
Tower Of Babel: Myu's Wrath

[This Is An Original Novel] The city of Uruk, the only city in the entire world. The Tower Of Babel, a tower created by the gods that extends into the heavens. A wish that can only be granted if one reaches that top. A little girl from the slums undergoes her awakening. With the flames of wrath and her goal to have her wish granted, her wish to bring her sister back to life, Myu begins her climb in the tower built by the gods. Will she be able to make it to the top? How many floors does the tower actually have? Trials and tribulations await the young girl who lost her world in an instant. Only to be granted new life, reborn in the flames of wrath. + 10 Advanced Chapters can be found on Patreon!  https://www.patreon.com/invayne Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/79yyJSD Show your support and buy me a coffee! https://ko-fi.com/invayne Follow on twitter: https://twitter.com/AuthorInvayne Follow on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/invayne/

invayne · Others
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20 Chs


Aeko felt slightly bad when she saw Myu's confused expression. She rubbed the back of her head as she forced a laugh. "Alright, for now, let's get to the basics."

Aeko began to explain things from the beginning. Explaining how not only the sword but the handle of the chain too could be used as a weapon. Kori surprisingly did not leave. She stayed to watch as Myu trained, and train she did. Myu had no sense of time really anymore since she did not feel hungry, nor did she grow tired. So after she was shown the basics, she took it all in and began training on her own. Aeko had to leave, leaving Myu to practice by herself.

Noon had long passed by, and Kori was starting to grow hungry. "Myu, you should take a break. I will treat you to lunch."

Myu caught the sword that was coming back at her with a twist of her body and turned to look at Kori. "You can go ahead. I am not hungry."

Kori frowned. She did not seem to understand how Myu was not hungry. She had been training this entire time. "You can't push yourself too much. You are still growing. You should eat."

Myu stopped her training and finally gave in. Even though she did not feel hungry at all, even after not eating for an entire day, she decided to go ahead and eat since there was no harm in doing so.

Myu looked at the chain sword in her hand and wondered what she should do with it since it belonged to Aeko. Kori saw Myu staring at the weapon and smiled: "Myu, Aeko gave that to you. While she might now have said it, she would never just leave her weapon behind. She had intended to give you the weapon. Didn't you notice it is slightly shorter than the original one she was using? That is because that is Aeko's first chain sword."

Now that it was mentioned, Myu realized it was indeed much shorter. She pursed her lips and hugged the chain sword close. She would have to thank Aeko the next time she sees her. Myu and Kori exited the guild. Luckily Fina was busy, so Kori was able to leave without being hounded.

As they walked, Myu was very quiet. She was still going over everything she had learned today. With one hand on her chain sword that was not fastened to her hip, she kind of wanted to go into the tower and start clearing floors.

One thing she did not expect today was being graced with the chance to look at so many weapons and even be taught the chain sword by the best chain sword user in the city. She couldn't wait to tell Rio all about it later when night fell.

"Myu…." Kori called out to the little white haired girl next to her. But still got no answer. She smiled softly, knowing that she was probably still stuck going over everything she had learned. To be so diligent was something not many had. "Myu!" Kori called out again, this time poking her cheek with her finger, which finally caught Myu's attention.

"Huh?" Myu looked up at Kori in confusion, only to see that they had arrived in front of a restaurant.

"This is the place. I figured since it is our first day becoming friends, I would treat you to something special. It is the only place in all of Uruk that sells monster meat and herbs from the tenth floor." Kori grabbed Myu's hand and dragged the young girl with her. Myu was in a daze. She never thought she would be able to eat monster meat from the tenth floor before! She figured she would need to wait until she reached there herself!

The two entered the restaurant, where Kori was given a very warm welcome by the hostess who received them. "Ice Princess! Welcome! How can I help you today?"

"I need a room for two, please," Kori replied as she pulled Myu up to her side.

The hostess smiled and bowed her head before saying: "Come this way."

Kori and Myu were led to the second floor, where they entered a private room. There were no chairs in this room, just a bunch of cushions on the floor and a low table. When Myu sat down, she found it to be rather comfortable.

The pillows were multiple different colors, from brown to red and even yellow. The table was made of a green wood with intricate carvings of monsters from the tower on the sides. Seeing Myu looking around curiously, Kori asked: "Your first time here?" She was quite amused by Myu's behavior.

"Mm… I grew up in the slums, so for me, I would eat bread most of the time. If we were lucky, my sister and I would be able to snag some meat skewers from the street vendors, but those were usually all rat meat. But they still tasted good!" Myu was smiling, but as soon as she mentioned her sister, her voice became lower.

"The slums?" Kori was confused as she looked at Myu, who had a clean white shirt and pants. Her skin and hair were also quite clean as well. "I did not know people in the slums dressed so nicely…."

"No… These clothes are due to my powers." Myu made one of her sleeves disappear, causing Kori's eyes to open wide. She watched as the sleeve turned into flames and sucked back into her skin before flaming back up and turning back into a sleeve.

"I see…." Kori did not know what to make of Myu's powers. She seemed to have gotten a great blessing. But it did make her understand a few things. Like how patting Myu's head would burn a person. It seemed Myu's body was partially made of flames. After some thought, Kori decided to warn Myu. "Myu do not show this ability to anyone. People might try to take advantage of you. From the rock slug I bought from you, it seems you can use flames for attacking. That is fine to show but do not show anyone that your clothes are made of flames as well."

Kori did not have a good understanding of the full extent of Myu's powers, but she felt it would not be good if people saw that Myu could use flames in such a way.

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(JP Translation) My Father is a Hero, My Mother is a Spirit, the Daughter (Me) is a Reincarnator +2 Chapters and more to come!

Tower Of Babel: Myu's Wrath + 10 chapters and more to come!

Legend Of Yuki: The Wrath Of The Tailed Asura + 10 chapters and more to come!

Yuki In The Land of Fire + 12 advance chapters and more to come!

The Bored Hero + 5 advance chapters and more to come!

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