
Tragic Trilemma: PoemBook

Poetry from some of the characters of the upcoming Novella, Tragic Trilemma. Poems from the heart mind and soul. Novella still in progress.

Donnel69Mandalay · Book&Literature
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On your

beloved Island

I crash land

Despite the harsh weather

Whose winds of fear

Parades into my nostrils

As an atmosphere of swords

Befalls heavily upon me

As I march on

through the flying bullets

Along a street of skeletons

And corpses swimming in blood

which also touches my feet

And leaves tales written in my footprints

If not me, hallucinating

To the words deciphered in

those thorns of fleshless bodies

,whose hollow eyes look down on me,

Whilst my mind cannot unsee/erase

Their dark, deep hollow memories

Of trials, failures and tribulations

Of a lifetime of searching

For secrets of her heart's treasure chest

Yet their souls still lurk in the breeze

Whispering words of life,

Yet telling me to read

The encryption written in the bones

And pick up where they left off

And succeed when the long failed

Hence I come

As your Bae in golden sunfall

To melt the frozen and cracked

edges of your Island,

Find your treasure chest

before healing it

And carrying it on my Ship

So when you follow your heart

You may find it on my...

On our ship

As it floats away from our I-lands

Floating above our sea

Formed by our bleeding souls

For on some Ice lands we don't belong

We both need love to survive

Unless I'm wrong

(Dumisanii > Aneni-Anesu)