
Chapter 7

he body of a vampire is an amazing thing. He is able to recover from the most incredible wounds and injuries, if only there was enough power and desire of the vampire himself. It's probably possible to kill someone like me, just stick a silver stake in your heart. You can try and wooden, but then how lucky. But there is one guaranteed way - decapitation.

I don't know if Selina understood, cutting my throat, that this would not be enough? If she did this a day later, most likely I would die. But now the body remembered the taste of blood too well and demanded more. In order to get a new dose, I didn't even need to drink, it itself flowed into my wounds from a dead demon.

I have heard stories about how vampires survived by eating rats and pigeons, but I don't think any of them drank the blood of a demon.

Unfortunately, even in spite of this, consciousness has not returned to me fully. Having absorbed the blood of a demon, I seemed to be under the influence of a dope. I remember that I got out from under it and for some reason cut off his head.

It seems ... I was saying something like ...

-Let everyone know that I am the conqueror of demons ... I will hang her in my castle ...

What kind of castle I was talking about, I have no idea. Apparently imagines himself a great hero. Taking in one hand the head and in the other an elven sword, I trudged in the same direction in which Selina had rolled away with all my things.

I don't even know how long I walked. A day, two or a week. But soon the first villages appeared ahead. It seems that people stared at me dumbfounded, but I was completely spit on them. All I was thinking about at that moment was the bitch Selina.

Then ... it seems that several guards came up to me, and began to ask about something. And when I just went on, they tried to delay. Well, and got the first number. And then ... I suddenly felt a terrible weakness and just collapsed to the ground.

I woke up in a prison cell with other prisoners, one of whom began to run into me. In the end, with the first blow, I crushed that guy's jaw, and the guards transferred me alone. There wasn't even a window, but it's even better.

It was then that I was fully "let go".

"It's better not to drink the blood of demons ..." I said to myself, recalling with horror what had happened. In any society, an attack on law enforcement is considered a serious crime ... I feel like I'm specifically hit ...

But there was one good side in this situation, although for some it may seem like a ridiculous plus. They gave me clothes! That crap yet, but at least I'm not naked. As I recall that I approached the city, in which my mother gave birth, it becomes terribly embarrassing.

In the convenience chamber there is a hole in the floor, so small that running through it is not an option. Anyway, I decided to postpone the escape option for now. At least until the moment when my fate clears up a bit. Yes, I attacked the guards, but if there is a normal trial, I can kick the stress experienced in a collision with a demon.

I will say: "I'm sorry! I lost my mind from fear! "

You look, and take pity. Although considering how tough I scattered those guards ... I'm afraid I still can't get away with a simple fine. But if you have to run, you need to wait for the right moment. There was still a part of vampire power in me, and it seemed to be enough to cope with a couple of guards, but I'm afraid it will aggravate my problems. It's not at all a hunt to be wanted. Especially, having no idea how developed the search for criminals is. Suddenly, are magicians hunting for criminals here? And here you are running, and this bastard is following in your wake with the help of magic. And even if you run away to the other end of the world, he will still find you.

Thank you, I do not need such happiness!

A couple of times a bearded man looked at me. I tried to talk to him, but for some reason he ignored everything that I said.

What should be noted separately is feeding. She was terrifying. I still thought the porridge that Selina was cooking was not very tasty. About what they gave me in prison, I generally keep quiet. Like I was eating paper. Not to mention the fact that I found a cockroach inside the bread.

And after all the most foul - had to eat. The body demanded.

Finally, I waited for any information about the future. A woman warrior came to my cell. She wore very unusual plate armor, obviously an order of magnitude more expensive than the ones I had seen before. This military uniform did not at all match her face. The woman was really beautiful: long golden hair, large emerald eyes and thin sensual lips. Even through the armor, it was clear that her figure was also in order.

"So, it means what you are, a naked killer of demons," the guest grinned sarcastically.

-Who you are? I asked, rising to my feet.

"Now I'm asking questions," she said very rudely. - And I do not advise you to fly, your future will depend on the answers.

"Good ..." I didn't like this turn of the conversation, but I didn't argue.

She was interested in what exactly happened, so I had to tell, missing some details. The girl listened carefully, not taking her eyes off me.

"So you're the Chosen One of the Tower," she decided to summarize what she heard. "Although not very similar." I met them, and most often they can hardly be called people. It is worth remembering only the Nogar-Devourer of demons.

