
Touhou Project : Destiny of the human in Gensokyo

We follow the story of a man forcibly taken by Yukari to Gensokyo. This one between dangers and survival must discover the reason while facing yokais, deities, and other beings mostly powerful or even hostile. He will make as many allies as enemies. What will he have left at the end of the road? What will he win or lose? Follow the story of a man of faith whose certain things sometimes conflict with it. Step into this breach! --------------------------------------- Universe created by Zun. Thanks to him for giving a lot of freedom to his fans.

Croix09Lotus · Others
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17 Chs


I reappear where it all started for me in Gensokyo. Yukari is waiting for me there; which I find disturbing. She invites me to sit down; which is even more troubling. Suspicious this time in view of our last interview, I refuse with politeness, on a more formal tone; which makes her sigh.

"Idiot ~ You know you have nothing to fear from me. I admit that our reunion was rather hasty."

So there it is too much:

"You threw me into hell and all you can think of is the expeditious term? And in Gensokyo, you deliberately threw me into the Yokai forest. I don't know if you're a lunatic or completely oblivious, but Still, it charms you. But now, if only I had died once, how would you have reacted? I'm not saying that I don't trust you, but your methods are rightly mistrustful." I blame him. "

She puts down her drink, then her two arms come out of her breach to take him to her. Happy, she strokes my hair, a mysterious smile on her lips. It's always the same: She takes me into her wacky plans and yet she always manages to have the last word, except when I'm angry. She then whispers to me:

"Never forget! I am always near you. And I can tell you that you came out of it much better than expected. Before you, all the humans I have

sent to Gensokyo are either dead or sent back by Reimu to the outside world. When I told her that you were under my protection, she balked so much that ... I offered her a lot of gold which in reality turned back to lead?"

I laugh following this announcement while imagining the scene. Since I was little, on the pretext that I'm bored, she doesn't hesitate to troll anyone who passes by. Come to think of it, those were the good times. I don't realize but I snuggle up against her, then rest. Everything has its time after all.

! Rebound !

Come to think of it, how old is Yukari really? She told me she's still 17. Even if she's a yokai, that doesn't necessarily make sense for ghost, lemure, wraith, vampire or other type spirits. Yes, I have thought a lot. If she lived or even know me from birth or even before, then that means she is over 1700 years old or even older. Not that it bothers me because she is a basic yokai.... But, when she pretended to be my age during my childhood, I did not feel any feeling other than friendship, or brotherhood. Sometimes. There is a reason for this. It's just... No, nothing.

"Yu, I would like you to answer the last question please!"

"Of course, you passed the test after all. However, considering that I already answered it, you should find another one, too bad~"

Wait, she's insinuating that it's up to me to answer the last question? So I play the game; whispers in his ear a part of his riddle:

"I understood the true definition of friendship even further. There is also family, friendly love but also separation, mourning and revenge and that my actions have consequences."

She seems delighted, however she refutes my words:

"You didn't say everything. This kind of thing is quite simply out of reach for any human being, but you, I'm sure you've discovered something else."

She lays my head against her chest knowing full well that it bothers me.

"Tell me everything ! I want to know ! And I won't stop until you tell me everything. When was your last record?~"

In addition, she presses my head there while stroking it. In this configuration, I may not last longer. I'll have to try the trick.

"All right, all right... I'll tell you, only if you answer all my questions. And since you answered mine, that was your reward."

"Hmmmm you're not lying to me, are you?" she asks suspiciously.

"Absolutely not." I replied.

"All right. And in exchange for your next answer, what would you like to ask me?"

"Why did you send me to hell to debut?

"Well, I think you know the answer but since you insist."

I step back, freeing myself from his shackles. I dodge the gaps where his arms try to grab me. Except it's a feint. I discern a mockery, when a portal opens on my feet. Nevertheless, I leap into the air and then land on much safer ground. I rush off to the human village. The various yokais who get in my way, I rush on them then eliminate them at full speed. Of course, I show myself less murderous in my methods. I also see several traps set beforehand by my childhood friend. I immediately turn around when the road seems far too accessible when I come across one of its crows. Pity, as long as I arrive in time!

