
Trail of Crime

A rare mystical event that affects only a select few people, the Immersion, forever changed Marcus’ life. It awakens an enigmatic system that promises not just a longer, more prosperous life but also the power to reshape his existence through the underworld of crime. Motivated by his desire to improve his family’s situation, Marcus embraces the sinister path set by the system. The further he immerses himself in this unfamiliar realm, he handpicks his victims, choosing to mete out punishment to those he sees as deserving of his distorted sense of justice. This rationalization aids him in justifying his actions as he constructs his criminal empire, leaving an unmistakable path wherever he travels. However, each choice carries its own grave consequences, and Marcus soon realizes that the path to power is fraught with danger and moral ambiguity. **Warning: “Trail of Crime” contains extreme violence and sensitive subjects that may not be suitable for all audiences. You are advised.**

Novaro · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Chapter 11: I Need Money!

Later, Marcus returned to Gray Village after completing one and a half hours of training at the shooting club. He had learned enough to practice independently and possibly fulfill his mission the next day.

He failed to complete his mission with just an hour and a half of training, showing he would need to return to the shooting club tomorrow for another try.

On his way back to the neighborhood, Marcus analyzed with keen interest what Dylan had mentioned about police training.

He certainly didn't think becoming a police officer was a viable option. He imagined the experience of being a criminal cop, which should ensure thrilling missions within the system. However, the typical thug in his neighborhood would kill upon discovering a resident was a police officer.

The dangers were just too great. He was only interested in the knowledge and techniques taught during police training prior to officers being commissioned. Cold Reading, in particular, seemed an invaluable skill to possess.

Having such skills would make dealing with his coworkers significantly easier!

Driven by his eagerness to learn, he explored several paid online courses and opportunities for practical lessons with instructors.

However, he didn't have the money to cover the cost of these courses.

As he headed to his meeting with Jam, Jake, and the others, Marcus couldn't stop thinking about ways to accumulate money.

'Bandits earn badly. Earning 50 dollars a day, I'll only have 1,500 a month. If I want more, I'll have to either move up in the Night Veil Network, or commit a few robberies.' He concluded what was necessary to achieve his goal.

Thinking about this as he walked through the alleys of the slum, greeting the girls on his way, smiling as if this was just another ordinary day, he imagined he would need a partner.

Low-level criminals like him could only make big money by stealing. There was the option of breaking into and robbing houses, stealing vehicles and stealing smaller items, usually backpacks and bags.

In order to burglarize a house, extensive knowledge about the target is crucial, along with observing their daily routine for several days. Additionally, forming a small group of at least two individuals is necessary to execute the task proficiently.

Car theft was easier, but it also required collaborating with more than one person. Nevertheless, the dangers were higher both during and after the vehicle was taken. 

Stealing smaller artifacts was less risky and could be done individually, but the returns were also lower.

Anything other than that would demand much more from a novice like Marcus or involve substantial risks, with a high chance of death or imprisonment.

'I'll have a word with Jake. If he's even a little bit trustworthy, I might team up with him for some robberies. He's gotta know things I don't.'

He arrived in Night Veil Network territory, climbing the stairs to the hill where he would meet Jake and the others.

As soon as he arrived at the small house belonging to the faction's group of electricians, Jam gave him a look that was striking enough for Marcus not to ignore it.

'How the hell is that guy still here?' Jam's heart was racing, his nerves on edge, as he desperately tried to hide his anxiety from the others.

He knew about the shooting inside his group's territory last night. But the rumor he had heard was that one of the guard boys had had a problem with his semi-automatic weapon.

As for Ohan and Marcus, he was still in the dark about the events involving the two of them!

'Shit! There was no malfunctioning gun! That bastard and someone else dealt with fucking Ohan!' Jam was smart enough to realize the obvious.

While Marcus was greeting the group, Jam stood next to Jake with a casual smile. But he couldn't resist plotting his next move.

'Tsk! I may not know who assisted you or the method you use, but this is not the end! Marcus, let's find out if you can handle the pressure from an entire group.'

Besides Jake and Jam in the house this morning, Aldo and Leo were also there, sitting around the table in the staff break room while eating some greasy snacks.

Upon greeting his superiors, Marcus positioned himself quietly beside Jake and Jam, observing as the older members of the group ate in a gluttonous manner.

While speaking, Leo's saliva was visibly spraying out of his mouth, and Aldo's face was smeared with mustard and mayonnaise.


Although the situation lacked refinement and the food didn't smell as appetizing as one would hope, Marcus couldn't help but feel his stomach growl and his mouth water.

In the eyes of a poverty-stricken boy who barely had enough to eat, anything appeared appetizing!

"Hey, you guys, shut up. There's something big I need to discuss with you." Aldo said, his voice muffled as he wiped his face with a crumpled paper napkin, remnants of ketchup clinging to his fingers. "Just so you know, the cops are doing a special operation in our neighborhood in three days. They're chasing stolen cars, so no need to stress. Just chill at home and don't go anywhere. Everything will be good by night."

"Did someone mess up, boss?" Jam stepped forward, his face contorting with concern as Jake mirrored his worry.

"Apparently, one of our buddies got busted for stealing in Crestwood Park. The guy got caught by the cops," Aldo said, seriously.

Gray Village was known for its crime problems. The police would only go there in rare instances, during special operations to save hostages or many vehicles. Apart from that, the police did not curb groups like the Night Veil Network, who openly stationed their armed members in the neighborhood.

