
Tower of Gamer

i just want to post this novel about the tower of god Manwha fan fiction written by Darklord98 Link : https://m.fanfiction.net/s/11606220/1/

IMaPirate · Others
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Chapter 2

"Wow, glad that isn't me." Edward noted as he stumbled across a corpse of a male with his brains blown out, more than likely the result of a sniper, which meant that this guy was probably killed by that pale light-bearer guy, who's weapon Rak threw off a cliff. Frowning as he found nothing of value on the corpse, Edward moved on to find some people to join up with, in preparation to the next part of the Test. The Regulars had already managed to kill 150 of their fellow competitors, making Edward's job that much easier.

"Well aren't you a tall bastard." Edward said as he looked at a mountain of a man, his face hidden by a metal mask, a leather jacket that left his mid-drift visible, showing off the man's physique, and black parachute pants, along with combat boots covering the bottom half of his body. The man's weapon of choice seemed to be a steel pipe, with a coat of blood on both ends making it quite clear that he wasn't afraid of killing.



Jason LV: 5


HP: 110

MP: 166

STR: 50

INT: 7

VIT: 60

WIS: 8

DEX: 21

AGI: 20


Low Shinsoo Resistance Lv5: the ability to resist low amounts of shinsoo Shinsoo.{-18% damage taken from MP attacks. Ignore AGI Debuffs in areas with Low amounts of Shinsoo.}

"..." The man said nothing before swinging the pipe in his hand in an attempt to kill Edward, and pass onto the next stage. Edward could only laugh at the man's pathetic excuse of a attack, Bomb Dashing away from the attack. The pipe slammed into the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust.

"I...missed..." Jason grumbled as the dust cloud dissipated.

"Well, what do you know, he speaks." Edward noted, standing on Jason's shoulder, surprising the giant.

"G'day, mate." Edward said, before bashing Haensing against the metal mask, shattering it with an explosion, along with the man's skull[-160 HP]. As the giant of a man fell to the ground, Edward noticed another fight going on near his location.

Shrugging, he sneaked towards the sound of fighting. And once he got close enough, he could see the combatants of said fight, a guy wearing a green sleeveless hoodie over a black shirt, his legs protected with armor, running around the small clearing, dodging projectiles shot at him by a girl wearing a yellow and black Yukata wielding a gun of some sort.



Bolt LV: 11


HP: 70/110

MP: 163

STR: 21

INT: 14

VIT: 40

WIS: 17

DEX: 21{-10}

AGI: 50{-25}


Medium Shinsoo Resistance Lv1: the ability to resist the effects of Shinsoo.{-31% damage taken from MP attacks. Ignore AGI Debuffs in areas with Medium or lower amounts of Shinsoo.}

Poisoned: Poisoned with a numbing agent, making the target sluggish.{-25 AGI, - 10 DEX}

Expert Runner: Through rigorous training, you have become an agile runner, capable of running for long periods of time.{+40 AGI, + 30 VIT}



Hachi LV: 10


HP: 85/100

MP: 154

STR: 14

INT: 24

VIT: 18

WIS: 26

DEX: 49

AGI: 23


Medium Shinsoo Resistance Lv2: the ability to resist the effects of Shinsoo.{-34% damage taken from MP attacks. Ignore AGI Debuffs in areas with Medium or lower amounts of Shinsoo.}

Expert Marksman: Through rigorous and time-consuming training, you have become an expert marksman,capaböe of shooting the wings off if a fly with out killing it.{+ 30 DEX}

Poison Specialist: You are well-acquianted with different kinds of poisons, making you an expert in producing them and creating antidotes.{+ 10% in poison making and antidote making}

'Okay, so we have a speedster, and a ninja, how quaint.' Edward thought to himself as he watched the two fight. Bolt tried his best to get to Hachi, who managed to keep Bolt at a distance with her needles. It was quite obvious that in the long run, Hachi would run out of ammo, leaving her defenseless against Bolt.

As he watched the regulars fight, Edward decided to pass the time plotting for the next stage of the test, particularly, the Crown Game and the Submerged Fish Hunt.

