
Tower Of Immortality

From the moment he woke up he remembered nothing. He woke up from his own grave and "funeral" with not a single person and even just a hole with nothing but his casket. After watching a sunset and seeing a glowin gate he thought to be the door to heaven. He entered and from that moment on he was at the "Welcom to the tower of Immortality". Now starts the journey to climb an tower impossible to be climbed with just a single life. Now with the future of eternal suffering and constant pain. May he reach the end and remember who he really was. *** Sorry if the synopsis is a little weird, tried my best to keep some secrets which made it hard to write it lol.

KinglessHeaven · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The Earth Dungeon

"An Immortal, you can take an arm off and it will heal, you can take a leg off and it will heal, you can pull an eye out and it will heal, you can rip a head out and it will heal."

"Aggghhhh put it back!!!!!!"

"Stop acting like a child Yuri."


Lucia laughed.

I was teaching Lucia how an immortal truly is and how an immortal acts. I wouldn't really wanna hurt a woman but at this point, there really is no other way. And in truth it was just Yuri who wouldn't let me.

"Don't do it!!!"

"Let go of me and i'll place your head back."

"Don't kill her!"

"She won't die."


I smashed Yuri's head to make her immobile for a few seconds.

"Are you ready Lucia."

She closed her eyes and said.


And so I threw her at lava, I already taught her the way to get out, I just never said she could use it for that situation. 

"Why did you throw her in the lava."

"Should we?"

I then pointed to the crater.

"Alfred you're insane."

"Fine, if you want to."

I threw Yuri into the lava with Lucia. But at that time Lucia had already sunked under the lava as she screamed.

"Just remember I am not a villain! You guys are immortal!"

As I got rid of Yuri and his lovestruck, I decided to go back to the crater. The place I truly wanted to go to. My heart was still beating and burning for the adventure. I still can never understand why, but the only thing I need to know, is that I want action.

I ran to the crater and when I reached it I immediately jumped without hesitation.

I then finally made it to the ground as my body once again for the third time, splattered to the ground.

"Still deep..."

There were still many people in the crater and more and more are still going into the door. But there was a slight change to the direction of the people. A lot were running out of the door in fear like someone was just chasing them.

But some greedy people weren't being bought by that. And so was I not.

"That was the man from yesterday right?"

"Yeah the psychopath."

"He is!"

I could hear many people talk behind me as they remember what I did yesterday to the three men. Who now that I looked, weren't at the crater anymore.

I ignored the words I was hearing and entered the door. And when I went in I could fully understand why many people were leaving the door.

Inside was something obviously bigger than what the outside showed. As I looked in front of me there was a huge slope upward and little holes at the walls at frequent intervals.

Then I looked behind myself to see that there was the door but there was no wall. It was just a single door with a huge hallway the same size as the slope. And when I decided to look back to the slope what approached was a huge boulder.

"Ok now I get the endless void."

And so I accepted it and got crushed to death. But there was one problem after I regenerated back. 

"Where am I supposed to go?"

Upward were some holes at the walls which now made sense, but at the same time you could just run away from the boulder as being crushed to death didn't matter.

But as I didn't want to overthink the entire place, as the door was still there magically standing despite the boulder. And there is absolutely no one with me. I decided I should just go with the obvious.

"Run away from the boulder it is!"

I went to the straight and flat hallway the boulders seemed to go to. And then after once again a time I do not know, I reached the end which seemed like just a hole to the void. I was definitely immortal, but I do think I will disappear when I fall off the entire world itself.

"I have to look for clues!" 

But I didn't want to waste my effort to go to the edge of this place. So I decided to look at the walls and try to find anything that might have been hidden.

I looked for so long to the point the entire details of the walls are implanted in my brain. But I found nothing, so I decided to come back and climb the slope that should have been the obvious choice.

When I got back after being plummeted by boulders constantly, I could finally start to climb the slope. I ran fast to get to the furthest hole at the walls I could enter.

When the boulder was close to me I entered the closest hole at the walls. Then I turned calm, but that wasn't the point of the hole at the walls was supposed to be.

"What the fuck!"

I was pushed up and died by being crushed once more.

"They were fake! Fake!"

I was happy, in reality I shouldn't be but I was. I didn't wanna play a minigame that lets me beat it that easily. It felt like a child's game or a jungle movie obstacle.

And so I ran up the slope that seemed to never end. I died so many times and my heart was just burning. As I ran I used the boulders as some type of training. After experiencing getting stronger so easily, it just made me more hungry for power. 

I punched the boulder to try to break it. But obviously no human can break a rock with a punch.

After 43 boulders I finally reached the top and what awaits me were the people I was trying to look for. There were some people but not a lot. 

'1... 2... 3... 4...'