-I have not heard of this.

-He appeared quite near the Inferno gap, far from the inhabited areas. When they found him, he had more than a hundred demons killed and eaten.

- Impressive.

"And he didn't have any weapons or tools with him." He managed to kill them with stones and sticks. And now ... - It seems. this Nogar is interesting to this woman. Somehow she talks a lot about him. "But we were distracted." The caravan of the merchant found you, and after it the bandits attacked him. Is that all right?


-You fought back, but only you and the sorceress could survive. Then, in the caravan, you found a casket with precious stones, and the girl decided to rob it herself, using the attack of a demon?

-And there is.

"Something doesn't fit ..." she thought. "Then why didn't she kill you right away?" The magic.

- I wanted to do it quietly when I fall asleep.

"And anyway ..." the girl squinted her emerald eyes. "You don't finish something with me ..."

Of course, I did not finish. If I say that Selina did not have magic, this will only create new questions that I cannot answer.

-How do I know what was going on naked with this sorceress? I snorted.

The girl pursed her lips, looked at me for a couple of moments, and then abruptly took a step forward and grabbed my chin. And so tenaciously that I would never have thought that this girl is so physically strong.

-Something is wrong with you ... I literally feel ... -and she really sniffed! And then she stepped back sharply, raised a hand in front of her, and a bright light blinded me: - Do you feel anything?

Of course, I felt he literally burned out my blood, slowly and unhurriedly. But I think a couple of hours under such a "sun", and I will weld alive. But I answered differently:

-No, just too light.

"I see," said the stranger, and the light disappeared immediately.

-What was it!? - I could not resist the exclamation.

"The Hand of the Light." It burns the creatures of darkness.

Oh, it's very good that I didn't say anything. It turns out that if she said that she was burning me, she realized that there was evil in front of her. Not good, very bad ... you have to be careful. The girl said nothing more, she simply retired silently, despite my attempts to stop her.

"Shit ..." I sighed, sitting back on the uncomfortable bed of straw.

Katrina was satisfied with the interrogation of this young man. But most of all she was inspired by the fact that he is the Chosen of the Tower, and, therefore, the guy has potential. And even though outwardly he looked rather frail for a man who was able to defeat a demon, this still did not say anything. But there was something else in him. During the ten years that she served in the Order of the Swallow, Katrina learned to feel dark essences, and in this seemingly ordinary guy, she clearly caught something dark. But at the same time, the Hand of Light did not work. It only inflamed the paladin's curiosity even more.

-How did everything go? - Gunter asked, waiting for the commander at the exit from the dungeon.

"Apparently adequate," she shrugged. "Perhaps he really got drunk on some kind of potion." Yes, and does not finish something ...

-Then, maybe well him? - suggested the magician. - Let the local guard deal with him.

-Well, I do not! This is the Chosen One of the Tower.

"Then that changes the matter," the man immediately became serious. - A long time ago the ranks of the Order were not replenished by the Chosen.

"I leave all the formalities for you," she told him, heading for the exit. "When you are done, send him to me with that battered girl."

-And then why?

"I liked her spirit," Katrina finally grinned. "We'll see if the two come out of it."

I sat in the dungeon a couple more hours after the departure of that golden-haired beauty-knight. Then a disgruntled guard showed up, though not the one who checked me before. Putting shackles on his hands, he led me out of the dungeon and brought me into someone's office. There were two middle-aged men, one of them was dressed in simple traveling clothing worn by many people in these lands, the other in the guards' armor, except perhaps more "radiant."

"Well, well," the guard began. Most likely, it was his office. - What is your name?

"Maximilian Gothard," I replied.

"Ahem ... a long little name." But not the point. Now there are two ways in front of you, Makhlimilinan.

"Maximilian," corrected him.

"It doesn't matter," he dismissed. - There are two ways in front of you. The first - you send to the mines for seven years. If you behave yourself and fulfill the plan, you may be freed in five.

Years at the mines? No thanks!

-And the second way?

-Do you see this gentleman? His name is Gunter Kars, he is a magician from the Order of the Swallow.

-What for the Order? I asked immediately. You need to imagine what I'm getting into.

-We are hunting for creatures of darkness. Inferno demons, necromancers, and other other entities that do evil.