Should he try to kill Rachel during the Crown Game? But, then again, that has a few problems, the biggest one being, Akryung. That monster that Headon prepared for Rachel was an absolute demon. He wouldn't even get near Rachel if he tried to kill her, possibly impaled against the wall by one of Akryung's spears, or just plain smashed to mush by the servant's power.

Plus, Baam would probably jump in the way. Speaking of which, should he help him keep Black March or let Anak obtain it. Baam wouldn't have much use for it during the Submerged Fish, due to him and the bitch being in a bubble, plus, wasn't there some Royal schmuck agent or something? The safest option was definitely letting this go as they would, but there's no harm in trying right?

[Through planning ahead, WIS increases by 1]

'Well, this is surprising.' Edward noted as he dismissed the notification. So he could increase his stats by making simple deductions like that, good to know. So, who should he join up with? Try and go find some of the Main Characters or some unknown schmucks? Edward was knocked out of his musings as a bell started ringing.


- 1000 EXP

- The right to enter the next test

#Mic test-! Everyone stay where you are! The first test is now over! The remaining Regulars, stop what you're doing and listen carefully!# the proctor orders, stopping all the fights. Edward took notice that Bolt and Hachi had stopped fighting, paying attention to what the proctor, more than likely that Lero Ro guy was saying. It seemed like he would have to join up with those two. Well, they at least seemed to be able to handle themselves, so they wouldn't slow him down.

#Any Regulars fighting from now on will be eliminated! The 200 Regulars who passed the first test, congratulations to all of you!# the proctor's congratulations were mostly ignored, but regardless, he continued with his explanation.

#It is a bit of a rush, but a short second test will be carried out right away.# the proctor said, dashing the hopes of some of the regulars, who thought that they would just need to survive the first test.

#HAHA! Don't be so disappointed, the next test is really simple.# proctor explains, reading the mood of depression. #Now, here is the second test! The challenge is 'getting teammates'.# he said, confusing some of the regulars.

#There are 200 remaining Regulars here. From those who remain, find 2 regulars to be your teammates.# he explained, angering some of the remaining Regulars. They were just ordered to kill enough regulars to make their number 200, and now they have to make teams with two people, who were their enemies a few seconds ago. What sort of sadistic asshole made this test?

#In short, this test is: to make a team of 3.# he simplified the explanation, in case some people didn't understand.

#For reference, we're giving you a 5 minute time limit!# he continued explaining.

#OK, starting now, make a team of 3. Of course, if you don't make a team in 5 minutes, you are eliminated!# he said, setting them on edge as they look at the people surrounding them, people who they'll have to work with.

[Story Quest: Make some friends]

- Make a team of 3 with 2 other people. In order to do so, you need to hold them at the time limit

Time Limit: 5 Minutes



- 500 EXP

- the right to participate in the next test



'Is every god-damn failure going to end up with me dying or something?' Edward asked himself as the proctor keeps talking

#Oh! and one more thing. To be considered a team, you need to be touching some part of your teammates bodies when the time limit is over.# with those last words, the feed from the Lighthouse cut off, leaving the regulars scrambling to find two people to join their team.

"OI, you two wanna make a team with me?" Edward shouted to Bolt, who was about to jet, and Hachi who was looking at Bolt and Edward nervously."Um, sure." Bolt said, walking over to Edward. Hachi also walks up to Edward, slinging her needle gun over shoulder. They hold each others hands until the time is up.

#The second test is now over!# the proctor shouted as a angry roar could be heard coming from somewhere on the floor, shouting about turtles? must be Rak, Edward reasons.

#Hold on to your teammates for a while. The three people touching each other will now be considered a team. You will be transported to the next test spot.# the proctor said, as all the newly-formed teams were covered in a bright light.

[Evankhell's Mothership, the second test point...]

As the light surrounding them dissipated, Edward could see that they're on board that floating city-thing where everyone gets put into different positions and trained in them. Looking around, Edward can spot all the necessary individuals for the plot , so at least the butterfly effect isn't happening just yet. Looking at his teammates, Edward could see that Bolt was looking around in excitement, while Hachi seemed to be anxious.

