
Setting off to China

Ryjin had been training for more time than he wanted to instead of 2 years he had trained and Built him self up and also all of Griffon lands was now fully developed all lands had abundance of food and drink all lands had good hygiene and also Sports stadiums had been set up in all lords lands and also Huge sports Dome's in the citadels many championship games where held it became a Thing for the people and they loved it many of the Sports men and women playing for fun but also earning rewards for victory.

it had now been 19 years since the birth of Ava and Ragnar and AVA had grown in to beauty like no other Ragnar was a damn HULK his sheer Brute strength even Ryjin had to go all out to fight ragnar Achilles and ragnar had become Great friends in the last 8 years Ryjin had noticed that Ares had blessed Achilles and he had gained atleast a 1000 years to his life span which was a first for Ryjin to hear of Alexander was also Now around 8 his mother had been adopted in to the Imperial Family as Rose's Sister Eve was going with Ryjin this time to adventure Ryjin had set the scales for his march.

His army shall consist of nothing but 100 legions of china's Heavy Xiliang Cavalry 100k heavy cavalry would be a dominating force in any lands but china had the largest population in the world and in this world there population IS EVEN bigger this earth is atleast 100X the size of his earth it seems there is far more land here with many different new continents the solar system was also HUGE according to the system This made Ryjins Blood boil the Fact he may go to space 1 day was Thrilling him he looked at his escort army and saw them ready he also saw Achilles odysseys Ava Ragnar Eve all where ready to leave Ryjin was talking to eve he had missed her since she spent almost all time with rose But ryjin was happy she decided to come with him.

As ryjin was now at the front of his army on deathclaw as deathwing was sleeping in the Mythic dimension they started to march out the citadel as Archie was on the citadel gates Waving and crying as his friends and His lord Left on a venture He resolved him self to safe guard what they fought for and what they Built as he looked back at the Huge Cremation Piller that held all the ash of the fallen brothers and sisters he vowed in his heart That he would Do his all he also Married a Trojan women and had a few kids too who where also learning at the imperial School of learning and thought Headed By Archimedes as its head master he had gather'd all major scholars and they had teachers for every age and every aspect there where different schools there was the learning and thought then there was the sports and Training Then there was the war school which tought all and every aspect of war from ground war to sea and trained in Every weapon so they can specialise in a weapon of there choosing by learning from a master.

all this was funded and built by the Imperial family them self's all lands held a education centre for basic learning but to go further you had to go to a Imperial Learning institute which was FREE for all this was loved by all as Ryjin and his entourage Left Griffon citadel He looked back to see rose smiling at him and waving Yet it was where her hand was that Got his attention it was over her Womb -it then Clicked and hit him hard- the reason she been so moody with him for the last month or so and why she had weird Craving's SHE WAS PREGNANT AGAIN -Ryjin literally fell off deathclaw everyone Burst out laughing as he got up shouting -I MEANT TA DO THAT YA HEAR I MEANT IT- he looked at rose and she saw he was looking at her and he smiled from ear to ear and said I love you which she understood and smiled and Blew kisses at him he re mounted deathclaw and the march was officially started.

As the march went on days went to week's weeks to months after around 8 month's they reached The far eastern lands and Glen was awaiting them with a host of Qin Soldiers who where surprised by the Amount of heavy cavalry there Friends and allies have Glen welcomed Ryjin and all the others and when he saw Ava and Ragnar he was Shocked and He Bow'd but they stopped him and said to them he is like an uncle he does not need bow to them Glen was Touched in his heart by them they where so much like Ryjin it was uncanny.

Ryjin went forward as the Qin soldiers where scared due to Deathclaw but they had become almost somewhat used to them creatures due to the Knights glen has The Qin commander Came forward and spoke to Ryjin welcoming him to the lands of Qin and that there king would wish to meet him Ryjin accepted the gracious Welcome and Thanked the commander and his troops for the welcome This earned him there respect for he had not shown arrogance or disdain But respect and openness for a few more days they all marched to Kanyou the capital of Qin in this world where Ryjin was to me El Sai the 51'st king of Qin of course there was also Shoubun and also Heki and Shin Ten and Kyokai and also Ryofui and Moubu and Shouhei Military as Ryjin was entering Kanyou all the People of the city had gathered to see this Foreign Allie and friend to Qin Ryjin had given Riley many warnings about ryofui and about to only back The king Sai Riley had done that Immaculately and as they neared the Royal palace Riley had approached Ryjin as all the Qin people where now seeing this Foreign diplomat Kneel to this Young man they all wounder'd who was this Young man why did he command so much respect Riley rose and walked beside Ryjin to the Royal palace entrance as Ryjin stopped and looked back over the Huge city that at most housed up to or more than 70 million.

He said Beautiful as many of the Qin soldiers heard this so did ministers and even the King sai did Riley also said to Ryjin yes my lord very much so this land is Very graceful and Beautiful I have come to Love this land Ryjin looked at him and smiled as he placed his arm round riles shoulder and walked in with his as a Great friend as he told Riley he was Very much Happy at how Riley had done his task and how he had Built such a relation with these Amazing people -This earned him more Respect by all the Qin present for his honest open heart'd words Ryjin entered the palace as he saw El sai the 51'st king sat on his Golden dragon Throne Ryjin walked towards the front with Riley Beside him as glen Eve Ava Ragnar and Achilles and Odysseus followed him Riley had warned Ryjin that Ryofui had alot of control in the court and that he act's Brazen and Uncontrolled Ryjin smirked at this for a Brief second As he now was just 15 feet from Sai The official meeting of these 2 Great's would Be in history for many reason's.