Awesome ... it seems that I myself fall into this category .... So! Calm down! Calm, Max ... Not so bad. The main thing for the first time is not to cause them special suspicions, and then physiology must do its job, and I will return to the human state.

Hunting for such creatures is a dangerous business. But who said that I will do this all the time? I think it will be easier to get away from this order than from mines.

"So what do you say, young man?" - the guard no longer tried to repeat my name, and thank him for that.

- Like they give me a choice. I feel that life in mines is not sugar.

"A very wise decision," smiled the one introduced by Gunther Kars. - In fact, joining the Order is a great honor, and those who endure all the hardships of military service and battles with demons can subsequently count on a noble title and a comfortable old age.

- And how many are there? - I could not resist the sarcastic grin.

"Enough," he answered rather seriously. - The main thing is not to heroize unnecessarily. Strictly follow the instructions of Lady Katrina, and everything will be fine.

The words of this man did not convince me in the least; rather, on the contrary, they alerted me. But on the other hand, the nobility is probably great.

"Extend your hand," the mage asked. Without a second thought, I fulfilled the request and instantly regretted it! He put some round metal thing on my back of his hand and muttered a spell under his breath. And at that moment they poured it onto his hand as if with red-hot iron. Screaming, I yanked it at me and stared stupidly at the circle that arose on my hand with many strange symbols.

Is that what !?

- Calmer. This is in case you decide to run away.

-What !?

-Now you are the property of Lady Katrina. And the property is marked. If you run away, they will still find you.

Wonderful! Just stunned! This is the end ... maybe it was worth going to the mines? Oh…

-Okay, let's go! Gunther slapped me on the shoulder.

-No really. Let the sword be returned first.

-Sword? Which sword? - the magician looked in surprise at the guard, but he only shrugged. Gunther promised that they would give me another, but hell, two, I would give up so easily. Fortunately, the Order of the Swallow, apparently, really had a great influence on the local authorities, since the sword was returned to me, although it took more than half an hour.

"Good blade," Gunther said approvingly, handing it to me. "I see why you got so excited about it." But I don't really understand where you got it from.

-A battle trophy, inherited from one of the robbers.

"Ahem ... Interesting," the wizard thought. - More often to meet such robbers. We periodically deal with such rabble, but they rarely have something interesting.

"He's mine," I frowned, suspecting that someone would decide to take advantage of my defenseless position and take it away.

-Your. Don't worry, Lady Katrina is fair and will not take your battle trophy.

-Very good if so.

As we walked, Gunther told me details about the activities of the Order and my direct responsibilities. From his words it turned out that they were going to use me not at all as "cannon fodder" as I expected, but rather as a servant. Paladin knights often took promising young men and women into their squire, trying to grow from them really strong warriors. The rest of the recruits usually went to school, from which they were already distributed among the troops.

I was lucky to some extent, since the training provides only the basic information necessary for the battle with the creatures of darkness. But when you are an armor-bearer of a famous knight, then he assumes the responsibilities of your training, and often tells and teaches something that no one else will teach.

Along the way, I was able to explore the city and was pleasantly surprised. I expected to see scary wooden and stone buildings, continuous dirt and unsanitary conditions, and I saw a pretty clean city. Almost everywhere there was a stone pavement, which is why you should not be afraid to get knee-deep in mud in the rain. The houses themselves were stone, two or three floors high. Rarely more.

I was led to a very large mansion with an equally large courtyard. And now in this very yard some guy was forcing my peers to do push-ups on one arm. And, of course, for the most part this did not work out.

While I was staring at this strange training, Gunter went to the trainees, grabbed someone from there, and led him along. At first I thought that he was a guy, but the closer he led another recruit, the more it seemed to me that this was a girl. She was too cute, and her hips showed a little. There was almost no breast as such, but as they say "happiness is not in boobs." I'm fine without boobs.

"Come on," Gunther told us, and now the two of us were following him. I kept trying to stealthily examine this girl, but she didn't even turn her head in my direction. In general, she is really pretty, but as for me, a short haircut did not suit her at all. For the rest, she was completely nothing: brown eyes, dark hair, a pretty little nose. The only thing that really spoiled her was the incomprehensible bruises on her face. As if she took part in a fight a couple of days ago.

The rest of the recruits watched us being led away, with some envy and suspicion. I'm afraid that no matter what happens in the future ... I think each of them would like to become a squire with a knight.