"Why are you resisting? You don't love me that much anymore?"

"I wasn't going to give you an easy job you know. So what are you going to do?"

"You know it well ,.."

I understand. His goal is not to catch me but to trap me in a cage from the start. She surprised me so much that I saw nothing coming and then acted on instinct.

"You are really very strong." I notify

- You're not bad either." He picks me up then snaps his fingers. "But you'll still need several millennia to beat me. Good luck !"

Several hands lead me into a breach, when she greets me, very happy with her shot. This is how I find myself in a new world. The battle between me and her will continue.

Successful landing !

Phew!  This time it's not going to be like in the hell arc.  Nevertheless, even if I move forward, I have the impression that the noose is tightening.  Anyway, I have to move on.  But where are my things?

"Hey, would you like to give me back my bag?"

Immediately, a breach opens to reveal my bag except that it does not have all the means.  If we think about it, she intends to exchange it for my answers, except that since she has to answer mine, either she is voluntarily putting herself in danger, or she is trying to regain the psychological accent.  It reminds me of the ways I never cared about strategy until she decided to initiate me.  First, we will have to go around this place.

Makai (魔界 "The Demon World") is a separate world that exists in Gensokyo In past PC-98 era works, it and all beings that live here were created by Shinki.  It should not be confused with Hell (地獄 jigoku) as it is not a place for the afterlife when ghosts are judged by the yama for their guilt, but instead it is only  a place where demons and strong youkai live.

Well, unlike two places visited, I will have no pity for my opponents simply because they are demons.  Strange, the lemure is also a demonic creature if you think about it.  However , ... Where is Angelos ?  Why can't I find it anywhere?  And if it was where I should look?  Instead of following my path, I preferred to play Yukari's game.  In other words, I got screwed on my own.  I don't have to look for answers from him anymore, at least not right now.  On the other hand, I will make sure that it depends on itself.  For this, I explore the places of this world I come across an electric field.  I shouldn't be afraid, but you never know.  In this case, I throw my wakisashi on the electric field;  which creates a huge lightning rod.  Someone seems to be moaning though.  For now, let's leave the sword where it is!  The individual will anyway show itself.

"Come out of your hiding place!  I'm sure you're there so show yourself!  My name is Ishiha Kenpyri.  How about a chat over a cup of coffee?"

In response, lightning strikes the wakisashi so that the blade would be fleeing.  Unfortunately for her, it is not a normal blade.  She finally shows herself: It is a creator with five eyes as well as a feminine silhouette filled with electricity, even the surroundings.


Still happy, she can't touch me.  However, short of destroying his five eyes, how can I defeat lightning?  Breathe, and stay calm... You'll get there.  Trust him !  This is how I create a field of spiritual energy that I swing like a cannon at her.

!  Lack !

It moves with electricity.  If I want to touch it, I'm going to have to put on insulation.  With that, I recover my wakisashi, then I cash without concern its thunders.  I grab her by the collar then strangle her while her eyes keep shooting at me.  Except it makes me want to strangle him more.  However, I leave him two choices: death or submission.  Suddenly, a ball of light almost reached me except that it was she who took it in the head.  The person in charge is the same young girl in the mask.  Then she disappears.  Strange, I assume the fact of caring for her, even if she would be a demon or risk killing me one day, except that I am not fooled: This world actually has nothing to do with mine.  So the rules aren't the same, to begin with.  Moreover, although there are similarities, there is also a very big difference.  On the other hand, if she chooses to turn against me, in this case she will just die for nothing.  So I kept the bullet to myself, leaving the victim behind.  Take care of yourself !

I have been walking in this hostile place for several hours. In the meantime, I have beaten many , so much that they end up leaving me alone. I really need to do an update at Akyuu. Now, my threat and power level are skyrocketing. By my estimation, I will once again be of medium strong power and a medium threat. Why average? For I will be neither defenceless nor the most dangerous. Up front, I think I'm going to hide this estimate so that Yukari always thinks I'm weak. Now she must be watching me while I eat one of the two grilled fish. Then, I leave the other by highlighting it so that it takes it via its breach. The fire now extinguished, I take my way when she stops me, her gun pointed at me then orders me:

"Stand your hands, or I kill you."