"So, I guess introductions are in order, I'm Edward Smith." Edward said, extending his hand for a handshake. "Nice to meet ya Ed, I'm Bolt." Bolt introduced himself, shaking Edwards hand with a big smile on his face.

"Hachi." Their third teammate introduced herself rather awkwardly. She seemed to be either shy or has a problem with crowds. "...Anyway, I wonder what kind of test we'll be getting next? I hope it's a race." Bolt wondered as he does some stretches.

"I doubt that. They'll probably test our Shinsoo resistance." Edward said, already knowing what the proctors will test them on.

"FINALLY, I GOTCHA! I WILL KILL YOU!" a male shouted with an angry tone, drawing everyone's attention. Turning to look at the source of the disturbance, everyone could see a Regular with red hair, eyes and reddish skin, wearing brown robes grabbing another Regular, a kid with black hair, equipped with a Needle(1) by his white shirt with black sleeves and four black bars across it.



Ara LV: 8


HP: 25/80

MP: 108

STR: 22

INT: 14

VIT: 27

WIS: 15

DEX: 12{-6}

AGI: 18


Medium Shinsoo Resistance Lv2: the ability to resist the effects of Shinsoo.{-34% damage taken from MP attacks. Ignore AGI Debuffs in areas with Medium or lower amounts Shinsoo.}

Disarmed: You seem to be one arm short, that'll certainly make things harder in the long run.{-50% DEX.}



Dédé Kancho LV: 9


HP: 90

MP: 129

STR: 19

INT: 24

VIT: 18

WIS: 23

DEX: 24

AGI: 21


Medium Shinsoo Resistance Lv2: the ability to resist the effects of Shinsoo.{-34% damage taken from damage taken from MP attacks. Ignore AGI Debuffs in areas with Medium or lower amounts Shinsoo.}

"Look what you did to my arm!" Ara shouted, referencing to his stump of a right arm. "How are you going to make up for this, huh!" he questioned, understandably angry.

"I don't know, maybe you can buy a stick and attach it to your shoulder." Dédé deadpanned, apparently not caring that he cut the other guy's arm off. And why should he? It was during a test where the objective was to kill 200 Regulars. He should be grateful that he only lost a limb.

"WHAT! Yyyoooouuuuu Asssssholeeeee!" Ara shouted, ticked off and ready to attack the schmuck in front of him.

Dédé's teammate, whom Edward recognized as the religious guy attempted to break up the fight. "Stop there pals. I'm sorry to see your arm like that, but fighting is prohibited during the break, and you got hurt during the test, so it was justified..."



Shopin LV: 7


HP: 70

MP: 97

STR: 19

INT: 15

VIT: 18

WIS: 16

DEX: 17

AGI: 12


Medium Shinsoo Resistance Lv2: the ability to resist the effects of Shinsoo.{-34% damage taken from damage taken from MP attacks. Ignore AGI Debuffs in areas with Medium or lower amounts Shinsoo.}

This only angered Ara even more. "Justified huh? I was ambushed! I'm not so weak, that I'd be beaten by this guy!"

"What I mean is-" Shopin attempted to explain himself.

"I'm sure that you would've been beaten even if it wasn't an ambush, you're just lousy." the black-hair kid interrupted the two, just pouring more oil into the flame that was Ara's anger. Edward really wished that he had some popcorn on hand, as this was starting to turn out to be a proper show!

"Are you nuts! Well then, let's just skip to the end!" Ara shouted, reaching for his weapon, a sickle with a long handle, meant for two hands.

"Let's fight! I don't care about the test anymore!" he keot shouting as Shopin attempted to dissuade him from fighting.

"Did you not understand? NO fighting during break time." said a blonde-haired man with fair skin, two black spots below the his yellow eyes. He is wearing a white lab coat over black trousers and black gloves, making him look like a clown in Edward's opinion.



Lero Ro LV: ?


|Light Bearer|

HP: ?

MP: ?

So Lero Ro's Level was too damn high for Edward to read, but honestly, he was sort of expecting it already. Since all Rankers had already climbed to Floor 134, their levels were probably way up in the double digits, or maybe even triple digits, if the system didn't cap out at 100.