A sword was taken from me inside, saying that they would give it out when we went on a combat mission. But just in case, I threatened the soldier that he was responsible for his safety with his head. I don't think that he took my threat seriously, and in vain.

We were taken to the second floor of the mansion in the living room. The decoration here was very rich and made with style. At the table in the center of the room was that woman knight herself, drinking wine. At first, she looked very depressed, but noticing us on the threshold, she immediately changed her face. The notes of arrogance in his gaze returned, and indeed the former weakness and defenselessness evaporated without a trace.

"As you ordered, Lady Katrina," the magician reported.

"Wonderful," she smiled at the edges of her lips, once again carefully examining us. "You can leave us."

Gunther patted my shoulder goodbye and wished us good luck.

-I will introduce myself once again, I am a paladin of the Order of the Swallow of Catherine de Shinro, from now on you are my squire. Your duties include everything that I command, from washing clothes to battles with demons. All clear?

Yes, ma'am! - the girl standing nearby reported immediately.

"Yes ... probably ..." I answered without enthusiasm, and here is a miracle, this short-cut brunette did deign to look at me. But there was so much contempt in her look that I felt uneasy.

"Good," the knight nodded in satisfaction. "Now undress."

-What !? - I could not restrain myself.

- Undress. Completely, "the woman repeated coldly, arms crossed over her chest.

After a little hesitation, I still pulled off his shirt. But the girl hesitated. Biting her lower lip, she froze, dropping her eyes.

-Hera, so it seems to call you?

-Yes Milady…

- So what are you waiting for? Or is she your determination? - the last words Katrina spoke with a semblance of contempt.

"No, madam," the girl began to undress, gritting her teeth. First of all, she got rid of her shirt, but then she had to tinker. She bandaged her breasts and had to sweat to get rid of the strips of tissue.

But Hera still had a chest, though small. I do not think that even reaches a deuce. It seems to me that you could not even bandage it, not the fact that someone would notice if she put on tight clothes. And with bandages the girl generally turned into a "board".

Next came the line of pants, under which she found unpretentious panties. Absolutely not attractive, I would even say that she made them herself from a pair of pieces of fabric. After a little pause, the girl got rid of them, having remained, in which her mother gave birth.

And I was given the opportunity to appreciate her charms. That's just from the contemplation of her naked body, I did not receive any pleasure. The first thing that caught my eye was the painful thinness of the girl. The second is a large number of scars on the body. Apparently, her life was not sugar. Well, and the last - a strange tattoo on the left shoulder blade. But obviously not magical, unlike the one that now flaunted in my palm.

"Will you be staring at her like that?" Asked Katrina, already turning to me. Yes, and the girl gave a bad look at me.

"Oh ..." I sighed, pulling off my pants, under which there was nothing.

I really hope that this woman does not make us have sex. And then I heard about perverts in the past who forced their servants to fuck, and they themselves watched this, conducting small talk.

But more this woman did not order us anything, but simply walked around, carefully examining. Then she froze in front of the girl and asked thoughtfully.

- Branding, mean?

"Yes, madam ..." she answered reluctantly.

-And long on the run?

"Two months," she answered honestly.

"I see," Katrina nodded. "Now you can relax." As long as you are in the Order of the Swallow, you are protected. And there, you will receive the citizenship of Trilor, and no one will encroach on your freedom.

"Thank you," she answered with restraint, but this answer had so many suppressed emotions. This was evident from the facial expressions, and the way she barely held back her tears.

"And now spread your arms," the knight asked and ... literally began to touch the girl. First, the shoulders and the arms themselves, then the waist and chest. Then came the turn of the hips, and this knight even thrust her hands into her crotch. - Already knew a man?

-Yes Milady.

"I thought so," Katrina nodded in satisfaction, feeling the girl's legs. After that, she looked at her appraisingly again and concluded. - Well, get dressed.

Then the woman's gaze fixed on me. And with me she did the same, although she did not begin to feel the penis, but it was even better that way. But something else surprised me - with every touch I felt a fever. And it was far from pleasant, on the contrary, it was very painful. Like she was putting something hot on me. I had to try very hard not to give out true feelings.

"You have strange muscles, and indeed a strange body," she thought. "You seem to be a man, but ..." she thought. "At the same time, no." Interesting ... Is everything like that in your world?

"It is possible," I pictured a fool. Saying I'm half a vampire was stupid of me.

