crap, she wasn't kidding!' He didn't have any more room to think or mentally shout as she slashed at him with two swords, knocking him down and landing with a big thud on his back.

Everyone looked on in shock as Nic was being beaten in terms of speed, not to mention that the battle was escalating rather quickly.

"Oh wow! She was like a blur with spots!" Lucy exclaimed.

"That certain armor enhances her speed, making it a lot tougher for Nic." Mira explained.

"For a friendly battle to relieve Nic's stress, this is kind of getting out of hand." Levy said with a sweat drop.

Nic sat up and watched as Erza was awaiting for Nic to get up so that she could slash at him once again. He got to his feet and saw Erza positioning herself to strike.

"Time to change dynamics." Nic muttered. He jumped into the air and started to glow. He then shifted into his Sky Plate Form and took off into air. Erza began chasing after him and leaped after him. She was at the same elevation as he was and she tried slashing away. Nic, however, had the advantage in the air and used Gust to blow her away, also making her fall to the ground. She landed and skid along the field, regaining her balance and then saw Nic readying his assault.

"Air Cutter!" Nic then unleashed a barrage of wind-slicing energy waves at Erza. She swiftly shifted left and right, jumping about as she avoided the onslaught of Air Cutter attacks. She then leaped upwards and made a cross from her swords. Nic countered with himself using Wing Attack to intercept. Both attacks cancelled out as both backed away, with Erza landing safely and Nic descending to a lower altitude.

Nic was indeed having fun. For some reason, he found this more comforting because no one's life was at risk. It was relaxing, yet still painful, but it's not like he cared or anything. This also counted as a way with interacting with Erza. He got to know her as a very capable fighter. Her perception was impeccable and her sword strikes were powerful, not to mention her speed was way up thanks to that armor. He had to catch up to her speed, and he knew just how to do so.

"Tailwind!" Suddenly, Nic was enveloped in strong wind that was almost pushing him forward. He flapped continuously as the wind picked up, making him gain speed. "Let's go!"

Erza then dashed, and Nic flew close to the ground at the same speed, if not faster. Everyone had a hard time keeping track of them as they were dashing like crazy. Erza went at Nic with a multitude of slashes, as to where Nic evasively got of the way and countered with Aerial Ace, colliding often, as well as Acrobatics. For Acrobatics, it actually got the best of Erza as moved ever so nimbly that her swords didn't keep up and Nic had send her soaring and crashing after a good backhand of an Acrobatics.

Now everyone was stunned to see Nic keeping up with Erza's speed and actually winning. Erza was indeed S-Class, and Nic was keeping up with someone who had more combat experience than he did, yet he's been in battles before, as a Trainer that is, so he knew all of the angles when it came to battling.

"Drill Peck!" A glowing spear-like energy encased Nic's mouth and he rotated at high speed towards her. Erza wasted no time in countering with a sword strike. Sparks literally flew as Nic drilled into the sword. The two people, of whom were somewhat smitten with the other, kept their ground affirm as Nic tried overpowering, instead the sword began to crack and Erza jumped back as Nic followed through with the attack, hitting her on the side. She kept her position in a more defensive manner, as to where Nic soared passed her and swatted her with a Wing Attack from behind. She jumped and evaded the assault, but that left her open in mid-air for Nic to strike with Aerial Ace. Erza saw as Nic zoomed in and past her, hitting her in less than two seconds. She straightened out and landed on the ground and was on one knee, panting. Nic descended to the ground and was beginning to puff out some air as well. His Tailwind had just worn off as well. He was being put through his paces as well.

Some people were just unable to find the words.

"Titania is being beaten by Luminous." "Those two are equal." "I can't believe that those two are at an even match with one another."

Erza then got up on both her feet and grinned. "I'm very impressed Nic. Your skill in battle is clearly advance and should not be underestimated." She complimented. She was having fun as well. You could tell because she was still grinning while huffing and puffing. Nic was the same. Both then did one last change.

Nic glowed and transformed into his Meadow Plate Form. Erza requiped into her Heaven's Wheel Armor. This was where things were going to heat up to an intense level.

"Oh man, now I really wish that were me out there!" Natsu whined.

"Your fight didn't even last two minutes." Happy pointed out.

Erza then took flight, with two swords in hand and a whole wheel of them circling around her. Erza made a battle cry as she and Nic went at one another again. Nic dashed forward with Leaf Blade at the ready. It was time to pit blade against blade.

