
Tower of Conquerors Online!

Welcome to the world of Tower of Conquerors Online, a place where you can be the conqueror you want to be! Do you want a harem of different species? you can have it (be careful with favorability, some are very treacherous)! Do you want to drive a super expensive and very colorful mecha? here you have hundreds of templates to choose from (be sure to level up your tech core to be able to build one)! Do you want to fly through the starry sky and blow things up with your bare hands? We have all kinds of mutations for that! (Be careful with friendly fire, you might start an interspecies war). ------ *Boom! *Boom! When mysterious but familiar towers fell from the sky, humanity realized that this wonderfully and insanely realistic game was more than just a game... 【Governments worldwide are searching for humanity's champion, 'Silent Shadow'. The Star Tower guild is trying to contact him, but so far, there have been no results. 】 When it was discovered that his skills and technology could bring significant changes to Earth, governments around the world demanded the presence of the most powerful and feared player. However, he did not appear. Where was Silent Shadow? Well... "This isn't real, haha, I didn't know lucid dreams could be so realistic..." Lying on a narrow bed, a young man of average appearance denied the reality. This young man was Silent Shadow, but... why was he escaping reality? Well... 【Earth warmly welcomes its descendants! -Princess Amazon - Species: Amazon-Human Hybrid (Zyraethian-Earthling) - Earthling Father: Silent Shadow -Princess of the Lucifugus Empire - Species: Demon-Human Hybrid (Daemonium-Earthling) - Earthling Father: Silent Shadow -Twin Heroines of Eternal Ice - Species: Human (Arcanite-Earthling) - Earthling Father: Silent Shadow】 "How did it all turn out like this?", thought the young man as he recalled his entire journey from the beginning....

DaoistAdQYQ3 · Fantasy
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45 Chs

You can't escape from destiny part 2

POV Ethan:

I moved slowly through the corridor of this cave, which was filled with a strange mineral I had never seen before.

Does a luminescent blue mineral exist on Earth? If it does, I had no idea.

*Step, step...

I kept walking until...

"Wow," I said, amazed as I entered a room made entirely of this blue material.

Everywhere I looked, there was that soft blue glow, something truly strange yet fascinating.

It was a gigantic and, above all, silent room.

*Step, step...

(Too bad I don't have a pickaxe or something), I lamented not being able to extract some of this material for analysis.

As I thought about this, I kept moving deeper into the room, occasionally dodging large chunks of the mineral or...

*Step, step...

(If I fall there, it'll be a sure death...), I thought, seeing a massive hole about the size of a person.

I pondered for a moment before moving on...

But curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to experiment.

"How long does it take for a bullet to make a sound?" I dismantled a bullet from the rifle's magazine and tossed it into the hole.







Nothing. No sound at all.

"Better keep my distance," I told myself, moving cautiously and keeping a constant eye on the ground.

*Step, step...

I continued until I reached a chamber where, in the center, I saw what looked like an altar with...

"A sarcophagus..."

I couldn't help but remember certain stories and animations from my youth, so I gripped my rifle and approached it.


Without forgetting to watch the ground.

*Step, step...

(What could it be? Sleeping beauty or a hidden boss? Or... maybe both?)

I kept walking until I reached some small steps, where I could better see the sarcophagus.

It was a large sarcophagus made of dark blue crystal. I couldn't see its interior from my position, so I had to get closer...

I hesitated.

I started feeling really uneasy, although I couldn't pinpoint why.

There was no sound, no smell, and the light wasn't making me dizzy, but I felt bad.

(Maybe there's some kind of unknown toxic gas...), I used my reasoning to excuse the feeling.

"I'll leave after a quick look," I promised myself, approaching the sarcophagus quickly to see inside.

What I saw was...

"A woman?"

Yes, there was a woman in there.

Her skin was quite pale, her hair was black, and she wore a thin black dress with golden decorations.

Her face was beautiful, but the most striking feature was the thin antlers on her head, making it hard to identify her species.

A woman... deer? Dragon?

Unfortunately, I couldn't come to a conclusion just by observing her antlers, so I examined her body more closely.

She was in the typical position of a deceased person: hands crossed, limbs stretched out, and little else, except for one small detail.

A small wound on her neck, just a medium-sized red dot that didn't reveal much.