-Ok, you can dress too.

As soon as she told her, I immediately hastened to put on my pants.

Was that some kind of spell? - I specified just in case.

-And did you feel something? She asked.

"Well ... like that ... light tickling," he tried to retreat, realizing that he had blurted out something wrong.

"Hmm ... you seem to have little sensitivity to light magic." Perhaps, among your ancestors there was one of the "unclean" ones, - I swallowed nervously at these words. It seems that he really blundered too much. "But do not worry, if the Order hunted everyone in whom one way or another there is a particle of blood from the creatures of darkness, one would have to kill half of humanity."

On these words I breathed a sigh of relief, but to myself having made a note that it's better not to talk a lot.

"Come after me," said the Knight, waiting for me to fully dress. We went into the next room. - Here you will sleep soon.

-Mda ... - I just gave.

"If you don't like something, I can return you to the cell," Katrina said sarcastically.

"Thanks, I will manage," I muttered.

What was the room like? Nothing special: four walls and two mattresses. That's all. Oh yes, I forgot to say about the only stool! Not housing, but just a fairy tale ... There weren't even blankets with pillows ... I don't even want to talk about the window. Interestingly, we were specially accommodated in such a room, so that we wouldn't run away quietly?

"Now listen here," Katrina caught our attention. "First you, Hera." I have a whole bunch of laundry that is in my room - you wash, dry. After that, you go to the kitchen to the cooks and help them with cooking for the soldiers. At the same time, you yourself are singing. Take a double portion, otherwise the skin and bones, and you still need strength. All clear?

"Yes, madam," she bowed her head. And at that moment I realized that Hero and I actually became slaves. And if the girl still has the opportunity to escape from here, then here I am, like the property of this golden-haired paladins ...

"Now you," she already glanced at me. - Come with me, I want to talk about something with you. At the same time help.


Hera left us, going to carry out the assignment of the new "mistress", but I obediently followed this knight. First, we returned to the very hall where the magician Gunther brought us, and then went into the next room, which turned out to be a bedroom. The view there was also very attractive, not to compare with the conditions in which I now have to live. One bed is worth it - I only saw these on TV in films about kings.

"Help remove the armor," she asked, and without a second thought I began to unfasten the mounts. Still, the armor was difficult to dress on the girl. On the one hand, it does not greatly interfere with her movement - this was noticeable from the side. But in order to dress and take it off, you needed outside help - too many all kinds of straps, rivets and other things.

Really, she walks in this every day? It's possible to go crazy, and it's hot, probably, given that the armor is worn not on the naked body, but on the armor. In the case of Katrina, it was a simple canvas shirt, just like mine, and leather pants.

"Go to the bathroom," she pointed to the door on the left. - And pour some water.

I went to the indicated room and gasped. The bathroom was simply gorgeous; at home you couldn't even dream of such a thing. Marble floor, spacious bathtub, in which, if desired, can fit two. But what is most surprising is the water supply! There was a real faucet, although it took me a couple of minutes to make the water flow from it. The system was too sophisticated there. First it was necessary to pull one lever on the pipe near the door, then another under the bathroom, and only then, using two switches, regulate the temperature.

When I returned, a little taken aback, as Katrina got rid of her shirt and pants. And from cowards too! Why did I get just a wonderful view of her pubis. The girl herself was engaged in dealing with bandages. Like Hera, the paladins bandaged her breasts, and in her case it was appropriate. The size of Katrina's chest really inspired, almost vskidko, almost four. And here really, if you do not bandage such an impressive dignity, it can slightly interfere with the battle.

"You were not in a hurry," she muttered through clenched teeth, not at all embarrassed. - Help me.

I had to help unwind the bandages, struggling with excitement. This woman looked too appetizing. And what a chest! Download it! There is a great desire to bury my face in these boobs.

Besides just awesome buffers, something else didn't hide from my sight. Katrina also had a tattoo, though above her left breast. But this one was definitely magical. There were so many lines and graceful lines around them that I was struck by the accuracy of the pattern in such a small area.

Its purpose is interesting ...

My obscene look, it seems, did not bother Katrina at all, or maybe at that moment she was thinking about something of her own. Be that as it may, the woman proceeded to the bathroom, calling me for herself. I, of course, began to imagine myself, as she calls me to her. Then we start to kiss, and away we go. No wonder she flaunted naked in front of me.

