
Chapter 27: Reconciliation, Part 3

Rath took several swallows of wine, then began to work on the bones left over from the bird he'd eaten, snapping them in half to suck out the marrow.

"You weren't mugged, were you?" Tress finally said. "Low City wouldn't hurt their own."

"Ha!" Rath said. "Even in Low City we have divides. That West End healer wouldn't have treated East End trash like me if not for you. Are you saying High City doesn't have its own divides and feuds?"

Tress made a face. "True enough. I don't think you were mugged, all the same. Muggers punch and grab, and you were hurt far too badly for a simple mugging. I was mugged twice, and nearly thrice, before I learned how to walk around down here without proclaiming that I'm a spoiled rich brat."

"You definitely still proclaim 'spoiled rich brat'."

"Quietly state, maybe," Tress said, scowling. "I don't proclaim it."