
Tower of God: The Enigmatic King's Story

An irregular will shake the tower with his different view of life. Evil? Kindness? None of that matters to him. All that matters is his pleasure and displeasure. Be his ally for you to be safe. Be his enemy for you to cease to exist. In the end, your life will only matter if... You are of use to him. Tower of god is not mine. Cover of the story is not mine. Words per chapter ranges from 2500 upto 3000+ except the prologue and side chapters so I can confidently say that the actual number of chapters is double its amount if you compare it to the majority of books that averages 1000-1500 words per chap. (I have to say this since I know that it will be unfair to me if y'all just assumed that it's your typical chapter quantity focused fanfic) This book is not for normies who doesn't like harem and treats shounen protagonist as if they are the only kind of protagonists that exists. This book contains huge spoilers (and I mean HUGE spoilers) from the manhwa so if you are an anime watcher only (yuck. sucks to be you) then you better not read this if you don't want to be spoiled.

Nattnatt · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 7: Rak Wraithraiser best boi

(A/n: 4,641 words chapter for the best boi.)


"I...forgot..." Said Kai with a sweat. Him forgetting things when he is fighting has already happened to him many times.

One of the examples is when he fought a group of thugs. He got too excited from the fight that he beat them all too much that they can't speak anymore even though he originally want to interrogate one of them if someone sent them to beat him up. Which is most likely because he is enemies with some big names in the underground arena.

Looking at him and hearing what the red head said, Khun just deadpanned as he had the urge to smack Kai's head with his briefcase.

'How can one be an idiot and actually smart at the same time? I can't believe that I actually got a lecture from this idiot.' thought Khun as he calms himself down.

"Whatever, let's go now. Who knows if we can get more allies to our side. There's still some time left." Said Khun as he looked at his pocket and confirmed that there's still a little time left before the time is up.

"Alright, follow me then." Said Kai as he grinned before looking at a certain direction.

"Hah!? Why should I follow you? You are the one who should follow me." Said Khun. He is not someone who tolerates being ordered around. Especially since they are still not even that close since they just became allies seconds ago. Add that to the fact that he aims to rule this tower.

Kai then turned to look at him with a deadpan.

"I beat you up and you follow me. Isn't that how things should be?" Said Kai as if he is looking at an idiot.

Seeing what kind of stare Kai has for him, Khun has veins popping up in his forehead.

'How dare this idiot look at me as if I'm the idiot one here!?

"Isn't it obvious that I was going easy on you? I could've easily smacked your head and make you passed out if I want to, you know?" Said Khun with confidence in his voice. What he said was actually half true. He just got caught off guard by his shinsu and the mistakes in his thoughts. Although he could not really easily beat Kai according to the latter of his sentence.

If not for him falling to a daze in his mistakes, his injury would've not mattered as he can still make their fight draw. Or so that's what he thought.

Kai was also still holding back. His experience of fighting is not just what he experienced in the boxing arena. He could even confidently say that all his fights in the underground is only 10 percent of all the battles that he has gone through. And by going through those battles and his deadly training, his strength rose to a superhuman level. A level of strength that no normal human will attain even if they trained all their life. A level of strength...that may even surpass someone who is from the 10 families.

Hearing this light blue head, Kai thought that he is just bluffing to not let his pride get stained from him losing badly. Although he also has the feeling that what he said was actually true because his instincts tells him that this man named Khun is not that weak for him to defeat him without him being able to even retaliate.

"Sure, sure~ how about we fight again so we can really determine who's the leader?~" said Kai as he stands infront of Khun and smiled menacingly.

"Agreed. Let's fight again so that I can finally show you I was really going easy on you in our previous fight" said Khun as he also looked at Kai's eyes without any hint of backing out.


After a few seconds, they both finally moved as they proceed to...

Have a dog and cat fight.

Pulling hairs, scratching faces, pulling cheeks, biting each other- a fight that actually describes a real dog and cat fight.

"You think that you are some big shot just because you are an irregular, huh!? I'm gonna tell you that I'm from the Khun family!! A family that belongs to the 10 great families of this tower!! I'm also a genius among genius there for you information, you mad dog!!" Said Khun as he pulls Kai's hair up with his right hand and pulls and squeeze his cheek with his left hand.