"You didn't take my words seriously, did you Regulars?" Lero-Ro asked, more than a little amused by the Regular causing trouble. Honestly, why did there always have to be some troublemakers in every batch of Regulars.

"Who the hell are you, ya locust looking jerk, you wanna die too, wanna try some pesticide?!" Ara shouted, trashing as his teammate, a yellow chicken with four eyes held him back from trying to assault a Ranker, which would've been a truly futile effort.

"Oi, red, you might want to think twice before attacking that Ranker." Edward said, deciding to draw at least some level of attention to himself. It wouldn't do him any good if he just stayed in the shadows. Besides, he wanted to see Ara's expression once he realized what he would have attempted.

"Indeed, I am a Ranker, my name is Lero Ro and I'm also the Test Administrator." Lero Ro introduces himself, taking slight joy as Ara started sweating profusely. "D-Damn! I forgive you, for the Ranker." Ara apologizes as he walked away from Dédé and more importantly, away from the Ranker, before the man did decide to punish him for almost breaking the rules.

"MIC TEST-! Regulars, over here, please focus." Lero Ro shouted, suddenly on top of a platform. "I will explain the next round." he said, the Regulars moving in closer to hear the explanation on of their next, more than likely life-or-death test.

"Before that, to give some information about myself, I'm your test administrator, Ranker Lero Ro, nice to meet chu!" Lero Ro introduces himself with a terrible pun,(2) causing Edward to face-palm, and the regulars to question how they should react.

"Now, I guess you've had enough rest. Let's go on to the next test! But before that, there will be a little pre-test!" he said, causing the regulars to groan, some internally, some externally at getting yet another damn test.

"FYI, those who don't pass this pre-test, cannot take the next test." Lero explanation caused the Regulars to listening to his words with rapt attention.

"Haha, don't worry. It's a a really simple pre-test." Yeah, as easy as walking through a concrete wall.

Extending his hand forward, Lero Ro gathered Shinsoo in the palm of his hand, ready to begin the test."Well now, the pre-test begins." he said, pushing the Regulars back with a veil of Shinsu, emptying the are around himself.

"Is this... Shinsoo?" a Regular with tinted silver blue hair, a blue bandanna tucked inside his hair, wearing a white shirt, a black tie, carrying a brown briefcase wondered out-loud as he was pushed back along with the Regulars



Koon Aguero Agnis LV: 15


HP: 180

MP: 227

STR: 21

INT: 70

VIT: 18

WIS: 65

DEX: 24

AGI: 29

Points: 0


Medium Shinsoo Resistance Lv9 : the ability to resist Shinsoo.{-55% damage taken from MP attacks. Ignore AGI Debuffs in areas with Medium or lower amounts of Shinsoo.}

"Yup, I threw a veil of Shinsoo at you." Lero Ro answered, proceeding to explain what he did even further. After all, it wouldn't be fair for him not to explain some vital mechanics of the Tower.

"I instantly compacted the Shinsoo to make a veil and threw it to push you." Edward proceeded to tune out the rest of Lero Ro's explanation of Shinsoo and how it would have adverse effects on those that couldn't climb the Tower. It's not like it was a problem for himself, since he sure got through the veil easy enough, as in the veil only moved him a few inches, accompanied with a slight tingling sensation.

"Um... sorry... Mr. Lero Ro." Baam timidly spoke up, drawing attention to him. And as expected, people were shocked that a little kid didn't get moved by the Shinsoo Veil, some of them already noticing that Edward hadn't moved either, to which he gave a small smile and a wave. Making use of the situation, Edward used [Observe] on him.

Might as well see what kind of monstrous stats the little chestnut Irregular had.



Baam Twenty-Fifth LV: 16


HP: 160

MP: 163

STR: 14

INT: 22

VIT: 21

WIS: 66

DEX: 21

AGI: 19


High Shnisoo Resistance Lv4: the ability to resist Shinsoo.{-75.2% from MP attacks. Ignore AGI Debuffs in areas with High or lower lower amounts of Shinsoo.}

Monstrous Potential: You posses a monstrous Potential, how and where that potential leads you to, is a mystery.{-80% time taken off from learning a Skill. EXP Gain + 25%.}

Pain is knowledge: Pain is the greatest teacher of all, and you are an adept student.{Learn a Lv1 version of any Shinsoo Skills that are used on you.}

Well, that was surprisingly... disappointing. In all honesty, Edward expected the Myun Points of the Irregular to be in the quadruple digits, at the very least.