Erza then slashed in an arc that Nic ducked from. He sprung upwards and attempted an upward Leaf Blade with his right arm. Erza intercepted by angling her other sword and making it collide with Leaf Blade. Nic then took a few steps back and lunged forward with his right arm back and swiped across, and Erza did a double-sword cross and blocked the assault. Nic took a baby step back and leaped into air and came down with the Leaf Blade in the form of a chop this time. He brought his right arm down and Erza intercepted with her two swords in the form of a cross to defend. She had yet to see Nic use his left armed Leaf Blade as he twisted his body and went in a crouch position upon landing for a swift half second before bringing his left armed Leaf Blade in an upward chop, knocking Erza's two swords out of her hands.

Every guild member's jaw dropped as Erza's swordsmanship was on par with Nic's usage of the Plates. For battling by himself, Nic was doing just fine.

Nic backed away and Erza flew upwards and summoned two more swords in place of the ones that were knocked out of her hands. She then grinned at Nic.

"I am very pleased as to how you can manipulate sword moves as well." Erza said.

Nic shrugged and smiled. "There's a lot of sword-like moves, but this one in particular is one of my favorites because it can do critical hits much more easily."

Erza then had the swords around her beginning to dance. They all made a tower around her that was rotating blades clockwise, counterclockwise, and clockwise on the upper part. It somewhat obscure Nic's vision of her, with her armor matching the color of the swords and all.

Nic had to take a risk. He ran ahead a readied another Leaf Blade. He then slashed in a sideways angle, another sideways angle, and a double chop Leaf Blade to finally break through the tower of swords. The swords scattered about in the air as Nic passed through, and Erza was out of sight. Nic was wide eyed as Erza wasn't anywhere. Everyone almost stepped back in surprise, but realized that they're not the ones fighting her.

Nic then turned his head to see that the blades from the tower slowly went upwards and they all shifted their pointed edged and each and every one of them was aimed at Nic. Nic didn't even have time to fully turn around when they all rained down on him. Nic yelped as swords past him and damaged him to a critical degree. They all then angle above and arced upwards and came to a full circle around Erza, of whom was descending from the height she soared to make that attack work.

"Do you concede?" Erza asked him as she softly landed, but she knew his answer all too well. Nic got up fom the ground with a grunt and positioned himself to attack once more. Erza then flew in at Nic as he jumped and used Razor Leaf. Erza had no trouble slicing through Erza leaf and closing in on Nic. Nic almost swallowed when Erza held up her swords in a delta formation.

'Oh crud! I need to cut her off from using that attack!' Nic thought. He then glowed white and puffs of cotton appeared and then disappeared, making Nic's body glow blue for a good moment just before Erza slashed her delta formation at him.

"Trinity Sword!" She then slashed at Nic and had him plummet to the ground in a dust cloud. The cloud quickly vanished as it revealed that Nic was still able to stand. He got up and cracked his back. Erza looked on in surprise as Nic was recovering from her attack. Erza descended and pointed her swords at him once more.

"You seem to have increased your stamina. No one has survived my Trinity Sword attack." Erza noted.

"You can thank Cotton Guard for that." Nic said. He then lunged at her with Needle Arm acting like a mace when Erza went in and slashed past him. Both sides had received some sort of damage in the blink of an eye and no one noticed. They were then stopped by the scene of Erza's swords following through with her attack, via Blumenblatt. Nic yelped as the swords went past him and he fell to the ground, feeling drained. He couldn't even stand on his own two feet.

Erza turned back and saw Nic barely able to stand. She frowned as she considered herself overdoing it, but then again, when doesn't she? She turned ad began to walk away, but stopped and went wide eyed as she saw Nic getting back up."

"I'm not…gonna give up…not ever."Nic struggled to say. Everyone was in awe as Nic began to stand back up. They've seen the great Titania fight before, but not a single person could last this lng against her. It was too amazing. "I WON'T QUIT!" Nic proclaimed.

Erza was almost taken by Nic's will to keep going. He certainly was impressive to her. Taking two major attacks and still being able to stand was no easy picnic, but she knew Nic wasn't going to fall unless she pull out more tricks from her sleeves, or in this case, swords.

She turned to look at Nic and grinned. "I see you've got Natsu's stubborn side. That gives you an incredible amount of stamina. You are the only one to stand after those attacks. Now, let's keep going!"

