
Marshalling Field Part 3

"You-! I don't need your help!" The blonde Galaxy-Eyes duelist snapped, glaring to the teen standing beside him, a scowl on his face as he shouted so.

"But Kaito, if that attack went-"

"I don't need your help!" Whatever argument the dark haired teen wished to say was swept away by Kaito's own shout. Anger and frustration clearly shown on his face. "I don't need, anyone's help! I can finish this on my own!"

"You seem to be quite brave, Yuto." V's deep voice brought back their attention to him, as he stood and watched the two bicker. "For you to ally with Kaito, he had beaten your friend Shun did he not? He had already turned his back on you and your compatriots once. The son of Dr. Faker, and most importantly he is a ruthless Numbers Hunter!"

The young man's ocean blue eyes narrowed as they met Yuto's own metal grey. "As long as you associate with him, you and the lives of those around you will all be thrown to chaos!" He shouted, delivering what was more or less an ultimatum.

For Kaito was a Numbers Hunter, in the span of a mere month, he had done many things that duelists would say atrocious to those that he had defeated to acquire their Numbers Monsters.

Though Yuto knew not completely what that would mean, nor the implications that it entails, what he had heard from Shun of Kaito's change was already drastic. The words of the girl with the red hat and the tidbits that he could see from this duel and this duel alone told him many things.

Kaito's far more aggressive style of play. His blatant disregard of Life Points where he would play a card that would shave half of it away. And the way that he had interacted with him during the duel clearly shows him that Kaito has changed.

He was walking on a dark path. And V was correct that if he or anyone tries to follow him, that their lives too, will be thrown to chaos.

"I know." Yet his answer was resolute and unwavering, how steel grey eyes matching the conviction that V's own ocean pair held. "I've dueled him before. And though I haven't dueled him since… since whatever happened, I know him!"

He closed his eyes as he continued. "I… don't know what happened to him. I don't know what made him so… so angry like this. I know that it's somehow connected to this whole mess… so, so I will do my best to help!" He shouted.

The dark haired teen balled his hand into a fist and brought it near his chest as he glanced towards Kaito. "And I know that no matter what happens, he'll always be my friend!" He shouted. "He'll always be my rival!"

"..." The blonde haired teen in question stayed quiet throughout the entire exchange. Not meeting neither V nor Yuto's gaze as it all unfolded.

"My how passionate. Spoken like a true knight in shining armor." The red hat wearing girl cackled from their perch. "Though I do wonder how that other friend of yours would feel if he heard that you claim Kaito as a rival and not him…"

"Ack! Well that's-! You can always have more than one rival! Shun would definitely understand!" Yuto choked as he turned and shouted back to the red clad girl, who giggled at his reaction.

"I didn't say who~" She hummed in a tune, making the dark haired teen wince as he realised he blurted out his friend's name himself.

"Ugh…" He groaned at her, yet that only made her enjoy seeing his torment even more.

"Friends… Rivals… so those are the things that you treasure." V spoke the words softly, gently, kindly letting them out of his mouth. "Those sentiments are desecrated by Dr. Faker! His father! And he himself too! And yet you wish to forgive him like that!"

"Huh? Dr. Faker? Kaito's… father?" The dark haired teen spoke, as he looked between the brothers and to his friend with worry. "Kaito…"

"Nii-sama…" The same was done by III after hearing his brother's heated words about the one he taught how to duel, the younger brother glancing back between the blonde haired duelist and his brother.

"Enough of this chatter!" And whatever heartfelt talk that they were having were cut by Kaito, who shouted as he waved his hand out. "I will defeat you, and take your Numbers!" He said, glaring at V.

And the young man stared back. "So after all, you didn't understand our hate at all."

"Shut up! My turn! I draw!" The blonde haired duelist roared again as he began his turn, starting with two cards in his hand. "I will activate the effect of Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon! V! I will target your monster! Cipher Projection!" 

His roar was followed suit by his own dragon, the galactical dragon spreading its wings wide as it absorbed its one and last overlay unit. Rain of circuit-like light shooting out from its body as it tried to take control of the gigantic monster on V's side of the field.

Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon -  Light/Dragon/XYZ/Rank 8/Effect: 3000/2500 OV: 0

"Nii-sama!" III cried out, worried for his brother. 

But the silver haired young man remained unphased. "Naive! I will activate the Counter Trap, XYZ Block!" He roared as he raised his right hand, flipping up one of the two set cards that he had just set.

"When my opponent activates a monster effect, I can detach one XYZ Material from a monster that I control, negate the activation, and if I do, destroy it!" V spoke, explaining the Trap card's effect as one of Dyson Sphere's gigantic material flew and entered the Counter Trap's holographic projection.

Number 9: Dyson Sphere - Light/Machine/XYZ/Rank 9/Effect: 2800/3000 OV: 0

And the chain then resolved, the giant mechanical megastructure firing a blast of energy straight from its core towards Kaito's XYZ Monster. XYZ Block negates its effect and destroys the monster.

"Tch!" Kaito grit his teeth as he held both of his hands upwards, protecting himself from the cloud of dust that the destruction of his signature boss monster had created. "But now your monster can't use its effect anymore! It doesn't have any XYZ Materials."

"Is that so?" Was V's response, still standing tall and unmoving right from the first turn of the duel, facing Kaito as he said. "Then go ahead and defeat it then, Kaito. My Numbers that is!" He shouted.

"I will! I will normal summon Galaxy-Eyes Cloudragon from my hand!" He shouted aloud, slamming the card from his hand onto his glowing crescent-like duel blade. The small galactical dragon then emerged, its size far smaller than that of Kaito's other dragons. 