"Um... I-I don't know why, but I didn't have a problem..." Baam stuttered, nervous about everyone looking at him. "Um... to take the test, should I go out and come in again, right?" Baam asked as Lero Ro looked at him like he had swallowed a sour lemon, or seen something unholy, the latter of which being kinda right, but not quite.

"Nah, I doubt that you need to do it again, since you have such a high Shinsoo resistance." Edward spoke up, standing confidently. Lero Ro's expression turned even more surprised. Not just one, but TWO people who weren't pushed by the Shinsoo Veil. In order for that to happen, they'd have to have enough Shinsoo resistance to be able to move in Floors beyond 20.

Recomposing himself, Lero Ro addressed the two 'Regulars'. "No need, Mr. Baam, you and Mr. Edward are in." Edward cocked an eyebrow at hearing Lero Ro knowing his name.

Nobody inside or outside the Tower should know who he is, but then again, maybe Headon-nim informed them ahead of time. He just hoped that the rabbit-man didn't inform Yu Han Sung about anything else.

"I think I made a mistake, but it is also a part of your luck. You two passed." Lero Ro said with a smile. As some of the Regulars tried to come up with a plan to pierce the veil, not that there was a weak spot, Edward walked up to Baam, who was just sitting near the platform.

"So, the two of us are quite lucky, huh?" Edward asked, taking a seat next to Baam, who nodded in agreement. "Um, yeah, I guess we are "

"Please, drop the Mr, just call me Edward, or Ed, whichever you prefer." Edward said, as some of the Regulars started approaching the veil.

"Ok, Mr. E- I mean Ed." Baam said.

"So... what sort of test did Headon give you?" Edward whispered, causing Baam to look at him like a deer caught in the headlights. Miss Yuri had told him that Irregulars brought chaos and dis-order to the tower, so would Mr. Edward think harshly of him just because he's an Irregular?

"Oh relax, only Irregulars should have enough Shinsoo Resistance to not be budged by that veil." thankfully, Edward's excuse did manage to calm Baam down a bit.

"Well, I had to pop a ball while dodging a monster." Baam answered, sheepishly scratching the back of his head in embarrassment.

"No way, you got the 'Ball' too? Heh, I had fun beating that overgrown worm." Edward grinned while pretending to be surprised about Baam, causing Baam,s eyes to widen. He actually beat that monster? How strong was Mr. Edward?

"Hey, while we're waiting, do you want to play a game?" Lero Ro asked the two 'Regulars', sitting next to them as Dédé tested the veil, withdrawing his finger as the veil sparked.

'Did Lero Ro infuse some electric Shinsoo into the barrier?' Edward wondered as he observed the phenomenon. Perhaps it was simply a natural part of his Shinsoo, or perhaps he was so used to it that he put some in without even realizing it.

"Huh, what kind of game?" Baam asked, as Edward looked at his teammates, with Bolt stretching his legs, more than likely going to try and run through the veil, while Hachi seemed to be trying to spot a weak spot.

So, his first estimation of the two was right on the money. Bolt seemed like a reckless individual, charging in head first, while Hachi waited and looked for the perfect opportunity to strike a weak spot. He'd have to be careful around Hachi. Who knows, maybe she was some kind of F.U.G assassin?

"Let's guess which Regular will be the first one to pass through the Shinsoo. If you get it right, I will answer any question you have to ask. In return, if I'm right, you two have to answer a question as well." Lero Ro explained, in an attempt to get some information on the two who had no problems to get through the veil.

These two were added to the list of Regulars at the last second by the Test Director. And well, his curiosity had been sparked to say the least.

"The green chick with the hook." Edward said, pointing to Anak, who was approaching the veil. "Hm, good choice, I'll pick the same." Lero Ro said, making his choice. Baam also picked Anak, going with a gut feeling. The gut feeling proves true as Anak passes through the barrier as if it wasn't there, Hatsu following soon after.



