
Toxic Emperor

*Not a Overwatch Fic* This work is just an experiment. We do not own none of the characters besides our original ones. *This Fic is set in a world where's the mix of a bunch of animes, video games and things like that. It is not set in a single anime world with elements and characters of another worlds, but rather a conglomerade of many worlds fused together.* Enjoy. We'll release more chapters depending of your support :)

Dereck_Oliveira · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
8 Chs


As soon as the light went out, all the criminals in the vicinity quieted down. The sound of their ragged breathing filled the place. Some were anxious and clearly not wanting to believe that this was happening while others were quick to catch a wind of the situation and pulled their guns out, rushing to the exit.

Ishmael turned to Samael with a smirk. "Don't worry, there are multiple escape routes. Like I said, we have something prepared for this kind of situation."

Samael simply shook his head before crouching and placing the bag full of the guns he just bought on the ground. Opening it, he took the guns and started to arm himself.

Shortly after he began to do that, he stopped and closed his eyes, seemingly listening to something amongst the hysterical crowd.

"One... Two... Three... Four. Four rotating blades. A lot soldiers... The sound is increasing fast." He commented to himself, however, Ishmael managed to hear it.

"What? Are you saying that a fucking chopper is coming to where we are?" Ishmael's smirk crumbled. He may be just an informant, but he knew what was bound to happen if Samael's claim was true. "If a chopper has been mobilised it can only mean one thing, this is not a busting operation. This is an extermination raid which means some idiot in this room pissed off the Warlord!" After saying that, he turned to look at the crowd.

The criminals were desperate. Quickly dashing through the doors. Of course, the slavers, being the cowards they were, were the first ones to leave. It's obvious that they left the slaves behind, after all, they prize more their lives than their goods.

The more dangerous criminals such as assassins, mercenaries and gang members waited for the non-combatants to leave first, not because they cared about the people that couldn't fight, they simply needed a meat shield to check how many members of the police were involved in this raid.

Soon enough, gun shot after gun shot echoed through the building. Full automatic rifles firing non stop, ripping to shred whoever had the bad luck of entering in their aim.

Samael just listened quietly to the gunshots. Since all of the exits were filled with gunshot noises, Samael had to isolate each sound individually to find out which exit had the least simultaneous gun firing sounds. Just a few seconds passed since the begin of the raid, but he managed to deduct the safest route using his incredibly sharp hearing senses

Opening his eyes, Samael turned his head westwards. "Over there." He said in a low voice as he dashed in a direction.

"Where?" Ishmael turned to look at Samael but he wasn't where he was just a second ago. Looking around in confusion, he couldn't help but curse. "Fuck! No wonder he's hated so much. The asshole called everyone in here a rat but he's the slipperiest of them all."

Walking down a surprisingly clean hallway, meaning that the first meat shields died way further ahead, Samael carefully inspected the surrounding area looking for any sign of blood.

The hallway then ended just ahead, afterwards it splits into two different ways. Samael took a peak in one of them just to see a bunch of mechanised policemen heading his way.

'Shit at least 12 of them here. There could be more on the other path.' Without thinking twice Samael dashed soundlessly into one of the patients rooms.

This was a huge hospital meaning they would have to split at some point. Before his prediction could be confirmed, however, Samael noticed that someone was approaching the entrance of the room, forcing him to hide himself beneath one of the beds.

One of the pistols that he bought was on his hands and if the policeman looked beneath it, Samael wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet in his head.

After entering in the room, the policeman slowly and cautiously proceeded to check the entire room. When he finished, he began looking beneath the beds to assure that no one was in the room, however, just as he was about to start, he was taken by surprise.

"The fuck are you doing?" One of the policemen appeared at the door and questioned the other.

After saluting, the other man responded. "Sir, I was checking if the room was clean, sir."

"Drop that, let's move on. We need every person we have to clean this shithole." The man proceeded to walk out of the room.

"Yes, sir." The other one answered and soon followed him.

Waiting for a couple of moments, Samael slowly exitted the room. When he looked around, he could see that the hallways were clear, meaning that the police had probably advanced further into the hospital. Slowly proceeding to walk in the hallway, Samael made sure to make as little noise as possible and to stay at the lowest stance he could manage.