Erza then flew forward at Nic and stopped when she was twenty feet away. Nic readied a Leaf Blade and watched in a defensive manner as Erza had summoned forth roughly forty or so more swords. She then made the blades dance sort of speak. She made them make a large circle around Nic. Now swords were circling about him in high speed. Fortunately, thanks to his Meadow Plate Form, his senses were enhanced, making him react faster than usual. He then saw a shadow of Erza in a particular direction, and from that direction came a blast of swords. Nic pivoted and slashed at the oncoming swords. He managed to deflect and intercept every one of them. He then saw the shadow in another direction outside the circle and unleashed more swords at Nic, of whom could sense it. He slashed away and managed to knock them all away again.

"Whoa! Nic is awesome!" Lucy exclaimed.

"Yeah, no kidding. Using that form is pretty amazing if you ask me." Gray noted.

Nic kept seeing the shadow appear and reappear in another direction and kept dodging swords and slashed at a few that were coming rather close. He didn't have any room to make a counterattack as the swords didn't dial down.

Nic then remembered a similar situation like this and had the memory flood back into his brain.

He had finally reached Coumarine City and had just gotten off of the train that had the city split into a northern and southern end. Once he had set foot into the Pokémon Center, he immediately went to heal his pokémon and lie down. Sure he was in great shape from the traveling he's been doing, but that doesn't mean he isn't allowed to be tired.

The next day, he went to check out the gym. The gym itself was embedded into a super large tree, the largest tree in all of Coumarine City to be more precise. The sides had lead up to a battlefield at the top. What was also strange was that there was also a small lace there as well.

Nic saw a small old man with his eyes shut, he had on a green hat and had super large scissors. He had a red scarf around his neck and had green shoes, which was topped with black overalls. There was a belt that held his giant scissors. He had a green shirt with black buttons on as well.

Nic walked up to the man and saw him having tea in a chair at a table in the small place. The old man looked content with his tea. Nic didn't want to disturb him, but had to know if he was the gym leader.

"Hey, sorry to disturb you." Nic said. The man had just finished sipping his tea and looked at Nic. "Do you happen to know if this is the Coumarine Gym?"

The old man turned at Nic and smiled. He was rather happy with Nic's manners. He got up slowly and began taking steps forward. "Why indeed. This is in fact the Coumarine Gym. A pleasure. I am Ramos." He explained. Nic nodded and both walked up to the other. Nis was now in front of Ramos and looking down at him.

Ramos looked up at him. "So, I do believe that you have come to challenge me, yes?"

Nic nodded; however, he didn't think it would do any good to do a battle with him in the middle of having some special tea. He didn't want to be a bother and thought that it would be best to come back later since he was just checking out the place.

"To be honest, I had no idea that you were having tea. Sorry to disturb you. I came to check the place out so I know what I would be dealing with. I'll take my leave if you wish." Nic didn't have anything against others or their desires or needs, unless of course they were really messed up, then he would step in.

Ramos shook his head, still having an innocent smile. "Now, now. Don't trouble yourself. Sit down and have some tea, it's pretty healthy and gives you energy to last for a few days."

Nic shrugged and decided why not. He then joined Ramos in having some tea, sipping the liquid slowly. It was pretty delicious, though Nic despised tea, though he did it out of courtesy. It didn't hurt to drink it, but just this once was pleasant enough

Nic had a sense of patience, so he didn't rush anything. He did drink all of his tea pretty fast though. Ramos chuckled at his actions.

"You like it?" He asked

Nic made a thinking face as he did consider it quite pleasant. He nodded. "It was delicious, thank you."

Ramos chuckled. "Now that that's out of the way, would you mind helping me with something?" Upon hearing that he needed help, Nic had no desire to turn away from those in need.

"Sure." Nic said. Ramos then explained that he needed assistance in tending to his plants that were growing on the side of the gym. Nic helped out, though he had it rough. He's never gardened before, so he was just cutting weeds here and there.

Ramos saw this action and went over to him after he had cut an unwanted vine from a grape plant. "Easy whippersnapper. I take it that you're new to this, yes?"

Nic looked up and took his trimmers away from the weeds. "Uh, yeah." Ramos then went over and revealed to Nic a tiny plant that was sprouting around weeds. Ramos uncovered it and showed it to Nic. If Nic hadn't been so observant, he could've cut the plant as well.

"It's okay. It's not easy, especially if it's your first time. It's the little details that you should pay attention to. If you only focus on what's in front of you, you lose sight of what is really you're prime objective.

