A Beep rang through the massive wooden hall as Suoh and the woman from FUG entered.
Suoh ruffled his chin-length crimson hair and looked around at the other surviving contestants.
There were ten of them in total, but only three stood out to him.
The first was a black-haired man with slim glasses and a spear slung across his back.
The second, who seemed part snake, sat right beside the first while polishing his needle.
While the last was standing at the opposite wall with both eyes closed.
"We're the first team to arrive." the woman said from next to him.
Turning around he looked at her confused, "I don't think so."
She sighed in exasperation and shook her head, "I meant between me and my teammates."
Suoh raised his eyebrows in acknowledgement, and just as he was about to go sit down, the door behind them slid open.
He quickly turned around, wary of the potential enemy behind him.
But when he did his eyes widened, before him, stood a tall cloaked woman with long platinum blond hair.
She looked so similar to the woman he had just met that Suoh had to check that they weren't the same person.
As he turned around he felt something approach his neck at such a high speed that he knew he wouldn't be able to avoid it and just as it was about to hit him a ring like a bell echoed around the hall.
Suoh gulped and looking behind himself, found the short-haired woman's sword blocking the long-haired one's.
"What are you doing?" the new one asked, an annoyed expression on her face.
The other one sighed, "I wish to introduce him to One."
The long-haired one scoffed, but lowered her sword anyway, "But you're taking full responsibility if he doesn't agree!"
The short-haired woman smiled and nodded, before looking down at Suoh, "Come on we're going to go sit down."
He chuckled lightly and standing up followed the duo towards the stage where everybody else was sitting.
They had just introduced themselves, via a very awkward conversation, when the doors on the other side of the room opened again and out came Anna and Izumo.
As soon as they saw each other smiles appeared on each of their faces, and standing up Suoh walked over to them.
"Are you alright?" he asked, worry lacing his voice.
Izumo nodded, "We were lucky most of the other combatants had already killed each other when we were sent in.
How about you?"
Suoh frowned, "I met some unexpected difficulties.
One of our pursuers showed up."
Izumo grimaced, but Suoh raised a hand, "I'm not finished!"
He then lowered his hand and continued, "I almost lost but luckily the woman I had been fighting earlier helped me.
At first, I didn't know why, but then she told me.
She's part of FUG and from what I've pieced together, she's a direct subordinate of a Slayer."
Izumo's grimace only worsened, "Shit, a Slayer.
What're we gonna do now?"
Suoh's frown deepened, "It gets worse… She said she wanted to introduce me to him."
But instead of the swear that Suoh expected, a laugh erupted from Izumo's mouth, "That's not bad news, that's great if we can convince him to make us his subordinates then we'll be under his protection."
Suoh nodded, slowly understanding what Izumo meant.
Then suddenly both Clare and Teresa were standing beside them facing the doors.
Suoh frowned, 'What are they doing?
Why are they looking at the door?
Is their commander coming?
No, that's impossible there the direct subordinates of a Slayer.
Except, maybe…
Jyu Viole Grace, the famous new slayer candidate.'
Looking up towards the door he saw as it slid open and out stepped two figures, both clad in black cloaks, but only one of them had their hood up.
He was extremely tall and thin with only a ghostly white mask showing from behind his hood.
While in front of the towering man walked a teenager, he was at least a head shorter than Suoh, but that didn't diminish the terrifying presence he exuded.
Suoh gulped as he took in the snowy white hair and pitch black mask that covered one of the boy's eyes.
The boy seemed tired, extremely so with dark bags under his eyes and a bored, depressed look on his face.
He seemed to not even look where he was going as he slowly walked towards the group of five.
Reaching down Suoh quickly grabbed his younger sister's hand just to make sure she was okay.
He watched as the boy, whose presence alone could make everybody in the room shake, walked over to Clare and laid his forehead down on her chest.
I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please tell me if you see any mistakes.
So I'm not so sure about the last part of this chapter.
I think that I might have added a bit of my tiered ness into it and altered the story too much.
Please comment what you think.
Then I hope you have a nice day or night depending on where you are, goodbye ;)