
Tragic Immortal

After Losing his family and being cursed with eternal life, he must live on with pain and sorrow. His only hope is to find peace in a life so miserable...

TheM337 · Fantasy
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39 Chs


Days turned into weeks, and Alexander's visits to the village library became a ritual. He spent hours poring over ancient texts, deciphering cryptic passages that promised insights into the nature of curses and immortality. His search was fueled by a relentless determination, a flicker of hope that maybe, just maybe, he could find a way to undo the curse that had bound him to an eternal existence of loneliness.

One crisp afternoon, as the sun painted the library windows with shades of gold, Alexander stumbled upon a weathered leather-bound book that seemed to whisper to him. Its pages bore the traces of countless hands that had turned them over the ages. He carefully opened the book, and as he began to read, the words on the pages wove a tale that resonated deep within him.

The story recounted the legend of the "Sorrowful Sylph," a mythical being said to possess the power to undo the most potent curses. The Sylph was rumored to reside in the heart of the Whispering Woods, a place shrouded in mystery and peril. The woods were said to be a realm where time and reality blurred, a realm where the boundary between the living and the ethereal was thin.

With newfound determination, Alexander closed the book and gazed out the library window, his mind ablaze with the possibilities. The Whispering Woods could hold the key to his salvation, a chance to break free from the chains of his cursed existence. But the path ahead was treacherous, and he knew that the journey into the heart of the woods would be fraught with challenges beyond imagination.

That evening, as the village settled into a tranquil slumber, Alexander packed a satchel with provisions and supplies. He left behind a note for the librarian, expressing his gratitude for the knowledge he had gained within those walls. With a heavy heart, he stepped out into the cool night, the moonlight casting long shadows on his path.

In two uneventful months he arrived...