

"The son of prophecy will bring doom to us, so, kill him, Elder. Do not hesitate!" ** I was sent to her. An answer to her prayer. I dared the heavens for her sake And i was hunted, Like a demon from the bottomless I was chained, Like Lucifer. Forbidden like the devils with him. The heavens took her breath to punish me. But i am resilient. My love for her is greater than the heavens itself. And i will Make the heavens burn I will trail the recesses of darkness, Till i get stronger. Strong enough to bring her back. Strong enough to destroy the heavens I will take revenge and i will spare No ONE I am SUNDAY and MY WORD IS FINAL! ________________ Other Books by Author: Ascenders: Rising From Zero (Fantasy: An interrelated novel with this happening in parallel space) Poisedon's Kiss (Contemporary Romance) Fight or Flight: Monster Society- Bk 1(SciFi; Urban) ________________ Cover Image is Google Sourced. Please Rate, Share and Vote. Encourages me much. _______________

sir_impeccable · Fantasy
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218 Chs

The Two Strange Figures 2

Sunday felt elated. 

The sound of his fist crunching into the faces of the Imps was amazing to him. It was on a whole different level, compared to the last time when he had to dace imps without the backing of his Sage Form one. 

Now, it felt all too easy. the swing of his arm and the crush of a demon imp's face. His reaction time was superb too. he was able to sense the tails of the demons swing in before they actually happened. A sort of future sensory ability that allowed him to effortlessly stay out of the range of their attacks. 

Now that he did this, a thought flashed in his mind, reminding him of the time when he was still back in Orun. Now, he was a completely different person. Someone who did not fear the imps. 

In fact, he dared to say that the imps were all too easy for him. Too easy compared to then. Now, he was almost on the level of what he call an expert.