
Totally Hooked

Love seems like a beautiful thing for everybody. Its everything everybody craves for. That perfect man sweeping you off your feet, its every girl's dream. I never knew that someone would have me TOTALLY HOOKED.

L_A_5349 · Urban
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61 Chs

Chapter 5: The Post

"Hey Mitch! Is it true? You know about Miggy and Maxine?" a group of girls that I didn't know, immediately asked as soon as I got out of my car in the University parking lot. I ignored them and just closed my car and went my way. Do they honestly think that I would gossip about two of my best friends?

"Hey gorgeous!" Senise greeted me, linking her arm around mine.

"Hey pretty lady! Are you okay?" I asked immediately asked her knowing how the article blew up over night. She turned to look around us and I followed her, noticing a lot of people turning their heads away from us as soon as we met their eyes.

"Rumors do spread like wildfire." she just shrugged and proceeded on pulling me to somewhere.

"Where are we going?" I laughingly asked her as she excitedly dragged me.