Galaxy-Eyes Cloudragon - Light/Dragon/Level 1/Effect: 300/250

"And I will use its effects! I can tribute Galaxy-Eyes Cloudragon, to special summon  one 'Galaxy-Eyes' monster from my hand or graveyard, except 'Galaxy-Eyes Cloudragon'!" He shouted, giving an explanation to the monster's effect as he then waved his hand.

"I will tribute Galaxy-Eyes Cloudragon, to special summon back Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon! Return, Cipher Dragon!" And with a wave of his hand, the gigantic galactical dragon returned onto the field, spreading its shining blue wings wide.

Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon - Light/Dragon/Level 8/Effect: 3000/2500

"Galaxy-Eyes… reviving that instead of the XYZ Monster." V noted aloud, noting how Kaito had not summoned the destroyed XYZ Monster, and instead summoned back the main deck version of the galactical eyed monster.

"I see." The silver haired teen said, narrowing his eyes. "So you intend to summon it again."

"That's right! I will overlay the two Level 8 monsters, Galaxy Knight and Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon!" Both armoured knight and giant dragon let out their respective cries, as they both shone and turned into golden pillars of light.

And once before him, a giant vortex of black and gold appeared  before him. "With these two monsters, I will once more construct an overlay network!" Kaito shouted as he waved his hand upwards. And both shining pillars of light entered the galactical vortex.

And once more, he chanted a familiar chant. "O galaxy that shines in the darkness! Become my servant to achieve my goals!" The blond duelist chanted as the whirlpool of power exploded with golden lights. "XYZ Summon! Descend! Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon!"

Once again, Kaito's signature XYZ Monster then descended from the skies. The newly summoned monster spread its wings wide as two shining overlay units orbited around it. The monster letting out a roar as it was summoned.

Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon -  Light/Dragon/XYZ/Rank 8/Effect: 3000/2500 OV: 2

"A second copy! Nii-sama!" And III sent a look towards his brother, who grunted in acknowledgment.

"And I will use its effect again!" The blonde duelist roared. "I will detach one material from it, and once again target your monster V! Cipher Projection!" And with his shout, the giant galactical dragon spreads its wings. Roaring as it swung its head and absorbed one of its overlay materials.

Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon -  Light/Dragon/XYZ/Rank 8/Effect: 3000/2500 OV: 1

"That's! Cipher Dtagon's effect can be used again!?" Yuto shouted with wide eyes as he watched as Kaito activated the effect of his XYZ Monster, despite remembering that the card had a once per turn in its text.

 "A soft once per turn. Summoning a different copy meant that it can use its effect again." The red clad girl spoke from her seat, watching the duel with rapt attention.

"Now! III!" V shouted, waving a hand to his younger brother.

"Yes! I will activate the Continuous Trap, Stonehenge Shield!" The pink haired teen declared, flipping up the set card that he had set all from his previous turn. The Continuous Trap card's projection shone as it was flipped face-up.

"Stonehenge Shield can be actuated by targeting one monster on the field whose original attack is 3000 or more. That monster's attack becomes 0, it cannot attack, and its effects are negated!" He said, explaining the Continuous Trap card's effect.

And then shot his arm forwards as he pointed towards Kaito's Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon. "I will target your Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon, to reduce its attack to 0, and negate its effect!" 

"Tch!" Kaito clicked his tongue once again, frustration growing even more as chains emerged and captured his XYZ Monster. Binding it down and reducing its attack to zero, while also negating the effect that the monster had.

Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon -  Light/Dragon/XYZ/Rank 8/Effect: 0/2500 OV: 1

"No! I'm not done yet!" The dark trenchcoat wearing teen shouted, waving his hands out as he shouted. "I will take the Rank 8 Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon, and overlay itself!" He shouted aloud to the vastness of space.



"Cipher Dragon itself?"

"Ho, finally using it then?"

All the other duelists on the field stared in shock as a giant vortex of darkness appeared right below the newly summoned XYZ Monster. The dragon let out a roar as it slowly lowered itself into the gigantic vortex below itself.

"With it, I will reconstruct the overlay network!" And as it entered the giant vortex beneath it, and created a blinding pillar of light accompanied by flashes of lightning. O galaxy shining in the darkness," He began to chant, as a giant blade manifested before him.

He placed his hand onto its hilt as he continued on, lifting it as he spoke. "With the savagery of a supernova, bring on a cosmic cataclysm that vaporises everything in your path!" And threw it into the air, the blade cutting through the empty void of space as it created an arc of light in its path.

Before it then exploded into a blossoming galaxy. "Rank-Up! XYZ Change! Descend! Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Blade Dragon!" With a roar a new monster emerged, an evolved form of Cipher Dragon, a giant dragon with rainbow-like ciphered wings, its eyes shining as if it was the galaxy itself. 

Long fierce blades came from its arms, both shining with cipher lines like its gigantic wings, with its head sporting long golden horns. Letting a loud roar that shook even space itself, the XYZ Monster made its presence clear on the field, standing next to Kaito's other two XYZ Monsters. Two glowing yellow orbs orbiting the monster.

Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Blade Dragon -  Light/Dragon/XYZ/Rank 9/Effect: 3200/2800 OV: 2

"Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Blade Dragon can be XYZ Summoned using a Rank 8 'Galaxy-Eyes' XYZ monster that I control as material" Kaito explained, and the monster let out another roar, wings spread wide upon its evolution. "And with the effect of Space Field, I will draw a card."

"This is… Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon's evolution…"

"Cipher… Blade"

"A Rank-Up without using a Rank-Up Magic…"

The three other duelists stared in awe at the newly evolved Cipher Dragon, while their spectator watched from afar. Appraising the blonde haired duelist on what his next move would be.

