
Totally Normal Psychic Academy

Tomo just wants to get strong but he has to go to school. There is nothing else he just goes to school.

UipoTheWorst · Urban
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: Suspended!

Now I don't have to go to school!

"It's in school suspension," the principal said.

"Crap," I said under my breath.

"It will be for three days," the principal said.


This first day was uninteresting.



"Yes," I replied.

"Why didn't you help me?" she asked.

"Too much energy," I replied.

"I was getting mugged so could you have at least called the police?" she asked.

"Quiet down," said the teacher.

"Let's fight after school," she whispered.


Why did she want to fight here of all places, it was a court in front of a destroyed building.

"So you came," someone in the court said.

"And so did you," I said.

I jogged over to the court.

"Let's introduce ourselves," she said.

"I am Flare from a family of pyrokinesis masters," Flare said.

"I am Tomo from a family of psychokinesis masters," I said.

"Are you ready to fight?" Flare asked.

"Yes," I said.

Pyrokinesis is fairly simple but powerful, their attacks are easy to predict but they cover wide areas.

"FIRE PILLAR!" Flare shouted.

I saw a pillar of flames begin to erupt from below me.

I have to use my psychokinesis to dodge this.

Most people think psychokinesis is about using your environment but it is actually best used to enhance your body.

"Teleport," I said.

Suddenly my body was pulled out of the way, while a flurry of wind rushed past me.

I can't actually teleport but I can move my body so fast it looks like I am.

"I thought teleportation was impossible," Flare said.

"Light speed punch," I whispered.

"It is," I said.

My fist got pulled towards her face.

"Goodnight," I said.

My zipped into her face knocking her out instantly.