
Tower of God: New Variable

What do you desire? Money and wealth? Honor and pride? Authority and power? Revenge? Or something that transcends them all? Whatever you desire—it's here. The story of a boy who climbs to the tower hoping to find the reason why he exists and why he's born. *Slow Updates Disclaimer : I don't own Tower of God or it's characters. All right reserved to the author, Tite Kubo (for Bleach), SIU (for Tower of God.

Lessa_Grace · Anime & Comics
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1.2F-Evankhell's Hell


A boy in traditional black and red hanbok is seen sitting on the ground with his back leaning back on a tree.

A katana lay on his left side.

A buzzing sound from above caught his attention.


"Mic test! Mic test! One, two, three!!!"

"One! Two!"

"Hello everyone!"

"All the "Regulars" who have made it to the tower..."

"...We sincerely welcome all of you to the second floor..."

"Evankhell's floor!"

The boy stood up, grabbing his katana, still leaning on the tree.

"This is Evankhell's floor. It is also called the "Floor of Test"! Because..."

"...Here we carry out the final test to see whether you are qualified to go up the tower!"

'About time...'

"Well, I will explain the details to you later! First, let's start the first test!"

"It's been a long since we warmed up!"

"The first test is simple! I will explain the rules, so listen carefully!"

"The rule for the first test is as follows! There are 400 regulars here!"

"Narrow down that 400 to 200!"

"Try every possible mean! The test ends when the regulars reach 200!"

"Ready, begin!"

"Haa... how troublesome."

The boy jumped up to the tree, sitting on one of the strong branches.

'It's just the beginning, and they're already telling us to kill each other...'

He leans back and closes his eyes.

'I don't support meaningless murder, so I just stay here...'


'And the test begins...'

The boy's expression remains indifferent.



A man wearing a red shirt aimed his arrow at someone who looked like he was sleeping on a tree.

'It's your fault for being such an idiot'

He releases his arrow, and the arrow flies at high speed at the target.


Sensing danger, the boy tilted his head sideways, and the arrow hit just the right side of his ear.

He opens his eyes, the indifferent expression still stays on his face. He then stares in the direction where the arrow is coming, and there he sees a guy who has a shock expression.

The boy ignored him and looked behind his shoulder after hearing the ruckus.

'Two, no, that's three...'

He jumped down from the tree with the katana in his left hand.

"Let's deal with this first..."

He mumbled before slowly taking out his katana.




'If you shout like that, more people are going to come here...' He clicked his tongue.

Three people rush towards him, all of them charging straight at him.

One of them swung his sword downward, aiming at his shoulder. The boy easily dodged it; the other one thrust his sword, trying to stab the boy, but his hands were cut off before it even reached the boy, not long after, his head was severed from his body.

"Thud!" He fell to the ground.


The other two were too blind in rage to notice that they didn't see the boy attack at all. Both of them charge at the boy again, this time from the back and in front of him.

One of them, the one who has a big body, uses his fist to try to punch the boy, but the boy suddenly steps backwards, crashing into the one who planned to attack him from behind.


The one who has a big body looks in shock after seeing his partner spitting blood. He looks down, only to see the boy slip his katana between his armpits, making his blade go directly into his partner's heart.

The boy pulled out his katana and quickly dashed towards his frozen opponent, his blade cutting through the head just like a hot knife running through butter.



He sheaths his katana.

The boy looked around.

'The screams will definitely attract attention... I need to move'


'I wonder where everyone is? I mean, I know it's better to not meet anyone at this time, but there's no one here, for some reason that makes me iffy...'

We can see the boy walking around the open field while looking around.

Not long after, he meets two other regulars, one is sleeping with a blanket and pillow, and the other is a blonde guy with a red horn on the right side of his head.

Seeing a stranger with a weapon, the blonde guy raised both his hands, a way of telling the boy that he had no intention to fight. But before the boy says anything, there's another announcement.

"Mic test! Everyone, stay where you are!!"

"The first test is over now!!"

"All remaining regulars, stop what you're doing and listen carefully!"

"Any regulars fighting from now on will be eliminated!"


"To the 200 regulars who passed the first test... congratulations to all of you!"

"It may seem a bit rushed, but a short second test will be carried out right away!"


"Ha ha! Don't be so disappointed! The next test is really simple!"

"Now here is the challenge for the second test!"

"The challenge is "Getting teammates"!"




"There are 200 remaining regulars! Among those who remain, find two regulars to be your teammates!"

"In short, the test is... to make a team of three!"

'Telling us to be a team when you just order us to kill each other...'

"For your reference, we're giving you a five-minute time limit!"

"Ugh..." The boy groans and scracths his head out of frustration.

He then looked at the regulars in front of him.

"Ok, starting now, make a team of three! Of course, if you don't make a team in five minutes, you are eliminated!"

"Oh! And more things. To be considered a team, you need to be touching some part of your teammates, bodies when the time limit is over!"

"So, everyone, good luck!"

The blonde is the one who speaks first.

"Truce? I mean, unless both of you want to look for another regulars?"



The two regulars agree.

They walked closer, and the blonde offered the boy with Katana a handshake.

"My name is Ho."

"I'm Raven"

Both of them shook hands and looked at the guy with a blanket.

"I'm Laure"

He says this after yawning.

"Well, we are a team now," Ho said, smiling at his team.

"Please take care of me," Raven said, smiling at both of them.

The three regulars decide to waste time by talking to each other, mostly Ho and Raven. Laure decided to jump in at the last minute. That's how they know he was from the Phonsekal Family.


"The second test is over!"

"Those who have made a team... keep holding on to each other!"

"The three people holding each other at this moment are considered a team!"

"You'll be sent to the next test spot!"

Ho smiles from ear to ear, Raven just lightly smiles, and Laure focuses on his sleep. Phonsekal is known for their love of sleeping, but seeing it for the first time is interesting to say the least.

Ho and Raven touch Laure's shoulder, and not long after, a bright light blinds their eyes.






A/N: I have a bunch of different ideas for the OC, from he's born into the Arie Family, or Khun Family, or Po Bidau Family, even Lo Po Bia Family. Another is where the oc is another irregular. Inspired by the JJK Cursed Technique, Naruto Dojutsu, One Piece Devil Fruit, etc. But then I remember Kayden Break from eleceed, someone who didn't have a strong family to back him up or rich resources to make him stronger, just pure talent, and that talent brought him to be on par with the world's top 10. So I take him as the inspiration for this OC. Maybe in the future I will use one of the ideas, but for now I will choose this. Do tell me if you have extra information regarding Tower of God in general or input for the story, I may be missing a few details.

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