In Ramos's case, it would be making the plant have room to grow. For Nic, that was a moral lesson that he had applied only a few times.

It was time to apply that quote again. Nic had to be aware that his target was Erza, not the swords. The swords were obscuring his vision of her, and he had to focus on just her.

'I can do this.' Nic inhaled and then exhaled. He relied only on his senses to detect Erza. He closed his eyes and listened, heard, and tried to locate Erza from where he was inside the sword barrier.

Everyone there was confused.

Gray was a bit angry. "What the heck is he doing? Is he giving up?"

Natsu was with him on this one. "Come on Nic, don't burn out yet!" They were both to clueless to realize what he was doing. Mira and Lucy could easily see that Nic was relaxing and focusing.

Nic was brushed left and right with swords coming his way. Though Leaf Blade was still active, he took it while relaxing and zeroing in on Erza. He stepped as he took each blow, which was a count of three. Going to his right, then left. Then right again. Of course he felt pain, but it's not like he paid attention to it.

After ten extra seconds, he shot his eyes wide open. He found her. He then lunged forward and saw more swords flying at him. With precision and speed, he slashed and intercepted each sword. He did a battle cry as he went in for his attack. He didn't slow down as he knocked every sword out of his way without getting hit once. He then darted his way into the barrier of swords, much to the entire guild's shock.

"Is he trying to cut himself?!" Gray shouted.

"Nic!" Lucy shouted.

Inside, Nic crossed his arms and made his Leaf Blade in the shape of an X. He then slashed with full speed and strength and completely destroyed the sword barrier, knocking every sword out of his way. Everyone there, including Erza, was beyond surprised to see Nic able to get to Erza like that. Everyone was even more surprised when Nic leaped into the air and saw now directly under the sun's rays as it caught Erza off guard with her barrier shot down like that.

Nic did a battle cry as he slashed with his left and then right. Nobody saw it as Nic posed behind Erza. After a couple seconds, Erza screamed as she then felt the pain and dust flew about. Parts of her armor shattered, mainly one of the feather lobes on her head band, part of her wings, and a tiny bit of her skirt was torn. Erza stepped back as the dust cleared, she felt that one for sure as she grunted.

"I don't believe it!" Lucy shouted.

"Aye, Nic is actually beating Erza!" Happy shouted. Erza then turned back and then flew in to Nic. Nic looked back and jumped to avoid her as she charged straight through and failed to slash at him. She stopped and turned to see Nic unleashing an Energy Ball at her from above. She pivoted and slashed at it with her sword, cutting the attack in two and making it explode behind her. She then summoned forth her swords that were used to make the barrier. Nic landed and watched as she made them spin.

"Dance, my blades!" She then flew up and all of her swords started rotating around her like a wheel. They were then pointed at Nic. "Circle Sword!" She then forced all of those blades at Nic. Nic didn't pay any attention as he was trying to keep his focus on Erza only. He then sharpened his gaze and then lunged forward as the blades came rushing at him.

"Power Whip!" He then charged straight for her right through the blades. He made his arm turn purple and extend. He then lashed sideways and at consecutive angles as he charge all the way. Power Whip wasn't called that for nothing, as the force behind each and every lash made a large bashing sound.

Nic then got in close and Erza lunged with two swords at the ready. Both were coming in fast at one another. Everyone was about to fall over on the tips of their toes from the anticipation.

"Trinity Sword!" Erza then requiped to a single sharp sword that was ready to strike. S Nic came ever so closer, he ceased his Power Whip and went back to Leaf Blade. He sharpened his eye site even more now, now making his strikes more precise. He then added a twist to things. In conjunction with his Leaf Blade, he had Needle Arm in his left arm, while Leaf Blade was his right.

Erza's Trinity Sword and Nic's Needle Arm collided. Nic kept up his endurance as the Trinity Sword was trying to overpower him, but his Needle Arm was not backing down. With everything he had, he had his forearm facing the delta formation, which also had a straight row of sharp needles, and slashed downwards, cutting the formation into two that went past Nic, much like his Energy Ball when Erza had cut it.

Everyone's heart skipped a beat when Nic then lunged at her and used Leaf Blade in a downward angle, then an upward angle, and then a quick swipe downwards. The blows caused Erza to scream as she almost collapsed. She was hit pretty hard, but she didn't have the defenses or reaction when Nic did a point blank Energy Ball, causing a very large green explosion. The ground shook a little and everyone yelped from the sudden blow.