"Don't know what this 10 families or whatnot but I should let you know that I've fought almost every fucking day the moment that I gained consciousness!! Gang fights, underground fight, Gang wars, fighting a whole gang myself- almost all the people that I've fought even have guns!! Do you know how I survived?? Because I'm a fucking one man army!! Get that through your head, you fucking Administrative assistant!!!" Said Kai as he also does the same to Khun. (A/n: A very well thought out nickname. Praise me, mortals)

At his nickname of him, Khun just got confused. After thinking about it, he realized that Kai is probably insulting his clothes as he bite Kai's hand that is squeezing his face.

"Kuk!" Winced Kai.

"Quit it with your irregular jokes, mad dog!!" Said Khun as he lets go of Kai's hand and spit on the ground. He doesn't want to accidentally taste anything from this mad dog's hand.

"You fucking administrative assistant...did you finally become a vampire!? Oh yeah, your skin is also very pale...did you gave up your humanity or something!?" Insulted Kai. Khun's skin is really pale for a normal human skin. Although it's not to the point that he looks like he has anemia.

"You idiot! It's a special characteristic of my family- huh?" Khun stopped his sentence as Kai stopped with his 'dog attacks' and looked at a certain direction. He also looked at the direction where he was looking as he saw something gigantic wearing a red cape. The giant is on a hill and had its back to them. Take note that the distance between them is around 15 kilometers.

Kai then grinned as he lets go of Khun as he grabs the black march and runs towards the giant on the hill. Before he bolted away, he looked at Khun first and said.

"Let's stop for now, vampire. Let's make that one our ally. He smells like a beast." He then bolted as he instantly became tens of meters away.

He just looked at the mad dog bolting towards the hill as before he also grabs his briefcase.

"...Doing whatever he wants without even consulting me...my path towards the top seems to be one filled with chaos..." He then sighs as he also bolted towards the hill.

They both don't know for now, but the 2 of them finally encountering the giant on the hill completes the trio that the tower should get ready for.


[Before Khun and Kai met]

"Finally found...my fishing spot." Said a gigantic alligator wearing some kind of red armour and a red cape. He also hold a long red spear. His body is muscular and his height is roughly 15 feet.

'Ekk!! First, a boy using shinsu and now a gigantic alligator!?' thought the sniper that Kai shot with his shinsu. His back is currently bleeding as he stood infront of the gator as his knees shakes violently.

'Wi-will I really die here? I barely even started to climb!!' thought the sniper as some tears started to form at the side of his eyes.

"U-umm Mr. Gato-" before he could even plead, the huge gator yeets him from the hill as he said.

"I don't hunt weak turtles so get out of here." He said as he walks where the sniper was on previously before he narrows his eyes looking like he is looking for a prey.

"Let's see...where is a good prey?"

When he spread his sight, he got astonished from all the regulars that he saw.

"What's this? There's...well- tons of them!!" Said the gator as he opens his huge mouth with saliva coming out of it.

A man with two swords while bodies of dead regulars is on the ground surrounding him.

A man with a blanket all over him.

A yellow haired man with a huge red horn.

A beautiful girl with hair only reaching her shoulders. There's also a very small horn at the top right part of her head.

A green skinned girl with a tail holding a green needle.

All of those are regulars that he saw as worthy preys for him. He was about to choose between them before he felt some kind of creepy power that is staring at him.

When he looked where it came from, he saw that it came from the needle that the green skinned girl is holding.

"That weapon...it's strong...very strong..."

After he looked at the weapon a little more, he said...

"That one...would be a little too difficult to hunt..." He then decides to give up on the green skinned girl as he chooses to pick from the others that he saw. He might be brave but he doesn't want to face something that can easily trample him as long as he has nothing to do with it or there's nothing he wants to protect from it.

However, if he has his reasons...he would face it even if he is the one who becomes the prey between them.



When he was about to choose from the options left, another immense power was felt by him.

However, this time, the power was so intense to the point that it made him not able to move. There's even another power like the one he felt from the green needle but it got easily overwhelmed by the power that is tying him down right now. The power even made him not able to breathe and it's as if it is forcing him to kneel before its presence. The power grew every millisecond as if it is running towards him.