Seeing that dot made me feel worse than before.

But my curiosity knew no bounds, so I decided to touch her abdomen with a finger.

[Congratulations on finding a mythical resource!


That's all that appeared...


I pondered for a few moments about what on earth that woman in the sarcophagus could be useful for, until I found the answer.

[Floor 0:

Enemies defeated (Gobrakian): 0.003%

Allies eliminated (Earthlings): 0.04%

Enemy bases: Unknown locations.

Allied bases: 10

Minimum monster kill quota: 350/20,000 monsters

Resources (Earthlings): Precious metals/Material for muta-gens

Enemy resources (unknown race): Human resources]

(Surely it's material for muta-gens...)

It makes a lot of sense since to develop these muta-gens, you need biological material.

What better than a presumably fresh body for that?

"It's a bit disappointing...", I said, looking at the woman.

She was really beautiful, so beautiful that I thought it was a waste to use her to create mutagens...

It was then, in my lamentations, that a stupid idea came to me.

(What if I use a potion? What will happen?)

I imagined a scenario where the woman wakes up without her memories and becomes a supremely powerful ally or even something more...

But I also remembered a scenario where she wakes up as a zombie and kills me, unleashing an unstoppable calamity.

Though the most likely outcome is that nothing will happen since a potion (or at least the one I have) can't revive the dead, and it would just be a waste.

(In one scenario, I gain an ally, in the second I die, and in the last I just waste a potion...)


The discomfort didn't go away and, instead, urged me to choose since I didn't want to stay here for long...

"Screw it, it's just a damn game. Even if I get killed, I just have to wait a day."

I remembered that this is a game. Even if I unleash an apocalypse, it will just end in a game over, and that's it.

(Yeah, why worry so much?), I resolved and took out the potion.

[Universal emergency potion x4]

I had 4, having already used one in a previous shootout...


I uncorked it and approached the woman.


Seeing that wound on her neck, the discomfort increased a bit more, so I quickly applied the potion and stepped back a bit.

I waited for a few minutes to see if anything would happen, but...

Nothing happened.

(What a shame), I really wanted to see her wake up, but I guess it'll be next time.

I reached out my hand, and just as I touched her to store her in the inventory...

*Eyes open

(Holy shit!!!)

She suddenly opened her eyes.

Her eyes, which were a light green, remained static for a few moments before seeing me.


The discomfort intensified to the point where I wanted to get out of there.

*Step, step...

The woman began to move slowly, and I, in turn, stepped back and aimed the rifle at her.



For some reason, my hands were trembling quite a lot. I was terrified, but I couldn't figure out why.

(Why am I afraid of a woman who technically hasn't done anything?)

Most likely, it's my survival instinct seeing something that shouldn't be happening...

Meanwhile, the woman sat up from the sarcophagus, and I watched in surprise as the mineral of the sarcophagus deformed to allow her to sit as if it were a bed.

(...well, now I know she's powerful...)

Innocent woman without memories or... apocalyptic zombie?

I couldn't deduce it since she remained silent, sitting while analyzing her surroundings.

Then she fixed her gaze on me.



Step, step...

I couldn't help but swallow before taking a few more steps back and aiming at her.



Pov ???:

I opened my eyes.

Where was I? Who am I? What's happening?

I asked myself that for a few moments before seeing a human.

He was terrified; I didn't know why.

I stood up slowly and looked around.

A strange room surrounded by a strange blue material...

I stared in confusion for a few moments before something clicked in my head.


(I see...), I remembered everything in a blink.

Everything around me, from the walls to the sarcophagus where I had been resting.

Everything was my blood.

The last thing I remember... a lost war, a lost world, and everyone being imprisoned in this eternal prison.

I, however, resisted and paid the price by losing my mortal body.

I looked at the human.

His hair was strange, black with a faintly glowing white, his eyes... demon eyes? Was he a hybrid? A descendant of some demon?

I don't remember any demon with those pupils, but his hair seemed vaguely familiar...


*Step, step...

He swallowed and stepped back from me, aiming a strange device at me.

It didn't seem powerful...

(How did he get here?) was the first question I asked myself until a more important one took its place.

"How did you heal my soul?"

As English is not my native language, it might contain some inconsistencies

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