
Chapter 16 : Behind Enemy Lines

The next morning, I was woken hurriedly by Lily and Hannah, with Giselle already drawing a bath for me.

“Come!” one of them called in my ear. “We have much to do, and we don’t have much time. The feast will be soon.”

I frowned, pushing myself out of bed. I had no idea why they were so rushed. It was still morning.

“The feast is hours away,” I told them, pushing their prying hands away from me. “It's still early.”

“It's past noon!” Lily exclaimed. “You’ve slept the whole morning.”

I gaped at her. Had I really? I glanced out the window and saw that it definitely was not morning light that was coming in through my window right now.

“Oh, by the Moon,” I murmured. How did I sleep so much time away?

“Anyone would guess that you were with child,” Giselle noted in a low voice. “But I can tell that you’re not.”