
Tower Of God: New Power

Upon awakening in a physically weakened state and finding himself in an unfamiliar location, Boyd, a caster hailing from the lost lands, seizes this opportunity to expand his horizons. With a curious spirit and a thirst for discovery, he sets out on a new adventure, ascending the tower in search of novel experiences and knowledge.

NewPower · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

New Partners

Boyd lifted his brown shirt, revealing a pulsating blue circle situated atop his belly button - a manifestation of the ki energy flowing through him. Emerging from the cave, he observed that the test was still ongoing, with contestants locked in fierce combat. Despite the successful completion of the ring, he harbored no intention of engaging in battle just yet. Indeed, he lacked the knowledge to gauge the potency of his competitors and was unfamiliar with the workings of this tower.

Turning his gaze towards the cave he had previously sought refuge in, Boyd retraced his steps and assumed a meditative stance. Just as he began to concentrate, a golden-haired boy with a black dot beneath his right eye rushed into the cave and took a seat beside him.

The red-haired girl who was fighting with Boyd, ran by the cave not noticing the two boys inside.

"I've finally lost that persistent demon," he exclaimed. Despite Boyd's proximity, the man appeared entirely oblivious to his presence, prompting Boyd to question his observational skills. Boyd surmised that perhaps the man's recent flight from the red-haired demon had rattled his faculties. Suddenly, the man's gaze locked onto Boyd's, and he let out a bloodcurdling scream, scurrying away from him in a panic.

"If you dare attack me, I will utilize my elite training to protect myself," Boyd warned. Though he suspected the man was bluffing, he did not wish to take any chances.

"Relax, I won't harm you. We're both in the same predicament - weak and pursued by the red-haired demon. It would be wise for us to form an alliance," the man conceded, extending his hand towards Boyd.

Boyd reciprocated, grasping the man's hand firmly. "My name is Boyd," he introduced himself. The man hesitated for a moment, but recognizing the sincerity in Boyd's demeanor, eventually accepted his handshake.

"I am Wangnan Ja, born to rule this tower," Wangnan proclaimed, exuding a sense of pride and authority.

"The king? That would be me," Boyd replied with pride. "My destiny is to explore and conquer everything in my path."

"Very well, from this moment on, we shall compete to claim the throne," Wangnan declared, with a fierce determination in his voice.

Boyd chuckled and closed his eyes, his mind already envisioning all the adventures and trials that awaited him in this mysterious tower he had heard about only twice before.

Suddenly, a familiar voice echoed throughout the area, the same one he had heard when he first arrived in this enigmatic place.

"The first test has come to a close! All regulars are to cease their activities and listen carefully. If you are still fighting, you will be eliminated. Congratulations to the remaining regulars - the second test will commence shortly. You must form teams of 2 or 3 members, and those who are unable to do so within 5 minutes will be disqualified. Once the 5-minute time limit is reached, you must be in contact with your teammates. Good luck."

Boyd and Wangnan exchanged a knowing glance, realizing they were already partners. "What a coincidence - we're already a team. It seems that joining forces was more advantageous than we anticipated," Boyd remarked, placing his hands on Wangnan's shoulders.

"Let us wait here until the 5-minute deadline, and in the meantime, we shall converse to learn more about each other," Boyd suggested, seeking to strengthen their alliance before the next challenge.


Running around in a panic, searching for teammates, the red-haired girl who had fought Wangnan and Boyd found herself in a precarious situation. Despite her impressive victories against her opponents, she was unable to find a suitable group, and the clock was ticking faster than she had anticipated. She took a quick glance at her pocket watch, and it revealed that she had only two minutes left to form a team of two or find someone without a partner.

Desperately searching for anyone who could help her, she came across several groups, but they had already reached the maximum number of regulars. She started to lose hope until she saw a group of two in the distance. She picked up her pace, moving twofold, and managed to reach the duo with one minute and thirty seconds to spare. However, when she saw who the two were, she began to doubt that they would accept her into their team.


Boyd and Wangnan quickly discerned someone running toward them at an incredible speed, and upon recognizing the individual, their expressions darkened.

As she arrived directly in front of them, she chuckled nervously and stated, "I recognize we have had our differences in the past, but would you consider setting them aside to form an alliance?"

Wangnan responded promptly, and it was evident to all what his answer would be. "No. I would prefer to eliminate you so that we don't have to face you in the future."

Boyd comprehended Wangnan's stance, but he believed it would be advantageous to accept her aid. While he didn't know the nature of the next challenge, he suspected that a team effort would be involved, and having someone as powerful as her would be more beneficial than eliminating her.

"Very well, you may join us." She beamed with so much enthusiasm that she couldn't resist embracing Boyd, which he found somewhat peculiar given her proclivity for aggression in battle.

Despite her intentions to force her way into the group if necessary, she was content with the outcome.

Wangnan, however, felt betrayed by Boyd's decision. "Why did you agree to her joining?"

"Having her on our team would be more advantageous than not, given our limited knowledge of the upcoming test. Presuming that it entails a team challenge, a group battle would likely lead to our failure if we don't have sufficient support. Consequently, her help would be invaluable."

She concurred entirely with Boyd's rationale. "I agree wholeheartedly, by the way, my name is..."

Their conversation was cut short as they were abruptly transported to the subsequent floor of the tower.