
Eclipse 1

It was May 2006, that seemed to creep up on Skylar. The weeks after the return of the Cullens went by very quickly. It was if Skylar couldn't get a hold of time. In a months time she would be graduating then after that she only had three months left to live.

It had been two months since she learned that the Volturi were planning to take her. It had been 8 months since she found out about the tumour in her brain. Every day it got a little worse, she had more seizures, horrible headaches and Natalia noticed her personality change. But that wasn't even the worst of it. She still hasn't told Carlisle either, she just didn't want to hurt him.

"Hey!" Angela's voice suddenly snapped Skylar out of her thoughts. She smiled softly when she saw Edward and Bella, "you're just in time! Come sit,"

Edward and Bella sat down next to Skye who only smiled. Angela then turned to the three, "Mike wanted to write Jessica's speech for her. He's about to read it."

Skylar smirked and looked over to the boy, "Alright Mike show us what you got,"

Mike cleared his throat, "My fellow students,"

"Cool," Eric commented, while Angela and Skylar made a face. Jessica was definitely not going to read this in front of everyone.

"Right? We are the future. Anything is possible, if you believe....blah, blah, blah, you've got yourself a speech,"

Jessica scoffed and rolled her eyes, "This'll be my speech when I want everyone to throw diplomas at my head. So thank you,"

"You have to embrace the cliches Jess," Mike explained reaching his arm over her shoulder, "they're the bread and butter of all valedictorians,"

"Mike just shut up, this is why you're not valedictorian," Skylar rolled her eyes and turned to Jessica, "you don't need cliches, you're speech is going to be epic,"

"Epic?" Angela smiled, "it's going to change lives,"

Skylar felt someone slide in next to her and looked over to see Alice and Jasper, "I've decided to throw a party!"

"After all, how many times are we going to graduate high school?" Jasper spoke up. Bella, Edward and Skylar all shared the same look. She had seen the graduation caps at the Cullens house. She wondered why they continued to go to school if they were immortal. Carlisle only laughed at her when she asked him.

"A party? At your house? I've never seen your house before," Jessica said suspiciously and Skylar gave her a look.

"No one's ever seen their house," Eric replied.

"Another party Alice?" Bella questioned with an unapproving look.

"It'll be fun," she said.

"That's what you said about the last one," Skylar mumbled, reminiscing about what happened at Bella's birthday party.

"Hey Angela," Bella suddenly said. Skylar shot her head up then looked at Alice. She realized the vampire was having a vision and she entered her head.

Skylar looked into Alice's golden eyes as she looked into the girls head. She could see the redhead, Victoria racing around in Alice's mind. She seemed to be chasing something or someone. The vision ended and Skylar looked at Edward.


Skylar missed her wolf friends down at La Push. She hadn't seen them since Carlisle came back and they had been begging her to visit. So, since she had nothing else to do she decided to got to the reservation.

None of the boys were there, but she figured that Emily would be so she left herself in. Skylar walked into the kitchen to find Emily holding a mixing bowl. She knocked on the door and Emily spun around.

A smile appeared on Emily's face. She put the bowl onto the counter and walked over to embrace Skylar, "How have you been Skye?"

"Eh," Skye was honest, "I've been better, I'm happy to be here though. What about you? How have things been around here?"

"Crazy, but that's nothing new," she laughed, "we have two new pack members. Harry Clearwaters kids, Seth and Leah. They shifted just after his death,"

Skylar felt bad for the two kids. She could never imagine losing a loved one then having to deal with shifting into a wolf after that.

"Hold on," she realized, "didn't you say Sam dated a girl named Leah before you?"

"Yeah, Leah's my cousin. She and Sam were engaged when he imprinted on me. He hates himself for hurting Leah. It creates a lot of tension around here," Emily sighed.

"What's imprinting?"

"Oh, it's basically a soulmate. Like mates for vampires but for it doesn't really have to be romantic. It's whatever you need, a lover, a friend or a protector. It's like gravity is being replaced by this person, they've imprinted on. That's what Sam said anyway," she explained.

Skylar smiled, she felt that way with Carlisle, "That sound nice. Do you know when the boys will be here?"

Emily opened her mouth just when the front door opened. Skylar heard the boys come bustling and grinned.

Embry was the first to see her, "Skylar?"

Paul then pushed pasted him when he heard her name followed by Quil and Jared, "Skye!"

The girl laughed as the wolf pack pulled her into a hug. Then they pulled back with scrunched up faces, "You stink,"

"Thanks, Paul, I really appreciate it. Anyway where's Jake?" she looked around before her eyes landed on Quil, "when did you turn?"

"With Seth," Embry said with an apple in his hand, "he should be here soon and then you can meet the new wolves.

She noticed Sam wasn't there either. It was probably because Leah was coming over to the house and he didn't want to create any tension.

Skylar took a seat at the table and grabbed an apple as well. As she took a bite she heard the door open. Jacob walked into the room with a boy following close behind.

He didn't look very old maybe 14 or 15. His hair was cut like the rest of the pack and he had the same tattoo. Skylar knew she was going to like this boys just by his beaming smile.

Jacob's faced turned into on of surprise when he saw Skye and he brought her into a hug, "I missed you Skye,"

"I missed you too Jake. Care to introduce me to your new wolf,"

She looked over to the shorter boy standing next to Jacob, he blushed and smiled, "This is Seth Clearwater, Harry's son. This is Skylar Callaway, Carlisle's mate,"

"Nice to meet you," Seth replied.

"Where's Bella?" Jacob said looking around the room. The mood in the room suddenly changed, Skylar could feel that Jacob was the main instegator for the dampening mood.

"No idea," she shrugged, "probably with Edward,"

"Wait your vampire let's you come over here?" Paul chuckled but was generally curious.

"Carlisle doesn't mind. He let's me go because he knows he has no control over me," She explained, "so there's no reason why he shouldn't,"

The wolf only nodded. Skylar didn't stay much longer after that, she claimed she had some homework to do. She was glad she spent some time with the wolves.
