
TRA: A Gods Sorrow

Grall, chieftain of none, believes he has just became the god of death. He must learn how to control his abilities as the world of Xeno-Movia spirals towards the end of its cycle. Grall isn't the only one who is going through changes, as Grodak suffers from the consequence of killing a Casarn. A strange woman with wings appears, claiming to be Tyril’s sister, new members are added to the party, and all hell breaks loose at the gates of Hell. The party will soon learn a great threat hovers over them, ready to strike at any moment. What is this threat? A being older then time itself and more feared than the God of death. His name was erased from history but his deeds are what created the world of Xeno-Movia. The Cycle ends with the death of one and begins again with survival of another. Disclaimer This is based off of a ttrpg created by Jarada Daedra. The Rebirth Algorithm is a product of Jarada Daedre. All art is owned by the respective artist.

Mr_Eppeak · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Character Interview: part 1

This is a panel where we will be interviewing the characters who have played a part in the story. We will be interviewing Grall and Grodak this time. Both characters were interviewed separately. To make it easier to follow, we decided to abbreviate their names the following is a list of the abbreviations.

Grall- G

Grodak- Gr

Interviewer- W for Wimp


W- So, a lot has happened so far. How do you feel about the latest chapter and what the Source told you.

G- Why am I here?

W- Didn't they tell you? You're here to be interviewed. I'm sure your fans have so many questions they would like to ask you.

G- Fans? Scoffs. What fans? I'm probably the least liked character out of the lot of them.

W- The writer doesn't seem to think so. He seems to be telling the story as though you were a victim of fate. Someone who is only searching for a way to reunite with his beloved wife.

G- He tells my side of the story more then the rest only because he is my creator, where the rest were created by others and he can't begin to explain how they would feel in that situation. He knows how I felt, he has traveled my entire story along side me and has fought by my side. He wept when I wept, became angry when I was angry, loved when I loved. He has been there with me from the time I was born and will be there with me when I pass from this world to the next.

W- .... Moving on, what do you think will happen in the upcoming chapters?

G- I will only say this much about the story so far. The writer has already presented the beginning and the end.

W- Hold on, is that in the script? Don't write that. Gets up to take pen from the writer only to trip over his feet and face plant.

G- Gets up to leave, ignoring the unconscious interviewer.


W- Rubs his sore head and misses with the blood stained bandage. Grodak, what do you think of the last chapter?

Gr- Obviously wishing he was anywhere else. I don't have any opinion about it. I got a new weapon and a new forge. What else is there to say about it?

W- What about the new information Grall learned?

Gr- Looks into the interviewers eyes. What information do you speak of?

W- I mean... Is stuttering and looks to be about to pass his pants. Did you not read the last chapter?

Gr- Did you?

W- No, but-

Gr- My hero interrupts the shitty interviewer. I do not read the chapters, I have no need to. I live them and do not wish to know what the others are doing when they are not in my presence, just as they wouldn't want to know what I am doing.

W- R-Right.

Gr- If we are done, I'll be leaving now.

W- Wait. Looks like he is about to jump out of his seat to stop Grodak from leaving, which will result in his death. There are more questions I need to ask.

Gr- Very annoyed and is about to rip the shitty interviewer to pieces, fingers crossed he does. What else do you want to ask?

W- Still in one piece, sadly, but is now sweating bullets. Whats it like to play second fiddle to your younger brother?

Gr- Looks pissed and is now standing up. I play second fiddle to no one.

W- Looks like he's about to make a dash for the door. Will, I'm sorry to say, but, your side of the story is rarely spoken unless it coincides with Grall.

Gr- Begins to beat on the interviewer and doesn't stop for ten minutes.

W- Is unconscious and bleeding out of several places I'm sure he shouldn't be.

Gr- Is now leaving the unconscious interviewer to bang his wife. Just kidding, the interviewer has no wife. He will die the same way he has spent his entire life, alone.