" ... Who are you , exactly ?"

" I'm Mei , Yakumo Mei. Now , turn yourself and look at me."

"Nah , no chance." I dodge the bullet and run.

"Hey , come back here !" She perceives me.

I continue to dodge her projectiles , running in every sense. She becomes more destabilised, and so I knock down without problems with only my hands.

"Good , you're neutralised. Who are you really ? If you tell me you are a Yakumo , you won't see the daylight anymore." I interrogate her colder.

"Hahahahahaha !" She kids."You try to be the most clever , but I sense fear in you... You're the worst member of our clan ! You don't merit to exist."

"Shut up !" I slap this dirty... "You're an assassin, and you dare to insult me.

You would make it keep quiet if you want to live peacefully."

"And why ?" She affirms. "Because you come from this cursed parallel branch , should I shut up ? You should instead die for humanity good."

" Wery well. It will be your last hour. Farewell." I announce.

I follow up with a circular kick. In addition, I trample her many times without restraint to the point where I almost pierced her chest.  Too bad, she dodges in time, using her scrolls to heal herself.  However, I quickly get in front of her, then kick her head with my foot, causing her to fall into a river, almost pulling the demons around.  I advance, sword in hand, inhabited by a single desire: to cut off his head. But , at the moment where I execute my objective ...

Stop !  Don't do this!

No. I must do it ! She must die in harmful pain !

Don't play his game!  You are not like your ancestors.

I don't care now ! And then maybe yes, maybe no.  I was born in the parallel branch, after all.

And Yukari in all this?  Have you forgotten your second promise?

My hands... They shiver ? No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it ! No , I must do it !

"No , you mustn't." Yukari has asked me for eleven years. "I forbide to kill yourself and others humans because you are worth better than this. You're not a murder , right?"

"Yes , I'm not a murder. I'm sorry ...." I answer like before.

I stop then put away my sword. I beg your pardon, Lord! I gave way to anger and hatred. Now, she must regard me as her deadliest enemy. I leave the place not without apologizing beforehand. I walk randomly aimlessly after this altercation.

Now, you will have to avoid crossing them as much as possible. This girl is not the only one who wants to get rid of the parallel branch of the Yakumo clan.

I kinda doubt it. But I think about it, why? Why is the parallel branch tracked? Oh , I remind myself ! Yukari has told me the curse of branch parallel's story :

The main branch ancestor's twin brother, both children of Yakumo Ishiraiki, killed him, thus almost all the main branch members. The reasons do not go to the advantage of the victims because they are the ones who initiated the transfer of lemure within the parallel branch.

"Don't forget , Pyri ! This world is cruel for all , without discrimination." She has said me since I have asked her.

I understand better why she sent me there.  If in hell I learned the importance of friendship, there I must understand who my real enemy is, and it is not this young girl, nor the demons of this earth.  Nevertheless, I must remain cautious.  It reminds me of my second meeting with Yukari which is much more tense than the first.  At the same time, she appeared in an alley then pinned me against the wall;  which pissed me off to the point of threatening to kill him.  And this is exactly what she told me:

"You say you want to kill me?  Well try!  But know one thing: it won't do you any good.  Why not make me your ally instead?  That too is good."

I've been thinking about it ever since.  And now, even though she sometimes gets me drunk, I don't want to kill her anymore. I end with this thought, falling asleep.

I always pray the days since my arrival in this place, do not however eat what there is, also refuse the food that appears from the breaches, finally keep it rather as a provision.  It remains strange that I no longer meet natives of this place.  I'm starting to have bad feelings.  I put my finger on the chin, and think of a plan.  After that, I'm cleaning my trees when a young demon comes my way.  For the moment, I ignore it continuing my cleaning session, then put them away once finished.  During this time, she observes me with attention and curiosity.  I confess that I have a suspicion of her;  old reflexes oblige or traumas.  I sigh thinking about it then say:

"Hello! Come join me! I'm just going to cook breakfast. What's your name?"

"My name is Elly. What about you?

"Ishiha Kenpyri. Pleased!"