Then he peaked out of the glassed windows that were everywhere in the hallway and could see a barricade, not only around this building, but apparently around the block. The police entered in every single house around the hospital and killed everybody without any questions being asked. Their orders were to exterminate and they would do it mercilessly.

"If I don't get out of here, then my fate will be the same." Samael didn't had much time to think because a white light, blinding on the other windows was slowly approaching on him. "Shit! They have the chopper as a lookout for any possible escapees through the windows."

Samael ran at incredible speeds and quickly hid behind a pillar, waiting for the light to pass by him. When that happened, he continued to walk down the hallway until he reached a stair case. Every single exit is completely sealed off, if he wants to escape he's going to have to force his way out.

Samael calmly descended down the stairs until he reached the ground floor. He slowly opened the door and took a peak outside.

The entrance way was clear, now there was only the main lobby left. If he could leave through the main lobby, then he could use the sewers to escape. Of course life is not that easy.

"Fuck... FUCK!" After distancing himself from the door, Samael quickly turned to the side and punched the wall, cracking it. "Of course... of course the Enforcers are part of the fucking raid." Then he turned to look at the door again, leaving an imprint of his fist and knuckles on the wall. "What is next? Capes? Magic Users? I am starting to get tired of this. I swear if that rat Ishmael survives, I will use every single toxin that I have created on him."

While Samael knows that Ishmael is probably not responsible for the raid, Ismael was the one who lured him out of his hideout, and he also needs someone to vent his anger on. Besides getting a free test subject is always a treat to scientists like him.

"Ok. 3 Enforcers on the entrance and at the very least 20 police officers armed to the teeth serving as the clean up crew." Samael told himself. Living alone for many years with just your own company awakened in him the habit of talking to himself.

The problem on the Enforcers taking part of the raid is that their advanced mechanical exoskeletons stuck to their bones makes them extremely fast and agile while giving them absurd strength. But if that was all, the situation wouldn't be so critical. The Enforcers also have multiple cybernetic enhancements such as potent adrenaline doses that boosts their strength temporarely, the complete inhibition to pain, analitical eyes that scan anything that they see with many types of visions like infrared and night vision with enhanced pupils, nano machines coarsing their blood ready to heal any taken damage, etc.

They also have a suit that is platted with light titanium and some kind of metal that allows them suit to bend beyond what should have been possible and with the nano machines, bending their head backwards won't kill them. No bullet can get through that suit, after all, the Enforcers were designed by the Warlord Council with two objectives in mind.

The first one being to hunt down any Magic User and the second one was to be the lapdogs of the Warlords. If required they can also face Capes that go rogue on their own.

Hiding from an Enforcer is almost impossible. And even if one of them is somehow defeated, their suits will enter what they call Fase 2.

The suit will explode, releasing a deadly bomb not only known for its explosive capacity but also for its radioactivity.

Truly a force to be reckoned with.

While looking through a small crack of the door, Samael is trying to find any opportunity to slip away through their defenses. With his observation skills, he managed to notice that these enforcers are new amongst the ranks. The way they talk, move and even kill denotes that from them. Not only that, an experienced Enforcer would have spotted him before he could take a look. The more experienced you are with that suit the stronger you become, to the point where you can hear people breathing meters, if not miles away.

'Even in the allmighty Enforcers there are ranks between them.' He thought. 'These guys are probably at the bottom of the food chain. Still, newbies or not, I'm not stupid enough to fight them head on. I still haven't been able to produce a toxin strong enough to penetrate their masks. I need better resources and a better lab... but let's ignore my lack of capabilities to defeat my opponents for now. What I need to do is to focus on one thing and that is survive.'

Samael's only advantage at this moment is that his enemies don't know that he has made it this far. If he gassed the entrance, it would give him around 4 seconds before the Enforcers jumped him. Taking into account his current weapons it would take over 2 to 3 minutes before he is killed either by a bullet or ripped to shreds by the Enforcers.

Right now, what he really needs is a distraction but such thing is not easily able to come by... Specially a distraction good enough to trick these newbie Enforcers.

'I could try to search for another exit, but there is a high chance that the other ones have Enforcers on them too. If I drop my grenades, I would soon be showered by a bunch of bullet and three mad hounds.' While he was still busy thinking, like it was a gift from God, the other door to the main entrance was opened and the guy that earlier was giving the speech came out of it.

