
Totally Hooked

Love seems like a beautiful thing for everybody. Its everything everybody craves for. That perfect man sweeping you off your feet, its every girl's dream. I never knew that someone would have me TOTALLY HOOKED.

L_A_5349 · Urban
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61 Chs

Chapter 7: Boyfriend Material

"Hey! Are you sure you're okay? You're enjoying the view, aren't you?" Vin suddenly asked me, did I just sat there and stared at him for too long? I retracted my gaze from him as soon as he spoke up. A familiar smirk emerged from his lips that he was just biting moments ago. I wonder how it feels to bite his lips? I felt my face heat up with that thought. Sh*t, I'm even embarrassed with myself, I was flat out gawking at him, in front of him while thinking about kissing and biting his lips.

I shook the though from my head and shifted from the bed and was about to stand up when I lost my balance. D*mn my broken ankle! I was about to fall on my face when I felt an arm around my waist. He caught me just before my face hit the floor. He turned to me around to face him and I realized how close our faces were and my eyes fell on those lips again. I kept imagining how it felt on mine. D*mn it Michi! Stop thinking about kissing him! We've talked about this! Stop being a pervert! I can't help that it looks so soft and kissable. No. No. No. Stop it!

"Let's go?" He said while looking at me. Gone is that cocky smirk and it was replaced by the worried look that he gave me when I woke up. He helped me back to the bed and got my bag from the bedside table.

"Where are we going?" I asked him without even thinking.

"Hospital. You need to get those test remember?" He said nonchalantly while looking at me in the eyes. I just nodded in response, dazed and disoriented.

"Can you walk?" He asked me with a worried look on his face as he flung my bag across his shoulder. I nodded again and tried to stand and put some weight on my ankle again but without his support, I immediately felt the sudden pain in my ankle and lost my balance again. He caught me by my waist again and supported my weight again.

"I guess you can't." He stated placing my arms on his shoulders then reached for my legs and lifted me up, bridal style. I was shocked by his sudden movement that I shifted my arms from his shoulder to the back of his neck clinging on to him as he adjusts himself to carry me comfortably.

"What are you doing? Put me down!" I whisper shout as him as I started punching and pushing him lightly that just earned me laughs and chuckles from him. I don't want to be the talk of the campus again. The last issue about us just barely passed by.

"Are you done? Can we go already?" He asked in between his chuckles, but even before I could answer he was already walking towards the door.

"Bye Doc. Thank you again." He greeted Doc Mandy when we passed her. Doc Mandy just smiled at us.

"Take good care of her, okay?" She said then winked at me.

My face heated up again, not wanting Vin to notice, I buried my face on his shoulder that definitely made my face redder but at least he won't see it. He doesn't have to know how much he affects me just by this innocent skin ship that we are sharing.

He carried me through the hallways and down the stairs, gaining deadly glares from girls. I couldn't even see them, but they were glaring at me so intensely that I feel them go through my body. I lifted my head a little to see where we were going, and saw that even guys are looking at us as we pass by. Well it's not every day that Vin is seen carrying girl around campus. With the rumors surrounding him, it's really out of character for him to be this friendly with a girl, who isn't in his bed.

I don't know how to feel about those rumors, but right now I feel comfortable in his embrace. We reached the last flight of stairs, ignoring the whispers and murmurs of the people around us, when I saw a pair of people running towards us.

"What happened?" Asked Shin and Angel in unison.

"I fell down the stairs." I quickly answered them.

"I'm fine, don't worry. I just need to get some tests done at the hospital, but other than that I'm fine." I added when Shin was about to say something again, just to reassure them that they don't have to worry about me.

"I'll bring her to the hospital, don't worry." Then Vin smiled at them looking straight at Shin, seeking approval from my best friend. Shin stared back at him and nodded.

"Please take care of her. We still have classes Mitch." Angel said and I just nodded to her.

"It's fine. Go. You're going to be late." I told them urging them to go already. I don't want to drag the conversation just because Vin might me growing tired while carrying me and I already feel guilty about it.

"I'll see you later then." Shin said while ruffling my hair. Then went his way with Angel in tow.

Vin started to walk again, heading to the parking lot, adjusting me in his arms every now and then. We reached his car in no time and finally, he put me down besides his car's passenger seat. He opened the door and helped me get inside before closing the door and circling around to the driver seat.

"Don't you have any classes?" I asked him, but he didn't reply. He just ignored the question and placed our bags in the backseat.

"I'm really thankful that you helped me, but you really didn't have too. I don't want to cause any inconvenience to you, you don't even have the responsibility to take care of me." I said to him while he was still pre-occupied by the getting everything ready before leaving the parking lot.

"Its fine. I'm not doing this because I feel responsible. I'm doing this because I want to." He said that to me with tenderness in his eyes. He looked at me lovingly like I was a fragile ballerina in a music box that he always wants to keep safe. He smiled at me one more time then started the engine and drove off.

While we were in the hospital he waited patiently listening to every word the doctor was saying while discussing the results of my MRI and X-ray. For someone who has nasty rumors about girls surrounding him, he was acting like the complete opposite of those rumors. He is very attentive to the point that he even asks the doctor if I need therapy for my ankle.

"You're very lucky to have a boyfriend like him." My doctor said while helping me balance on the crutches that I just bought to help me move around while my ankle heels. I don't want to be carried by Vin all the time.