So I cook breakfast.  More breads with eggs later followed by hot chocolates, thank you Yu, I offer him his share then taste mine not without wishing him:

"Enjoy your food !"

"Thank you very much Mr. Ishiha! You too."

Hmmmmm, this is delicious.  My lessons with her would ultimately be useful.  Besides, seeing someone so happy with my cooking fills me with joy.  What follows after will be less joyful because I can already hear her boasting that she is always right.

!  Sigh!

"Are you okay? You seem a little sad."

"It's okay. I was thinking back to the good time before it all stopped."

"I understand. You know, if the person doesn't want your happiness, leave!"

"Well, I'll tell you one thing: I'm not from Makai. I'm from up there, from Gensokyo. By the way, are you a demon or a vampire? I'm curious."

"The first person I met who came from the surface was the shaman Hakurei. Lady Sariel destroyed her temple and she came here to make her bite the dust! Hehehe!"

It's typical of the same person Yukari told me about in the outside world.  Are they all hotheads in this family or what's going on?

If you knew and then you don't lead wide either.

Roh it's ok!  Well, I see she doesn't seem like a threat.  So I smile at him then hold out my hand;  which surprises her but at the same time makes her happy to the point where she hugs me crying.  I return to her gently while hugging her against me.  I stroke her hair as if to reassure her.  She ends up telling me:

"Well, I was afraid that you would hate me. I know that you are a Christian and everything and that in your religion we are bad people for you. But, I don't know for my fellow men, I just want that  we can be friends. You mean?"

Why am I crying?  Why do I feel like I'm getting into her?  Without stopping myself I take her little cheeks then tell her with a smile.

"Of course yes, let's see!"

His smile will remain etched in my memory.  Unfortunately, good things come to an end when an overpowered attack descends upon us.  I naturally put myself in front of Elly to protect her.  However, I don't get hit.  I barely blink my eyes when I see this young girl, her stomach hole, her wings in poor condition, finally, she who is delighted even though she spits blood.  Her body immediately falls into my arms;  which breaks my heart.  Hardly do I find him a friend, hardly do I lose her.  It's been that way since my childhood.

"All the animals who accept are beaten by the other children, I told him, all the insects who accept end up crushed. And the few people who accept end up turning their backs on me the minute later. The only person who  asked to become his friend finds herself almost dead in my arms. It's my fault! I...."

"You're wrong, she replies happy although in agony, it's not your fault. We haven't known each other for a long time but the person who said that about you deserves to suffer a thousand  dead for all the mean things he said to you. Hey....Kenpyri, if we ever meet again in another.... Can we be friends again? I know I don't  asking too much but even if you say no now, I'll never blame you because I'll remember the day you agreed."

"Elly...I don't believe in reincarnation.... But as long as it exists, I promise you. I want to be your friend again."

"Thank you very much. I'm glad to have met you."

She breathes her last after sacrificing her life.  I make her snuggle up to me, shedding tears in silence for six months.

[ Mourning takes a long time to heal, so you have to give the person time.  Kenpyri suddenly takes this time to pray for his soul, and to bury it with dignity.  Yukari and her Shikigami Ran attend the scene, touched by the tragedy as well as the beauty of this scene.  The border yokai, on the other hand, has a self-serving heart, preferring to stay in the background;  which worries Ran.

"Mistress, we should go home.  We can invite him to come if you want."

"No.  Go home without me please!  I will observe it."

"I see... It's okay."

Now alone, she does not approach him at all.  In reality, she clenches her fist up and then bites her lip.  If she listens to herself right now, she would jump up behind him to hug him and take care of him.  Despite everything, she refrains from doing it for a reason of her own.

"Please hold on a little longer.  I will tell you everything as you want.  God, protect him, even from me if necessary.  I only want her happiness." ]

It's been two years since Yukari took me to Gensokyo. Grieving for Elly for six months, then training tirelessly in swordsmanship and martial arts for a year, I change my monk outfit, opting for a black jumpsuit with a mask of the same color. Of course, it remains more resistant.

I pray one last time at his grave, lay a flower there, and leave from there. At twenty-two, I've been through a lot of things that should kill any human, and that's thanks to God.