"Now then, you've summoned Cipher Blade, what's next?" She muttered, silent enough for none of the starstruck duelists nor for Kaito himself to hear.

"And I will activate its effect!" The blond Galaxy-Eyes duelist shouted aloud waving his hand to the newly evolved XYZ Monster. "Once per turn, I can detach one material from this card, then target one card on the field and destroy it!"

With a roar, the bladed giant dragon swung its appendage and sliced through one of its XYZ Material, paying for the cost of its effect activation as it empowered itself to use its own ability.

Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Blade Dragon -  Light/Dragon/XYZ/Rank 9/Effect: 3200/2800 OV: 1

Kaito then pointed towards his target pointing upwards towards the giant monster high up in space. "V! I will target your Dyson Sphere, and destroy it!" So he said, and the blade on the giant dragon's forearm swung, releasing a blade of light towards the giant monster.

The golden beam of energy flew and flew, shining all throughout the vast empty space that they were in right until it met the giant megastructure's core. 

And destroyed it.

The monster's destruction was grand. Beginning from its centre, a plethora of explosions began to emerge. Before it slowly but surely expanded farther and farther throughout every facet of the megastructure. And with that, the giant monster that had blocked a majority of their view of the empty space had disappeared.

"That does it! Now V's field is empty!" Yuto celebrated, pumping his fist. With the XYZ Monster's disappearance, V's field now was completely empty of monsters. 

And of course, that was the result that Kaito had waited for. "Battle! I will attack you with Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Blade Dragon directly! Cipher Stream of Destruction!" And with that declaration, he moved into the Battle Phase. And the bladed monster roared, gathering energy in its maw and shooting a beam of destructive energy straight towards V.

"Tch! Then I will activate the Trap! XYZ Reborn!" The large holographic projection of the Ttap card shone right before him. "This card allows me to target one XYZ Monster in my graveyard and special summon it, and if I do, attach this card to it."

With the explanation, the silver haired young man waved his hand upwards as he shouted aloud. "Return! Dyson Sphere!" And with the single activation of his last Trap Card, the gigantic monster that encapsulated the giant star once again reappeared onto the field.

Number 9: Dyson Sphere - Light/Machine/XYZ/Rank 9/Effect: 2800/3000 OV: 0

And said Trap card then flew from V's spell and trap zone right into the gigantic megastructure. Turning into a shining golden orb that then orbited the now revived XYZ Monster.

Number 9: Dyson Sphere - Light/Machine/XYZ/Rank 9/Effect: 2800/3000 OV: 1

"Tch!" The blonde haunted teen grit his teeth at the returned XYZ Monster, only for him to notice that it was summoned back in attack position. "Even if its a Numbers and it won't be destroyed, you'll still take the damage! Go! Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Blade Dragon!"

The galactical dragon of light moved its head and redirected its attack, shooting the beam of energy towards the gigantic XYZ Monster hovering right above their heads. Yet as the attack flew closer and closer, it could not reach the monster as the giant megastructure released pulses of yellow energy.

"What!?" Kaito spoke aloud confusedly, glancing up towards the monster that let off the wave of energy. "What did you do!?" He shouted as his head snapped towards V.

"It is useless, Kaito. So long as Dyson Sphere is on the field, none of your attacks will ever reach." He spoke, tone even as he began to explain. "Once per battle, during the Battle Step, if this card with material is being attacked, as a Quick Effect, I can negate that attack."

"Attack negation! Tch! Then I'll just have to remove it next turn!" He said with a grunt, the giant dragon before him growling up towards V's XYZ Monster high above them while doing so. 

"But will there be a next turn?" His dueling mentor spoke as he glanced to his right, where his younger brother was, who then nodded his head. An exchange which made Kaito stop and grit his teeth harder.

"Kaito! Why didn't you go for III's monster!" The dark haired teen beside him shouted, pointing towards the monster in the pink haired teen's possession, the two monsters he had still remained pristine.

"If it's still there next turn, if he has a normal summon then he can turn a monster's attack to zero and-"

"Shut up! I already said I don't need your help!" The blonde haired teen shouted as he waved his hand outwards. "I will activate the effect of Kuriphoton in my graveyard!" He declared.

"If this card is in my graveyard, I can send one 'Photon' monster from my hand to the graveyard, except another 'Kuriphoton', to add this card from my graveyard to my hand!" He shouted, and showed one of the two the last cards in his hand.

"I will discard Photon Lizard in my hand to add Kuriphoton to my hand!" He said, adding the monster card from his graveyard to his hand. "Then I will end my turn." He said with a growl.

Before he then proceeded to end his turn, with his field now having the evolved XYZ Monster along with a single set card, while one card remained in his hand, the Kuriphoton that he had just added to hand and another unknown card.

And with him passing the turn, control returns to III once more. "Then it's my turn. I draw!" He shouted, as he drew a card for turn. Beginning with all but a singular card in his hand. The pink haired teen moved his head as he stared between both of his opponents, before sending a glance towards his older brother.

V nodded, and III shouted aloud as he began his turn. "I will start by activating the Spell, Palenque Sarcophagus! This card allows me to draw two cards if I control a 'Chronomaly' monster!" He said, as the Spell card that he had drawn was played.

And resolved, giving him an additional two cards in his hand. The pink haired formal dress wearing teen glanced at the card that he had drawn, before he turned his head towards Yuto and shouted. "Now I will activate the effect of Chronomaly Machu Mech!" He shouted, hand raised and pointing towards the 6th Number Monster.

