
TRA: A Gods Sorrow

Grall, chieftain of none, believes he has just became the god of death. He must learn how to control his abilities as the world of Xeno-Movia spirals towards the end of its cycle. Grall isn't the only one who is going through changes, as Grodak suffers from the consequence of killing a Casarn. A strange woman with wings appears, claiming to be Tyril’s sister, new members are added to the party, and all hell breaks loose at the gates of Hell. The party will soon learn a great threat hovers over them, ready to strike at any moment. What is this threat? A being older then time itself and more feared than the God of death. His name was erased from history but his deeds are what created the world of Xeno-Movia. The Cycle ends with the death of one and begins again with survival of another. Disclaimer This is based off of a ttrpg created by Jarada Daedra. The Rebirth Algorithm is a product of Jarada Daedre. All art is owned by the respective artist.

Mr_Eppeak · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Song of The Reaper

Imp glanced over at the next page where a song, or maybe a poem, stood out. It held bold lettering at the top of the page. The page was titled simply "Song of The Reaper."

The storm is brewing deep inside

Hidden behind his innocence eyes

The Apocalypse... awaits

His life once so mundane

Has now taken center stage

It's A tragedy

A man pushed beyond the brink Of insanity

Losing all but one of the all the people he had ever loved

But.., Their voices still remained

Haunting and twisted

Calling for vengeance

This entire world is at fault…

Logic failing

His mind is wailing out

But there was no one left to care..

Their voices screaming out

His Sanity decayed

From the war inside his head

His massacre was short and brutal

Screams break through the silence of the night

Flames to lick the sky

A whole town leveled and yet it wasn't enough to soothe their anger

Bent on watching the world burn

She had waited for him to realize he wasn't alone

For him to come back home

But that night she realized he was already dead

Planning for months as he went on a rampage

A violent fight late one night

And she pulled through victorious

Slain by the only one he thought he could trust

And yet the voices still remained

Not even Death could stop his mad quest

Fighting out of hell, a new power now was his

To cause the whole world's end

Loss and insanity

The cycle of the end

The cycle will continue his suffer without end

And he will always be killed by his last… remaining friend

Written by Johnathan545