Also, I thank Yukari since without her I would already be dead for a long time, without my Kendo master, I will not master the tachi and the wakisashi, without Kasen, Yuugi, and Suika, I will be sinking for a long time humanly, and my adversaries I will not progress during this time. Weird, this sounds like the end of the trip. In addition, no breach seems to appear on the horizon. That's when I hear boss music.

"Why does it intensify every time I approach?" I worry.

If before, either I feared death, or literally sought its company, now I fear that of others, especially my adversaries, who cannot regenerate even with a severed head. A pair of six wings therefore catches my eye, followed by another pair, then a purple dress and a pale face... No! It is not possible ! Normally, demons inhabit this land.

So what is an angel doing here?

"Who are you human? You're not supposed to be here. State your identity or..." They ask me "Wait, can't you die?"

What presence!  What Grace !  He exudes power but also the extermination of all things.  In view of its power, I do not think to beat it in a current way.

"My name is Ishiha Kenpyri and I am 22 years old. I am a human from the outside world. What about you?"

"My name is Sariel and I am the angel of death. My role is therefore to exterminate anyone who is in this world and beyond."

This announces the color.

"Anyway, in view of your condition, you won't be part of my targets. But be careful, if I see you again on my way, Mistress Shinki won't be so merciful. Disappear now!"

I leave immediately, then pass by, when I notice something strange.  I have a bad feeling;  the faith that warns me of something.  I then turn around to ask him the question, when I see runes around me.  Accordingly, I move behind his back, unsheathing my wakisashi, then laying it down, close to his neck.  My eyes darken so that shivers run through her body.  I threaten her:

"If you move you die. If you use your power you die. If you try to call your mistress Shinki you die. Now you will answer three questions! Nod if you understood!"

She does, then I whisper to her:

"Very well. Now, what is the purpose of this maneuver?"

She hesitates except that my blade encourages her to be more cooperative.  She immediately responds:

"Mistress Shinki is interested in you from the moment you entered our world. In truth, she was interested in the bond you would have with Madame Yakumo. But your exploits impressed her and she sent me to first kill you, but  if I fail to capture you."

For once, she tries to buy me on the Makai version transfer market.  I ask him the second question:

"Is she planning to send reinforcements?"

She answers :

"No... She didn't expect me to fail this mission. I admit that you are very strong, even more than me."

Now here we are:

"Who killed Elly?"

She immediately states:

"Me."  She confesses, then adds.  "It was you I wanted to kill but that idiot Elly. So it's not a demoness but a vampire. Now I leave it up to you to decide."

I think about what I intend to do to her, except that she throws herself on my sword deciding then to die for having said too much.  What an idiot!  Without wasting time, I try to save her, but her body explodes and so do I.  I come back a few seconds later.  So his famous mistress proceeds in this way.  Unfortunately for her, I managed to save her core.  I keep her close to me while she grows up.  Sorry for you, I won't let you die.  Besides, you're not like the angels of my world, so I'm adopting you.  So ends my adventure in Makai.  A gap opens, then closes when Yukari comes out.  Immediately, I throw myself without his arms without saying a word, when his shikigami invites us to enter before Shinki arrives.  I don't remember the rest, probably passed out after all these emotions.  My purple hair basically becomes as white as snow.  When I wake up, Yukari is still hugging me, whispering things... special?  Unlike the other times I push her away, I snuggle up to her then listen to Yukari's heartbeat.  Looking closely, she seems more peaceful and less in mastermind mode, just the opposite of me.  I remain ridiculous in comparison.  But don't tell Yukari or I might get a bump on my head.  We stay like that all night.  I confess that it is a pleasant feeling, so pleasant that I want to stay a little longer.

"Yukari, are you awake?"

"Yes~ From the beginning actually~ What do you want to tell me?~"

- .... Thank you very much."

She seems surprised before smiling at me while whispering in a very sweet voice:

"Oh yes~ Thank me again!"

I laugh not without blushing which delights her while stroking my hair when she raises her eyebrows then asks me.

"Did you color?"

"No not at all. "

I don't know why but since my return, she doesn't plan to leave alone again.  Well, I want to prove to him that I can pull it off again while growing strong enough to stand by his side at least once.