"I will detach one XYZ Material from it, to target your Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon, and inflict damage to you equal to the difference between its original attack and current attack! Then if I do, this card gains attack equal to the damage inflicted!" He shouted.

The gigantic mechanical city then absorbed its last remaining overlay material. The giant blue core in the middle of the flying city shining brightly. 

Number 33: Chronomaly Machu Mech - Light/Machine/XYZ/Rank 5/EffectL 2400/1500 OV: 0

"Your Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon has an original attack of 2500, but since you used its effect to increase it to 3900, it means that you will be taking 1400 damage!" The red formal dress wearing teen shouted, as power began to consolidate on his XYZ Monster.

"Infinity Cannon!" And with his shout, the giant mechanical city shot a barrage of light showers towards Yuto. Attacking him with the exact same power that his own XYZ Monster had stolen from V's Force Focus, many turns ago.

"Then I will use the Trap! The Phantom Knights of Lost Vambrace!" He shouted. Flipping up the set card in the same chain. "This card lets me target one face-up monster on the field, and while that target is still face-up on the field, 'The Phantom Knights' monsters that I control cannot be destroyed by battle, it loses 600 attack, and its Level becomes 2!"

"That's-!" III's eyes went wide at hearing the effect, thinking that Yuto must have intended to lower his own monster's attack points to reduce the burn damage that he would be inflicted with.

Only for him to realize that, "But you can't target your own Dark Rebellion! Because XYZ Monsters don't have Levels!" He said, pointing out the mechanic that XYZ Monsters had, making them illegal targets for Lost Vambrace's effect.

"I know that! I will target The Phantom Knights of Wrong Magnetring!" He declared with a wave of his hand, targeting a monster who already have 0 attack and defence, along with already being a Level 2 monster, essentially changing nothing from it as the giant ghostly armor was summoned onto the field.


The Phantom Knights of Lost Vambrace - Dark/Warrior/Level 2/Normal: 600/0

The chain then continued to resolve, with the rain of energy beams coming down from the gigantic mechanical city floating in the sky. "Gah!" Yuto cried out as he was hit by the bombardment, sending him flying right towards the satellite panels below as a cloud of dust left from the attack engulfed him.

Yuto: 2600LP

Seeing his opponent taking the damage from his monster's effect, III couldn't help but hold a smirk. "Then since you took 1400 damage, Machu Mech's attack will increase by that same amount!" He shouted, as a light glow enveloped the giant mechanical monster flying above him.

Number 33: Chronomaly Machu Mech - Light/Machine/XYZ/Rank 5/Effect: 3800/1500 OV: 0

"Kuh-! But that's… exactly what I needed!" The dark haired teen's voice was heard, as the cloud of dust that had gathered around him started to disperse. To reveal Yuto pushing himself up to stand up straight, his eyes staring directly at III.

"I will activate the Quick-Play Spell, The Phantom Knights' Twin Medals!" He shouted as he waved his right hand out, revealing one of the two remaining set cards that he had placed on his previous turn.

The Quick-Play Spell's projection shone, and he began to read the card's text aloud. "When I take damage, I can target two 'The Phantom Knights' monsters that I control with the same Level, and immediately after this effect resolve, XYZ Summon one XYZ Monster using those two monsters!"

"You're also XYZ Summoning during the opponent's turn!?" The pink haired teen's eyes went wide, and Yuto declared his targets,  the dark haired teen swept his hand towards the two monsters with proper Levels on his field. 

"Uwaah, what a specific condition to meet…" The red hat wearing girl groaned out from her seat.

"I will take the two Level 2 The Phantom Knights of Wrong Magnetring and The Phantom Knights of Lost Vambrace, and overlay them!" He shouted, raising his hand as both ghoulish warriors turned and morphed into giant pillars of darkness.

And a giant vortex of darkness appeared before him. "With these two monsters, I will once again construct an overlay network" And as the pillars of purple light entered the galactical vortex, he began to chant.

"Piercing through ten thousand warriors, the cursed spear of rebellion entombed in darkness, descend now!" A blinding pillar of light then manifested from the vortex of darkness, before a new monster appeared before him.

"Xyz Summon!" He roared. "Come forth! The Phantom Knights of Cursed Javelin!" Said monster taking the form of a new armored warrior. With a terrifying skull-like head, the monster spun its cursed weapon deftly. Ghoulish blue flames sprouting from its shoulders as it hefted a circular bone-like shield in its other hand.

The Phantom Knights of Cursed Javelin - Dark/Warrior/XYZ/Rank 2/Effect: 1600/0 OV: 2

"And with Space Field's effect, I will draw a card." He said, taking a moment to take a breath as the giant satellite that they stood on shone once again, allowing him to draw a card once again.

"So you even managed to summon another XYZ Monster…" V muttered, eyes narrowed at the new monster that Yuto had summoned, watching it stand proudly beside his other monsters as two purple orbs orbited the XYZ Monster. "But it won't be enough."

"That's right, it won't be enough." III said, the teen spoke evenly with his eyes closed before he continued. "Because this turn will not only be the end of you, but Kaito as well!" 

"What!?" The declaration shook Yuto, as he watched III then pull out one of the cards in his hand.

"I will tribute Number 33: Chronomaly Machu Mech!" He shouted, waving his hand upwards as he released the gigantic XYZ Monster, tributing it and letting it turn into glowing golden particles.


"You're tributing an XYZ Monster-!?" Both Kaito and Yuto were shocked, as III then continued on.

"Now I tribute summon Chronomaly Sol Monolith!" And in its place summoned forth a giant floating monolith. A giant round circle at the upper part of the monster's form resembling that of a sun while, all while broken parts of its bottom floated around it.

