
Tournament Of Titans

A/N: This is a futuristic action novel. Don't let 'Soccer' deceive you. In an interstellar age, the sport soccer had transcended from just game to the deciding factor to gain resource planets. Footballers, now known as Titans with great physical and unscientific abilities were the core fighters of each planet. Waking up to this new age after a near death experience at his last match, how will Stefan Anderson react to his Alpha abilities? ____ Instagram link: https://www.instagram.com/i_dream61?igsh=Z283bXlzYjFjdXk1

Soaringuniverse · Sci-fi
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19 Chs

Unexpected Result

Arriving at a bungalow within ten minutes via taxi, Stefan walked into the compound, surveying the surroundings before entering the moment his mother unlocked the door.

Observing the sleek design of the sitting room, the floating lights, a transparent screen he identified as the television, and the calming atmosphere, Stefan sighed.

"We're poor, aren't we?" he stated bluntly, taking a seat on the couch and turning to his mother, who froze by the door.

"Stef, things have changed. Though we may not be considered rich, we're still doing okay," she replied softly.

Chuckling, Stefan lowered his head and closed his eyes. "I've seen your hands shaking, Mum. You're lying. Your body is worn out, your back is strained, your hands tremble, and I can smell the meds in your bag."

(What! How did he find out?)

His mother's panicked inner voice echoed in his mind.

Shaking his head, Stefan clenched his fist, feeling his blood boil with the urge to cause some destruction. Yet, he refrained from adding more stress to his mother's life.

"Let's eat. I quit that job a while ago, and now that you're here, I'm certain I'll improve. You must be hungry; let's prepare something," Sang-hee said with a bright smile.

"I'll take care of dinner. Just relax," he assured her, stepping into the kitchen, only to pause at the sight of unfamiliar appliances. He quickly retreated.

"I knew you'd be back," his mother giggled, patting his chest and guiding him back into the kitchen.

After dinner, he stood outside his home, arms crossed, gazing at the city. His mother mentioned they were in City X, one of the many cities in Asia.

The chilly wind brushed against his face, prompting him to return inside as the door sealed shut with a soft click.

The next morning, Stefan jolted awake, rubbing his eyes. Entering the bathroom, he sluggishly made his way toward the shower but halted suddenly.

The image he glimpsed in the mirror wasn't what he recalled from the night before.

"Must be a mistake," he thought.

However, Stefan didn't resemble a walking corpse anymore; he had more muscle definition, healthier skin, and vibrant, longer white hair.

'That's odd,' he pondered, proceeding with his morning routine. While stunned by his overnight transformation, he noted that his physique didn't match his prime.

However, there was something more pressing to attend to. Sneaking into his mother's room, he grabbed her tablet and scoured it for money.

"What currency do they use now?" he grumbled, pausing at a transparent blue card. "She used this to pay the taxi driver."

Taking a taxi to the location specified on the tablet, Stefan alighted, lifting his head to behold the towering skyscraper bearing the New Era logo at the summit.

This was the headquarters in City X. Stefan strode confidently toward the gate, inhaling deeply. There was no way he wouldn't be recognized. His pictures should still be plastered around the headquarters, his name embedded in the memories of every New Era fan and employee.

"Who are you?" A guard wearing a helmet halted Stefan. It felt strange for a young man to stride into one of the most prestigious clubs in the Milky Way Galaxy as if he owned the place.

"I'm Stefan Anderson," he replied confidently, only for the guard and others to shake their heads.

"No one by that name works here, leave."

"I want to meet Mr. Richardson," Stefan hurriedly insisted, but the guard burst into laughter.

"You come here at this hour to meet the CEO of this club? Absurd. How can someone from outside the galaxy be here in this small city? Go home, boy. You're lost," the guard sneered.

'A CEO! Perhaps, I acted too hastily,' Stefan thought.

At that moment, the gates slid open automatically, and a sleek sedan emerged, halting before Stefan.

The door opened, and a man in a neatly pressed, luxurious black suit stepped out.

The instant Stefan saw his face, he dashed forward, seizing his collar.

"Why did you do that to her?" he barked, but Richardson chuckled. "I'm pleased to see you alive, though moving in this condition isn't good for your health," he said with a smile.

The guards swiftly separated Stefan from Richardson, and Richardson adjusted his tie before shaking his head.

"I know what's on your mind, Stefan, but you're not worth that much anymore. You're not even a talent in this era. Someone else has taken that mantle in the team. Meet the new team leader, Silver Dragon."

The door opened, and a man in a sleek suit stepped out. His raven hair cascaded to his shoulder blades as he peered down at Stefan.

Extending his hand, he smiled, "I'm Jang Jun Woo. And you are?"

Stefan was certain Richardson had informed Jun Woo about him before coming out. This was all part of an act to shatter whatever pride he had left.

"You should've thought about what I've done for the team and helped my mother a little," Stefan said to Richardson.

"Look, Stefan, this is business. The club expanded, and I couldn't let valuable resources go to waste. Take this. It should be of use to you and your mother. Call me if you need money." Richardson handed Stefan a business card.

"She's ill because of her suffering, and you didn't care, you..." Stefan yelled, attempting to strike Richardson, but Jun Woo effortlessly caught his arm.

"This is the strength of the Great Blaze. Disappointing. But considering your emaciated form, I'm not surprised," he sneered, tossing Stefan five meters away with a single arm.

Dropping the card on his body, they boarded the vehicle and departed.