
Trace of The Past

Unknown man with unknown past

DaoistTTQkfX · Action
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13 Chs

Chapter 0: Zou Fan, Wrongfully Imprisoned

As Zou Fan was training in an American prison, a group of inmates walked by and chuckled, catching Zou Fan's attention. Zou Fan stopped and turned to the group, saying:

Zou Fan: "What's so funny? Are you laughing at me?"

Adam Barnes: "No, no, we're just finding it amusing to see you working out."

Andre Weeks: "Yeah, he's right. You don't stand a chance here. In short, you're a loser."

Zou Fan was silent for a moment. Then, he spoke firmly to the inmates:

Zou Fan: "A loser? No, I'm only here unjustly. I did what I believed in and sought justice, but found no answer. That's why I'm here, but it doesn't make me weak. My confidence has never been broken, and I've continuously improved myself with these workouts. Now, I'm the strongest man in this prison."

Adam Barnes: "Strongest man? Stronger than who? Someone like me?"

Andre Weeks: "Or maybe from our group."

Seeing the inmates' mocking laughter, Zou Fan maintained his seriousness and replied:

Zou Fan: "Maybe. But my strength is not in these workouts, it comes out in a real fight. Does anyone want to challenge me?"

As he finished speaking, silence fell among the inmates. However, Zou Fan's words quickly spread to other prisoners, and those who wanted to face him began to emerge.

Meanwhile, a prison guard approached and reminded them that talking during training was forbidden.

Prison Guard: "Talking during training is prohibited. Now, be quiet and continue your workouts."

Zou Fan: "Yes, sir. Is there no one who wants to face me?"

Silence fell among the inmates again, and everyone returned to their workouts. However, Zou Fan's words had left an impression on the other prisoners, and there would be those who would now want to face him.