Chronomaly Sol Monolith - Earth/Rock/Level 6/Effect: 600/600

"You tributed a Numbers Monster for a summon!?" Yuto exclaimed with wide eyes, watching the tribute summoned monster with worry. "Just what are you planning!"

"Well you will find out now! I will activate Chronomaly Sol Monolith's effect!" He shouted, waving his right hand forward towards the newly summoned monster. "Once per turn, I can target one 'Chronomaly' monster that I control, and change its Level to become 6! But I cannot summon monsters the turn I activate this effect, except 'Chronomaly' monsters!"

The giant monolith of the sun shone, using its effect to change the Level of another monster to become the same as itself. And III swept his hand to the side as he declared, "I will target Chronomaly Cabrera Trebuchet, and change its Level to 6!" He said, as the monster was enveloped by a brown aura.

Chronomaly Cabrera Trebuchet - Earth/Rock/Level 6/Effect: 0/1800

"Two Level 6 monsters!" Kaito hissed, left hand in front of himself as he braced himself for another XYZ Summon.

"Darn it! Is it another Numbers Monster!?" The dark haired teen groaned, but prepared himself for the upcoming XYZ Monster nonetheless.

"Now behold! I will take the now Level 6 Chronomaly Cabrera Trebuchet and the Level 6 Chronomaly Sol Monolith, and overlay them!" The formal dress wearing teen shouted, waving his right hand upwards as the two monsters were engulfed and turned into shining brown pillars of light.

And once more, a giant vortex of black and gold appeared before the pink haired duelist. "With these two monsters, I will construct an overlay network!" And the two giant brown pillars of light entered the vortex, and created an explosion of light.

"XYZ Summon!" III shouted, as a giant monster began to take form. He balled his fist in front of him, and raised his left hand as he shouted. "Descend! Number 6!" And what appeared was a giant volcano, which then proceeded to open and expand itself.

"Machine beyond space-time, come and engrave your existence into the history of creation!" From the centre of its body, giant cubes began to form, expanding further and further into various rocky limbs, and a pair of molten feet that shone like lava.

The monster's face took the form of shining cracks in its volcano-like head, forming something resembling a face as its core shone brightly. While a gigantic pair of shining brown overlay materials orbited around the monster whose size was only second to Dyson Spere. A shining numeral written 6 shone in its chest ring.

"Number 6: Chronomaly Atlandis!" III shouted, announcing the monster's name as it was summoned. Managing to perform a second XYZ Summon in this duel and summoning forth yet another enormous Numbers Monster.

Number 6: Chronomaly Atlandis - Light/Machine/XYZ/Rank 6/Effect: 2600/3000 OV: 2

"Chronomaly Atlandis! Its another Number!" Kaito said through gritted teeth.

"It's… I would have pointed out how large it was, but with Dyson Sphere being there…" Yuto trailed off, eyes trailing from III's gigantic monster to the even larger spatial megastructure hovering right behind it.

Before he shook his head. "No, that's not important. Just what are you planning on summoning this monster!"

"By the effect of Space Field, I will draw a card." III said, first off activating the Field Spell's effect to draw after successfully performing an XYZ Summon. "And then I will activate the effect of Chronomaly Atlandis!" He declared.

"When this card is XYZ Summoned, I can target one 'Number' monster in my graveyard, and equip that target to this card." He said, as he then pointed up towards the empty cavity in the monster's chest.

"That's! So that's why you tributed your own Numbers Monster!" Yuto pointed out, realising that this was III's aim from the start.

"From my graveyard, I will equip Number 33: Chronomaly Machu Mech to Atlandis!" The formal dress wearing teen declared, as a giant void appeared before him, and from it the gigantic mechanical city once again reappeared.

And flew on, higher and higher until it reached right before the XYZ Monster, inserting itself and finally completing its form as a wave of energy expanded from the monster. Releasing a wave of pressure that encumbered the satellite that they were standing on.


"This is!" Both Kaito and Yuto groaned, as III continued on.

"Chronomaly Atlandis gains attack equal to the attack of that equipped monster!" He spoke aloud, as the monster let out a monstrous roar, its attack points rising exponentially with it now being equipped with another Number Monster.

Number 6: Chronomaly Atlandis - Light/Machine/XYZ/Rank 6/Effect: 5000/3000 OV: 2

And Yuto gaped at the increase. "5000 attack!"

"5000 attack…" The blonde Numbers Hunter also muttered, watching the gigantic monster, and the cards that he had, both set on his spell and trap zone, and towards one of the cards that he had in his hand.

"But that's not all!"  III shouted, waving his hand and gaining their attention once again. "Because I will use Chronomaly Atlandis' second effect!" He declared, waving up towards the gigantic XYZ Monster.

"Once per turn, I can detach one XYZ Material from this card, to halve my opponent's Life Points!" He explained, as the giant monster began to slowly move its gigantic right hand, leaving pieces of rubble and debris floating in space in its wake.


"Halve our Life Points-!?"

Both duelist stared with wide eyes as one of the giant monster's overlay material was absorbed right onto the monster's gigantic fist, as it then raised it in preparation to activate its effect.

Number 6: Chronomaly Atlandis - Light/Machine/XYZ/Rank 6/Effect: 5000/3000 OV: 1

"Oh so it does that huh? Quite light on the activation conditions too." The red hat wearing girl hummed, as Yuto rushed to activate an effect in the same chain.