Anak Zahard Jr. LV: 18


HP: 180

MP: 241

STR: 64

INT: 21

VIT: 54

WIS: 25

DEX: 27

AGI: 45


Medium Shnisoo Resistance Lv10: the ability to resist Shinsoo.{-58% from MP attacks. Ignore AGI Debuffs in areas with Medium or lower amounts of Shinsoo.}

Blood of Zahard(50%): The blood of Zahard runs through your veins, but it is hampered by another blood.{+ 30 STR, +30, +30 AGI. Increase STR, VIT and AGI by 2 every level.}

Revenge for Mother: Your mother, Anak Zahard Sr. was killed by the Zahard Empire, and you want revenge.{+ 10% to all stats when fighting a Zahard, or someone who's affiliated with your mother's death. +20% to all stats when fighting the one whom killed your mother.}

'Wow, even when diluted, the blood of Zahard sure was strong. Let's see what Hatsu has.'



Hatsu LV: 16


HP: 160

MP: 207

STR: 54

INT: 24

VIT: 45

WIS: 26

DEX: 28

AGI: 30


Medium Shnisoo Resistance Lv6: the ability to resist Shinsoo.{-46% from MP attacks. Ignore AGI Debuffs in areas with Medium or lower amounts Shinsoo.}

Expert Swordsman: you are well acquainted with the feeling of a sword in your hands, and are capable of using it for combat.{+20 STR, +20 DEX, +20 AGI when a sword is equipped.}

"It seems like it's a tie, but since I'm a Ranker, I'll answer your questions." Lero Ro noted as Baam's face lighted up with hope.

"I think I'll save my question for later." Edward noted, watching as Regulars started passing through the veil, laughing a bit as Ship and Serena failed to pass through the veil, while Laure just walked through it and then plopped down to sleep.

"Don't give up you two, I'm sure that you can do it." Edward shouted to the duo banging their fists against the veil.

"IIIIIII'MMM COOOOMMIIINNG THROUGH!" Bolt shouted as he started running towards the veil, passing through it quite easily, eventually crashing against the wall.

"You okay there buddy?" Edward asked, poking Bolt with Haensing. Having one of his teammates die before the Crown game would be no good. After that was done, he could jump off the ship for all he cared.

"I-I'm ohkay, just going to lay here for a while." Bolt wheezed out, giving a shaky thumbs up.

"..." Hachi simply walked through the veil, without any complications.

"DAMN IT! How can this useless test eliminate me?" A humanoid Regular with dark blue hair wailed, wearing a dark blue shirt, a pink sash across his chest, obviously annoyed at not being able to pass the test.

"I don't know what this 'veil' is all about, but I'm strong enough without any strange powers! I'm strongest of the Regulars here!" the man shouted. Deciding to see if the man's claims were true, Edward uses Observe.



Mark LV: 7


HP: 70

MP: 150

STR: 30

INT: 22

VIT: 30

WIS: 23

DEX: 27

AGI: 18


Low Shinsoo Resistance Lv4: the ability to resist low amounts of Shinsoo.{-16% damage taken from MP attacks. Ignore AGI Debuffs in areas with Low amounts of Shinsoo.}

Well that's... disappointing. Predictable, but disappointing none the less. Even that Jason guy could've rip this guy apart. "You eliminate me just because I fail this test? This is nonsense!" Mark kept shouting.(read, bitching and moaning. No offense to women.)

"Besides those two passed the test because they happened to be at the right place at the right time! Why should I be eliminated when I'm much stronger." now Mark was just pulling excuses out of his ass at this point, and it would seem like Lero Ro has had enough of the man's complaints, as he walks over to the troublesome Regular, an expression of tranquil fury on his face.

"What? What more do you have to say?" Mark noted, taunting the Ranker.

"..." Lero Ro noted nothing, letting Mark dig his grave even further. It's current depth was 2 ft.

"I'm sick of listening to your nonsense. You think you're above us just because you're a Ranker?" 4 ft and digging deeper. Wow, the man just seemed to not realize how deeply fucked he was.

