
Total War System: Stuck between DC and Marvel

How would a third generation rich kid which was the black sheep of his family react when he discovers that he has been chosen as host of a system but the price is that he is bound to a place where he has limited freedom and could only leave on certain conditions? Freak out of course!!!! “Why!? I was comfortable in my house leeching of my family! Why must I be subjected to this confinement!!” [Host was chosen randomly out of trillions of many possible candidates, so in the words of your fellow humans it is better for you to ‘enjoy’ it if you can’t fight it.] So Mark Johnson was stuck within a weird three story building with a late Victorian design. [Host has discovered ‘The Shop’] [Mission Issued: Where are you?] [-Host must discover where you are and what or which worlds you can access.] Mark then fumbled around and realized that there are two doors that led to two different worlds. Namely DC and Marvel Universes. [Mission completed!] Mark could only say two words when realization dawned upon him. “I’m Fucked!” [Note: Any character in this novel is not mine except for the main protagonist. Also I would change some things about some characters as I am not quite knowledgeable in every canon facts about many of them Also I only write in my free time to release some stress so don't expect consistent uploads of chapters.]

Warcry_Ayms · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
102 Chs

94 Wanna see a magic trick?

The beast reinforcement were Mark's detached group that were on the personal fleet he had ordered to sail in the frozen sea being led by the gigantic Ice Breaker he had made.

It took a lot longer to assemble and prepare the beast to prepare since they all came from the backyard. The others were descendants of the beast that Mark had captured or received in minion rolls and has propagated in the large space.

With the production of plants increased inside the backyard the herbivores were able to populate and grow fast with the help also of the special growth factor within the entire backyard.

Since the herbivores developed fast, there were enough food for the carnivores which also made them able to grow fast within the few years and months they have been there.

It seems there was also a special effect of the backyard that makes the procreation of the animals more successful. Birds able to lay more eggs and also resulted in exponential growth of animal population.

Mark had specially paid attention to some beast that gained some sort of mutation like getting bigger, faster, sharper claws, stronger fangs and thickened skin.

With some diluted Compound-V engineer for the animals he was also able to create some controlled mutations that enhanced the natural gifts of some animals. And the one that got a lot of attention was the first pair of Bastiladons Mark received.

They could now even be considered to be going to the path of being Kaijus with their increased size and power. Literal walking tanks that were given an enhanced endurance, greater muscle strength and even Steel like skin.

Mark even gave them an improved immune system because he knew that the one thing that endangers such large beast is a disease that cares not for its victim's size.

And it was then this horde of beast came to be as they wreaked havoc in the battle field. Hawks that flew almost as fast as the speed of sound zoomed and killed the flying units of the enemy.

The leading Bastiladon crushing the ones in front of it to paste, followed with its retinue of rhinoxen that were also smaller walking tanks and Mammoths that lumbered the corpse ridden fields.

Snakes that were large enough to swallow several enemies as well as venom that could take down even the largest of foes.

Bulls that were also large and thick skinned but it was their charge and horns that caused death and destruction in their path.

Great Boars with saber like tusk plowing bodies into pieces as their rampaged about in the middle of the chaos armies that are feeling horror.

Great Bears that killed three with each swipe of its dagger like claws, besides them were the people of Kislev cheering as they roared their God Ursun is watching over them.

Dire Wolves, Large Dogs, Great Cats stalked the fleeing and wounded that were left behind by the charges of the larger beast in the stampede.

Mark smiled as he fought his enemies that were panicking on how to reform their ranks. But him changing into a Four-arms/XLR8 hybrid made it impossible for them to focus on leading their troops.

The Waybig/Swampfire hybrid was just for the surprise attack that meant to render the heralds of chaos in the army to get crippled. Now his speedster muscular form with four swords in hand is chipping away the four chaos princes that were now huddled into a circle to defend against him.

But as he slashed he still felt amazed how the Chaos prince of Khorne was able to parry some of his strikes and how the Chaos prince of Tzeentch seems to fire spells on where he might pass.

Mark still avoided the strikes sent by the fast blades of the Prince of Slaanesh and was somehow needing to parry the heavy strikes of the Prince of Chaos Undivided.

But even with their teaming up together was not enough to put them in advantage as Mark was still able to react fast enough and strike with heavier blows rendering the armors of the Chaos princes almost broken.

The one with the most wounds was the Prince of Slaanesh and was bleeding profusely. Yet they still held on making Mark realize that even cornered a Chaos Prince still are demi-god like existence in this world he is in.

Mark felt he cannot let this go on any long as he mentally called for heavy back-up. But while he is harassing them, in the keep another battle is happening as Wonder Woman is now facing a ten feet tall bipedal Rat who seems to be able to keep up with her strength.

"Ssslsslaa!! Forz Ze Horned God!!" the gigantic rat with large horns waved his scimitar to blow away the woman in front of it but when their blades met it was surprised.

It did not expect there was still someone strong within the keep knowing the Hans, Mark and the nobles of their enemies are now in the battle field.

