
Twilight 6

Giant waves crashed against the shoreline of La Push beach as Skylar looked out. Her long hair flew around her body as her eyes watched the view. She quite enjoyed the sound of the waves crashing, it brought calmness.

"Are you getting in the water Skye?" Eric asked.

She looked up at the boy like he was out of his mind, "Of course not it's too cold,"

Bella suddenly snapped her head up to 3 boys walking towards them. Once they got close she saw their long hair and tanned skin, they must be from the Rez.

"What are you stalking me now?" Bella hugged the boy who was shorter than the rest.

"You're on my turf now," he smirked.

Bella ignored his comment and turned to the group, "Um, this is my friend, Jacob Black,"

The boy turned and waved to the group particularly eyeing Skylar, "This is Quil and Embry,"

"You boys should keep Bella company," Skylar glared at the boys, something felt off about them too.

"Yeah, cause her date bailed," Jessica laughed.

"What date?" Eric's head immediately looked up, his neck could've broken it was that quick.

"She invited Edward Cullen," Angela replied before Jessica could.

Skylar rolled her eyes at the girls, "At least she was being nice,"

"The Cullens don't come here," Quil said with a rather dark tone. This made Skylar wonder if they knew about the Cullens. The boys gave her a strange look and in return, she glared at them before walking off.

Skylar walked down to the beach, she admired how grey it was. She walked round to a little over that was isolated from the main beach. No one would know she was here unless they came looking. Skylar concentrated and used the waves as a static sound. Her thoughts drifted to Carlisle, he was so kind, she still felt bad for attacking him.

One thing she noticed while she spent her time in this small cove was that the waves were a lot bigger. She closed her eyes and let her senses take over. The waves created a huge tumbling feeling inside her. Suddenly, she sensed something big coming towards her, to which she responded quick.

Her eyes were still closed but she reached out her hand. Skylar opened her eyes and saw a giant wave that was now just a wall of water in front of her. She had stopped the wave from going over her.

Skylar sighed and released the wave, sending it back to the sea. The Cullen's wanted to help her and as much as she wanted it she knew she would end up hurting them one way or another. Skylar moved from the cove back to friends, she didn't really want to stick around so she said her goodbye's and left them.


"So can all of you read minds?" Skylar sat in the living room of the Cullen's house. Edward, Alice and Carlisle sat on the couch opposite her. Alice wanted her to come over so she could learn more about the family.

"No, only me, but we all have our own gifts," Edward stated, "for example, Alice has visions of the future. Jasper can control emotions. Rosalie is extremely beautiful and Emmett is really stronger than all of us here,"

Then Alice began talking, "Esme doesn't really have power but she's extremely loving. And Carlisle has really good self-control, that's why he's works so well in the hospital,"

Skylar nodded as she took in the information, "So only you, Edward and Jasper have the really cool powers. I mean Carlisle's is really helpful but enhanced beauty, really?"

"Don't let Rose hear you say that," Edward chuckled.

Alice and Carlisle leaned forward a bit more, Edward sensed her question. "What's your problem with Bella?"

Edward sighed and looked over to Carlisle who gave him a nod, "Vampires have mates, it's like a soulmate but for vampires, it's more real and intense. It's very hard to stay away from them,"

"You seem to be doing the opposite, you're avoiding her," Skylar was confused. Why would Edward want to avoid his mate?

"He doesn't want to hurt her," Carlisle said looking up at her, "a lot of vampires push their mates away if their human,"

Carlisle admired Skylar, he wondered if it was a good time to tell her. He didn't want to push her knowing that it could potentially hurt her and him. Skylar looked up and meet his gold eyes, she could look at them forever. Finally, she turned away as small shades of red crept up her face.

Alice smiled at the two of them before nudging Carlisle. He knew that she wanted him to tell her. Carlisle ignored Alice's nudges and decided to switch the conversation, "We want to test your abilities, to see how powerful you are,"

Skylar furrowed her eyebrows, "What do you want to see?"

"How about the remote viewing?" he replied.

Skylar nodded and sat forward in the chair, "Do you have a blindfold or something that I can cover my eyes with?" Alice nodded to the girl's request, she returned with a black piece of fabric.

"Okay, Alice can you turn that T.V to make it static? And Edward, you go hide somewhere in the house when I put the blindfold on," Skylar explained.

Edward nodded as Alice moved over to the T.V to make it the static noise. "What are you going to do?" Carlisle asked.

"I'm going to go into The Void and search for Edward, then I'll tell you where he's hiding," Skylar looked at Edward and put the blindfold on. Edward then disappeared, leaving Carlisle and Alice alone with Skylar.

Skylar took a breath in and focused on the static noise as well as Edward. Her mind quickly shifted into The Void. She opened her eyes and looked at the black void, it was quiet and eerie as it always was. Skylar walked around for a bit before spotting Edward, she at the boy and smiled. He seemed to notice her presence even though he couldn't see her.

She smiled before taking off the blindfold, "He's in the 3rd bathroom on the 3rd floor. He was standing in the bath,"

Edward came down the stairs with a surprised look on his face. Skylar only gave him a smile before moving on, "That was remote viewing through ESP. Now I'll show you Psychometry, give me an item, it can be a piece of clothing, picture or just an object,"

Alice got up and smiled, she sped upstairs and came down in at least 1 second holding a dress of some sort. She handed it to Skylar who held the dress close to her. Skylar watched as flashes of Alice's life went by. Finally, the images stopped and Skylar gave Alice a sympathetic look. "You were put in an Asylum because of your visions, they did ECT on you because it was the new way to treat patients at the time. You were slowly forgetting who you were, then you became a vampire. This is the dress you woke up in, your hospital gown,"

Alice gave the girl a sad smile, it was immaculate that Skylar could sense all this. Carlisle snapped the vampire out of her thoughts when he stood up, "How about we go outside and you can show us omnikensis?"

Skylar nodded and walked out with the vampires. She distanced herself from the vampires, "Stand back,"

The vampires took her advice and stood back. Skylar focused on the tree in front of her, she outstretched her hand letting her powers move to the tree. The three vampires watched as a hole burnt through the tree. Then the hole was no longer there, she had fixed it.

Skylar decided to increase her power and she lifted a log. It was a very heavy log, not one that a human could simply lift. The log dropped in front of Skylar and she pushed it through the ground after she made the hole that was their cave in covering the log. She then looked at a small puddle that was soaking the forest floor. She concentrated on building up the water before lifting it up turning it into fire than air.

Carlisle watched her in amazement as she moved her figures to make a golden orange energy ball in her hands. Alice noticed her eyes were now the same colour. Skylar shot it at the tree making pieces of wood fly everywhere but none of them hit the vampires.

Finally, she looked down to the ground as she watched the grass wither and die below her. This was her least favourite thing to do. She had used this ability to hurt people by putting them in pain before slowly draining them of all life.

Skylar stopped and locked eyes with Carlisle. There was something between them that Skylar had never felt before. The previous conversation about mates and she wondered if there was a possibility that she was Carlisle's mate. Then she remembered what Natalia had said about their connection with him. Pieces of the puzzle starting to come together, but Skylar could jump to conclusions just yet.

"I'm finished,"