"You dickwads, do you want some of this? Then come and take it you pigs!" He yelled before waving his arms and making his flames flow everywhere as he set the entire entrance on fire.

The Enforcers pretty much locked on to him and dashed at him.

"I couldn't have asked for a better bait... your sacrifice will be remembered... What was his name again? Eh? Who cares? Time to get the fuck out of here." Samael opened the door and rushed through the flames.

The police was too busy trying to not get overwhelmed by the fire while the Enforcers were fighting the fire Mage. It is a miracle that he has lasted more than 30 seconds, but 30 seconds is more than enough for him.

Bullets flying everywhere while flames danced in the surroundings, this coupled with the intense movements of the Enforcers made the cealing start to fall down.

Without delaying, Samael rushed towards the exit only to see the police trying to reorganise at the same exit.

Pulling out his dual pistols, Samael pulled the triggers and two balls of lead found their ways to the heads of two policemen. Two bullets equal two head shots.

The police immediately took notice of him and started to return the fire while dragging their dead friends to a cover. Samael pulls the triggers again. Despite the policemen wearing a bulletproof helmet, the caliber that these pistols were capable of shotting was nothing to scoff at, they could definitely stagger an Enforcer. This was capable of being achieved thanks to the great increase in their firepower through a series of mechanical adjustements and enhancements.

Another two bullets flew, one landed in the chest of a cop and the other one on his shoulder.

"This is Deal Force 3, be advised! There is an escapee running through the front exit. We have two down and one injured, we need medical assistance and reinforcements."

"Well looks like my hide and seek game is over." Without bothering to get into cover, Samael holster his guns before grabbing two grenades from the inner side of his trench coat and throwing at their direction.

"Grenade! Get down!" But unlike what the policemen expected, the grenades didn't explode, instead with a gas leaking sound, they spread out a greenish gas cloud. Through the advanced goggles of his mask, Samael watched as the cops started to cough. Shortly after they started to tremble as from their eyes blood came out like red tears.

Samael just continued running and didn't bother to get behind cover, he simply rushed to the exit.

"Get away from me you fucking monster!" One of the policemen that were affected by the gas turned to another policemen who wore a mask in time.

"Die! You son of a bitch! How dare you fuck my wife!"

"You poisoned my dog you whore!"

The other policemen picked up their guns and started shooting each other. To Samael, however, the outcome was a little disappointing, after all, he noticed that it took longer than he expected for the gas to start taking effect.

"The fear gas still needs improvement. There is a lot more gas that I wish to try out, but now is not the time. What a shame. I should have around 4 to 5 minutes before their reinforcement arrive or 1 and a half minutes before the Enforcers stop playing around with the fire boy and come after my ass." Samale continued running until he got through the front door, coming out of the building.

After sighing in relief, his happiness was cut short when he looked up and saw a huge rock heading towards him as soon as he set his feet outside of the building.

"Shit! Who the fuck is throwing rocks?!" Samael managed to quickly dodge backwards, reentering tthe building, but barely dodging the rock that hit the entrance.

Side stepping to the side of the main entrance, Samael then grabbed four of his grenades and rushed through a narrow gap that the fire had created, since the main entrance is now sealed with a huge rock. Setting foot outside once again he is met with a pair of cold gold-green eyes that locked on him.

"Well isn't this a surprise. The Warlord hates Mages and yet he has one under his employment, how am I not surprised? In all of his speeches he goes on rambling about how Mages are the reason our cities are suffering and yet he keeps one as a pet. Today has just been a productive and wonderful day." Samael scoffs before grabbing the shotgun he just bought and pumping it.

Not even bothered by the sheer hostility being emitted from Samael, the owner of the unnaturally colored eyes was a tall and beautiful tanned woman with a slim yet shapely body figure, pointy ears and two long rabbit-ear-shaped horns.

The woman, dressing tight clothes that clinged to her body and showed the inner side of her chest, simply narrowed her eyes. "I won't let you escape." Was all she said.

"You know, I find it funny that you think that you have a say in the matter." Samael shot back while placing the shotgun on his shoulder before turning serious. "I am leaving and you can't stop me."

After throwing a gas bomb right underneath her, Samael dashed through the gas cloud that within seconds was lifted. In response to the sudden attack, the tanned woman stomped on the ground, raising several earth spikes in the vicinity in order to prevent another surprise attack.