"You just look skinny and weak, and judging by how you're administering this kind of test, I can tell how weak you are." And that's 6ft. Seriously, was the man dropped as a baby?

"Keh, This was your last chance, and you didn't get that." Lero Ro chuckled, as electricity started sparking around him.

"Huh?" Mark stepped back, not understanding what the Ranker was saying, while his body seemed to subconsciously realize that he was quite fucked.

"How stupid are you, fine then. I will teach you the harsh way so that you realize..." Electricity start arcing around him like a thunderstorm. It was at this point that Mark should start realizing his position in the pecking order. To put it as a metaphor, Mark was a paper tiger facing a thunderstorm. And like a paper tiger, he would crumble just from the rain, not being worthy of being struck by the thunder.

"About the power that lies above, and why you can't go up." Lero Ro finished as a great pressure exerted upon Mark, paralyzing him, whether from fear or simply from the pressure was up to debate.

"There is no limit to Shinsoo. With it, you can obtain immortality or god-like powers. There are even rumors about the notorious Enryu being capable of creating living things with Shinsoo." More and more pressure was exerted and concentrated on Mark, the electricity around Lero Ro crackling like a wild beast, held at bay only by his will.

"However, as it is for every man, we each have our own limits." Mark started to buckle from the pressure.

"When one faces an opponent with infinite possibility, and discovers his limits, he falls into despair." and now he started screaming from pain, unlike anything he had felt before.

Unaffected by the man's screaming, Lero Ro continued his monologue. "That veil of Shinsoo was my last show of mercy, before you enter the Tower and fall into deeper despair. Those who don't qualify... get lost." as the electricity danced across the upper part of the veil, Mark started screaming even louder.

"Feeling pain?" Lero Ro asked, as if that wasn't obvious from the pained expression on the man's face.

"This concentration of Shinsoo on you is routine above the 30th Floor." The futility of climbing the tower started settling into the man's head. "Do you get it now?" Lero Ro asked as Mark fell to his knees.

"It's not like you weren't strong enough, or your effort wasn't enough. It's just because, you just weren't one of the chosen ones." Lero Ro finished his explanation as Mark started throwing up on the floor.

"Go back to the floor you came from. You're not qualified to climb the Tower." with those final words, Lero Ro walked away from the man, leaving him to cry at his failure. People like him appeared almost every time, someone who sacrificed his whole life to climb the Tower, only for them to be unable to do so, whether from not being chosen, or being too weak, it was all the same. At least stopping him now would allow the man to go back, and attempt to rebuild his life.

"Why, Why, WHY AM I NOT CHOSEN! Do you know how hard I've tried to climb the Tower? I risked my life to train myself, and I gave up everything I had! There's nothing left for me when I go back! Not even my wife and kids..." Mark screamed, the sound of his anguish soon turning to sobbing, as Lero Ro kept walking, mostly apathetic to the man's plight.

As Ship and Serena watched Mark walked away, Ship gritted his teeth in frustration, before pushing against the veil once more. "AARRGGH! CHOSEN! WHATEVER! Who chooses who?!" he shouted as he pushed against the veil with all his might, determined not to fail. Serena grinned as she started pushing against the veil as well, determined, her pride refusing to let him pass before her.

"Hey, Baam!" Koon shouted, waving at Baam, after he and Rak passed through the veil with slight difficulties on Koon's part, due to the "contents" of his briefcase. "Well Baam, I'll see you in the next test." Edward noted, extending his hand for a handshake.

"The same!" Baam noted, shaking Edward's hand, before joining up with his team.

"Are you sure you should get close to that boy? His teammate, Mr. Koon is from a dangerous family." Lero Ro noted, intending to warn Edward. Getting involved with someone who defected from the 10 Families would be dangerous. Sometimes, the defected members would have assassins chasing after them.

"I'll be sure to keep that in mind." Edward noted, joining his team.


AN: That's all for now folks, how did you like the chapter, I hope that the lack of fights wasn't too bad. And thanks to Lliono for Hachi's design.

1: Needle with the capital N are the common stabbing weapons found in the Tower. A more well known Needle is the Black March

2: Lero Ro's design is apparently based on a Pikachu

And here's the question of the chapter: Who should I pair Edward with?