"As if I'll let you! I will activate The Phantom Knights of Cursed Javelin's effect!" He shouted, declaring the activation of his newly summoned XYZ Monster's effect. "I can detach one material from this card, then target one face-up monster that my opponent controls, and until the end of this turn, I can change its attack to 0, and also negate its effect!"

And swipe his hand again. "If this card has a 'The Phantom Knights' card as a material, this effect is a Quick Effect! I will target your Chronomaly Atlandis, to change its attack to 0, and negate its effect!"

The flames on the ghoulish warrior's shoulders bursts, the XYZ Monster raising its cursed weapon with a roar as it absorbed one of its overlay materials. The dark javelin decorated with the skulls of his enemies gaining an ominous crimson glow.

The Phantom Knights of Cursed Javelin - Dark/Warrior/XYZ/Rank 2/Effect: 1600/0 OV: 1

"No you won't! From my hand, I will activate the Quick-Play Spell, Forbidden Chalice!" III shouted back, slamming a card onto his flowery wing-like duel blade as its holographic projection appeared before him.

"Forbidden Chalice allows me to target one face-up monster on the field, and until the end of this turn, that target gains 400 attack, but its effects are negated!" He shouted, explaining the effect of the card that he had just chained.

And then pointed towards the cursed javelin wielding XYZ Monster. "I will target The Phantom Knights of Cursed Javelin, and negate its effect!" III shouted, as the monster was then splashed with the water of the forbidden chalice, letting out a drunken groan as it swayed, losing grip on its weapon.

The Phantom Knights of Cursed Javelin - Dark/Warrior/XYZ/Rank 2/Effect: 2000/0 OV: 1

"No!" The dark haired teen shouted with wide eyes, as the chain continued to resolve.

"Go! Chronomaly Atlandis! Orichalcum gate!" And the giant monster molten fist was then fully raised above its head, and it then released a wave of energy, before a veritable storm of harsh wind and lighting befell its opponents.

All merely optical effects, for the gigantic monster then slammed its fist into the ground. Sending both duelists flying,


"Gyah!" Both of them shouted, landing harshly onto the solid holographic ground lay out behind them, as their Life Points were all cut straight into half with a single card effect activation.

Kaito Tenjo: 1000LP

Yuto: 1300LP

"And now this will finish you." The pink haired teen spoke with a smile as he then waved his hand forwards, moving on towards his own Battle Phase. "Battle! Go Atlandis! Attack his Phantom Knights of Cursed Javelin! Divine Punishment!"

Yuto struggled to stand up, with nicks and dust clinging to his form as he watched the giant monster prepare its attack. A giant vortex forming above it as it then sent the tornado spiralling towards the weakened Cursed Javelin.

"Kuh!" He winced as he tried to stand up, closing his eyes as the attack came closer. Not having a way to prevent the attack from reaching his monster. Grimacing as he knew that he would be thrown out of the game from the attack.

"I will activate the Trap! Lumenize!"

Yet it would never reach him, as a Trap card was activated on Kaito's side of the field.

The dark haired teen's eyes went wide, as his head snapped to his right where the blonde Numbers Hunter was standing. "Kaito-!? Why did you-"

"Shut up. When an opponent's monster declares an attack, I can target the attack monster, negate the attack, and a face-up Light monster that I control gains attack equal to that target's attack, until the end of my next End Phase." Kaito said, shutting Yuto down as he explained the Trap card's effect.

Pointing towards the giant mechanical monstrosity that was III's monster, he said, "I will target your Atlandis, negate its attack, and have Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Blade Dragon gain its attack!"

"That's-!" III shouted with gritted teeth as he stumbled back, watching as the bladed dragon intercepted the attack. Spreading both its wings and arms as it roared and absorbed the attack that the Numbers Monster let out, using it to instead empower itself to become even stronger.

Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Blade Dragon -  Light/Dragon/XYZ/Rank 9/Effect: 8200/2800 OV: 2

"8200 attack points…" V spoke as he arched his head to glare towards the now empowered bladed dragon.

"Nii-sama… I'm…" III muttered, biting his lips as he failed to achieve his intended goal for the turn.

"It's fine, III." His older brother said, shaking his head.

The exchange wasn't the only one that was happening however, as the dark haired teen turned towards his friend with a grateful smile. "Kaito! You saved-"

"Don't misunderstand." The blonde haired teen said coldly. "I only negated that attack to make my Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Blade Dragon stronger. That's it." He said with a huff, eyes closed and refusing to meet Yuto as he kept staring straight forward towards his opponent.

"Man, what a tsundere." Their spectator muttered loudly, yet getting no reaction from the trenchcoat wearing Numbers Hunter.

"Regardless. You saved me. Thank you." Yuto said with a nod, his smile still on his face as he turned and shouted. "So what now III! Your attack was stopped by Kaito! It seems that you won't be beating us this time!"

"Tch!" The pink haired teen gritted his teeth, as he moved on from the Battle Phase. "I will set a card face-down, and end my turn." He said, slamming the card onto his duel blade as it then appeared before him, and then disappearing. Ending his turn with an empowered XYZ Monster and a singular set card.

"And at the End Phase, The Phantom Knights of Cursed Javelin would regain its effect." Yuto said with a nod, as the javelin wielding warrior let out a cry as its power was returned to normal.

The Phantom Knights of Cursed Javelin - Dark/Warrior/XYZ/Rank 2/Effect: 1600/0 OV: 1

"Then it's my turn! I draw!" The black and purple haired boy shouted as he drew from his deck, beginning with two cards in his hand to start off his turn. "I will start with this! I will use the effect of The Phantom Knights of Break Sword again!"