'What's...this? I can't even move...it's like...I'm being stared at by a...real ancient-'

"Yow yow~"

He got cut off by a silly voice as the power that he felt vanished without a trace. The power vanishing made him able to move as he gasped for air a little before he looked at where the voice came from.

He saw a human with red hair wearing a blood stained maroon long sleeves. The human was so nonchalant at the sight of him as his hands are in the back of his head while he is whistling.


Another human approach them. The 2nd human has a light blue hair and is carrying a briefcase. When he got near them, the red haired human spoke with joy in his voice like a kid seeing fireworks for the first time.

"Look Khun! Look! It's a huge freaking alligator! How awesome is that huh!! He is quite strong too so let's make him our ally!!" said the red hair as he shakes the light blue haired's shoulders. Like a child convincing his mom to buy him a toy.

Meanwhile, the light blue haired only has exhaustion on his face. Most likely because of the red haired's antics.

"Why would you even want a gator as an ally, idiot? Couldn't we look for another? Pretty sure there's plenty of strong regulars here." Said the light blue haired.

'This blue turtle...dare to call me a gator?' thought the gator as his anger starts to rise. He already forgot about the power that tied him down. All that matters is that his pride is currently being tarnished by the two puny turtles infront of him.

"No, no~ Don't wanna~ I only want gator as an ally~" whined the red hair as he comically hit the light blue haired's shoulders with the side of his fists.

"Okay, okay~ stop hitting me already. Let's talk to him for a second-" said the light blue haired before him and the red hair avoided a spear being slashed horizontally towards them.

"You...puny turtles dare to insult the great Rak Wraithraiser!? I will show you the consequences of doing that!!!"

He then continued to thrust and slash his spear towards them as they easily dodge them. They are even doing it comically by dodging them exaggeratedly while they talk to each other.

"Ho~ a gator that can talk? Looks like we can sell him to a merchant. Pretty sure many would want a talking pet alligator." Said Khun as he put his hand on his chin in a thinking position. Not stopping on dodging the spear attacks from the enraged alligator.

"Wha-what do you mean we would sell him!? He is an ally, khun!! An ally!! Just think about our future together!! Won't it be really cool if we form a trio with him!? Remember, Khun! Money is just temporary but da alligator is..." Kai then inhales deeply as he closes his eyes. Still also dodging the spears easily.

"Eternal." Said Kai after he opened his eyes making the scene as dramatic as possible. Although it kinda failed because he is still dodging spear attacks that is being thrown at him.

Khun even almost had a tear coming out from his eye from the scene.

"Alright. I understand. But before we make him our ally...what should we do for him to stop attacking us? Looks like we made him angry somehow." Said Khun as he points at the enraged alligator while looking at Kai. Still dodging the spear attacks.

Hearing the blue turtle, Rak's anger just explodes more as he makes his attacks faster.

"You really don't know what you did to make me angry, puny turtle!?!? Both of you ignored me and even called me a gator!!! Even after I told you that my name is Rak Wraithraiser, you still called me alligator!!!" Said Rak as he started to have some sweat coming out from his head. Attacking the two of them at his maximum speed at the same time easily consumed his stamina.

However, such things as stamina running out is nothing for an enraged Rak Wraithraiser as he overcomes his limits as he becomes more and more faster. Noticing this, the both of them finally started to take things a little more seriously as Kai stopped a horizontal slash attack coming from him with one hand. The shock wave from it blew some rice stalks away as it also generated some wind.

'This red turtle actually stopped that with one hand!? Easily at that!?' thought rak in shock. He also knew that he already surpassed his limits in speed. That attack would've been enough to destroy a huge boulder. Take note that it's a horizontal attack which means that the point of the spear is not included in the attack. But despite all of that, he didn't even see Kai wince a little from stopping his spear.

Kai then spoke after he lets go of the spear.

"Alright, let's stop this now. Sorry for that, Mr. Alli- I mean uhh..." He then whispers to Khun asking for the alligators name even though the alligator literally just said it some seconds ago.

Khun then whispers that his name is Rap Wrecker.

"I mean, Rap Wrecker- woah!!" he said with a straight face before he dodged a spear attack again.

"Who is Rap Wrecker, Red turtle!?!?" Hearing him complain, Kai immediately knew that Khun made fun of him by not giving him the gator's real name.

