
Trainer's Escape | Pokémon FanFic

In the year of 2042 where gaming has gone through it's own little evolution. A no named small developer released a full dive immersive Pokémon VRMMO. Allowing players to truly live out their lives in the world of Pokémon where not only the AI trainers were given advanced AI but also the Pokémon. To accurately simulate an alive and bustling world of Pokémon. Follow your three protagonists as they escape their boring real world lives and unwind in a new and more relaxing world.

Blue_J_Writes · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 6: Yuki/Yuta

I leave my room and head towards the kitchen. Shaking my hand through my hair as I walk over there.

I peel back the plastic foil that covers the pork hamburgers mom made. Placing two of them on a separate plate.

"It's missing rice." I say to myself as I place my plate on the table.

As I start to prep some rice to put into the rice cooker. I hear Harumi step down from her room and join me in the kitchen. I glance over my shoulder to check on her and see her rubbing her eye while yawning.

"Catch anything yet?" I ask, setting up the rice cooker and pressing start.

"No. Nothing cute enough." She says through her yawn. "This for me?" She asks pointing at the food on the table.

"Yeah. If you want some more it's right here and I've got some rice cooking too."


Looks like I'm sticking to eating just rice again. Which is fine, I'll just buy something on the way to campus tomorrow.

Once we had finished eating and Harumi had done the dishes it was back to the game for us. Where we have to attempt to find a Pokémon that fits her unnecessary standard of cuteness. So we can both move on with our nights.

Once loaded in we made our way into Lostlorn Forest.


"Every time." I groan to myself.

"Hey where are you?" Takashi asks over the Xtransceiver.

"Oh, hi Takashi. So you really are playing as a girl." Harumi says waving.

"Is that Harumi?" He asks.

"Yeah it is. I'm trying to help her catch a Pokémon here in Lostlorn Forest."

"I'll be right over." Takashi said before hanging up.

"Is he always like that?" She asks with an uninterested look on her face.

"Yeah, now lets find you a Mon here and get out of here before he gets here." I say nudging her deeper into the forest.

We spend some time looking around and training her Froakie but she has ignored every Pokémon we have seen. Venipede? No. Pansage, Pansear, Panpour? No. Petilil? Surprisingly no. I have literally never seen her be more picky than in this moment.

Though another rustling patch of grass catches our attention. When a Whimsicott walks out in front.

"That! That's the one I want." She says already wrapping her fingers around her Poké Ball.

"Then you know what to do." I say leaning back against a tree.

Harumi sends out Froakie which draws Whimsicott's attention over to them.

"Froakie, go for Water Pulse."

Froakie brings his hands to his side and a ball of pressurized water forms. Once fully formed pushes it forward at the Whimsicott making a direct hit. Though judging from how unfazed it looks it probably didn't do much.

"Yu, what level is that Whimsicott at?" I ask worried about the fight.

"Level 22. Putting Froakie 8 levels under." She responds the same worry in her tone. "Though I wouldn't recommend getting involved here."

The Whimsicott jumps up and sets up a tailwind for itself. Which can only spell trouble for her if she isn't careful.

"Froakie hide in the tall grass and keep firing Water Pulse." Harumi commanded.

Froakie quickly darted into the grass and you could see a barrage of Water Pulses fly up at the Whimsicott. Most missing but one other hits before Whimsicott curls up and uses Cotton Guard to block the third.

"She sure knows how to not fight fair." I say to myself with a smile.

Once Whimsicott pulled back the Cotton Guard Harumi threw a Poke Ball and hit her target.

"Froakie I want you to use Quick Attack every time it escapes the ball." Harumi called out predicting Whimsicott's escape.

Quick Attack lands right before Whimsicott could reorient itself. Then gets hit by another Poke Ball, which this time last for two shakes before ultimately escaping.

This cycle of Quick Attack and Poke Ball lasts two more turns before it's finally caught by her.

"She had it under control the whole time." Yu says happy about the outcome.

"I kind of hate the fact that you had more faith in her than me." I said as I walked over to Harumi.

"Yuki look!" She says holding up the Poke Ball to my face. "I did it! I caught it!"

"You did." I say patting her head. "Now let's get out of here before Takashi gets here."

"Meanie!" Shouts a feminine voice from behind us.

"I can't believe you were just going to run away from me." He says doing his Idol persona that he copied to perfection.

"It's gross just how convincing you are." I say.

"Really gross." Harumi jumps in.

"I can't believe you're going to be that rude to the only friend you have. Come on Yuta, I'll give you a chance to apologize." He says putting his hands on his hip.

"Yuta?" Harumi asks looking up at me.

"It's a thing to not use a players real name in game." I explain, remembering that she doesn't really play online games.

"But you just call him Takashi."

"That's because I refuse to say his in-game name."

"For good reason." Yu says jumping into the conversation.

"Ugh! Forget about! Harumi, what's your player name?" He asks pointing at her.


"Ashe, I challenge you to a battle!" He shouts as if he's some anime character.

"Don't. He's horrendously over leveled compared to you." I advise.

"Oh? Are you going to hide behind your brother?" He provokes.

Well now he's only just gone and provoked her past the point of no return. I can feel the anger radiating off of her at this point.

Gahhhh, I don't want to be in the middle of this.

"Oh bring it on you pervert." She says rolling up her imaginary sleeves.

"Now we're talking." Takashi says with a grin.

"I'm just gonna go watch from the sidelines." I say to practically no one because they aren't listening. As I retreat towards the tree I stood by earlier.