
Tower of Death [LitRPG]

Growing up in the harsh outskirts of Division 97, Xander Stone never expected much from life. But when his brother Austin is selected for the Tower of Death and never returns, Xander's world changes forever. Years later, Xander is chosen to enter the Tower, where he faces deadly trials, monstrous creatures, and ruthless climbers under the watchful eyes of alien overseers. As he ascends, Xander discovers his hidden strengths and powers, pushing through every challenge with the ultimate goal of reaching the top, changing the fate of his world, and uncovering the mysteries behind his brother's disappearance... Discord: https://discord.gg/ZYaXXtHxWv

TheDanza · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
87 Chs

-70- Trouble

'If they think this is enough to stop me, they've got another thing coming,' he thought as he stood up and pulled out his katana.

[Human - G-rank - Entry]

[Human - G-rank - Low]

He stood there as he watched through his soul sense, knowing they were likely watching him as well.

They neared the front door of the house, looked at each other, and nodded. Then, to Xander's surprise, they knocked.

'What?' Xander thought, confused. Were they not here to kill him and take his things?

"Come in," he said loud enough for them to hear but not loud enough to alert all the nearby beasts.

The two slowly opened the door, then walked inside and stopped 8 meters away from Xander.

Xander just looked at the man and woman who stood in front of him while they just looked right back at him.