"Ughh, you are ugly…" Diana said as she readied herself knowing that the one in front of her is a tough enemy to face.

"You Ssshall die kreaaa!!" the Vermin Lord charged as it faced Diana making her busy thus gave space for more skaven to run out of the tunnels. But even then the grey armored knights were still able to make it hard for them to advance as a small hill of rat corpses now piled up in the bailey.

"For the Dawi we charge!!" it was then another group underground surprised the Skaven as Dwarves from the grey mountains had heard word and marched as fast as they could using the ancestral roads that was almost forgotten by the dwarves.

"Kill the mangy rats!!" Hammerers and Longbeards charged first surprising the Skaven that were in the tunnels under the Bearsonling's Keep.

Three battle fields were present, in the keep, in the fields and underground. This was the final push as forces of the light showed their resolve to prevent the hordes of Chaos from going south further.

Mark felt it, everything happening as his senses ran in full force. He heard each cry of pain, every slash of blades rendering flesh, every hammer breaking armor and skulls, every arrow flying in the air and the throes of death when one dies.

Mark was feeling the rush of divine energy as hope and valor was felt all over the fields. He slashed and slashed as he chipped away the resolve of his enemies.

Slowly carving the fear they once felt when they were mortals, making them wish this fast yet slow torment be done as they bled and struggled to fight back from the red blur that held four blades for the four of them.

"Face us fair you coward!!" the Deamon Prince of Khorne roared as his skinned reddened and his muscles bulged from the rage and humiliation he is feeling.

"It's a 4 v 1, I'm the one at a disadvantage here. Why not three of you stab your faces and suicide while one stays to fight fair with me!!" Mark taunted as he felt his assist was getting near.

"You are just delaying the inevitable, we are immortal and shall haunt you back time and time again until your body, soul and mind are for us to toy with!!" the Deamon prince of Tzeentch hissed as he casted more spells in where he predicted Mark would pass.

"Bite me!!" Mark barked back as he threw the spears he had in his inventory while also picking up some spears of the enemy in the ground. He made it rain towards the four Deamon Princes as to make sure the wards they put up will break.

"Chaos will always be there, it is everlasting and ever present. Why fight when you have no hope to win." The Deamon prince of Chaos Undivided slammed his great sword sending shockwaves around them pushing back the spears that were about to pierce them.

"But I seem to be the one winning here, your words are moot!!" Mark said as he now stopped suddenly surprising the four deamon princes but before they could react, a large tail with a clubbed tip swung at them as the gigantic Bastiladon somehow was behind them.

This caught them off guard as they were hit by the heaviest strike they have every felt, the ones to bear the burnt of it all was the Princes of Tzeentch and Slaanesh.

Mark had meant for them to receive the blow since they were the less armored and have annoying sets of abilities after a deamon of Nurgle.

This broke their defensive formation giving Mark a few seconds to prepare.

"Wanna see a magic trick?" Mark asked as a large golden arrow made of his divine powers is in his hands.

Mark then ran and instantly appeared in from of the Deamon prince of Tzeentch and stabbed him with the divine mana arrow.

It was large enough to be considered as a spear and he lodge it to the head of the shocked Deamon. He stabbed it in full force through the eyes of the deamon as his one hand freed itself and pulled the deamon prince closer to bury the mana spear deeper.

"TADDAHH!!!" Mark growled as he held the screaming Deamon prince who writhed his body in pain.

"Impudent!!" the deamon Prince of Chaos Undivided roared as it recovered first running back to try and help its companion.

"Puny God die!!" the Deamon of Khorne held its axe as it jumped high to strike Mark with his full power.

"Soporific Musk!!" the Deamon Prince of Slaanesh waved his/her claws and sent some purple mist towards Mark to try and confuse him.

"Surprise moth*f*cka!!" Hawkman roared as he dove down and smashed his mace to the back of the head of the Deamon prince of Khorne that jumped high.

His strike was strong that it almost made the deamon known for their battle hungry nature to lose consciousness in an instant and it also broke a horn or two.

"Right back at you!!" Judy suddenly appeared and made a tornado with her hands sending back the purple mist to another direction where some deamons were rendered confused making them easier prey to the horde of beast.

It was then another strike from the tailed club of the Bastiladon intercepted the strike of the Daemon prince of Chaos undivided.


"Urgh!!" the Deamon prince was shocked at the heavy strike that he was sent back again farther back as his hands felt numb at trying to defend from the strike.


It was then three Rhinoxen suddenly charged towards the shocked Deamon of Slaanesh from different directions. He/She received their full strength charge unable to defend breaking many of his/her ribs and bones.

"Immortal?! Let's try to see if that is true shall we?!!" Mark growled as he has one hand keeping the Divine Mana Arrow stuck in the Deamon's head while two held the sides of the guy's face.

Vines grew out of the ground as it tied the limbs of the struggling Deamon. His other hand held a sword as it was readied to defend himself incase a lucky shot might find itself towards him.

