
Towers of Eternity: Beyond Mortal Grasp

In a world invaded by monsters through a mysterious tower of wishes, the heir to a powerful magical empire embarks on a perilous climb to end the chaos. However, family conflict arises as his father sees the tower as a lucrative opportunity for expansion. As the protagonist ascends, secrets unfold, and the journey becomes a transformational odyssey, blurring the lines between mortal and divine.

King_Of_Time · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 7: The Confluence

The 60th floor, a realm cloaked in mystery and danger, became the backdrop for a clandestine meeting between Leon and Eryk. As the group of S Rank hunters led by Leon approached, the air was thick with tension, both from the Tower's challenges and the weight of the impending confrontation.

Under the shadow of ancient architecture, Leon and Eryk exchanged a glance that spoke volumes. The celestial wings on Eryk's back pulsed with energy, resonating with the anticipation of what was to come.

"We've expanded our influence toward the northwest," Leon began, his voice low,

"but the cult's attacks are disrupting our plans. Their strikes are random, hitting secret bases across the world, including ours. It's not catastrophic, but it's enough to raise concerns."

Eryk nodded, absorbing the gravity of the situation. The cult's actions added a layer of unpredictability to an already complex scenario. It was clear that their influence reached far and wide, disrupting even the best-laid plans.

The trio of S Rank hunters accompanying Leon exchanged wary glances, acknowledging the severity of the situation. Eryk, tapping into the energy of the Mask of the King, spoke with determination,

"We need to address the root of the problem. If we cripple the S Rank hunters within my father's army, we might uncover the information we need."

A plan unfolded as they huddled in the shadow of a colossal structure. Leon, with a strategist's foresight, outlined the details.

"We have reliable information that several S Rank hunters from your father's army will be patrolling the perimeter. If we strike discreetly, we might obtain valuable intel without raising alarms."

Eryk, his mind sharp with the tactics learned during his training, added, "We can use the chaos caused by the cult to our advantage. They won't suspect a targeted strike when they're dealing with their own issues."

The S Rank hunters, skilled and battle-hardened, nodded in agreement. The synergy between the three factions—Eryk's alliance, Leon's group, and the S Rank hunters—represented a convergence of interests against a common adversary.

As the moon cast an ethereal glow upon the 60th floor, the plan took shape. Eryk, Leon, and the S Rank hunters would move with precision, striking the designated targets while the chaos caused by the cult's attacks provided cover.

The meticulously crafted plan unraveled as chaos erupted on the 60th floor. The cult's unpredictable attacks and relentless monster assaults disrupted the carefully laid groundwork. As Eryk's allies struggled to regain control, the need for a hasty recalibration became evident.

In the midst of the pandemonium, Leon and Eryk moved with stealth, navigating through the shadows cast by the tumultuous events. The cult's influence spread like wildfire, twisting the fabric of the floor into a nightmarish landscape.

As the chaos reached its zenith, Leon and Eryk seized the opportunity to take control of the cult and the rampaging monsters. Together, they orchestrated a concerted effort to quell the unrest and restore order.

The alliance of hunters, their unity now tested in the crucible of unforeseen challenges, fought valiantly to reclaim the 60th floor. The cult members, once driven by their fanatical beliefs, found themselves facing a force of organized resistance.

Amid the turmoil, Leon and Eryk realized that the initial plan to strike the S Rank hunters under Eryk's father needed to be delayed. The priority now lay in quelling the chaos and preventing further harm to their allies.

Once the situation stabilized, Leon and Eryk resumed their covert mission. Silently, they approached an unsuspecting S Rank hunter within Eryk's father's army. The strike was swift, the hunter taken by surprise as Leon and Eryk moved with precision.

However, the sudden turn of events took an unexpected twist. The S Rank hunter, in the throes of defeat, managed to utter cryptic words, "Located the mask, sending back up."

Eryk's heart skipped a beat as the weight of those words settled in. He exchanged a wary glance with Leon, the realization dawning upon them both. They had inadvertently uncovered an S Rank artificial hunter—one specifically designed to track Eryk through the minute traces of power emanating from the Mask of the King.

In an instant, the shadows of the Tower seemed to close in, and the duo understood the gravity of their discovery. The Tower, with its secrets and enigmatic forces, held within it not only challenges but also concealed threats that could unravel even the most carefully laid plans.

The revelation of the S Rank artificial hunter's existence sent a shiver down Leon's spine. Swift and decisive, he reacted with lethal precision, silencing the hunter before it could transmit the crucial information. The sudden demise of the artificial hunter left a chilling stillness in the chaotic aftermath of the floor.

Leon, his expression hardened, turned to Eryk. "We need to move. Escape to the old base on the 20th floor. I have a comeback stone that will get you there instantly. It's not safe here."

Eryk, recognizing the urgency in Leon's tone, nodded in agreement. He grasped the comeback stone handed to him, its smooth surface cool against his palm. In an instant, the surroundings blurred as Eryk invoked the magic within the stone, transporting him to the familiar confines of the 20th floor.

The old base, hidden in the shadows of the Tower, provided a temporary refuge for Eryk. As he caught his breath, Leon, still on the 60th floor, worked alongside the remaining hunters to reclaim control from the chaos they had subdued.

The 60th floor, now successfully reclaimed, bore the scars of battle. The casualties were significant, with more than two-thirds of the allied forces lost in the process. However, the sacrifice proved worthy, for within the labyrinthine floor, a group of trap specialists and top-tier item creators had managed to survive.

The collaboration between these specialists, each contributing their unique skills, played a pivotal role in holding the floor against the cult and the monstrous onslaught. The intricate traps, combined with the formidable creations of the item creators, had proven effective in repelling the invaders.

As Eryk took stock of the situation, he understood the significance of the collaboration among these skilled individuals. The Tower, with its ever-evolving challenges, demanded a diversity of talents for survival. The trap specialists and item creators, now united by the common goal of reaching higher floors, embodied the resilience of humanity in the face of adversity.

Leon, having overseen the aftermath of the battle on the 60th floor, communicated with Eryk through a magical communication device.

"The situation is under control, but we've lost many. The cult and the monsters have been pushed back. Take this time to regroup at the 20th floor. We need to reassess our plans."

Eryk, contemplating the unfolding events, nodded in agreement. The Tower, with its twists and turns, had thrown yet another curveball. The clash against Eryk's father's army had become a complex web of challenges, with the discovery of the artificial hunter adding a layer of intrigue to an already intricate narrative.

As Eryk prepared to rejoin the unfolding saga, he couldn't shake the feeling that the Tower held more secrets than they could fathom. The old base on the 20th floor, now a temporary sanctuary, offered a moment of respite before the next chapter of their journey unfolded—a journey where the shadows concealed both threats and revelations, waiting to be unveiled in the ever-unpredictable Tower of Wishes.