Nonetheless, this does not show that bandits and the police got along peacefully. For years, a war has been raging between gangsters and the police in Silverpine City.

Contrary to common belief, these wars were not fought to eradicate drug dealers or bandits. The reason was more profound: to regain or gain territories.

The bandits were trying to take their domains further from their headquarters, while the police were trying to suppress the criminal advance and reclaim areas of their city.

Once criminal groups like the Night Veil Network realized how much more money they could make by exploiting all the services of a piece of a neighborhood like Gray Village, gangs stopped simply hiding in poor neighborhoods to take over territories and exploit the population itself.

By prohibiting legal commerce from taking place in the neighborhood, the bandits of the three factions in Gray Village made a lot of money from the fees they charged all the merchants in the area!

Every bottle of water, gas cylinder or even fruit sold in the neighborhood had part of its value going to one of the three factions in it!

This income source was so lucrative that it rivaled drug trafficking!

Despite the ongoing conflict between the police and bandits, territorial disputes motivated not all police operations in Gray Village. The police took action in certain operations to retrieve stolen items, including motorcycles and cars.

"Is that dangerous?" Marcus asked the group.

"Nah, not really. We'll let the cops take a few cars while we lie low. They won't put up a fight. This is just a regular asset recovery job." Looking at the young electrician, Aldo commented.

"You guys will keep doing your tasks today and tomorrow. The third day will be off, with bonuses in your paychecks tomorrow." Leo stood up, leaving a fixture with Jam about the sites they were to look after today and tomorrow.

The three stayed behind after Aldo and Leo left, satisfied that they could get a bonus, even though they had a book day on the way.


Later that day, Jam paid Marcus and Jake, then said goodbye to both of them, having worked without asking suspicious questions and focused on the jobs their trio had for today.

He headed towards his current objective, where he had just arrived on the north side of the neighborhood.

"Hey, Ezra, it's me, Jam." He mumbled as he entered an ordinary bar in Void Sons territory.

There he could smell booze and dirty men, while half a dozen men on the outskirts played dominoes and consumed their low-cost drinks.

The place was unrefined, comprising an area of 35 square meters, a small counter with an old cash register, a shelf with drinks behind the counter, and four plastic tables in front of the entrance.

In one corner of the bar there was a unisex bathroom, where only the desperate would use it, and another door on the other side, connected to the counter area, with access to the house at the back of the property.

From that door came a man who must have been in his thirties, with thinning black hair, tanned skin, sweating while holding a tea towel over his right shoulder.

"Jam? What's wrong?" Ezra asked as he poured his old friend a drink.

"Have you heard from Ohan?" Jam got straight to the point.

Ohan was like a brother to Ezra, whom this guy, the owner of this bar, saw practically every day.

"No. Speaking of him, I haven't seen him since yesterday. That's never happened before." The expression on Ezra's face became more serious. He easily thought of the reason for Jam's presence there.

"Bro, don't say I told you, but I think some new guy down south took care of Ohan." Jam said, whispering.

"From the south?" Ezra frowned. "Night Veil Network? Why are you telling me this?"

"You know what I think. The group doesn't need to be blamed for the actions of one idiot... Look for someone called Marcus, a 19-year-old resident of the neutral side of the community. He'll lead you to what happened to Ohan." 

Jam downed his drink in an instant, leaving Ezra worried but also interested. "Will that be a problem for us?"

"No. No one supports him. He's an idiot. Just pressure him, and he'll spill the beans."

As he placed his payment on the counter, Jam saw Ezra return his money. "That was on me today. On behalf of Ohan."

"On behalf of that son of a bitch." Jam smiled as he said goodbye, leaving while Ezra went back to the back of his bar, where his residence was.

He picked up a radio, reporting Ohan's possible disappearance and the involvement of the young man Jam had pointed out.


After speaking with Ezra, Jam went back to his house feeling nervous about what would happen because of his actions today.

'I don't know how you escaped from Ohan, but it's impossible for you to survive Ezra. You got involved with someone you shouldn't have, kid.' Jam's eyes flashed in the night's dark, his mind racing as he could see the future.

Marcus killed by Ezra, or the henchmen of this respected criminal from the north of Gray Village. Unlike Ohan, Ezra was cautious, the type who only acted after planning everything he had to do.


Meanwhile, Marcus sneezed on the other side of the Gray Village while Jake looked at him strangely, using a ketchup refill on the snack he had just bought.

"What's up? What do you need from me?" Jake asked as he looked at the pastry in his hands, salivating before he tasted this delicacy that only cost a dollar.

As he watched Jake eat the large 15-centimeter-long pastry, Marcus ignored the various people sitting on the plastic chairs next to the stall where his companion had bought the pastry.

"Jake, I don't know you well, but I need your help."

"Help? If you want my help, I have to earn something. I don't do favors in anticipation of future favors." Jake was sincere, eating his pastry while also sipping his fizzy drink.

"Yes, I expect nothing different. I need money because of some problems. Do you know anything I can do to raise some money quickly?" Marcus asked bluntly, staring into Jake's eyes as he repeatedly tapped one of his feet on the floor.

"Oh?" Jake formed a smile on his face, seeing where this was going.

"That depends." He commented in the middle of his chewing. "There's a quick, slightly dangerous and bad option, and a quick, dangerous and good option. I see you're in a hurry, so the other options don't matter. Which will you prefer?" The young man asked, interested to see how far Marcus' ambition went.

"Let's go with the quick, dangerous and good option." Marcus decided on what he thought would give him the best return.