The dark haired teen waved his hand to point towards V's gigantic XYZ Monster. "This time I will target your Dyson Sphere, and my own set card!" He shouted, as the headless horse-riding warrior swung its blade, absorbing its last overlay unit to activate its effect.

The Phantom Knights of Break Sword - Dark/Warrior/XYZ/Rank 3/Effect: 2000/1000 OV: 0

"And I will also chain it!" Yuto said, flipping up the set card that he would be destroying in chain. "The Phantom Knights' Wing!" And the Trap card's holographic projection shone before him.

"This card allows me to target one face-up monster on the field, and have it gain 500 attack, and the first time it would be destroyed by battle or card effect this turn, it is not destroyed!" He said, explaining the Trap card's lingering effect as he then pointed towards his target.

"I will target Break Sword! And increase its attack, and make it unable to be destroyed once this turn!" He shouted, the ghostly horse neighing as it buckled, both it and its rider's attack points rising as they were surrounded by a purple aura.

The Phantom Knights of Break Sword - Dark/Warrior/XYZ/Rank 3/Effect: 2500/1000 OV: 0

Then the chain continued to resolve backwards, with the giant broken blade wielding warrior swinging its weapon down, intending to destroy both the set card behind it and the gigantic XYZ Monster that opposed its summoner.

Or at least, it should have been. "I will activate the effect of Marshalling Field." V declared. "If a Machine XYZ Monster that I control would be destroyed, I can send this card to the graveyard instead." He said, as the holographic projection of his Continuous-Trap card flashed, before breaking into shining particles as it destroyed itself in place of Dyson Sphere.

"Kuh! Then how about this!" Yuto shouted as he waved his hand out once again. "I will activate Cursed Javelin's effect! I will target your Dyson Sphere, turn its attack to 0, and negate its effect!"

The cursed polearm wielding monster raised its weapon, allowing it to absorb its last overlay material as a crimson glow emanated from it.

The Phantom Knights of Cursed Javelin - Dark/Warrior/XYZ/Rank 2/Effect: 1600/0 OV: 0

And then the cursed warrior twirled its chosen weapon, winding its right arm back as it then threw the cursed javelin, launching it straight towards the gigantic burning star laying at the megastructure's core.

The cursed javelin soared through the vast empty space, and before long, it hit the XYZ Monster's core, a mechanical groan could be heard all around them as the many lights that had once shone from the XYZ Monster's large blooming flower-like panel began to turn off, leaving them once again with only the many stars as their source of light.

Number 9: Dyson Sphere - Light/Machine/XYZ/Rank 9/Effect: 0/3000 OV: 1

"With its effects negated, Dyson Sphere can't stop attack anymore." Kaito spoke aloud, knowing what Yuto was going for by using the effect and why he hadn't used it to instead reduce III's Atlandis to zero attack points.

"Alright! Next up, I will activate the effect of The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak in my graveyard!" Yuto declared, shooting his arm forwards. "I can banish this card from my graveyard, to add one 'The Phantom knights' card from my deck to my hand, except another copy of Ancient Cloak!"

With the card's explanation, he took out a card from his deck and revealed it for all to see. "I will add the Quick-Play Spell, The Phantom Knights' Rank-Up-Magic Launch from my deck to my hand!"

"A Rank-Up-Magic!"

"Could it be!"

"And activate it!" Yuto declared, confirming the two brothers' suspicion as he slammed the Quick-Play Spell onto his golden duel blade. "During the Main Phase, The Phantom Knights' Rank-Up-Magic Launch lets me target one Dark XYZ Monster that I control with no material, and special summon from my Extra Deck, one Dark XYZ Monster that is one Rank higher than that monster I control, by using it as the XYZ Material!" He exclaimed, and motioned towards his target between his three XYZ Monsters.

"I will target Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon!" He shouted, and the dark dragon let out a roar as it was called, its red markings glowing with power along with the rest of its body. 

And the Rank-Up-Magic's effect then began to resolve. As it does, and the dragon's form began to change, Yuto began to chant. "From the depths of purgatory, dedicate to the unsinking souls your song of rebellion! Appear and echo forevermore!" And he waved his right hand down, and then outwards.

"Rank-Up Xyz Change! Appear! Dark Requiem Xyz Dragon!" The dragon's form crystalized, and changed. The sleek scales of his dark dragon grew rough, its body now covered in by a bone-like outer skeleton, and its wings spread longer and wider than it had once been.

The dragon sent an earth shaking roar as it fully manifested, spreading its skeletal wings as wide as it could as it arched its head upwards, only lowering it as it glared towards his opponent. A single purple or orb orbiting the monster with its appearance.

Dark Requiem XYZ Dragon -  Dark/Dragon/XYZ/Rank 5/Effect: 3000/2500 OV: 1

"But that's not all!" He continued loudly, swiping his hand outwards, "Since I used The Phantom Knights' Rank-Up-Magic Launch to Rank Up, I can attach this card to it as an additional material as well!" He shouted, as the projection of the Quick-Play Spell ahead of him was compressed itself into a sphere, before flying towards the Dark XYZ Monster, turning into another xyz material that it could use as it saw fit.

Dark Requiem XYZ Dragon -  Dark/Dragon/XYZ/Rank 5/Effect: 3000/2500 OV: 2

"And since this also counts as an XYZ Summon, I will draw a card." He said, drawing a card through the effect of Space Field once again.

"A Rank-Up-Magic! That's!" III spoke aloud, taking another stumble as he was moved back at the appearance of the monster. "And Nii-sama's monster was negated too-but you still won't be able to beat my Chronomaly Atlandis!" He shouted, as the giant monster looming high above them let its presence be known as with a mechanical groan.

