
Torus Thrio: The Strongest God

In this wonderful world people are born with a seed, this seed can sprout in an infinite number of different ways; however, once sprouted, it can never return to its previous state. This seed is the seed to Godhood, the seed that forms the basis of ones divinity. And in this world there is one young man's seed that blooms into something unimaginably unique, this young man is Roy Thrio, read along as Roy explores his unique powers on his crazy journey to godhood.

Stealth_Panda · Fantasy
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37 Chs

History Lesson


It was the day after Torus and his Master first started their training and was currently the early morning. Torus could currently be seen rushing out of his house, saying a quick goodbye to his parents and giving his mother a kiss on the cheek on his way out. After exiting the house however, Torus' destination wasn't the Martial Hall like usual, but rather the clearing in the woods he and his Master used for training.

As he headed there however, Torus' mind was on the events that occurred after his training with his master the previous day. After their bet, Torus' Master had gained a serious look before telling him that there was something they could do before they could officially start his training, telling him to meet her in the woods rather than at the Martial Hall the next day.

Arriving at the clearing, Torus entered it to find his Master already sitting within on a log she had brought over, another sat out before her around five meters away, clearly placed there for Torus himself. Currently, Sofia was sitting still with her eyes closed, clearly trying to adjust her mentality as she prepared to impart the most important lesson she would ever teach to her young disciple.

Choosing not to disturb her, Torus quietly arrived, sitting down on the seat prepared for him. However, right after sitting down, Torus was surprised to see Sofia open her eyes, a look of such seriousness contained within them that Torus had never seen before on the usually ever-presently smiling Master of his. 

Gulping down the saliva that Torus suddenly found stuck in his throat, all the sleepiness he'd previously been feeling seemed to flee his body. After staring at her disciple for a moment that seemed to stretch on a bit too long, Sofia eventually nodded, satisfied that he was paying his undivided attention to her. 

As such, Sofia began to speak, "Torus, what I'm about to teach you today is one of the most closely guarded secrets of the Divine Race. If you were to reveal this information to anyone else without the proper permission, I would have to kill you myself. However, not only will you die but so will any blood relative of yours and I will as well," Sofia told Torus, her tone extremely serious, conveying the solemnity and truth within her words.

As he listened to this shocking opening sentence from his Master, Torus sat up straight and stared at his Master, eyes slightly shaking as he reeled from her surprising statement, before taking in a deep breath to calm his nerves; finally, nodding his with a serious expression plastered across his face to show his understanding. 

After a moment of silence where Sofia hoped to let the words sink in, she finally continued where she left off, "Today I will be teaching you the truth of our God Seed's. Not what you are taught at school, but what they really are and how exactly they've allowed our race to be on par with the likes of Dragons," Sofia explained. As he listened to these words, Torus could feel as his blood began to boil, a certain amount of pride toward his race rising at these words.

Giving a nod of her head at his reaction, Sofia carried on, "What you've been taught is that our God Seeds are just that, a way for us to reach Godhood. However, this is a very basic explanation of it, only those who awaken their God Seed's are worthy of knowing the full truth of what they really are. For us, being considered a God is far more than just a rank of power, it actually represents something to do with our God Seeds themselves.

In truth, if you were to meditate and focus on your mind, you would find a seed somewhere within your brain, this being your God Seed. Whichever region of the brain it is connected to will be enhanced the further along you get to awakening your God Seed. 

The reason your brain is enhanced is that it is where your God Seed is housed, meaning that it needs to be strong in order to not break down when you finally step into Godhood. However, there are differences in the strengths of people's brains and how much they can be enhanced which is connected to how many regions of the brain your God Seed is connected to.

For example, my brain is connected to two regions; the cerebellum and the parietal lobe, which increase my balance and spatial awareness to superhuman levels. Regions that are not connected to your God Seed can still be enhanced however, it will just require specific training for those regions. For instance, I've increased my brainstems function as it gives me an enhanced reaction time, something that combines really well with my other two enhancements.

Eventually, all races will grow in strength until they reach a point where they evolve, gaining things such as immortality - where they become a God. For us, this means your God Seed has advanced, opening up into what it is truly supposed to become. In truth, our God Seed's are just that - seeds used to create universes. The reason we have to grow stronger before we can awaken them is actually because they require a massive amount of energy to turn into one.

From ancient texts, we've found that for a universe to be born, a massive amount of energy needs to be condensed before exploding, causing what is known as a 'Big Bang', after this point the universe will slowly become more advanced over time. The further into development your universe is, the stronger and higher ranked of a God you will become. There are three aspects needed to collect enough energy to awaken your God Seed, those being Mind, Body and Spirit.

The way we train our Mind is by learning about our Aspect, the deeper your comprehension of what your Aspect means to you, the more energy your mind can contain. The way we train our Body is by gathering the energy from the outside universe connected to our Aspect and absorbing them, making our bodies stronger. And finally, for our Spirit we train this by becoming more aligned with our Aspect. The truth of our Aspect is that it is the purest representation of ourselves; this means that even if somebody has the same Aspect as you, it will be different in application.

For example, the way that I train my Mind is to learn more about sharpness and what it means. I started out by learning about blades and what made them sharp. However, I know someone else with a very similar Aspect and the way that they fight is using words. The comprehension they came to about sharpness is the sharpness of the tongue, how philosophers often say words can often be stronger than daggers. 

The way I train my Body is by absorbing blades, the sharper and better the material, the stronger my own sharpness becomes. And finally, the way that I train my Spirit is by sharpening my mind, oftentimes this would lead to me entering 'Kill Zones', lawless areas where only the strong reign and where no laws are upheld. Killing others allowed for my Spirit to be sharpened in combat as well as toward death.

I have an idea for how your Body may be trained but the other two aspects are ways that you'll have to find out for yourself. Once I've deemed that you've come far enough in all three aspects, I will then reward you with what I believe should be the material needed for your body." Sofia took in a deep breath of air, her words finally coming to an end. After she stopped talking here, Torus began to get lost in thought, thinking the lesson to be complete. However, his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a throat clearing, his attention returning to his Master,

"Ahem, there is one more aspect of our God Seed that I find worth mentioning. The reason I waited to talk about this last is that it is the aspect with the least known about it and people have no clue how much it influences the strength of your God Seed. This aspect is Faith; the more that people view you as representing your Aspect, the stronger you become. This means that when people first look at you, the thing you want to come to mind is that you're a representation of your Aspect. So for me, that would be sharpness," Sofia finally completely finished her explanation.

~Flashback End~

As Torus thought of the wide berth of information he had learned that day, his mind still shook from the weight of it. Even through this however, Torus could feel his blood begin pumping, adrenaline coursing through him as he thought about what he could become in the future, about what he would look like as he stepped onto the pedestal of a God.