Soon after that, she crouched and touched the floor with her eyes closed. A couple of seconds passed and she immediately turned to look at an direction despite the dense gas cloud preventing her from seeing.

However, that wasn't a problem because she raised several earth spikes in that same direction. Samael, who was barely able to dodge the initial volley of earth spikes, was almost impalled by her second volley. Despite him moving at fast speeds, the woman, through an unknown method, was capable of tracking him down and raising spikes right underneath him.

Thanks to his enhanced senses and speed, he's able to dodge them a hair's breadth, but if he only focuses on dodging, sooner or latter, he will be hit. With that in mind, he decided to close in on her.

Taken aback by the escapee's sudden change in direction, the tanned beauty manipulated the earth and surrounded her right arm in a thick earth armor, changing the size of her arm before preparing herself to strike Samael down. "I think you already noticed, but your gas isn't working. I'm no human, I don't need to breathe." She says before delivering a strike at where she predicted that it would be Samael's location.

But unlike what she expected, she hit nothing. Samael had managed to dodge her attack. All she could feel after that, was the cold barrel of Samael's shotgun on her back. Without delaying, Samael started to unload many shells of his shotgun at her, for some reason, he already expected that the woman's tenacity and endurace would definitelly be bigger than the shotgun's firepower.

And just like his expectations told him, despite taking several shotgun rounds at close range, the best it could to her was to push her back, pierce her clothes and make her bleed a little as the pellets slowly fell to the ground. Seeing that the woman was almost unfazed, with his last shotgun round, Samael threw a vial containing a red liquid at her before shooting it, splashing the liquid all over the left arm she used to protect herself. Then another gas bomb flew at her and he disappeared amidst the gas cloud once more.

The moment the red liquid touched her skin, it started to corrode it before igniting in red embers that burned her flesh. The woman winced in pain and bit her lower lip to stop herself from screaming. The pain she's feeling is something astronomical, even for someone like her.

"This is surprising." From the gas cloud, Samael's impressed voice came, forcinf her to look all around. "Red Lady is a powerful corrosive toxin that ignites upon contact with the components of the blood. It is trully admirable that you are resisting this kind of quantity when a single drop was capable of killing a person through combustion. Be careful, if it falls in your bloodstream, you're good as dead."

Despite him saying that in the hopes of her simply backing away, treasuring her own life like others would, the woman's next coarse of action was something completely out of his expections, however.

As soon as she heard him, the woman stretched out her left arm before raising a earth spike that bisected her arm from her body, splashing her combusting blood on the ground. This time she couldn't stop herself from screaming in pain.

"Ho, ho~. This requires a great amount of resolution... or plain stupidity." Samael commented in a amused voice.

"I call it loyalty." She sucked a breath of air from between her teeth and looked directly at Samael. "My master ordered me to ensure that no one would escape this raid. That is my objective and I'll do whatever it takes to accomplish it, even maiming myself. Besides, healing magic will deal with this." Then she lifted her arm and unfolded her long bat-like wings from her back, wrapping it around her body.

'This is enviable. Having such loyal subordinate must be good.' Samael saw as, dozens of earth arms extended from the ground and flew at his direction trying to grab him. However, Samael had dashed through her volley of stone hands unscathed. As soon as she opened her wings, Samael was right in front of her, making her eyes widen in surprise.

In a swift attack, Samael's needle claws found their way to her unguarded stomach, puncturing it. A second later, she kicked him sending him flying back, hitting a wall. However, it was simply too late. That second was long enough for Samael's toxins to enter her body.

Coughing a little, Samael got up from the ground and looked at her, who was confused and tipsy. "The last gas bomb was created using carbon monoxide mixed with a bit of crystallised radiation. While the effect is not immediate it slowly dulls the senses and makes the reaction time slower."

What he directly injected into her body is his newest toxin. From what he got from several trials in his lab, the toxin slowly blends in with a target's blood and through a series of chemical reactions, the blood turns into some kind of blueish sand that travels to all the major organs in an extremely painful way. This would have worked on any other enemy but Samael knows knows that she will not die from this, the needles didn't go deep enough.

Still it gave him more than enough time to run away. Throwing a couple more of gas bombs, Samael rushed out of the battle scene leaving a beautiful woman whose facial expressions was contorting in pain and blood was pouring out of her left arm.