"Hmph. I wonder about that." The steely eyed duelist said with a smirk.

"What?" And his sudden confidence shook III. The red hat wearing spectator hummed as she had known how the game would now go.

"I will activate the effect of Dark Requiem XYZ Dragon!" Yuto shouted with a wave of his hand. "If this card has 'Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon' as material, it gains this effect!" He began.

"Once per turn, I can detach one material from this card, then target one face-up monster that my opponent controls, change its attack to 0, and if I do, this card gains attack equal to that monster's original attack!" He shouted. 

"What!?" And the pink haired Arclight's eyes went wide as he heard the effect's description, watching as the skeletal dragon absorbed one its two overlay material to activate the desired effect.

Dark Requiem XYZ Dragon -  Dark/Dragon/XYZ/Rank 5/Effect: 3000/2500 OV: 1

The two giant orbs in its wings began to shine, sparking with galactical lights as the monster roared. "Go! Dark Requiem XYZ Dragon! Requiem Salvation!" And bracing itself forwards as tendrils of darkness erupted from the two purple orbs, all of them homing straight towards the gigantic XYZ Monster.

"Atlandis!" III shouted as the giant tendrils came towards his monster, wrapping around it and restructuring it. The gigantic volcano-like monster letting out a weakened groan as all of its attack points was drained through Dark Requiem's effect.

Number 6: Chronomaly Atlandis - Light/Machine/XYZ/Rank 6/Effect: 0/3000 OV: 1

"And then Dark Requiem will gain attack equal to its original attack." Yuto said, as the giant dragon of darkness roared, though it didn't gain the amount of attack points that the enormous monster had, it gained enough more than enough.

Dark Requiem XYZ Dragon -  Dark/Dragon/XYZ/Rank 5/Effect: 5600/2500 OV: 1

"5600! And with all of those monsters!" The two Arclight brothers grit their teeth at they both saw the impressive board that Yuto had amassed, "This is…!"

"Now, Battle!" The dark haired teen declared, moving right towards the Battle Phase, knowing full well that he has more than enough attack points to defeat both of their opponents on field. "I will start with you V! I will attack your Dyson Sphere with The Phantom Knights of Cursed Javelin!"

The command came as soon as he went into the Battle Phase, the cursed warrior preparing its strike as it leapt, reading itself and once again, sending its cursed javelin spiralling through space.

And with its effect negated, and its attack points lowered to zero, the gigantic megastructure soon feel once again. Meeting another flashy end as slowly but surely exploded bit by bit, and sending a wave of damage towards its summoner.

"Kuh!" V Grunted as he held his hand up in front of himself, the chime of his duel disk told him of his Life Points decreasing from the battle damage that he received from the attack.

V: 2400LP

"Nii-sama!" III shouted, worried for his brother who could do nothing but watch.

"And this will finish it! I will attack you directly with The Phantom Knights of Break Sword!" Yuto's declaration was followed by a ghostly neigh, as the headless horsemen blitzed past him with its broken blade drawn. 

"No! "I will activate the Trap! Stonehenge Bola!" The formal dress wearing teen shouted, flipping his last face-down card in response to the attack directed at his brother.

"III! Why are you-!"

"If at least Nii-sama can survive the attack then you can surely find a way to win! When an opponent's monster declares an attack, I can target that monster, negate that attack, and if I do, that target cannot attack during your next Battle Phase!" He shouted the Trap card's explanation, before pointing towards the attacking monster.

"I will target your Phantom Knights of Break Sword, and negate its attack!" III shouted, as the Trap card shot out stone bolas headed towards the rushing horse riding XYZ Monster.

"Then I will use the effect of The Phantom Knights of Tomb Shield in my graveyard!" Yuto responded, shouting a card effect in the same chain as III's own with a card from his graveyard.

"A Trap card from the graveyard!?" He shouted with wide eyes.

"During my turn, except the turn this card was sent to the graveyard, I can banish this card from the graveyard, then target one face-up Trap you control, and negate its effects until the end of this turn!" He said, explaining the card's effect as he then pointed towards the only Trap card currently on the field.

"I will target your Stone Bola, and negate its effects!" On the armored knight's left hand, a giant shield with crossing chains appeared, deflecting the incoming stone bolas and allowing him to land his decisive blow.

"GUAAAAGH!" V shouted as he was thrown from the strike, landing harshly on the ground as his Life Points reached zero.

V: 0LP

"NII-SAMA!" III shouted as he saw his brother defeated, and the field of space that held them slowly dissolve. And then turned to shoot a hateful glare towards Yuto.

He flinched, seeing the pure rage that the teen emanated, Yuto bit his lip, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath as he then declared. "I will attack your Chronomaly Atlandis with Dark Requiem XYZ Dragon!"

And the giant dragon took flight, spreading its wings wide as panes of energy formed between its skeletal wings. Power gathered on the blade on the dragon's maw. "Finish it! Disaster Disobey of Requiem!"

Dark Requiem then rushed down delivering the final blow of the duel as it struck III's enormous monster. Destroying it with but a single blow and creating a huge explosion. One that was masked by the still dissolving Space Field. 

"GYAAAAGH!" III roared as like his brother, was thrown down towards the ground, the titular chime of his duel disk resounding around them as his Life Point counter reached zero.


And with both opposing duelists fallen, the duel ended. Both Arclight duelists groaned as they attempted to rise. Both of their heads raised to glare at the duelists that had defeated them.

"That's… done…" He said between huffs of breaths, the duel having taken quite a lot off of him. After he took a deep breath, he turned towards Kaito. "Now, we actually get to talk." He said.

"Just what exactly is happening here!?"