
The Rise Of Legends

Ryjin now knew that he was on a time limit and he had to rejoin Wallace they could afford to waste no more time so he made his way to his army with a further 5k of Greys scatter'd troops and another 50k civilians once he reached his army he had the Civilians join the others now he has his army witch was 31k strong and also a 17k strong army of lord greys he had managed to gather them and are now under general Roberts command and there was 150k civilians witch they have to get in the capital Fast to make sure they can be safe while Ryjin and Robert Fight Outside the walls Ryjin has decided he shall meet the Whole enemy force Head on in the Field of battle He believes He can win his troops are better and He has great amount of cav from what he knows the enemy has no cav so he can win he knows he can.

:Ryjin: Robert once we reach the capital your task and that of your army is to Get these Civilians in the capital me and my force shall Meet the enemy Head on outside the capital on the Field of battle and tell lord Grey this When the Time is Right Charge with all your Might tell him to watch the battle and he shall know what i mean you and your men shall also enter the Capital.

Robert wanted to Protest But Ryjin would not allow it Robert was reluctant but could not argue he was Lord Greys general and he had to Protect his lord and the capital with all the Innocent people so he Begrudgingly agreed to what Ryjin said and gave his words of thanks for the help and protection of the people.

:Ryjin: was at the head of his Host as they reached the capital and saw how the out side was swarmed by enemy's no matter where you looked enemy's where all over outside the walls the enemy had not seen or noticed ryjins army so he had time to organise his army in to formation witch was as this his Roman Legions where front and centre in a spread Line in Defensive Testudo while the rows behind the first 2 lines would have there Pilums ready and the Dunedin Rangers where behind them The biggest Kick was the Wolf coat legions where split 5 legions on the Left and the other 5 on the right there formation as in a Arrow Formation the hunic cav archers where Ordered to Freely Ride wound the battle and Hail the enemy in arrows while keeping them self's out of range and reach of enemy's.

Ryjin would lead his Mongolian sword and Shield cav to the Right wing as Wallace was with his Highland warriors on the left wing leading the left wing wolf coats in spear formation Eva was in the middle with her rangers this was her First True Field battle she was scared but also Extremely Excited she did not know whay she was so excited But she was and she was likeing the feeling of this excitment.

As ryjin's army was ready and in formation He would buy Robert the time to enter the capital How would ryjin do that you may say well Like this.

:Ryjin: Army advance to the Hilltop as the army marched the enemy started to feel the ground tremble they believed it was there army and got encouraged Yet that was shattered in the next moment as all they herd was a Deep and Loud Horn sound the sound was so intimidating the enemy army's all turned to the sound and saw on a hill A huge army appear chanting the same sound.

( Ahh Ahh Ahh Ahh Ahh Ahh)

was all the enemy army heard as they saw a Huge line of infantry they have never seen before they would armour that looked heavy and Have huge rectangle shields That look to be made of metal they cant see behind them but at the sides they see Thousands of men wearing Beast Fur and wielding a sword or axe and a shield then there was the Cavalry on the Right wing of that army that scared them the most they looked so domineering.

Then they heard it a sound they wish they never had the City defenders heard it all the fighting stopped as they Heard this sound

( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSdSuWoNVwo ) for the Horn sound

the Horn rang Loud and Clear the whole Region herd it as a call for war and again they herd the army Moving and marching with the Horn Going Strong the flags went up along Ryjins army the bared a Blood Red Dragon Gripping a skull as a golden Eagle Rest atop the flags this Inspired the Romans with a Vigour Not had before the army marched closer and closer to the enemy army the Enemy lords reacted and Pulled there army away from this Unknown Force and Mobilised there entire Combined army on the Field to Confront this unknown army however they regretted this actions as they saw Behind this army they saw what looked like 200k people rushing to the city they saw that a good 20k of them where soldiers the rest looked like peasants The lords where Enraged that they allowed enemy troops to get to the city and the people They where angry at this Unknown army and Demanded that the lord of this army come forward and Bow to them and apologise and then leave Lord Krell was there among them not knowing Lords Roa and Bren's heads where spiked on the unknown army's flags at each end of the Roman line.