
Touch Me, Not.

A rumor was spread in the Capital, that the eldest daughter of the Fan Family is a thick-eye browed, thick lipped with thick witch-like curly black hair Betty La Fea. No one in the Capital would want to waste their attention to her, however, a news shocked people from the Capital! That the outstanding, handsome and sought-after bachelor CEO in the Capital is set to be engaged to this rich Betty La Fea! The older ones could only sigh, The men who envies the CEO laugh in schadenfreude, And the single women and young ladies cried their heart out since the excellent CEO seemed to readily accept the engagement! __________________________

begonia_4991 · Urban
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26 Chs

The Ugly Disguise.

After the dinner and after she talked with her grandma and caretaker about the latter's health, Fan Xifeng finally returned to her room. This room is the biggest one, even much bigger than the master's bedroom as this room used to be her baby room. Her mother told her once that despite her often being inside her parent's room on a crib as her parents couldn't be relieved not having her around, still, the Fan Elders had the two guest rooms converted into a one big room and redesigned and redecorated it to a majestic, opulent room fitted for a princess, not caring of the fact that the princess was still an infant.

Fan Xifeng never got the chance to used the room since by the time she turned two, her parents moved abroad. Yet still, to Fan Xifeng's surprised, the room look exactly from that dream!

Supposedly, this should be her first time seeing this room, but ... Fan Xifeng shuddered. 'I saw this room exactly as from that dream!' Her mind screamed!

Settling her emotions, Fan Xifeng looked around to confirm and her eyes wandered to the very familiar sliding glass door covered by white and silk curtain which will lead to the room's open balcony overlooking the man-made forest on the backyard. She took steps to approached the sliding door's edge. To confirm that memory, Fan Xifeng opened the glass door and walked slowly, trying to prepare herself and as when her eyes landed on the view outside, she gasped and her whole body shook she finds support from the balcony's marble balusters. Fan Xifeng's sight then moved to the same marble balusters she was holding unto with, familiarity in her eyes. 'Oh God!' She wildly thought.

The night is cold and windy, Fan Xifeng shivered. She took a deep breath and as she did so, the content of the dream she had on the plane starts flashing before her.

Two weeks after their family's arrival back in the Capital, she celebrated her twenty fifth birthday and at the same time, her engagement with Han Ziwei. But that supposed to be celebration didn't end up well because she wore that ala Betty La Fea disguise.

When she was eighteen years old, she started wearing an ugly facial disguise. Why? It's all because one day, her younger sister, Fan Xiaodan cried on her saying that the boy she likes turned out to like her (Fan Xifeng) instead because she's much more beautiful.

In order to coax Fan Xiaodan, Fan Xifeng carelessly uttered "then older sister would try to be less beautiful", that careless words end up her wearing that ala Betty la Fea disguise. It results to her younger sister's happiness because of the attention she started to receive from other boys, while her parents frustrated. Of course, whose parents would stomach their beautiful daughter to disguised as an ugly girl. However she got away with it by telling them that there were many boys at school who likes her and she only did so to preserve herself and beauty for her brother Han Ziwei.

That night of her birthday and engagement party, Han Ziwei's parents came early to visit and meet their future daughter in law for the first time as they just arrived from a luxurious tour. However, right after seeing her, Su Meixi, Han Ziwei's mother suddenly walked out, obviously signifying her disagreement and didn't even gave the Fan elders a face in public.

After all, with her ala Betty la Fea disguise, whose family, much especially a family like the Han, would allow their prized son to marry a girl with that look? Despite dishonoring of the said agreement between elders, Su Meixi, called her son to not come over any longer as she disagreed to the said engagement.

The celebratory atmosphere turned chaotic much when the Han's started to leave and when asked, they answered that Han Ziwei was involved in a car accident. Before Su Meixi left, she said that probably, it was Fan Xifeng who jinxed her son that he was even involved on a car accident on the night of this supposed, engagement. This humiliation from the Han angered the Fan family and since then, spoiled the relationship between two powerful families in the Capital.

That same night was also the first time her father looked at her with a disappointed eyes. Fan Xifeng also regretted that rebellious act as it also caused her grandma to faint, which also probably the major caused of her grandma's weakened health.

Fan Xifeng's parents told her when she was younger that she is set to marry her brother Han Ziwei. Without the complicated concept of marriage, her parents simplified her Han Ziwei brother will be her protector forever and so, Fan Xifeng started to like that image of Han Ziwei.

When Han Ziwei was to celebrate Han Ziwei's 19th birthday, her whole family returned back to Country C to attend. Unfortunately that time as well, she was going to have her final exam the coming week that she and her parents decided for her to stay home to study. Sad of the situation, the twelve years old Fan Xifeng could only focused on burning brows with her studying excited for a news from her brother Han Ziwei as she especially send a gift through her younger sister, Fan Xiaodan.

However, her good image for her Han Ziwei brother shattered when Fan Xiaodan knocked on her room after they arrived home from Country C and in her hand, was her personally wrapped gift for her Han Ziwei brother.

Her younger sister said that Han Ziwei didn't accept her gift because he said that it looks "tacky" and that she even heard him talked bad about her and also, Fan Xiaodan told her that he was arrogant. The twelve years old Fan Xifeng that year is still childish and immature and after knowing that the Han Ziwei she thought would protect her rather turn out to be an arrogant boy who called her handmade gift tacky and even talk bad about her started to dislike Han Ziwei, secretly.

Because her younger sister said she might be scolded by their parents if she told them with what she revealed about Han Ziwei, Fan Xifeng kept her distaste of him in secret. But from that day on, Fan Xifeng would just listen every time her parents would tell her that her brother Han Ziwei asked about her.

And since then, when her parents or grandparents would asked her if she wanted to have her vacation in Country C and also to meet her brother Han Ziwei, Fan Xifeng would turn down the invitations every time, giving different kind of rational reasons her parents couldn't see any problem with.

When she turned eighteen, she started to give hints to her parents that she no longer wanted to be engage or even get married with that Han Ziwei however, her parents would block her every time, leaving her no way to reason out.

Maybe that's also the reason why she was persuaded easily by Fan Xiaodan to wear that disguise on the night of her birthday and their engagement party. Indeed, it was too immature for a twenty-five years old woman to pull off but she could somehow also take it as successful with how Han Ziwei's mother walked out and made clear she's in a big disagreement to the engagement between them.

Though that night also result for Han Ziwei to be involved in a car accident. She never got the chance to se the man because he was still under comatose even at the time of her death and that's already almost for two months.

"Wait." Fan Xifeng gasped and covered her mouth with her hands in shocked. 'Why does it seem like the dream was so real! Like it's some form of a memory familiar to mine but at the same time, I couldn't claim as mine?!'