"ARRGHH!! IT BURNS!!! NO!! I-IT CA-CAN….arghhh!! NOT BE!!!" the Deamon Prince somehow was able to understand what Mark was aiming for as he tried to struggle out using some vitality he is pulling out of his thin long body.

"Y-YOU ARE…ARGHHH!!! NO!! DO NOT DO THIS!! GRAGH!! WHY!?" the deamon screamed his last words and it echoed in the battle field making the three Deamon Prince Left shocked as they could not feel the soul of their companion head towards the forge of souls.

"Hah…." Mark breathed out with a heavy sigh as the watched beeped turning him back to his human form but the Spirit Rings behind him still shone bright as more vines grew out to hinder the Deamon Princes that were fighting their all as they felt fear for the first time in centuries they have become Deamons.

"You're next!!" Mark said as he charged towards the Slaaneshi Deamon Prince who is being beaten black and blue by hard armored beast.

"DIE!!" the deamon prince tried his/her all but it was futile as he too was subjected with the same treatment of divine torture. Even when they were deamons of the Chaos god of pleasure who was able to turn the strongest pain into great pleasure, this tme he/she only felt pain.

Nothing else but pain as his/her body convulsed at the feeling, he/she felt fear of death. For centuries they did not fear much as death as they knew that whatever happens they can reform in the forge of souls.

Yet here he/she can feel there was no escape for its soul, as it felt imprisoned in its head as his/her mind was being burnt slowly and surely by the holy power of Mark.

"NOO!!!!" the Deamon Prince screamed but this time his/her whole body started to crack and purple light leaked out.

"Shit!! Everybody go far away from here!!" Mark shouted as he made a hand out of vines to draw out a magic circle. He focused more of his power in his hands that held the head of the Deamon to quickly erase the soul of the creature.

"Cease your actions at once!!" the Deamon prince of Chaos Undivided ran towards where Mark is as he flapped his wings to boost his speed.

"Fuck off!!" Mark roared towards the Deamon prince with magic running through his throat giving out an unrefined power shout but it was enough to slow down the Deamon prince as he got pushed back a few meters.

"Carter get Judy out of here!!" Mark shouted at Hawkman who faced the deamon prince of Khorne.

"Judy, go!!" Hawkman dodged a swing of the axe from his enemy and flew up looking down seeing Judy who dragged back some beast that was quite near Mark.

Seeing that she has no problem he flew back up trying to gain distance, he looked down and saw that the two remaining Deamon Princes was about to reach Mark but the one in his hands glowed bright purple and blew itself up.


"Mister!!" the Boom shouted as she peeked through the small gaps of armor of the Bastiladon as she hid besides them from the shockwaves.

"God damn!" Carter said as he stabilized himself in the air. He then looked down an saw some demons that he fought was dragging the two larger Demons away as they bled from the wound they have.

Carter looked down at the smoke and towards the escaping deamons as they started to Route from the battlefield. He could tell that they were the head honchos of the enemy and was about to give chase but the dust cleared in the explosion area showing Mark standing there quite wounded.

"Don't, let them be…*sigh*" Mark stood there feeling tired as he waved his hand signaling to take care of the stragglers of the enemy as they routed.

As they knights understood they split up as they cleaned up the battlefield, then Gideon trotted towards Mark all bloodied especially in his hooves but it was more on the victims it trampled on its rampage.

"Why did you let them go?" Carter landed down near Mark and helped him get up Gideon.

"Cornered Rats tend to bite back… besides there are rats needed to be cleaned off in the Keep." Mark said as he looked towards the receding army of Chaos.

"Will they come back?" Judy appeared besides Mark but her eyes won't stop drifting towards where the dinosaur like being was lumbering to.

"If they understood what I just did then maybe they will think twice in attacking me again. But I would rather still be prepared just in case they try to feel lucky in the future, let's go back." Mark said as he rode on top of Gideon while looking towards the Battle field.

"Right! I'll bring the wounded back!" Judy ran fast as she gave those needing first aid attention as she helped those that needed it whetehr be they friend or foe(POW).

"This place of yours…is really chaotic." Carter said as he swung his mace to get rid of the blood on it.

"Well, Chaos Gods are the ones in lead so it's a given… but I'll change it someday." Mark said as he mentally ordered the beast to retreat back into the frozen sea where the fleet was waiting for them.

"You got a lot in your plate here it seems, so why did you come to our world then?" Carter asked as he walked besides Gideon admiring the large steed.

"To be honest, I don't know why. Just felt like it, yet it seems it was the right thing to do. You all helped a lot here, thank you." Mark looked at Hawkman who still seemed alert looking everywhere.

"Don't mention it, it's what I do every day." Hawkman answered.

"Well at least it helped lessen the money I'll spend repairing these walls…" Mark looked towards the gates where Diana was standing tall atop a beheaded Vermin Lord.

"It seems we now have some time for respite, would it be a good time to talk them?" Carter looked at Mark who seemed a bit tired.

"That would be great, I have a lot to talk about." Mark smiled as he rode Gideon inside the Keep.