I counted that there were 27 people that I could see. And as I looked behind there were multiple lanes that were all slopes that had a huge hole above it, where the boulders drop from.

The 27 people were not happy nor acting normal though. Most of them were just scared. I walked forward as the next challenge was just in front of me. It was a long rope with a huge hole below it where I could see some people stuck and couldn't get out.

I was trying to think if someone has even made it through this. But once again my thoughts were not run by logical thinking. It only had the determination to go run on the ropes and risk all of my life I just didn't care.

And so I stepped on the rope to try to balance it. The length of the rope was far. It was so far I couldn't even see it, this entire thing just seemed impossible. But that thought made me more excited once again.

So then when I finally placed my other foot on the ropes as all 27 people looked at me... I fell.

So obviously I died and splattered to the ground where I would meet a lot of people who have also failed.

"Everyone there's another one!"

A man came yelling.

"Nice to meet you, you regenerated quite fast there, I'm Ronald, what's your name?"

"I don't have a name."

"Oh... Amnesia?"


More people came and it seemed like they formed an entire village with naked people with no houses, light, nor literally anything in it but just gray smooth walls.


"He's got a huge dick!"

"Fuck, don't look!"

The people were in a ruckus. I didn't understand but as soon as they arrived the first thing they looked at was my lower part.

"What do you guys do here."

And so out of my suspicion I asked what they were doing in this place that was almost impossible to get out of. I already knew a way but that was for later.

"Do you want to join."

A woman sucked her fingers after saying that. I was creeped out by how ugly she was.

"Join where?"

Then the man who was named Ronald talked.

"Well, as there was nothing to do in the depth of this place, we just have sex!"

And so my suspicion was right.

"And for some reason we never get tired!"

"It's just endless joy and pleasure!"

Then I said the only acceptable answer.

"I humbly decline."


"No let me have that!"

"You can fuck all of us!"

"All at the same time!"

All the women talked but I just didn't care. I still had the end of this place to go to.

"Sorry ladies, but I still need to escape this place and get out of this hole."

"That's impossible!"

Said by Ronald.

I chuckled.

"What are you laughing for?"

"It's just that you guys don't know how to."

"Now, move, I have to get to the other side of this rectangle."

They all moved away as I walked far from them.

No one dared to stop me, as once again I looked at all their eyes, it was just sad, their eyes are all filled with sadness and emptiness. Everyone in this tower... felt alone.

I wonder what my eyes look like despite having so much fun.

When I almost started to run to get to the other side as fast as possible, a kid stopped me.

"Wait mister!"



As I ran I recalled all the things the kid had told me. He was the same as Yuri, he was someone young and have read fictional stories.

The first floor was divided into four different biomes. 

The first was a fire biome filled with hot things like lava and rocks that burns your feet just touching it, and a huge volcano that was just the sign of something burning and hot.

The second biome was the place I was at, the earth biome, filled with green trees and green grass. With a huge crater that shows it was earth, which means land or dirt.

The third was the water biome, a place that was just completely water. Where everything it has to offer was underwater.

And lastly the fourth was the wind or air biome. The land that was ripped apart from the earth biome which created the huge crater. That entire piece of land was the floating land in the sky.

The kid also talked about the place I was at.

But before that I was finally at the edge. The way I could go up was just easy yet needs a lot of focus. Or when it's just not enough yet, I may have to train much more. 

[Alfred T. Drac]

[43 Years Old]

[Regenerative Speed: 12]

The plan was simple, throw the smallest piece of my body so that it could go much higher and drop much slower.

Then I regenerated to the piece of my body, and as soon as my entire body was there, or maybe if I could even just have my upper body.

The next step is to rip another one apart and throw it. Then repeat till you get to the top.

It's much easier said than done. Being regenerated might not make me scream but the pain still messes with my head. And the amount of focus needed to regenerate consciously, yet at the same time I need to do that fast enough that my entire body doesn't just fall back down making me stuck here forever.

And so I went, I wished for my regeneration to be enough to reach the top. 


A dungeon. That was where I was. The kid said that a dungeon was a place full of difficult trials where at the end I would obtain great treasure.

I never looked at the quest screen and neither did Yuri, it was because we basically forgot about it because all Yuri cared about was becoming inhumanly strong.

And so when I was running I looked at the quest.

"Quest Screen"

[Floor 1]

[Objective: Conquer the 4 dungeons]

It was short and simple. The kid said that there are four dungeons at each of the 4 biomes.

Fire, Water, Air...


I threw the last body piece I needed as I could finally see the top. When I regenerated as I was above the end of those ropes, I threw another body part to make sure I landed to the ground above and did not fall down again.

I threw a full arm and it landed successfully. I defeated the second trial. Now the third trial awaits for me.

"What else do you have for me... Earth Dungeon."