

"The son of prophecy will bring doom to us, so, kill him, Elder. Do not hesitate!" ** I was sent to her. An answer to her prayer. I dared the heavens for her sake And i was hunted, Like a demon from the bottomless I was chained, Like Lucifer. Forbidden like the devils with him. The heavens took her breath to punish me. But i am resilient. My love for her is greater than the heavens itself. And i will Make the heavens burn I will trail the recesses of darkness, Till i get stronger. Strong enough to bring her back. Strong enough to destroy the heavens I will take revenge and i will spare No ONE I am SUNDAY and MY WORD IS FINAL! ________________ Other Books by Author: Ascenders: Rising From Zero (Fantasy: An interrelated novel with this happening in parallel space) Poisedon's Kiss (Contemporary Romance) Fight or Flight: Monster Society- Bk 1(SciFi; Urban) ________________ Cover Image is Google Sourced. Please Rate, Share and Vote. Encourages me much. _______________

sir_impeccable · Fantasy
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218 Chs

The Prime's Office II

  Malinton gulped as he looked upon the face of the First prime who was in charge of the governance of the Ilu Ifa, the Prime Overlord as she was called, Orunmile Shope. 

Seeing her seating in the chair sent a shiver of cold all through his spine. If he thought that the Alpha Silas was worse and dreadful, then he had obviously forgotten about how much worse the riem was. 

He made a mental note to himself not to do anything that  would offset the two of them, noting that the other Alpha who had a bit of a calm head, Ajibade was in absentia. If Ajibade was to be around, then he could afford to act laissez faire but that Alpah was not in the meeting room now, it was best that he behaved himself as best as he cou;ld.