But, unfortunately, climbing into the water, the woman seemed to completely forget about my existence, basking in the hot water. I stood in the aisle for a couple of minutes before I decided to make myself felt.

-Maybe ... should I go?

"No," she answered shortly, standing up. - Take a washcloth and soap. Rub your back.

I did not oppose such a proposal, and began to soap my "mistress." Back, of course, the matter was not limited. The girl allowed me to soap myself everywhere, which I took advantage of and slightly impudently felt her breasts. She, however, did not pay much attention to this.

And when I finished, plunged into the water to wash off the soap. And then I gave slack, admiring this beauty. And when the girl emerged, she found a strong bulge in my pants.

-What's this? She asked with a strange smile.

-Well ... simple, you are very beautiful and ... here .... - I was embarrassed.

-Want to possess me?

-Well…. This option seems very tempting to me.

Really !? C'mon ... this can't be!

Katrina reached out and ran a hand over my dignity, which made the tension there even stronger. Grinning, she grabbed my belt and lowered her pants.

"Great," she grinned and slid her fingers over him. And then she leaned forward and looked me straight in the eye, stretched her lips to him.

It can not be! I definitely sleep!

But instead of clinging to my genital organ with her sweet lips, she slipped her hand a little further and grabbed my balls tightly.

"Am I like a port whore !?" She asked defiantly.

"No ... ma'am ..." I could only squeeze out, feeling her squeezing my testicles with a vice.

-Then why should I stare at your standing dick? I'll tell you a secret, if you haven't understood yet, I undress quietly with you just because now you are a piece of furniture for me. No more. And if I again see your lascivious gaze directed at me, or this thing, I command you to oskropit.

-What ... th ...? I swallowed nervously.

"I heard that," she snarled, and yet let go of my dignity.

Yes, she is sizzling all over her head! Being mad at me for a natural male reaction when I see a naked female body is the top - idiocy. If she wanted someone to rub her back, why couldn't hera be taken with him and sent me to the kitchen?

"Okay," she rinsed her face with water and looked at me again. "I wanted to discuss something with you."

-And what?

-Firstly, a demon. Can you show where he killed him?

-I do not know, maybe. What for?

-Then, the demons do not roam alone. Where there is one, there may be a dozen more. They are not taken from the air. Either somewhere in the forest there is a gap Inferno, or someone called him. Moreover, we combed that tract a week ago, but did not meet any demons or bandits.

-Want to check my story? I asked bluntly.

- And that too.

-Well, and the second?

-Gems. Since you are a person from another world, you most likely do not know that the free sale of precious stones in their pure form is prohibited. And jewelers can only buy them from official suppliers. This is a single law that operates both in Trilor and in the Empire. Therefore, these stones are illegal.

- I don't really understand what is happening in the precious stones trade.

-This glass is able to absorb magical energy. And after the artifact has worked on them, they can be used as weapons.

-This explains a lot. So ... is this something like smugglers? - I specified.

-Worse. Most likely, they are used by dark magicians.

-And what will happen if a person, an ordinary person, and not an official supplier, tries to sell such a stone?

-If this is a respectable jeweler, he will buy this stone, but that hour will inform the guard about it, and, of course, will give them a seller. Otherwise, if it opens, he himself will go to the gallows.

It turns out that not everything is as simple as it seemed to Celine. I wonder if she knew about this, betraying me? If not, then her fate, most likely, awaits an unenviable ...

Well, there she is dear. I will not grieve for this bitch.


-But, it would be nice to give orientation to this sorceress and intercept before she crosses the border with Trilor.


-If she crosses the border, this business will no longer be in our competence. On the territory of Trilor, the Order performs only the function of fighting demons and other dark entities, while the rest of the affairs are outside our jurisdiction.

-And if we still delay ourselves after crossing the border?

-That we won't get any reward, on the contrary, fines will be slapped, and they will get from the authorities. So, it's best for us to intercept this woman earlier. Pass this to Gunther, at the same time you will help to make a verbal description for orientation.


"Then you can go, then I myself," when I heard this, I rushed to the door with a bullet, trying to get as far away from this woman as possible. Looking at her sexy body is great, but losing her dignity is somehow too much. - And further! she stopped me at the doorstep. "Two days later, we will go along an abandoned highway to look for the place where you killed the demon." So better get ready. Tell Gunther to give you twenty silver to buy what you need on the road.