He confirmed it as he looked at Khun who is covering his mouth trying to control his laughter. He was about to punch Khun in the face before he calms his self down. Kai doesn't want the gator to finally burst out from anger and really try to kill them. It will be harder to recruit him if he is in that state. Key word: harder.

He obviously has his ways to convince this gator even if he burst out from anger.

He then thought of ways to calm this gator down and for him to tell him his name. He will not rely on the bastard that is still trying to control his laugh in the corner anymore.

He then thought for a second before coming up with a solution as he spoke.

"Umm sorry for not hearing your name, mister. My ears probably malfunctioned from the sheer beauty of your name that it made me not able to hear it clearly." He bullshited so smoothly that one would doubt if he really just bullshitted.

Meanwhile, the light blue haired in the corner started banging his head on the ground to stop his laughter that he almost cannot control.

"Hmmm" the gator thought about it for a second before he nods.


"That's right. My name is indeed too beautiful for the ears of mere turtles...alright. I'll forgive you for that so listen carefully now so that you won't miss my beautiful name." He then punched his chest as he raises his head high.

"My name is Rak Wraithraiser. You better remember that beautiful name, red turtle."

He said as he never stopped singing 'Rak Wraitraiser is a beautiful name~ so beautiful that it made the puny turtle's ear to malfunction~'

Hearing him singing horribly, Kai bits his lip as he tried his hardest to not laugh. Unfortunately, his efforts of not hurting the gator's pride anymore was broken as they both heard a laugh

"PFFTTT HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA I CAN'T! I CAN'T STOP THIS ANYMORE~ THIS IS JUST TOO HILARIOUS- PUHAHAHAHHAHA" Khun laughed loudly while holding his stomach as tears of laughter are in his eyes. His head also has dirt on it from him banging it to the ground.

Hearing the blue turtle laughing, Rak immediately noticed that they are just making fun of him as he finally burst out from anger.

"You bastard turtles...you really tried to ignore me...call me gator...and now...YOU ARE MAKING FUN OF ME!?!? I WILL SHOW YOU HOW SCARY THE GREAT RAK WRAITHRAISER WHEN HE IS ANGRY!! GET READY TO BE HUNTED, BASTARD TURTLES!!!!" He shouted as he run after them and swung and thrust his spear with much more strength than before. The both of them dodged them not as easily as before.

Every attack that he did created so much shock wave that it made the rice stalks surrounding the hill fly away. Every vertical swing that he did and was dodged by them destroyed the ground.



"You fucking idiot of a vampire!! We would've already finished making him our ally if you just controlled your laughter!!" Complained Kai as he continued to dodge with alertness that is not present before.

"What can I do about it if it's really just funny, idiot!!" Answered Khun as he also dodged the attacks with alertness as much as Kai.

"This has just become much more annoying because of you...sigh alright, if this is how things would end up, then I'll just do it in a much simpler way." Kai said before he stopped dodging and catch Rank's spear which made a much more intense shock wave than before. Unlike before, the spear actually made him move a little bit as his feet scratched the ground. However, Kai's reaction was still the same. Not even a little wince of pain from an attack that can destroy the hill that they are standing on.

'!!! Again!? Is he that much stronger than me!?' Rak thought as he is shocked again from Kai's feat.

Meanwhile, Khun who is observing them also thought that it was strange.

'Even if he is not going all out from our fight before, it's still strange for him to just take that attack head on without even a little damage in his hand...he is indeed an irregular. His defensive capabilities might actually be on par or even greater than the Ha family...' thought Khun. The Ha family is famous for their body reinforcement. They are even called 'thick skin' because they tend to take attacks head on with their bodies

Kai not being damage by the gator's attack even a little bit even though he just entered the tower makes him on par with people around his age in the Ha family.

As they both think that Kai is strange, Kai, who is the most familiar with his body, is one with the most questions.

When he entered the tower, strange things started happening in his body without him knowing.

First, the cage suddenly turning to red when he entered it. He just threw it at the back of his head as even Yuri, Evan, and headon has no explanation for it. Although he heard them mention that a certain man being able to do it.