I just smiled at him neither confirming or denying that Vin is my boyfriend. I don't know why I couldn't deny and tell her that he wasn't my boyfriend. Deep down, I maybe wishing that it would happen for real, but there is always this small voice in my head that keep reminding me that he might have just found me a little challenging than the usual girls that would not hide the fact that they what to have a taste of Vin Andrews Dela Cruz.

We're back in the car again because he still insisted to drive me home. We were already driving home when I realized that I forgot my sketch book at my locker in the university and I need to finish a design that was in there.

"Uhm Vin, can you just drop me off at the university? I actually forgot something from my locker." I asked him.

"We'll go back, but I'm still driving you home sweetheart." He said to me with confidence in his voice then gave me a wink.

Here he is again with those simple endearments that made my blood boil just few weeks ago, but now it's starting to grow on me. We drove in comfortable silence with nothing but the song on the radio playing accompanied my amateur singing and humming from the both of us here and there. Surprisingly, we have the same taste in music and it just made the ride more enjoyable. I started opening the door as soon as he parked the car, but he stopped me.

"I'll get it. Sketch book right?" He asked. I just nodded and reached for the keys in my bag.

"Locker #61. Thank you." I told him smiling as I give him a bunch of keychains with 3 keys in it. He took it then laughed a little and just shake his head while getting out of the car.

He left the engine on, so the radio was still playing, I was busy humming to Ariana Grande when I heard something hit the car. I started looking around the car, but I didn't see anyone around. I didn't even know where the car was hit. I was still busy looking around when the door from the driver seat opened. I was about to scream, but then realized that it was Vin.

"You look like you've seen a ghost. There's still light out. It's just four in the afternoon." He said to me after seeing my reaction when he got into the car.

"Someone threw something at the car. I was just looking for whoever threw it." I said to him while pouting at his teasing behavior. I was just looking out for his car, while he's here teasing me about it.

"Don't do that with your lips." He said while staring at my lips. I bit my lips unconsciously and just stared at the window, avoiding his eyes.

"Here." He handed me my sketch book together with my keys as he put on his seatbelt.

"Thanks." I muttered then opened the sketchbook. The moment I opened it, a scream immediately escapes my mouth. I dropped the book on my lap and Vin picked it up immediately. He opened it and looked at me with horror.

The sketchbook was drenched in what looks and feels like blood. All the sketches of clothes that I drew were marked with X's. He stopped on the last pages of the book and looked at me with concern written all over his handsome face. I took the book from him and looked at what was written in what I assume is blood.

"Remember what you did." then I turned the page.

"Miggy died because of the two of you." then turned again.

"How dare you live in peace when I'm still mourning for them!" then again.

"DIE MICHIHIKO! DIE!" I turned it again and it read.

"DIE SHINICHI KUDO! DIE!" I turned it again and reached the last page.

"BURN IN HELL!" tears were flooding my eyes when I reached the last page of the book. Vin took the book from me and threw it to the backseat of the car. By this time, I was already sobbing so hard that I couldn't even speak.

"Let's just go. Whoever did this might be the one who threw something earlier." He then started driving again. We were quiet the whole ride. The only thing that I could hear was my own quiet sobs. I was trying to hold my sobs back until we were already in my front door.

"Can I stay here for a while? I don't want my parents to see me like this. They'll just be worried. Sorry." I pleaded at him.

He nodded and turned off the engine. We sat there for a minute or so. I could feel that he was stopping himself from asking me about something that peaked his curiosity.

"You can ask if you want. Although, I not sure if I could give you a satisfying answer." I told him ensuring that I'm fine with him asking me questions. I felt him took a deep breath before saying anything.

"I don't want to pry. I'm not even in the position to ask you about anything, but if there is anything that I can do to help, don't hesitate to tell me." I just looked at him wide-eyed. This guy doesn't fail to amaze me. He doesn't even need to help me, but here he is offering his help without even knowing the whole story. I don't even know the whole story myself, but I think I owe him an explanation.

"I'll call Shin. He knows the whole story about everything." I said to him, looking straight at his eyes. He still has the worried look on his face. With all the expressions that I saw on that handsome face this one is what I least like. I hate feeling guilty when I see that face. I makes me want to tell him that everything is okay but right now, I really can't tell that lie because we both know that not everything is fine.

I felt him tucked a few strands of hair in my ears and pulled my face closer to him. He wiped the few tear drops that stained my face then he lifted my face up by my chin to face him completely. He started leaning forward to me and I closed my eyes this time I knew it was coming, our first kiss.


We were both startled by the sound made by the incoming car. SH*T I thought to myself. The car in front of his car, is another car that I knew very much. They turned on the head lights to its maximum and it blinded me and Vin. Then I saw the car doors open on both side. And out came both of my parents with the widest grins on their faces. I bit my lip, not really knowing how to react about the situation I'm in.

"Who are they?" Vin asked me with a clear hint of annoyance in his voice. Looking at the two people who just came out of the car.

"My parents." I said cupping my face with both hands. His facial expression suddenly changed and gave me that annoying smirk he always puts on whenever he is teasing me.

"Come on, sweetheart. I can't wait to meet your parents." Even his tone changed from being annoyed to amusement. He then opened the door and got out of his car, leaving me dumbfounded inside. D*mn it Vin! What are you planning to do now?