"Whoa! What power!" Lucy exclaimed. When the dust cleared, Nic was breathing ever so heavily, having exhausted a huge amount of his power and was almost ready to collapse. Erza was lying on the ground, with large parts of her wings shattered, her head band was destroyed, bits of her breastplate chipped off, her entire skirt was torn up, and her sword that she used for the Trinity Sword attack was broken. She grunted as she couldn't even stand.

That was that. Charizard then raised his claw for Nic's side. "Erza is unable to continue, the winner of this battle is Nic!" He called. Everyone was in deep shock now. They were just lost. The great and mighty Titania, defeated by Luminous. As soon as a few people got over their initial shocks, they clapped in congrats of Nic's victory.

"Way to go!" Gray said, clapping for him.

"Yeah, that battle was awesome!" Lucy said with a proud smile and clapping the same as Gray. Natsu still had his jaw dropped, stunned to see that Nic had defeated Erza on his first try.

"What a showoff!" Complained the hotheaded Dragon Slayer. "Now I've gotta keep up with him now! You and me pal, right now!" Natsu stepped forward with a fist ready to fight. As he was approaching, Nic tumbled down onto the ground, wheezing and face turning pale from too much exhaustion.

"I don't think he'll be up for a while now." Lucy said with a sweat drop. Natsu grumbled and just walked back to where he was, disappointed. Nic had been in the guild for only a short while, but he's already made some great promise within people.

Erza requiped back into her usual armor, now conscious once again. She got to her feet and wasn't at all upset about her loss. Yes, it was a deep shock, but it proved how much promise that Nic had in the future.

Speaking of which, she looked and saw Nic panting while on one knee. He looked like he could keel over at any second. Erza looked down and knelt to him so that they were at eye level. The guild was in awe that Erza was taking this loss quite well. Normally, she would be asking for punishment and failure, but she wasn't at all like this.

"Nic, you did great. You're amazing." Erza said with a smile. She was banged up as well, but not as severe as was Nic. Nic still won, but he was in pain. Still in his Meadow Plate Form, he used Synthesis and his body was glowing with sparkles. The guild saw Nic's wounds slowly healing, and he looked much more alive than he was several seconds ago.

After a full twenty seconds of recharging, he changed back into himself and smiled back at Erza. "Thanks. You were amazing yourself." Though Synthesis didn't fully heal him, he was in good enough condition to be going about and talking. It sure was one heck of a battle. Erza was right about him being les stressed, he most certainly did look better now that his mind wasn't fixated on dilemmas. The two gazed at each other in amazement for a few moments before they each started to get a light blush in. When they both saw each other reacting as they were, they both looked away and the guild gathered around the two for compliments.

"Oh man, that was crazy!" Macao said. "Those blade attacks from Nic were insane."

"To think he could beat Erza. He's a real man for that." Elfman said.

Cana went over and patted Nic on the back. "Not too shabby there. You might make S-Class sooner than you think champ!" She blurted out.

Charizard then went over and he and Nic fist bumped.

"You got some sick skills there buddy." Charizard said.

"Tell me something I don't know." Nic responded with a smirk.

"Erza liiiikes you." Happy butted in with a roll of the tongue, answering Nic's question.

Erza then glared at Happy like she was about to skin him alive. "What did you say?"

Happy then tried flying away, but Erza caught him way too easily. She then proceeded elsewhere to give the cat a lesson as to why he had to keep comments like that to himself.

Everyone else just paid attention and gathered around a now healed Nic. They all kept on praising him for his strength and how he managed to take on an S-Class Mage on his own, though he took a toll and was drained afterwards. Everyone then just celebrated for Nic's growth and the pride and joy he was in Fairy Tail.

In the shadows…

Unknown to everyone in Fairy Tail, a figure was hiding among the shadows a safe distance away and out of site from them all. He witnessed everything with mild interest, though gritting his teeth seeing how brutal Nic has gotten since that incident in Freesia. His demon superiors from Tartaros has tasked him to keep a watchful eye out on Fairy Tail, since that was the guild that had caught their attention.

After the incident in Freesia not too long ago, he was to ensure that mistakes like those didn't repeat in the future. They had big plans after all, and they wanted no one interfering with their proceedings, especially a certain individual that could cause them to suffer again in the future.

"Nic Pularis." The man quietly said. He grinned ever so devilishly. "What do you have in store for us? I wonder."