
Tower of God: The Devine Level Check - In System

Waking up a Tower of God fan found himself in a particular situation. He had transmigrated into the body of the protagonist “The 25th Bam”. Not only that he had awoken The Devine Level: Check In System. Upon his first signed in he won ten consecutive draws making him unparalleled from the start.

Marchen · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter Two: Entering The Tower

In a pure white rooms Bam stood shirtless as he trained.

Ding! "It has been a hundred years it's time for the host to return"

"It's been a hundred years already? I've grown a lot during that time" Bam said retrieving his clothes from the inventory.

Getting dressed Bam walked over to the resting area of the hyperbolic time chamber. Looking at his own appearance in the mirror he has changed drastically.

He now had long hair appearing as Bam did when he was Jue Viole Grace. The robe he wore was a blue-grey tunic with dark brown seams along with white pants and black shoes. Similar to the Jin Mu -Won the Protagonist of Northern Blade.

"It took me fifty years to master my abilities and other fifty to refine them. The original Bam's talent is truly frightening" Bam said remembering how the originally had mastered countless schools of martial arts in the webtoon.

Taking one last look at the room that he had spent a hundred years training Bam said his goodbyes.

"I'm ready to leave" saying that he disappeared from the chamber.

Appearing back in the cave the gates to the tower was still there.

Bam smiled before walking up to them and pushing them open with ease. Walking through the gates closed behind him.

- - -
Upon entering the tower the first thing he saw was a bright red light leading upwards.

"My, my it's been awhile since there's been a visitor like you here" a voice came from behind him.

Looking behind him he saw a weird creature with the appearance of a rabbit.

"You are ?" Bam asked already knowing the answer.

"My name is Headon. I'm the guardian of the first floor of the tower. But I must say it's been awhile since a visitor has opened the gate of the tower by themselves. Welcome to the tower young man. What's your name?" Headon asked.

"I am known is The 25th Bam. It's the day I was born. But you can refer to me as Bam"

"You have quite a difficult name to say. It's a pleasure to meet you Bam. So Mr.Bam how did end up here?"

"I was folllowing a girl. But I've lost interest. I'm more interested in this tower of yours"

"The tower is a place where you can find whatever your looking for. Weather you are looking for wealth, immortality, absolute power, magical abilities, are mysterious, just head up. The tower is such a place" Headon said.

"That sounds interesting. But what I desire is something I've yet to uncover. Maybe I can discover that in this tower of yours" Bam said.

"I like your resolve. But remember that it is a hard and painful journey to embark on. Young man" Headon advised.

"Don't worry about me. I'm quite confident in my abilities"

"Excellent, then let's do a test to see if your qualified to go up the tower"

"What did you have in mind" Bam asked curiously.

"In this tower every time you go up a floor, there is a test to see weather you are qualified to go to the next floor. If you pass the test you can to the next floor.

Test are decided by the administrators and rules of each floor. Of course the difficulty varies depending on which floor you are on. In other words, if Mr.Bam wants to go up the next floor, you need to pass my test" Headon explained.

Bam listened as he looked around. He had already located Rachel hiding and watching.

"Look this is the test of the first floor" Headon tapped his staff and pointed towards a cage.

Bam looked over and saw the White Armored Eel.

"The Ball" Headon pointed towards the sphere located in the cage.

"I'm I supposed to fight your pet fish to get to that ball?" Bam asked.

"The Ball is that round human sized sphere. It is designed to pop when hit hard enough. To pass the test , the rules are simple. You need to outrun or defeat that fish as you call it. By popping that ball. Do that and you pass the test" Headon explained.

"I'd much rather fight you. Your test is too easy. I can tell from just looking at you Headon your quite strong" Bam said releasing his aura.

After one hundred years of training he was ready to test his abilities.

"As interesting as that would be you'll find a lot of strong people above" Headon pointed.

"Fine I'll pass your test" Bam turned and started walking towards the cage.

Suddenly he stopped and looked up a foot was about to land on his face. Bam gracefully turned to the side avoiding the foot.

A figure landed beside him. Looking at the girl now beside him. Bam instantly recognized Yuri Zahard.