Second, the red barrier that protects him when his life is in danger. It happened when he got caught up in the explosion from the strange red energy which he previously thought as just the eel's blood. But he thought otherwise because he clearly saw that it got roasted without any of its flesh ripped away from it. It also happened when the sniper's bullet was about to hit his eyes. He thought that that bullet would've been lethal for him if it hit his eyes which is the natural weakness of a human.

And last but not the least is his body's defensive capabilities shooting through the roof. Back at his world, even a pistol can penetrate his skin a little. But now, a sniper was only able to make his skin go red. A pistol and a sniper's penetrative capabilities is just too much of a difference.

And now...even an attack that is enough to destroy a hill is already nothing infront of him. He felt pain of course, but it's not to the point that can make him make a sound. If he were to compare it to how a normal human would feel, it would probably felt like...

'Being hit by a broom's handle by an angry mom.' He thought as he looked at the spear that he is holding.

After coming up with a conclusion, which is to just think about what is happening in his body in the future, Kai then proceeds to his much simpler plan to recruit the gator.

"This is getting extremely annoying now so I will now end this." He said before he looked at Rak's eyes menacingly.

Looking at his eyes, Rak was once again reminded of the ancient power that he felt from him as it made him tense up.

"Choose an option, Rak. Either you will ally with us of your own accords or I will make you our ally by beating you up" threatened Kai as he ball his right hand to a fist.

"C'mon, gator. Don't you want strong allies?" Convinced Khun as he also thought that it's finally time to take things seriously.

"..." Rak just remained silent for a while after hearing them. He is not afraid to retaliate if they really want to force him but he also felt a strange power that asks him to join them and serve Kai as his god.

Rak then calmed his self down. The red turtle might be threatening him right now but he also feels that he genuinely wants him to be his ally.

If it's just them threatening him, even if a god asks him to be their allies, he will still refuse. That's is the pride that he is ready to die for.

Rak thought for a second before finally coming up with an answer.

"Alright, turtles. But before I join you, I will have you both apologize for making fun of the great me-"


"How about no."

Before he could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by the two of them by refusing to apologize bluntly.

Veins pops out in his head again as he shouts before he got interrupted again.



Hearing the sound, both Kai and Khun slumped to the ground from exhaustion. They are not really tired physically but they sure as heck tired mentally from hearing the gator scream his lungs out from anger and from him singing horribly.

The girl's voice from the start of the test is heard once again.



Hearing this, all the regulars groaned from annoyance because they didn't even give them a rest after making them have a battle royale and kill each other.

"Man~ whoever designed this test sure is harsh. To not even give us a small break even though we just finished killing and fighting." Said Kai tiredly as he played with black march with a small smile on his face.

"Yeah...merciless test administrators...I will fire them the moment I am given the rights to do so..." Said Khun as he holds his head from the headache he suffered from hearing the gator screaming and singing.

The girl's voice then continued.



All the regulars then got ready to listen. Except Kai who just continued to play and talk to black march like a kid that is extremely bored in a church.

He can finally not pay too much attention to his surroundings now that he has allies that he can rely on. This perk is one of his main goals in making allies as he just really hate to think all the time.





The girl's voice stopped as the regulars finally started looking for team mates.

"Wow~ they really did the regulars like this huh" Khun talked to Kai who is not paying attention. Although Kai still heard what the girl and Khun said of course.

"Yeah..." Is all Kai can say as he tries to tickle the black march by tickling the needle's handle.

Seeing Kai like this, Khun just sighed as he thought about the rules.

'This test might be absurdly simple, but 5 minutes being given as the time limit made this test difficult.'

He then continues to thought to himself. Khun always does this when he slacks off or when is bored.

'The time being limited means that you have to team up to whoever is near to you which means you to team up with whoever you are fighting the moment the test ended...'

'But for us, that's not a problem. After all-' He then dodged an incoming spear.

"I might have accepted being your team mates, but I sure as hell won't let you turtles stop dodging my spear before you apologize to me!!" Shouted Rak as he begun his attacking/screaming session again.

'-we have already completed the test before it even begun'

Thought Khun as he looks forward to their trio's future.


(A/n: Yooo we actually reached a place for power rankings even though this book barely started!! Looks like me threaten- ahem! I mean encouraging y'all to drop stones works. Thanks for the support!)

Drop dem stones and reviews before I start dropping bodies.